Love this game, loooove this game. But **** do I miss the way mmo's used to be.
I always seem to revert back to EQ 1. Played that game religeously for 8 years. Most fun I've ever had, in any game ever.
Raiding was amazing, there was no tool tips, no boss addons, just straight skill with a bunch of people having one common goal. No DPS meters, no l33t dudes calling you a baddie cuz you arent doing enough dps, or enough healing. If you did a raid and won, you were all awesome. It was always obvious when someone wasnt, cuz they were the ones dead in the circle of stupid.
When new content came out, it wasnt days that people had it on farm, some content took months to even kill the last boss "once". Of course with any mmo there were Elite guilds, Afterlife, Fires of Heaven, Legacy of Steel to mention a fiew, that always were the first to clear new content. And that **** was exciting! GM's would post server wide messages of first kills.
Raiding was complex, and only for the truly dedicated. My first Vex Thal raid was 6 hours of clearing just trash with no drops, just to whipe in a matter of minutes on the first boss. Then a 3 hour raid corpse retrieval. Just to have the zone repop and clear trash all over again for another shot at the boss. When you won, you REALLY fealt like you accomplished something.
Generally there was very limited high end gear for sale minus twink items like the Fungi Tunic for example. Because just about everything was BoP, and the models of gear, ooooh the models, you knew when someone was bad *** because they looked like absolute gods in raid gear. I remember being a noobie and seeing my first Soulfire sword, MAN that thing was sweet looking, and the custom dragonscale mask on a dark elf is the most amazing looking helm I have ever seen in any game I have ever played. All the Elite players stood out on the servers, and everyone knew who they were, and everyone also knew who the jerks were. The community was thriving.
The PvP was the best I have ever had the joy of being a part of. Skill absoutely mattered, you could definately smoke someone 8 lvl higher then you if you were better. As a rogue my favorite place for PvP back in the day was in east commonlands, on the Neriak zoneline. Kill a fiew noobies, they would cry and then the higher lvls would come. An hour later you would have 100+ people all kicking the **** out of each other all over the zone, SO much fun!
Bugs and exploits. GM's actually played the game, with you. We had quite a fiew GMs that would actually raid with us every friday night, so much fun. They knew when someone was exploiting, they would appear in your zone at your feet and poof, Banned. Thats how **** should be. People didnt exploit because they knew they would get banned, in many cases permanately.
Questing in the game was only for the dedicated, it was near impossible to figure out the quests that were in game, some quests would take months to finish, and take full raids to accomplish.
Of course there were time sinks, camping items for the Eyepatch of Plunder for example, I played for 27 hours straight, alarm set at 15 minute intervals just to be able to kill that stupid bird, so some wizard didnt come by and smoke it one shot. Key camping for high end zones, only for the dedicated. Again, it would take months sometimes just to get everyone in the guild the quest items to obtain keys for end game content.
Just sitting here bored at work guys, thinking of the old days. I'm sure if you've read this far, many of you know exactly what I'm talking about, others who dont I am sorry you didnt have the chance to play EQ at its prime. Hands down the best mmo to date. I truly miss it like a long lost friend, and playing games nowadays is like chasing the dragon for me, always looking for that game that gave me as much enjoyment as I had in EQ.
sadmummyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
We often remember the good'ole days better than what they were.
I loved Anarchy Online. I played it several years and it was just amazing. Always talked about how good that game was when playing other mmos. Then, several years later they made it free. I came back and I couldn't play it for even 1 day.
No MMO would survive in that form these days. Too many WoW kids who don't want to raid feel entitled to get the same gear raiders get.
I did the first Naggy raid on Brell. Who else remembers buff circles? Who else remembers raids with over 100 participants? Not many here I'm sure as there are so many fanbois spouting "this game is awesome! I clear T2 easily! I'm level 60 after 20 days! "
I did the first raids on PoF. you know, when you only had to be lvl 30 to get in... That day went on forever, lost 3 levels pulling corpses over 5 hours. Needless to say it was shut down for 3 days while they put the entrance level to 50.
