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PvP Needs to be Fixed!!

gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I angry face; therefore, I going to rant a bit so some of what I say may be without reason.
Note: I am sure similar topics have been posted quite a few times, but I want to post this thread to get it off my chest. I also am aware (or hopeful) that this issue will be fixed, but just my idea on this; food for thought.
Too much AFK glory farmers. In the beginning there was a few and was obviously increasing at a fast rate that even I am sometimes tempted to participate in such noobish ways (not for the glory like those farmers, but just because this has been going on for so long with no fix; if you can't beat them, join them; try hard in 4v5 can only get so far. I have not pvp for 2 days and the afk was present every other few games. The first 5 pvp game I queued up for today had an afk in each. I do not pvp much, only for dailies and for fun so maybe it is just me unluckily ended up with afk on my team. Situations I have encountered so far are:
1) Leader is the AFK; can not do much about it given the limited kick system
2) Leader does not kick AFK, possibly does not know how or related to the AFK
3) Supposedly not 'AFK' who make a lousy excuse; made my day (digress below)

Once upon a time, this one guy (name not mentioned because I am nice ;p) says "i somehow got injured on my last death" and 'not' afk while standing near the campfire. I was arguing with him then 11 minutes into the match when enemy has over 900 points he says "lol, just finished. happy now?" then he kicks me (he was the leader btw; I made him throw a tantrum knowing full well I might be kicked). He finally whispers "oops, kicked you at the last second lol." Apparently Shadynasty@shadynasty69 (Dragon server) accidentally kicked me. Opps, I accidentally did a call out and made it stand out! (Is call outs not allowed on these forums?) The kick does not really bother me but is this a reasonable excuse to 'not' afk near the campfire during pvp or am I just over thinking it and this is fair for the party too? I mean obviously he would benefit the team more in peak condition! 100% HP can only amount to so much when he has that minor injury on him! Maybe it is norm to let him recover from that life/death injury for the duration of the pvp session so that hopefully he will be more useful in the next pvp he joins. If this is the case, I think it is still wrong but I will (not so sincerely) apologize.

Are suggestions taken into consideration? Is there even a suggestion thread? I have a few suggestion for this issue that will hopefully fix most if not all of the pvp exploits. Some may not agree, but it would be much help to leave a better suggestion rather than just say 'that's no good (because I won't be able to AFK farm anymore).' I know this is only open beta, but I still think something should be done before this gets out of hand (if it is not already).

Some random *angry face* suggestions that should not be taken too seriously:
1) If pvp records were stored somewhere anyone with over 10 match with a score of 0/0/0 should lose all their glory they 'earned'. (LOL EARNED hahaha) If they spent it they will have negative glory, or a glory debt on their account meaning they will not gain any glory until paying off the debt. Most of the smarter AFK probably have separate glory farming accounts, so this will not affect them as much. Banning accounts may be too severe since most kids probably got caught up in it because they can not think for themselves.
2)When the issue is not resolved yet a temporarily stopper to this havoc is to straight out remove the glory reward from pvp until the issue has been solved. The main purpose of pvp (which probably many has forgotten) will still be there; for fun and/or test your skills against others). Notice the word 'until;' I know it is a part of the game and should be added back in when the huge exploits are fixed.
3)Another fair or unfair solution is to fix the exploit then clean wipe all the glory credits and glory-only items so that it is a fresh start.

Onwards to some more reasonable suggestions!
1)Improve auto kick. The 15 minute auto kick with a warning at 10 minutes is fine in most cases but pvp should have its own system for auto kick. I would think that in most cases a pvp match would end within 15 minute if it was 4v5.
My suggestion: A person should be auto kicked in 30 seconds of inactivity.
2)Improve kick system. Instead of leader 100% kick who he/she choose it should be a majority system! The system now would be comparable to a tyranny. I have not been leader but I think they have absolute authority to kick who they want. I am sure there are those AFK leaders who kick everyone from the party and simply... AFK. Other ways to abuse this is to threaten party member; like to give them all the loot, etc or they will be kicked. Whether if the leader keeps his/her promise or not is another matter.
My suggestion: Each member in the party should be allowed to start a vote kick and at least half the party has to agree to pass the kick. e.g you would need 3 votes in a party of 5, 2 vote in a party of 4, etc. When a person starts a vote kick that person will have like a 10 minute cooldown before they can start another vote. This will prevent abusing it.
3)Misc - Improve queue system. I think at the moment if a player is kicked/leaves/dc/etc the party will have a more difficult time (especially in harder dungeons) because they have fewer players and can not queue for another. What I noticed so far is when an AFK is kicked from pvp it does not benefit us directly (still missing a member) but only sets back the glory farmer. In pve a missing player may result in a dungeon not being able to be completed with no other option than to leave and start over hopefully with a better party.
My suggestion: For pvp when a person lose any member(s) the team will automatically be queued up for another player. That player will be told that the pvp/dungeon/skirmish/etc is already in progress and ask if he would like to join. For pve it is similar but the party leader can decides whether to queue up for another play or continue as is. Why auto queue for pvp but not pve? Having an extra active member for pvp can not go wrong (be it carry, bait, or meat shield). In pve, however, it is not always the case where you need 5 people to be able to complete the instance.
4) I think at the moment you get about the same as everyone whether you afk, try hard, win, or lose.
My suggestion: Differentiate glory awards between the win/lost and how much they contributed to the score. Maybe the victor will get a bit more glory and kills/assist/caps may contribute to bonus glory regardless of winning or losing.
Also make pvp daily require win rather than just participation. This is not that important if the issue with the amount of AFK was resolved. I mean to decrease amount of AFK: a) make it more difficult to AFK & B) fix/remove the reason for AFK. People does not AFK for fun, there's always a reason for it. Every wonder why AFK thrives in pvp but not pve? There is not much to earn for AFKing in pve.

