Hey guys,
please - I really need your help.
I made a german Foundry-Quest and its pretty famous now. With the fame came the english players. And with the english players came the storm of 1-star ratings because of "its not in english!!!!".
Thats the first one I cant understand. Why are you blaming me for using german language in a german flagged quest?
But I thought "Ok, ok - I have more fans and they want to read my story too, so lets go - I try to translate it!"
So I made multilangual dialogues and tried my very best at the translation into english.
Now, the multilangual version of my quest is out since a couple of days and I still get so many 1-star ratings with "nice quest but not in english" - comments.
I really cant understand it and I really think about to stop translate my story because even if I do it - no one seems to have a look at my dialouges to see that they are multilangual.
Thats where I need your help. Could you have a look at my quest and give me some feedback regarding to this topic.
Is it really so hard to see that there is english text?
Whats the problem? Why are all these guys are downrating me?
Please help

Questname: Famile Schwarzdorn - Akt II
(sorry for bad english...)
Ich verstehe nicht. Du habst eins Stern und der Stern ist in Englisch?
When I posted the above information you only had 2 sentences... okay.
Sorry for the bad 1 star reviews. Some people are... Dummkopf. There are allot of new players who do not understand that they are reviewing german versus english foundry quests. Maybe they thought you were speaking elven?
I will take a look at your quest (I don't speak a work of German and would never rate a quest 1 star due to not being in my language)
It's a shame there is no penalty for users giving bad reviews which are unfair / trolling.
Sadly, people are stupid. I would ignore the ones that have to wipe the drool off their keyboards so they can "type" a review and just make your quests how you want.
Nobody's forcing them to play these.
Hopefully Cryptic does something about this sooner rather than later, it's a big problem.
Oldschool CoH player, Lifetime CO and STO subscriber, animator and artist.
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People are giving out 1 star comments just because they can no other reason, and they leave nasty and hateful messages, because they can.
There are people in this world that just have no manners or common decency, they hide behind the vial of the internet and do what damage they can from obscurity.
It's sad just sad I feel for you
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
I wouldn't go that far, the language you speak doesn't make you dumb or entitled. That's a human-nature thing. English just happens to be the dominant language on the servers.
Just checked: this must be a bug. When you open the catalog initially, only the featured quests of your language appear. But if you change tabs and come back to the featured tab, it now contains the quests from all three languages mixed together.
Report it to Cryptic and hopefully they can at least scrub those reviews from your comments but frankly I just don't see a way for them to stop this as anything they do will just cause the people to go to greater lengths to do this stuff.
That is due to the fact the search functionality isn't finished yet. You will notice only the one tab has the search feature which includes a language filter. Until they get that functionality working on all of the tabs we are stuck with un-filtered content.
But yes, I agree that it's awful to rate a quest by the language used. If anything they should give it no rating at all, because they have no clue if the story was good or not. They're running on the logic of "I don't know if this story is good, therefor it's HAMSTER".
Ratings and reviews are just opinions and some will be good just as some will be bad. They don't require reason or logic to be made nor do they have to be wholesome, honest or even constructive. With any open review system there are going to be people like this so just ignore them and move forward.
Keep focusing on creating good content and stop worrying about the nitwits that post dumb reviews like that.
Yes, you are right. I shouldn't listen to that HAMSTER.
Thanks for all the encouraging words!
I'll also provide you with any grammar corrections that may be needed.
Sayui "How do we start?" -- at the end of this paragraph she says, "I take some scrolls with me and follow you later." It should be "I will" or "I'll" (the latter being a contraction meaning the same thing as the first. "I will" is typically more formal)
And how do we get through it?
I take control (same thing as above)
When we answer about looking around for floor plates/portals
I take a look around! (same thing as above)
Morlaine (in the green portal)
I dont think you meant to have so much of the conversation in OOC.
After finishing all three portals she said to get the skulls, but I was hastily reading and I spent a few minutes looking through the room I was in (with all the portals). After a few moments I realized I probably had to go through the portal again. The quest wasn't easy to follow since its in german "Sammle Schadel Auf"
The quest is fine, from an english stand point. Honestly, even though the quest tracker was in German most of the quests were pretty easy to figure out (Go to the blue/green/red portal). I accidentally closed the review thing (like I tend to do) so I couldn't give you 5 stars, but I would have.
Like most of the other comments I saw though (at least the english ones) it was definitely hard for one person.
Thank you very much! I will correct the dialogues! Thanks!
Hopefully you can find some sort of resolution. I think it's been a problem for others as well.
(To leave feedback/ bug reports)
Foundry Spotlight thread
Don't feel bad though, I've gotten bad ratings because people weren't happy with the loot and the xp. It shouldn't be a problem unless the majority of your ratings are like that. I think Cryptic has a system to give rogue ratings less weight. Before I totally remade my quest I had mostly 3 star ratings and a couple 4s and 5s and a couple of those 1 star loot complaints. My overall rating was slightly over 3 stars so it didn't seem to affect the rating.
The ironic thing is the people complaining about it being in German probably don't read 90% of the text in quests anyway. Plus with the glowing trails it's nowhere near hard to do a quest that you can't understand so it's not a gamebreaker. I'd like to see multilingual support in the foundry so you can create the dialog and quest objectives in different languages and the players can choose which language they want to play with.
Try my quest Tucker's Kobolds, now with an all new map and encounters!
Version 2.0.2 (5/11/2013)
Part II Coming Soon!
Anyway, even I with all this hate to language itself, wouldn't want to get tired doing whole quest just to rate 1-star 'coz of language.
And no, I'm not racist, I have nothing for german people. I even have german family, so whatever :P
NW-DGYDZ7EAL - Khelgar's Treasure Cave
NW-DTULANXJC - Khelgar's Hideout
Thread with suggestions for Foundry
A reply like that wont help. And if my history's is as good as I think it is I'm pretty sure its more than one group ( just saying not flaming ).
I feel the OP's pain I did a foundry mish in Dutch and the down votes were plenty-full :<
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
Agreed with this guy.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Combat, #story, #GROUP
NWS-DA213JHNY - The Shadows of the Sword Coast
NW-DE6UU7ZQA - Chapter One - A Fool's Errand.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Story #Solo #Group #Humor.