Who remembers when GM's would take NO PART in what happened in the world? My corpse sat at the north wall of PoF for 3 weeks until I could fix my computer. The response I got from a head GM at the time is "Well, you've only got one week before your gear rots, you better find a way to get your corpse!" These days, the whining that would go on about "lack of customer service" et al would be monumental if a GM ever told a player that.
"gamers" today couldn't handle that type of hard core, and frankly I wouldn't either. I did my time and earned every piece of gear. I still have a full set of Rubicite on my Ranger! But the fact remains. Those of us that actually did go through all that back in the day (10 hours to get to lvl 3!) wouldn't be willing to do it now. And the new set of "gamers" is so used to having everything handed to them all they'll do is whine about how hard it is.
Yah...I cant imagine playing EQ 1 now, graphics completey out dated as well as I would be completely lost. I've heard word of Everquest Next though, told to be a brand new revamp of EQ 1, not the HAMSTER EQ 2 they made. Anxiously awaiting to see some videos of that game
xantrisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
We often remember the good'ole days better than what they were.
I loved Anarchy Online. I played it several years and it was just amazing. Always talked about how good that game was when playing other mmos. Then, several years later they made it free. I came back and I couldn't play it for even 1 day.
Precisely. If a game came out that mirrored EQ1 in all things except modern updated graphics... it would be absolutely demolished by the community for being an utter piece of trash.
It's kinda like going back and watching some of the cartoons you loved as a kid... they seem amazing in your memory, but man are they bad when you actually watch them as an adult.
No MMO would survive in that form these days. Too many WoW kids who don't want to raid feel entitled to get the same gear raiders get.
I did the first Naggy raid on Brell. Who else remembers buff circles? Who else remembers raids with over 100 participants? Not many here I'm sure as there are so many fanbois spouting "this game is awesome! I clear T2 easily! I'm level 60 after 20 days! "
I did the first raids on PoF. you know, when you only had to be lvl 30 to get in... That day went on forever, lost 3 levels pulling corpses over 5 hours. Needless to say it was shut down for 3 days while they put the entrance level to 50.
"gamers" today couldn't handle that type of hard core, and frankly I wouldn't either. I did my time and earned every piece of gear. I still have a full set of Rubicite on my Ranger!
Lol I hear ya man! Rubicite! that pretty red armor oooh and the buff circles. Yes sady games like this would never make it today, you are 100% correct in people playing mmo's now feeling entitled to something they didnt earn.
I remember having one of the first Wormslayers on my server(Vallon Zek), when it was a piercing weapon. I was one shotting people with backstabs sitting down. They nerfed that in like 3 days to an off-hand slashing weapon, haha
Yah...I cant imagine playing EQ 1 now, graphics completey out dated as well as I would be completely lost. I've heard word of Everquest Next though, told to be a brand new revamp of EQ 1, not the HAMSTER EQ 2 they made. Anxiously awaiting to see some videos of that game
I fear the game will be nothing more then what we see today getting rehashed and spewed out upon us.
EQ: Next will be designed for PS4 and they are working on ways to make it run on mobile devices also.
I fear that the world that built MMO gaming up is long gone and only kickstarter programs will revive it and get us away from these constant cash grab we see today.
Bottom lines and profit margins is all companies care about.
Kickstarter programmers are gamers building games for gamers. Thats where we need to get back too.
daboostMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I don't know. I wouldn't have time to dedicate that much into questing, let alone raiding, so I'm glad there's games like Neverwinter that offer a more casual approach. Don't get me wrong, I think back to games like SWG and how great those experiences were, but what I miss the most is the community, which albeit smaller than these days, seemed more helpful and enjoyable to be around of.
Yah....I remember our first kill on the Avatar of Water. 2 hour boss fight in the fricking water! Man oh man did I hate that fight. I cant imagine what people would think in todays mmo's if it took 2 hours to kill one boss. My oh my would the forums be flooded with tears
kimberixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
ooh remember the days when high level doors were locked and only rogues could open them, same with disarm traps...