~Whoa Wall of Text! May be typos and/or missing details, just wrote down what came to mind. Phew time to go level some more.
Post edited by gthsora on


  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I agree with most of your points, however I would like to address some of them:

    1) Auto-kick: A 4v5 game usually ends in 10-12 minutes, due to the fact that usually people dont try when they have 1 member of their team afk or disconnected, and I can totally understand this. So although 30 seconds might sound reasonable, you'd get kicked when you're ninja-capping a point by yourself (it takes quite a bit to cap it solo), which is ridiculous. In my opinion, it should be 1 minute of inactivity to be kicked, with a 45 second warning. That gives you plenty of time to cap a point, and you wont feel like you have to be constantly on the move just to avoid an inactivity warning.
    Also, to prevent people from camping at spawn and to occasionally move around to stay "afk", staying at spawn even while moving will be considered inactivity, and can result in an auto kick from the game.

    2) Kick system: I agree with this completely. The leader has all the power and the other party members cant do a thing about it. Why does the leader get to kick whoever they want, and nobody can kick them? What prevents him/her from kicking people just because he/she doesnt like them?
    Hell, in traditionally assembled teams, where people find a group via the chat by typing "LFG" etc, the leader can set the options to decide who gets what loot, which means they can choose to get all the loot in a dungeon, leaving the other party members with just the regular drops (common items, potions etc).
    This is pretty ridiculous. There should be a vote kick system, and the leader shouldnt be able to kick anyone, just invite people to the group (as the OP said).

    About PvP:
    Right now, there are 3 kinds of people in PvP:
    1. The glory farmers. People who afk every single game, often doing something else in the background while playing on Windowed mode, in order to farm glory.
    2. The experience farmers. There are quite a few of those, and I've seen some people who openly admitted it, saying stuff like: "I need to level fast so I can hit 60 and play with my guild mates". Right now PvP gives a lot of experience, for very little effort and without spending too much time. This promotes exp farming in order to level without doing a d amn thing, which is just plain stupid. (more about Exp below).
    3. The people who actually want to play PvP, and test out their skills against others. I am one of them, and most of the time I dont want to only test my skills, but also my character build, I want to see how strong my character is, which builds work and which ones dont, etc. This 3rd category is what we need. The first 2 can go screw....NOPE, I wont say it!

    My suggestion is to remove experience rewards from PvP completely.
    Why on earth do people get rewarded with experience for playing PvP? Neverwinter isnt Dota or LoL. The game isnt a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, its an MMO RPG. Why cant I play PvP for a straight 4 hours without worrying that I will lose ALL my current dailies?
    A LOT of times I played PvP before doing my daily dungeon and skirmish, resulting in me 'accidentally' leveling up and then I wasnt able to queue for any of them, because they were replaced with the newer higher level ones. Which means, abandon those dailies, and accept the new ones, which means less farming, less items and less AD. I have RAGED a lot of times because of that. I am scared to do PvP anymore, because I am level 54 and I am gonna hit 60 so fast that I would have missed everything in the game.

    PvP Domination, whether its played for fun or competitively, it shouldnt affect questing or grinding in the game, because it simply isnt a core element of the game. Nobody installs that game with the sole purpose of playing PvP all day long, and if that were your intentions, then you probably moved on to a MOBA type of game.

    What I mean to say, is that:
    1. There is no point in making PvP a glory/exp farm. Period.
    2. Why on earth do I get leveled up whether I like it or not from playing PvP? I am NOT playing it to level up, I am not playing it for items, I am playing PvP for fun when there isnt much to do.
    3. And if you HAVE to award experience for PvP, then at least make it so that you'd need to play 9000000 games (figure of speech) to level up, not 3 OF THEM.

    About Glory:
    1. Make it so that glory scales with score, not Victory or Defeat.
    Right now, If 1 person AFK'ed in each team (which has happened a lot of times), then the person who afk'ed in the winning team will get as much glory and exp as his team mates. WHAT THE HELL?
    Instead, Glory should be awarded according to score. So if I lost a game because my team mates were bad or because of AFK'ers or leavers, but I was still somehow doing pretty well, I'd be awarded a lot of glory, even as much as the winning team (or more theoretically). Similarly, if my team won the game, but I was terrible, or plain simply went AFK the whole time, I could get as little as 1 glory, which is basically nothing.
    This way is more fair for everyone, both the winners and the losers.

    P.S. I see your Wall of Text and I raise you another WoT :P
  • jedizalmjedizalm Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Player vs Player game mode in a predominantly Player vs Environment game is unbalanced, broken or even worse, not being fixed? I wonder why the devs of a team oriented, dungeon exploring, monster slaying game arent fixing a Player vs Player game mode. Maybe the creators of a game the features 'Build Your Own Adventure' and RolePlaying options dont know or care how to balance, repair, or properly integrate a game mode that was essentially tacked on at the end so as to attempt to appease the vast amount of players that will only be here for a few more weeks at most?
  • musashinokamimusashinokami Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 127 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Breaking news : rpg have evoluated since EQ and even diablo, which is totally DD oriented, have had added some PvP game modes.