I don't know. I wouldn't have time to dedicate that much into questing, let alone raiding, so I'm glad there's games like Neverwinter that offer a more casual approach. Don't get me wrong, I think back to games like SWG and how great those experiences were, but what I miss the most is the community, which albeit smaller than these days, seemed more helpful and enjoyable to be around of.
Same here bud, I work 280 days out of the year, I wouldnt get anything accomplished in games if it werent for games like we have now. I do enjoy being able to play for a fiew hours and get things done, and still have fun doing it.
Remember Twinks? REAL Twinking. I'm talking a lvl 1 rogue with a Fungi Tunic, 1 Sceptre of Destruction and The Horn of Hsagra, custom dragonscale mask, and a cloak of flames. Going into blackburrow and chasing groups of noobies around the zone killing everything in site, lol man that was a blast!
calaminthaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
People seem to forget that we used to take months if not years playing those games and back then it was about being part of something new, chat rooms with something to do.
Game content and itemization was a side bonus to being able to be social online.
The time we spent naturally while working, raising kids, paying mortages etc, was filled with an ongoing never ending adventure.
Games were designed and built with longevity in mind.
The only difference is now, that we play multiple games per year over that same amount of time we put in to that one game all those years gone by.
So nothing has really changed, you might play a little less now then you used to, but you churn out more games, the social aspect has long gone, it is now a rat race to keep up with the crowd in terms of kepping that populated feeling.
If you aren't playing this game you are playing that game and if you aren't playing that game you are playing the other game and so on.
The portals we have for access to games today are alot more accesible then they were back then too, making flash based games, app games anbd console games more and more popular as people are always on the search for something new and shiny.
This is just the attitude today of gamers I guess. Take Minecraft for example, 72 million sales and rising. Something so simple can be so succesful, yet MMORPG's seem to be having a tough time retaining players for the long term.
What MMORPG have you heard of that sold 72 million sales? What is games like LoL, Minecraft and the list of other highly succesful games doing right? Why do people keep going back to WoW after they have had there fill of a new game?
Imho, kickstarter programming is going tp push producers aside over the years to come. There is multiple reasoning behind this I wont go into, but producers should be worried when kickstarter producers can develope an MMORPG for less then 20 million that has more content then an MMORPG that cost a producing company the best part of 200 million tro develope.
Kickstarting is the way of the future. These cash grab companies need to go.
nectarprimeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I remember the good ole days of EQ, before the POK HAMSTER.
Starting a new character, and having to run from Freeport to Qeynos to meet your friends. Getting stomped by a hill giant on the way.
Barbarians getting to level 25 before ever leaving the north through Blackburrow.
I remember the good ole days of EQ, before the POK HAMSTER.
Starting a new character, and having to run from Freeport to Qeynos to meet your friends. Getting stomped by a hill giant on the way.
Barbarians getting to level 25 before ever leaving the north through Blackburrow.
20+ players hanging outside of every city.
I will never have those feels again
Hill Giants!!!! omg the memories of that EXACT run! haha Man those things were cool!!! YOu'd be killing some beetles, then all of a sudden you see 5 noobies running for there life with a train of Griffons Hill Giants and beetles hot on there toes, lol
We often remember the good'ole days better than what they were.
Rose colored glasses, really. The reasons most of those things don't exist anymore? They weren't actually fun. You are just looking at them with nostalgia. Blame WoW, casuals and kids all you want, they did make MMOs actually fun to play and not a second job. The companies that make them are in business to make money, and not enough people are willing to pay to work a second job. Just look at any game that tries to "go back to how things were", and they never even go back more than half way, and they tank so hard it's not even funny.
6 hours of clearing just trash with no drops
Yeah, that sounds "fun". Anyone else remember the Pandemonium Warden from FFXI? That boss took 18 hours to beat. That is not a good thing. Heck, FFXI is still probably the closest to what you were looking for, but i'm betting you don't play it. There are also permadeath guilds in DDO, and that's even closer to hard, but most people seem to only want it if it's forced on others.
Oh, lets not forget the "good old days" of sitting in chat for hours looking for a group, and if you weren't a wanted class, forget it.