    Not proposing some decent PvP game modeS is just suicidal nowadays, for barely any kind of game, but specifically mmos.
  • gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1 minute for auto kick is fine; the 30 second I proposed is just an example on the spot to point out that it is much more effective than the 15 minute. Whether it is 30 seconds or a minute though, as long as there is a warning before hand and assuming the player is not afk while capping then it should not be much of a problem. I may be a bit bias here considering I move while capping to avoid ninja rogues coming up behind me. Just make a reasonable auto kick for pvp then all is good.
    You mentioned: "Also, to prevent people from camping at spawn and to occasionally move around to stay "afk", staying at spawn even while moving will be considered inactivity, and can result in an auto kick from the game." This may be a tad hard to do, but it makes perfect sense. However! I do not think this is necessary if the kick system was improved to vote kick. Each of my suggestions was not made to stop the AFK, each one filters them out so to say. A shorter auto kick time will make AFK more difficult. And if they still try, a vote kick system should be efficient (unless all 4 other member in party has no idea how to kick).

    I do not mind at all if they remove experience from pvp, but it may not be fair to some so I propose another feasible idea (it's best to stand a middle ground so players from both sides are willing to agree). If the experience award is high, they just need to reduce it. Not all the way down that players would complain. Low enough where pvp still give a reasonable amount of experience but would be inefficient as leveling when compared to experience from questing/dungeons/skirmishes/ etc. Basically give experience, but not high enough so players would think twice whether they want to level in pvp or pve. Those who does pvp for fun would not mind having fun while still leveling in pvp though. Even though not as efficient as pve they probably will not be complaining. Wow I am just repeating myself now.

    I did not mean for the glory award between wins and lost to have a decisive gap. It is there to hopefully make each team try to win rather then just chill and/or afk (which should be rid of with the auto kick and vote kick suggestion) and still achieve as much as those who try hard. On top of that I also did mention that score should affect glory, so if you did well and lost you would earn more than those who did not contribute as much and won. This suggestion is in hopes that while players are having fun and/or testing their skills they also keep in mind to do what needs to be done to contribute to the 1000 points (which in turn increases your glory). Glory scale with score is priority, the win/lose is just a secondary to this suggestion that I think may help.
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gthsora wrote: »
    I may be a bit bias here considering I move while capping to avoid ninja rogues coming up behind me.
    Yeah I move as well, unless the entire enemy team is afk, in which case I will afk at the capped point, waiting for the game to end, since we have all the points and there is nothing to do. But my reasoning for this was because it wouldnt be good if players felt like they have to move at all times, otherwise they get kicked, aka you dont have to "dodge bullets" even when you're capping a point.
    gthsora wrote: »
    This may be a tad hard to do, but it makes perfect sense. However! I do not think this is necessary if the kick system was improved to vote kick.
    Nope, its not hard at all. Modern MOBA games like Dota 2 and LoL already utilize this, and it makes spawn camping impossible for afkers. And yeah the vote kick system may technically solve this problem, but it wont because of so many people who just want to afk to get that daily reward, and if you get a few of them in your team, then there's nothing you can do about it. Plus, some people might not know how to use the vote kick system, 3 or 4 man teams might abuse this to AFK while they kick other people, etc etc.

    The vote-kick doesnt guarantee no afkers, it just filters them a bit, like you said.

    RE: Experience:
    Yeah...I'd probably be one of those still complaining, unless PvP awarded only 1/4 of the experience it awards now, in which case I think it wont be abused for exp farming, and it wouldnt level me so fast that I'd get to 60 before I even know it. 25% of what it gives now its still somewhat reasonable, but fairly low.
    However, I still think it should be removed completely, as it just doesnt make sense, its PvP, it should give 0 exp. For me its like a "Test Arena", it shouldnt affect pve and questing at all.
    Of course, this whole issue can somewhat be addressed by making leveling up more "manual", aka you'd just have to press a "level up now" button to progress, and if you dont, you still get experience, you just dont use it. I know for a fact that other MMO's already have this system, 1 of them being a PW game. But anyways, I digress and thats a different story.

    Re: Glory: Glad we agree then.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I move as well, unless the entire enemy team is afk, in which case I will afk at the capped point, waiting for the game to end, since we have all the points and there is nothing to do. But my reasoning for this was because it wouldnt be good if players felt like they have to move at all times, otherwise they get kicked, aka you dont have to "dodge bullets" even when you're capping a point.

    Nope, its not hard at all. Modern MOBA games like Dota 2 and LoL already utilize this, and it makes spawn camping impossible for afkers. And yeah the vote kick system may technically solve this problem, but it wont because of so many people who just want to afk to get that daily reward, and if you get a few of them in your team, then there's nothing you can do about it. Plus, some people might not know how to use the vote kick system, 3 or 4 man teams might abuse this to AFK while they kick other people, etc etc.

    The vote-kick doesnt guarantee no afkers, it just filters them a bit, like you said.

    RE: Experience:
    Yeah...I'd probably be one of those still complaining, unless PvP awarded only 1/4 of the experience it awards now, in which case I think it wont be abused for exp farming, and it wouldnt level me so fast that I'd get to 60 before I even know it. 25% of what it gives now its still somewhat reasonable, but fairly low.
    However, I still think it should be removed completely, as it just doesnt make sense, its PvP, it should give 0 exp. For me its like a "Test Arena", it shouldnt affect pve and questing at all.
    Of course, this whole issue can somewhat be addressed by making leveling up more "manual", aka you'd just have to press a "level up now" button to progress, and if you dont, you still get experience, you just dont use it. I know for a fact that other MMO's already have this system, 1 of them being a PW game. But anyways, I digress and thats a different story.

    Re: Glory: Glad we agree then.
    PvP needs to give some xp to limit twinking at low levels. It makes it so eventually someone will move out of a bracket where they could otherwise dominate players that are not as geared for the level because they just wanted some fun to break up leveling.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It needs to be more than just "moving" otherwise the AFKer will just tape down their W key or whatever. Which will happen. You know it will.
  • erethizon1erethizon1 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    About PvP:
    Right now, there are 3 kinds of people in PvP:
    1. The glory farmers. People who afk every single game, often doing something else in the background while playing on Windowed mode, in order to farm glory.
    2. The experience farmers. There are quite a few of those, and I've seen some people who openly admitted it, saying stuff like: "I need to level fast so I can hit 60 and play with my guild mates". Right now PvP gives a lot of experience, for very little effort and without spending too much time. This promotes exp farming in order to level without doing a d amn thing, which is just plain stupid. (more about Exp below).
    3. The people who actually want to play PvP, and test out their skills against others. I am one of them, and most of the time I dont want to only test my skills, but also my character build, I want to see how strong my character is, which builds work and which ones dont, etc. This 3rd category is what we need. The first 2 can go screw....NOPE, I wont say it!

    My suggestion is to remove experience rewards from PvP completely.

    There is a 4th type of PvP player and that is the person that is PvPing only to get the astral diamonds from the daily.

    I like your suggestion about experience (PvP should be worth no experience) and mostly like your idea about glory (being afk during a match should award no glory, but score should not be the only factor in awarding glory since clerics usually seem to have lower scores than the people that do most of the killing yet a good healer can be a huge asset to a PvP group).

    My suggestion to fix the 4th type of player that I mentioned above is to simply change the PvP daily to say that it can be done by running either PvP matches or skirmishes. I would say that if you run a skirmish while you have both the skirmish daily and the PvP daily then the run would only count for the skirmish daily. After you turn in the skirmish daily additional runs of skirmishes would apply to the PvP daily. This way people that just want diamonds and don't want to PvP do not need to PvP to get the daily done (since they don't want to be there and the PvPers probably do not want them there either since they tend not to care about how the match goes).

    I definitely would not make the PvP daily only complete if you win a PvP match as that would hurt everyone. If it looks like you are going to lose people would just drop out to requeue since there would be no point in running a losing match if you only care about the diamonds.
  • nismunismu Member Posts: 47
    edited May 2013
    Also rewards from good fights should be raised. I mean the ones where either team could win and that take many times longer than the ones where other team just waits it to be over.
    good matches take lot longer but for losing team it is still same 350 and winning gets their 700 + slight bonus. doesn't really encourage fight to the end.
  • jorril2396jorril2396 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    pvp with games in beta/soft launch are usually pretty bad due to balance problems but this is a pretty bad mistake. Other games have had this problem. its like they have never played or seen pvp in other games before
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    charononus wrote: »
    PvP needs to give some xp to limit twinking at low levels. It makes it so eventually someone will move out of a bracket where they could otherwise dominate players that are not as geared for the level because they just wanted some fun to break up leveling.
    So what you're saying is that someone may stop leveling their character and stop playing the actual game in order to just play PvP forever in a certain bracket? Why not just go play a pure PvP game then, like Dota or HoN?

    And if someone makes a separate character used and built only for PvP, then let them do it. Its a bit extreme, especially for an MMO, but sure let them do it.
    There's only so much Domination you can play, and I can tell you, it gets old fast, if you dont do any quest/dungeons/other stuff.
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    There is a 4th type of PvP player and that is the person that is PvPing only to get the astral diamonds from the daily.

    I like your suggestion about experience (PvP should be worth no experience) and mostly like your idea about glory (being afk during a match should award no glory, but score should not be the only factor in awarding glory since clerics usually seem to have lower scores than the people that do most of the killing yet a good healer can be a huge asset to a PvP group).

    My suggestion to fix the 4th type of player that I mentioned above is to simply change the PvP daily to say that it can be done by running either PvP matches or skirmishes. I would say that if you run a skirmish while you have both the skirmish daily and the PvP daily then the run would only count for the skirmish daily. After you turn in the skirmish daily additional runs of skirmishes would apply to the PvP daily. This way people that just want diamonds and don't want to PvP do not need to PvP to get the daily done (since they don't want to be there and the PvPers probably do not want them there either since they tend not to care about how the match goes).

    I definitely would not make the PvP daily only complete if you win a PvP match as that would hurt everyone. If it looks like you are going to lose people would just drop out to requeue since there would be no point in running a losing match if you only care about the diamonds.
    I dont think that 4th type of player can be "fixed", BUT it can be helped, if the auto-kick and glory suggestions get utilized, and here's why:
    You want to do that daily to get that AD reward. So you hop into queue and get into a match. You cant afk because you will get kicked in which case you get nothing, so might as well play the game. And since you are playing the game, might as well try to enjoy it. Really, who wants to force themselves to play PvP when they clearly dont want to? You might do it a few times for that AD reward, but sooner or later you will stop doing it if you hate it, or have 0 interest in it.