Yeah I guess this is just someone else with your same username and picture on all those WoW sites. You sure are a member of many of them for not loving it.
I hear ya man. I remember getting the shiny brass shield for first time. Also remember seeing my first epic weapon with the continuous effects, no copying skins in those days.
I remember getting lost in the karanas and my monks Twig, oh yes, uber weapon of days gone by.
twig huh? you must have been one of the lucky 5 to actually have gotten that. It got removed from game faster than mana stones.
I'd love to see a screen shot of that. I've only seen one and that was back in 1999 as the twig only existed in game for a week or so, and prior to release of the "new servers" i.e. brell and the others that went live in june 99
"Hey, let's make an MMO with 12 hour raids and item camping. Our player base will be people without kids or jobs."
Yeah, entitled kids are the real reason. :rolleyes:
Not sure if your guild sucked or what but 12 hour raids? We did PoH first week it was released in 6 hours.
And ya, perhaps you'll want to read my entire post as to why a game like EQ1 wouldn't make it rather than cherry picking something to be contrary about.
An expansive courtyard lies before you. A tall waterfall to your right creates a stream that bisects the courtyard. An old stone bridge crosses the stream. Across the stream a tower looms high above. Looking like it was hewn from the mountain. Orcs with bows watch the courtyard from atop several small structures and others armed with hand axes prowl the ground level. Standing in front of a wide entrance way under the tower is an Orc mounted on an enormous boar. This Orc is missing one of his eyes and wields a Stone Maul.
This wasnt meant to become a crabby post dudes I had a blast playing EQ, but..its a past generation of gamers long gone, its still fun to remember.
My fondest PvP memory: My guild "Prophets", on Vallon Zek #1 guild. Xanit K'Ven, an HK guild #2. When lvl cap was 50. Xanit was in the Innoruk prep room, buffing and getting ready to kill the boss. We had a wizard port up to see where they were, then came back down. We had enough wizards to port our entire guild to the zone at once. They didnt notice we zoned in cuz they were busy talking **** in /zone chat to Inny. We absolutely whiped the floor with there entire guild, killed Inny and ported out, leaving there dead lifeless bodies at the end of the zone. The zone repopped, and it took them over a week to get all there bodies back. Now THAT...was PvP at its best -)
calaminthaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Not sure if your guild sucked or what but 12 hour raids? We did PoH first week it was released in 6 hours.
Mine? It was in the OP.
Anyway, we grew up and got families and jobs. They are still making MMOs for the same people.
kidblitzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 15Arc User
edited May 2013
I remember the good old days of online gaming in general, before it became over populated.
I used to subscribe to a service called TEN (total entertainment network) that was essentially like KALI except it required a paying subscription to be able to play IPX network based games over TCP/IP.
Long story short, you saw the same people online over & over... there was no anonymity like there is on the internet now so people behaved MUCH more civil.
If you were a ******, you would get shunned. People remembered you.
Those are the days I miss.... when people treated each other like human beings online.
EQ: Next will be designed for PS4 and they are working on ways to make it run on mobile devices also.
You might want to check your facts here, or provide a link specifically stating that it's being designed for the PS4. The same rumors were rampant during alpha/tech testing of Planetside 2. While there might come to exist a 'version" of PS2 and EQN for the PS4, neither title is being specifically designed to play on the console.
As far as mobile devices, you've probably misread a thing or two. SOE are using mobile devices as an additional way to have input with their titles. Case in point: Planetside 2. You can now access your player profiles et al via mobile. EQNext is definately not being designed to play on mobile devices beyond this.
This was a good read, thanks for the walk down memory lane. Everyone always tells me that blah blah blah, rose tinted glass nonsense. I play this game for a nice quick romp through Neverwinter because it's fun. When I really want to sink my teeth into a game, I just Project myself back to 1999 and make it happen.
I loved Anarchy Online. I played it several years and it was just amazing. Always talked about how good that game was when playing other mmos. Then, several years later they made it free. I came back and I couldn't play it for even 1 day.