    I dont really agree with that whole Skirmish/PvP daily thing, because if they are gonna do that, then they might as well get rid of the PvP daily altogether.
    Plus, people will still play PvP for the daily, because it simply requires much less effort and often less time than Skirmishes. I know for a fact that it takes way longer to find a match in the Skirmish queue than in PvP, and that alone is enough to make people go for the PvP instead.
    So overall, I think the 4th type of player will always be there, because lets face it: We all have done it once or twice at least.

    As for glory, you're right, clerics probably would get slightly lower scores than others, even though kills/death ratio isnt the only contributing factor, its also captures and defenses that affect the overall score. But it can get balanced if the game takes into account the amount of healing you've provided for your team, just like Power affects damage/healing, right?
    rapticor wrote: »
    It needs to be more than just "moving" otherwise the AFKer will just tape down their W key or whatever. Which will happen. You know it will.
    Sure, it will happen if PvP keeps awarding exp and glory for contributing NOTHING to the game. If no exp is awarded, and if glory only scales with performance in the game, then people wont be able to do what you said, wont be able to camp it out at spawn, and certainly wont be able to suicide 100000 times to pretend like they are playing.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So what you're saying is that someone may stop leveling their character and stop playing the actual game in order to just play PvP forever in a certain bracket? Why not just go play a pure PvP game then, like Dota or HoN?

    And if someone makes a separate character used and built only for PvP, then let them do it. Its a bit extreme, especially for an MMO, but sure let them do it.

    I saw it happen in WoW back in the day. People would park at level 19 for example to be the highest in the bracket and just run pvp on that toon that was twinked out. It destroyed pvp for those that weren't twinked as there was literally nothing you could do in a match vs those toons if you weren't twinked as well. Eventually Blizzard added xp to pvp because of this but left an option to turn off all xp, but if you did this you'd only be matched against others that turned off xp.
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jedizalm wrote: »
    Player vs Player game mode in a predominantly Player vs Environment game is unbalanced, broken or even worse, not being fixed? I wonder why the devs of a team oriented, dungeon exploring, monster slaying game arent fixing a Player vs Player game mode. Maybe the creators of a game the features 'Build Your Own Adventure' and RolePlaying options dont know or care how to balance, repair, or properly integrate a game mode that was essentially tacked on at the end so as to attempt to appease the vast amount of players that will only be here for a few more weeks at most?

    I won't deny that PvP has issues, but that's not why i'm responding.

    I'm responding because I'm pretty sure the doomsayers from the WoW forums started a guild about 10 years ago that I think you'd be a perfect fit for. Ask them for me if they're ticked that WoW didn't actually die.
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    charononus wrote: »
    I saw it happen in WoW back in the day. People would park at level 19 for example to be the highest in the bracket and just run pvp on that toon that was twinked out. It destroyed pvp for those that weren't twinked as there was literally nothing you could do in a match vs those toons if you weren't twinked as well. Eventually Blizzard added xp to pvp because of this but left an option to turn off all xp, but if you did this you'd only be matched against others that turned off xp.
    Thats a pretty good solution/suggestion, the only problem is, people will still be able to use PvP for leveling. Unless they reduce the exp reward to something like 1/4 of what it is now.
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thats a pretty good solution/suggestion, the only problem is, people will still be able to use PvP for leveling. Unless they reduce the exp reward to something like 1/4 of what it is now.

    If afk'ing was fixed would that really be an issue? I wouldn't want to level that way personally but if someone loves pvp and wants to level via pvp why not let them? What would that harm?
  • ganjaman1ganjaman1 Member Posts: 792 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gthsora wrote: »
    I angry face; therefore, I going to rant a bit so some of what I say may be without reason.
    Note: I am sure similar topics have been posted quite a few times, but I want to post this thread to get it off my chest. I also am aware (or hopeful) that this issue will be fixed, but just my idea on this; food for thought.
    Too much AFK glory farmers. In the beginning there was a few and was obviously increasing at a fast rate that even I am sometimes tempted to participate in such noobish ways (not for the glory like those farmers, but just because this has been going on for so long with no fix; if you can't beat them, join them; try hard in 4v5 can only get so far. I have not pvp for 2 days and the afk was present every other few games. The first 5 pvp game I queued up for today had an afk in each. I do not pvp much, only for dailies and for fun so maybe it is just me unluckily ended up with afk on my team. Situations I have encountered so far are:
    1) Leader is the AFK; can not do much about it given the limited kick system
    2) Leader does not kick AFK, possibly does not know how or related to the AFK
    3) Supposedly not 'AFK' who make a lousy excuse; made my day (digress below)

    Once upon a time, this one guy (name not mentioned because I am nice ;p) says "i somehow got injured on my last death" and 'not' afk while standing near the campfire. I was arguing with him then 11 minutes into the match when enemy has over 900 points he says "lol, just finished. happy now?" then he kicks me (he was the leader btw; I made him throw a tantrum knowing full well I might be kicked). He finally whispers "oops, kicked you at the last second lol." Apparently Shadynasty@shadynasty69 (Dragon server) accidentally kicked me. Opps, I accidentally did a call out and made it stand out! (Is call outs not allowed on these forums?) The kick does not really bother me but is this a reasonable excuse to 'not' afk near the campfire during pvp or am I just over thinking it and this is fair for the party too? I mean obviously he would benefit the team more in peak condition! 100% HP can only amount to so much when he has that minor injury on him! Maybe it is norm to let him recover from that life/death injury for the duration of the pvp session so that hopefully he will be more useful in the next pvp he joins. If this is the case, I think it is still wrong but I will (not so sincerely) apologize.

    Are suggestions taken into consideration? Is there even a suggestion thread? I have a few suggestion for this issue that will hopefully fix most if not all of the pvp exploits. Some may not agree, but it would be much help to leave a better suggestion rather than just say 'that's no good (because I won't be able to AFK farm anymore).' I know this is only open beta, but I still think something should be done before this gets out of hand (if it is not already).

    Some random *angry face* suggestions that should not be taken too seriously:
    1) If pvp records were stored somewhere anyone with over 10 match with a score of 0/0/0 should lose all their glory they 'earned'. (LOL EARNED hahaha) If they spent it they will have negative glory, or a glory debt on their account meaning they will not gain any glory until paying off the debt. Most of the smarter AFK probably have separate glory farming accounts, so this will not affect them as much. Banning accounts may be too severe since most kids probably got caught up in it because they can not think for themselves.
    2)When the issue is not resolved yet a temporarily stopper to this havoc is to straight out remove the glory reward from pvp until the issue has been solved. The main purpose of pvp (which probably many has forgotten) will still be there; for fun and/or test your skills against others). Notice the word 'until;' I know it is a part of the game and should be added back in when the huge exploits are fixed.
    3)Another fair or unfair solution is to fix the exploit then clean wipe all the glory credits and glory-only items so that it is a fresh start.

    Onwards to some more reasonable suggestions!
    1)Improve auto kick. The 15 minute auto kick with a warning at 10 minutes is fine in most cases but pvp should have its own system for auto kick. I would think that in most cases a pvp match would end within 15 minute if it was 4v5.
    My suggestion: A person should be auto kicked in 30 seconds of inactivity.
    2)Improve kick system. Instead of leader 100% kick who he/she choose it should be a majority system! The system now would be comparable to a tyranny. I have not been leader but I think they have absolute authority to kick who they want. I am sure there are those AFK leaders who kick everyone from the party and simply... AFK. Other ways to abuse this is to threaten party member; like to give them all the loot, etc or they will be kicked. Whether if the leader keeps his/her promise or not is another matter.
    My suggestion: Each member in the party should be allowed to start a vote kick and at least half the party has to agree to pass the kick. e.g you would need 3 votes in a party of 5, 2 vote in a party of 4, etc. When a person starts a vote kick that person will have like a 10 minute cooldown before they can start another vote. This will prevent abusing it.
    3)Misc - Improve queue system. I think at the moment if a player is kicked/leaves/dc/etc the party will have a more difficult time (especially in harder dungeons) because they have fewer players and can not queue for another. What I noticed so far is when an AFK is kicked from pvp it does not benefit us directly (still missing a member) but only sets back the glory farmer. In pve a missing player may result in a dungeon not being able to be completed with no other option than to leave and start over hopefully with a better party.
    My suggestion: For pvp when a person lose any member(s) the team will automatically be queued up for another player. That player will be told that the pvp/dungeon/skirmish/etc is already in progress and ask if he would like to join. For pve it is similar but the party leader can decides whether to queue up for another play or continue as is. Why auto queue for pvp but not pve? Having an extra active member for pvp can not go wrong (be it carry, bait, or meat shield). In pve, however, it is not always the case where you need 5 people to be able to complete the instance.
    4) I think at the moment you get about the same as everyone whether you afk, try hard, win, or lose.
    My suggestion: Differentiate glory awards between the win/lost and how much they contributed to the score. Maybe the victor will get a bit more glory and kills/assist/caps may contribute to bonus glory regardless of winning or losing.
    Also make pvp daily require win rather than just participation. This is not that important if the issue with the amount of AFK was resolved. I mean to decrease amount of AFK: a) make it more difficult to AFK & B) fix/remove the reason for AFK. People does not AFK for fun, there's always a reason for it. Every wonder why AFK thrives in pvp but not pve? There is not much to earn for AFKing in pve.

    ~Whoa Wall of Text! May be typos and/or missing details, just wrote down what came to mind. Phew time to go level some more.

    WHy so serious ?
  • oooo1111oooo1111 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited May 2013
    I'm a level 57 wizard, and have played over 125 PvP matches. I come in 1st place in 14 out of 15 of those matches, and team winning 4 out of 5 matches. I do not die at all in 1 out of 2 matches and average a 10 to 1 k:d ratio. Every 8 levels I spend about 750,000 AD on gear upgrades (mostly enhancements). I use every stat elixir at the beginning of each match. Twinked to the max. Wear a nightmare dyed wedding dress and flaunt my pay2win ownage so much so that enemy players don't even bother to attack me because they think i'm unkillable (which is false - usually glass cannon but have an alternate defense gear set).

    I quickly learned that if I mash shift+1 after queuing I am always the team leader. I discovered that if I simply kick all guardian fighters and great weapon fighters on my team in the first few seconds (after I load but before they do) until a useful class replaces them, that the chance of a higher total personal score is greatly increased.

    I lost count, but I imagine I made around 3,000,000 AD just selling blues from all the 1st place PvP wins. A shame their values drop about 10% every day. What used to be worth 75k per win is now worth 1k.

    That's my report. I'll let you judge what is imbalanced or unfair.

    And for the record, I only did it ($_$) to justify my own cynicism during beta that this PvP truly is pay2win trash after dealing with overwhelming fanboi counter-arguments that it was fair and balanced. I can't wait to hit 60 and give away all my bags, dozen nightmare dyes, 40 inventory slots worth of enhancements, and all the BoE PvP gear I buy and never equip. Followed thereafter by an uninstall.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oooo1111 wrote: »
    I quickly learned that if I mash shift+1 after queuing I am always the team leader. I discovered that if I simply kick all guardian fighters and great weapon fighters on my team in the first few seconds (after I load but before they do) until a useful class replaces them, that the chance of a higher total personal score is greatly increased.