I did the first Naggy raid on Brell. Who else remembers buff circles? Who else remembers raids with over 100 participants? Not many here I'm sure as there are so many fanbois spouting "this game is awesome! I clear T2 easily! I'm level 60 after 20 days! "
I did the first raids on PoF. you know, when you only had to be lvl 30 to get in... That day went on forever, lost 3 levels pulling corpses over 5 hours. Needless to say it was shut down for 3 days while they put the entrance level to 50.
Who remembers when GM's would take NO PART in what happened in the world? My corpse sat at the north wall of PoF for 3 weeks until I could fix my computer. The response I got from a head GM at the time is "Well, you've only got one week before your gear rots, you better find a way to get your corpse!" These days, the whining that would go on about "lack of customer service" et al would be monumental if a GM ever told a player that.
"gamers" today couldn't handle that type of hard core, and frankly I wouldn't either. I did my time and earned every piece of gear. I still have a full set of Rubicite on my Ranger! But the fact remains. Those of us that actually did go through all that back in the day (10 hours to get to lvl 3!) wouldn't be willing to do it now. And the new set of "gamers" is so used to having everything handed to them all they'll do is whine about how hard it is.
Precisely. If a game came out that mirrored EQ1 in all things except modern updated graphics... it would be absolutely demolished by the community for being an utter piece of trash.
It's kinda like going back and watching some of the cartoons you loved as a kid... they seem amazing in your memory, but man are they bad when you actually watch them as an adult.
Lol I hear ya man! Rubicite! that pretty red armor
I remember having one of the first Wormslayers on my server(Vallon Zek), when it was a piercing weapon. I was one shotting people with backstabs sitting down. They nerfed that in like 3 days to an off-hand slashing weapon, haha
I fear the game will be nothing more then what we see today getting rehashed and spewed out upon us.
EQ: Next will be designed for PS4 and they are working on ways to make it run on mobile devices also.
I fear that the world that built MMO gaming up is long gone and only kickstarter programs will revive it and get us away from these constant cash grab we see today.
Bottom lines and profit margins is all companies care about.
Kickstarter programmers are gamers building games for gamers. Thats where we need to get back too.
wonder if any recent games would do that?!?
Same here bud, I work 280 days out of the year, I wouldnt get anything accomplished in games if it werent for games like we have now. I do enjoy being able to play for a fiew hours and get things done, and still have fun doing it.
"Hey, let's make an MMO with 12 hour raids and item camping. Our player base will be people without kids or jobs."
Yeah, entitled kids are the real reason. :rolleyes:
People seem to forget that we used to take months if not years playing those games and back then it was about being part of something new, chat rooms with something to do.
Game content and itemization was a side bonus to being able to be social online.
The time we spent naturally while working, raising kids, paying mortages etc, was filled with an ongoing never ending adventure.
Games were designed and built with longevity in mind.
The only difference is now, that we play multiple games per year over that same amount of time we put in to that one game all those years gone by.
So nothing has really changed, you might play a little less now then you used to, but you churn out more games, the social aspect has long gone, it is now a rat race to keep up with the crowd in terms of kepping that populated feeling.
If you aren't playing this game you are playing that game and if you aren't playing that game you are playing the other game and so on.
The portals we have for access to games today are alot more accesible then they were back then too, making flash based games, app games anbd console games more and more popular as people are always on the search for something new and shiny.
This is just the attitude today of gamers I guess. Take Minecraft for example, 72 million sales and rising. Something so simple can be so succesful, yet MMORPG's seem to be having a tough time retaining players for the long term.
What MMORPG have you heard of that sold 72 million sales? What is games like LoL, Minecraft and the list of other highly succesful games doing right? Why do people keep going back to WoW after they have had there fill of a new game?
Imho, kickstarter programming is going tp push producers aside over the years to come. There is multiple reasoning behind this I wont go into, but producers should be worried when kickstarter producers can develope an MMORPG for less then 20 million that has more content then an MMORPG that cost a producing company the best part of 200 million tro develope.
Kickstarting is the way of the future. These cash grab companies need to go.
Starting a new character, and having to run from Freeport to Qeynos to meet your friends. Getting stomped by a hill giant on the way.