    Yeah.. That needs fixing too. Definitely not how the system was intended to be used. Kick needs to be removed from PvP or at least have some sort of vote.
  • glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Wow! That is a lot of words. I'm out.
  • mortashamortasha Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My question is why are you complaining about PvP in a PvE theme park? There are MMO's out there balanced and designed for real, skilled PvP...

    It's like complaining that the cheerleaders for an NFL team don't play linebacker... sure they are nice to look at for a bit but, they are not the major reason to watch the NFL.

    As others have mentioned PvP in these PvE theme parks are just a tiny extra that is tacked on as an after thought. It is not the major focus of the game.
  • gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mortasha wrote: »
    My question is why are you complaining about PvP in a PvE theme park? There are MMO's out there balanced and designed for real, skilled PvP...

    It's like complaining that the cheerleaders for an NFL team don't play linebacker... sure they are nice to look at for a bit but, they are not the major reason to watch the NFL.

    As others have mentioned PvP in these PvE theme parks are just a tiny extra that is tacked on as an after thought. It is not the major focus of the game.

    If complaining and ranting is all you see maybe you should skim it in more detail. It's pointing out exploits with possible suggestions added in. But I'm sure sooome people (not pointing fingers) just loves to take full advantage of the exploits and therefore demands it stays that way because it is just a 'tiny extra' they added in on a whim and pve have no relation in anyway. So... you say pvp not major focus, but you still see people...
    AFK all day to
    a) level from 1 to 60
    b) get lots and lots of glory which equals lots and lots of Astral Diamonds
    c) ruins pvp for others who want to take part in this 'tiny extras'
    d) etc

    And apparently I pointed several ways how this 'tiny extra' impacts the game. Yup! you can level from 1 to 60 without touching the major pve part of the game, you can get rich without doing so much as lifting a finger, and you changed this 'tiny extra' into a trove of exploits.

    If they intend to make it a 'tiny extra' without much impact as you said, then they should (more suggestions)
    `make no experience gain
    `glory based stuff are bound on character, so no selling etc
    `glory-only items can NOT be used in pve

    And WHOA what do we have here?! No more AFK! Why AFK when you can not level or sell glory? I am sure even sooome AFKers have a sane mind. As of now this is not a tiny in any way (If it was how can you explain all the AFK swarming there? I am willing to bet most AFK in game are chilling in this 'tiny extra'). It might not be exaggeration to say this 'tiny extra' may even be affecting over half of the game. Content wise, yes it is minute compared to pve but impact wise it is huge. Why? refer back to a,b&c. They can achieve more than what pve-er can with much less effort by exploiting this 'tiny extra.' If pointing out exploits/bugs and making suggestions during open beta seems like complains to you, then so be it. (Apparently to you open beta means finished product that should not be change [or that some people does not want it to be changed -not pointing fingers-])
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    Well said man, I full agree with you. Allow me to stress a few of your points, just to show people how horribly broken and exploitable* PvP really is.
    If they intend to make it a 'tiny extra' without much impact as you said, then they should (more suggestions)
    `make no experience gain
    `glory based stuff are bound on character, so no selling etc
    `glory-only items can NOT be used in pve
    I started playing this game 10 days ago. I really like PvP in pretty much every game I've played in my life, even in MMO RPG games.
    It wasnt long (like a couple of days ago), that I discovered you can buy items with glory. And not just any items, but Very Rare items, that are end game.
    I noticed that from all that PvP I've been playing, I had accumulated quite a lot of Glory. Then I noticed that these items can totally be sold to the AH, for a ton of AD. I was like...nah that cant be true. Bought an item, expecting it to get bound to me, thinking that: "worst case, it gets bound to me and I use it when I am level 60". Nope, I could totally sell it at the AH.

    Needless to say, that I made around 300k AD in a couple of days this weekend, and adding the AD I got from dailies, invoking, etc (it was double AD weekend), I had enough to get 1000 Zen. Got the Zen, bought myself a nice Greater bag of holding.
    The downside is that I've gotten a lot of levels since I started PvP'ing, which was at around level 16, and now I am level 55 and doing level 39 quests, lol!

    And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen:
    1. PvP = best experience farm in the game. No comparison to anything else.
    2. PvP = best AD farm in the game, and that means free Zen (I know that eventually prices for glory items will drop A LOT, but still).
    3. All a player has to do, is just afk through every single game. The game can be played on windowed mode, so they dont even have to interrupt their internet surfing, etc.

    And even if you dont afk, but actually like playing PvP just like me, then you'd still get so much reward for so little time spent.
    Even dungeons cant compare to PvP, in terms of rewards. Sure they have rare item drops and stuff, but so far I cant say they are more profitable.
    (Apparently to you open beta means finished product that should not be change [or that some people does not want it to be changed -not pointing fingers-])
    I'm already considering leaving this game for good, but thats just me. I sincerely hope that Cryptic will address at least some of those issues, and that PvP will remain as a fun instance that CANNOT be abused anymore.

    *yes I know this is probably not a word, I might have made it up lol.
  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    There is a 4th type of PvP player and that is the person that is PvPing only to get the astral diamonds from the daily.