Barbarians getting to level 25 before ever leaving the north through Blackburrow.
20+ players hanging outside of every city.
I will never have those feels again
Let me guess---- you never played EQ but you loved WoW?
Hill Giants!!!! omg the memories of that EXACT run! haha Man those things were cool!!! YOu'd be killing some beetles, then all of a sudden you see 5 noobies running for there life with a train of Griffons Hill Giants and beetles hot on there toes, lol
Rose colored glasses, really. The reasons most of those things don't exist anymore? They weren't actually fun. You are just looking at them with nostalgia. Blame WoW, casuals and kids all you want, they did make MMOs actually fun to play and not a second job. The companies that make them are in business to make money, and not enough people are willing to pay to work a second job. Just look at any game that tries to "go back to how things were", and they never even go back more than half way, and they tank so hard it's not even funny.
Yeah, that sounds "fun". Anyone else remember the Pandemonium Warden from FFXI? That boss took 18 hours to beat. That is not a good thing. Heck, FFXI is still probably the closest to what you were looking for, but i'm betting you don't play it. There are also permadeath guilds in DDO, and that's even closer to hard, but most people seem to only want it if it's forced on others.
Oh, lets not forget the "good old days" of sitting in chat for hours looking for a group, and if you weren't a wanted class, forget it.
I remember getting lost in the karanas and my monks Twig, oh yes, uber weapon of days gone by.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.46471029,d.cGE&fp=def4ad8da2c26870&biw=1600&bih=796
twig huh? you must have been one of the lucky 5 to actually have gotten that. It got removed from game faster than mana stones.
I'd love to see a screen shot of that. I've only seen one and that was back in 1999 as the twig only existed in game for a week or so, and prior to release of the "new servers" i.e. brell and the others that went live in june 99
Not sure if your guild sucked or what but 12 hour raids? We did PoH first week it was released in 6 hours.
And ya, perhaps you'll want to read my entire post as to why a game like EQ1 wouldn't make it rather than cherry picking something to be contrary about.
An expansive courtyard lies before you. A tall waterfall to your right creates a stream that bisects the courtyard. An old stone bridge crosses the stream. Across the stream a tower looms high above. Looking like it was hewn from the mountain. Orcs with bows watch the courtyard from atop several small structures and others armed with hand axes prowl the ground level. Standing in front of a wide entrance way under the tower is an Orc mounted on an enormous boar. This Orc is missing one of his eyes and wields a Stone Maul.
Roll 1d6 for initiative.
My fondest PvP memory: My guild "Prophets", on Vallon Zek #1 guild. Xanit K'Ven, an HK guild #2. When lvl cap was 50. Xanit was in the Innoruk prep room, buffing and getting ready to kill the boss. We had a wizard port up to see where they were, then came back down. We had enough wizards to port our entire guild to the zone at once. They didnt notice we zoned in cuz they were busy talking **** in /zone chat to Inny. We absolutely whiped the floor with there entire guild, killed Inny and ported out, leaving there dead lifeless bodies at the end of the zone. The zone repopped, and it took them over a week to get all there bodies back.
Mine? It was in the OP.
Anyway, we grew up and got families and jobs. They are still making MMOs for the same people.
I used to subscribe to a service called TEN (total entertainment network) that was essentially like KALI except it required a paying subscription to be able to play IPX network based games over TCP/IP.
Long story short, you saw the same people online over & over... there was no anonymity like there is on the internet now so people behaved MUCH more civil.
If you were a ******, you would get shunned. People remembered you.
Those are the days I miss.... when people treated each other like human beings online.
Free PC Games! (legally)
You might want to check your facts here, or provide a link specifically stating that it's being designed for the PS4. The same rumors were rampant during alpha/tech testing of Planetside 2. While there might come to exist a 'version" of PS2 and EQN for the PS4, neither title is being specifically designed to play on the console.
As far as mobile devices, you've probably misread a thing or two. SOE are using mobile devices as an additional way to have input with their titles. Case in point: Planetside 2. You can now access your player profiles et al via mobile. EQNext is definately not being designed to play on mobile devices beyond this.