    My suggestion to fix the 4th type of player that I mentioned above is to simply change the PvP daily to say that it can be done by running either PvP matches or skirmishes. I would say that if you run a skirmish while you have both the skirmish daily and the PvP daily then the run would only count for the skirmish daily. After you turn in the skirmish daily additional runs of skirmishes would apply to the PvP daily. This way people that just want diamonds and don't want to PvP do not need to PvP to get the daily done (since they don't want to be there and the PvPers probably do not want them there either since they tend not to care about how the match goes).

    This seems a pretty good idea actually, nice.
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    erethizon1 wrote: »
    There is a 4th type of PvP player and that is the person that is PvPing only to get the astral diamonds from the daily.
    My suggestion to fix the 4th type of player that I mentioned above is to simply change the PvP daily to say that it can be done by running either PvP matches or skirmishes. I would say that if you run a skirmish while you have both the skirmish daily and the PvP daily then the run would only count for the skirmish daily. After you turn in the skirmish daily additional runs of skirmishes would apply to the PvP daily. This way people that just want diamonds and don't want to PvP do not need to PvP to get the daily done (since they don't want to be there and the PvPers probably do not want them there either since they tend not to care about how the match goes).

    At level 60 you only get one skirmish to choose from. You can only do that one so many times before you dread going again. Not to mention on average a PvP match is going to be over much quicker and you won't have used up any potions or kits. I don't foresee many going with this proposed alternate route.
  • callmedeuxcallmedeux Member Posts: 182 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Lol @ scrubs AFK glory farming for 3 hrs to be able to afford maybe 2 pieces that will sell at 30k max a pop.


    This was an issue first week, now you are just an idiot if you do it.

    Ofcourse this can all be cured by l2p

    To kids saying dungeon doesnt compare to PVP in terms of rewards obviously has <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> gear.

    If I run 1 dungeon on average I earn ATLEAST 100-200K AD. the other nite I found a drop that sold for over 1mil AD.

    Then again I run t2 dungeons, and have a 10k+ GS so im capable of doing those dungeons.

    Glory farming at this point is worthless only a fool would do it. I PVP just because my guild owns and I like to roll people.
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    First of all, yes now prices on glory items have dropped significantly, so it isnt such a big deal, but it is still an issue, you shouldnt be able to sell those items at all, I think they should bind on pickup. No reason to trade glory for AD like that, it makes glory merely a farming tool.

    Ofcourse this can all be cured by l2p
    Learn to Play? Really? That is your answer? Real mature....
    Unless you mean something else, like "Learn to Pay", in which case I feel sorry for you.
    Let me go rob a bank to Pay money for this game. My god why didnt I think of Paying to Win?? /sarcasm
    callmedeux wrote: »
    To kids saying dungeon doesnt compare to PVP in terms of rewards obviously has <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> gear.

    If I run 1 dungeon on average I earn ATLEAST 100-200K AD. the other nite I found a drop that sold for over 1mil AD.

    Then again I run t2 dungeons, and have a 10k+ GS so im capable of doing those dungeons.
    Oh yes excuse me for not being level 60 with very rare gear and items, not having played epic t2 dungeons, and not having spent 9001 hours playing the game like you. Excuse me for not entering those epic dungeons when I am lower than level 60, and not grinding them for items and for spending my free time on other things as well, besides this game.
    callmedeux wrote: »
    Glory farming at this point is worthless only a fool would do it. I PVP just because my guild owns and I like to roll people.
    Yes your guild owns, and you are a big baller, and you are awesome, and thats how you roll, OH YEAH!!
    Seriously dude? Did you really just said that?

    Go brag somewhere else, this is a serious thread that is meant to address important issues with PvP. This isnt a place for you to troll.

    Thank you, and good day sir.
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dezstravus wrote: »
    We will be deploying a host of critical updates in this build, including:

    -A change that will automatically remove players from PVP matches if they go AFK
    Thats some minor progress, or at least a step in the right direction.
    We're getting there! lol
  • viciousjediviciousjedi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agree afk pvpers are idiots and that needs to be fixed. it takes away from the fun of this game.
    Old School gamer, reviewer of mmos and slayer of dragons.
  • gthsoragthsora Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    WHOA! Patch Notes – NW.1.20130416a.23
    "Players will now be removed from PvP for being AFK."

    A step forward. Probably can still exploit through this fix fairly easily but I see a ray of hope!
  • morpheas768morpheas768 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gthsora wrote: »
    WHOA! Patch Notes – NW.1.20130416a.23
    "Players will now be removed from PvP for being AFK."

    A step forward. Probably can still exploit through this fix fairly easily but I see a ray of hope!
    Its a step in the right direction, although it didnt fix anything. Even a really dumb person can press the spacebar at spawn every couple of minutes and AFK for profit.

    I've seen a guy jumping every 3 minutes at spawn, exactly 3 minutes, which means he probably made a macro or script or whatever, in order to auto-jump and not get kicked.
    And even if you dont wanna be that "fancy" and make a script for this, its super-easy. Run against the wall in the back, and have your character auto-run the entire game. You can still easily A2W (AFK to WIN).

    You know what the sad part is? I STILL see people in the chat posting "LFM for afk pvp, PM me". Seriously, when I see those messages I get enraged. The nerve that some people have, even after the auto-kick that Cryptic added.

    They should be banned, no questions asked. Forget the auto-kick. Insta-ban them using a bot, that will teach them. And yeah, I realize that this is a bit extreme, so forget what I just said.
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