Other user suggestions! (Feel free to add to the list)
Increase the frequency of npc's looped dialogue, I love hearing the voice of the wonderous bazar woman that tells me to spend astral diamonds. - klangeddin
Make it so that you can't greed items that are not for your class. The economy of this game could use a boost - klangeddin
I think boss fights could be made more interesting with addition of more adds. At the moment it feels like not enough adds are being summoned. - klangeddin
Reduce GWF weapon's damage - fridgefighter
Automatically kick from the PvP zone people that surpass a certain threshold of contribution. - fridgefighter
Reward PvP AFK'ers with Double Glory and AD. - stonedbill
allow players to equip unidentified magick items, and add cursed items, and add a "remove cursed item" token in Zen store for 5K Zen - cyresofbsgo
randomly spawn an Epic boss, and it's adds, on a player that doesn't have a party, in all zones once an hour... and if they kill the boss, give them a popup with a 1m timer to collect the loot from the cheast at the end of that boss's normal dungon. - cyresofbsgo
make me pay zen everytime i want to use an ability on my character. - floredon
I hate looking at all those empty inventory slots please reduce bag and bank space. - mutelunatic
Buff priest healing by 200%, but only on themselves, 300% on others, also give them a shield - samanthya
Nerf GWF a second time after the first time mentioned, they are that OP - samanthya
Gold is to valuable, potions and kits should be sold for Zen, AD prices need to be doubled as well - samanthya
PLEASE increase the shop ad prices for blues, 2m for one level 60 blue with nearly the same stats as greens is just TOO good, also i'd like to see a reduction in AD granted for dailies
and glory gear takes too long to farm , please shorten it
klangeddinMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 882Arc User
edited May 2013
This must be an attempt of getting the devs to work on the issues mentioned by the OP with a form of reverse psychology.
If I may add to the list:
- Increase the frequency of npc's looped dialogue, I love hearing the voice of the wonderous bazar woman that tells me to spend astral diamonds.
- Make it so that you can't greed items that are not for your class. The economy of this game could use a boost
- I think boss fights could be made more interesting with addition of more adds. At the moment it feels like not enough adds are being summoned.
oreoz2573Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm a GWF and I had a lot of trouble handling clerics/rogues because my weapons simply did close to no damage to them, but at other times I could easily take down a rogue... So I think the balance is pretty okay-ish... All classes are effective when played well.
When it comes down to PvP, all that needs fixing are the queues and the afk dorks that profit along while doing nothing. And some more arenas maybe... Just having two of em gets boring quickly, having five or six would be much better.
1) I'm a GWF and I had a lot of trouble handling clerics/rogues because my weapons simply did close to no damage to them, but at other times I could easily take down a rogue... So I think the balance is pretty okay-ish... All classes are effective when played well.
2) When it comes down to PvP, all that needs fixing are the queues and the afk dorks that profit along while doing nothing. And some more arenas maybe... Just having two of em gets boring quickly, having five or six would be much better.
For this thread this means:
1) Reduce GWF weapon's damage
2) Automatically kick from the PvP zone people that surpass a certain threshold of contribution.
my cat could play while I was at work, I mean they're are pretty........
Dang you ! Our cat plays a cleric , if you have done an entire dungeon without getting a single heal you have probably grouped with her . I think her toon in this game is " L33T HEALZ " .
randomly spawn an Epic boss, and it's adds, on a player that doesn't have a party, in all zones once an hour... and if they kill the boss, give them a popup with a 1m timer to collect the loot from the cheast at the end of that boss's normal dungon.
stonedbillMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
This is an open beta. Start treating it like one.
You are clearly a GWF. Go away - you're OP!
Oh wait
and glory gear takes too long to farm
If I may add to the list:
- Increase the frequency of npc's looped dialogue, I love hearing the voice of the wonderous bazar woman that tells me to spend astral diamonds.
- Make it so that you can't greed items that are not for your class. The economy of this game could use a boost
- I think boss fights could be made more interesting with addition of more adds. At the moment it feels like not enough adds are being summoned.
Not sure is serious or just terrible.......too.
I'm a GF btw
I took personal offense that you put my suggestions as made by xunxan.
I'm a GWF and I had a lot of trouble handling clerics/rogues because my weapons simply did close to no damage to them, but at other times I could easily take down a rogue... So I think the balance is pretty okay-ish... All classes are effective when played well.
When it comes down to PvP, all that needs fixing are the queues and the afk dorks that profit along while doing nothing. And some more arenas maybe... Just having two of em gets boring quickly, having five or six would be much better.
For this thread this means:
1) Reduce GWF weapon's damage
2) Automatically kick from the PvP zone people that surpass a certain threshold of contribution.
Dang you ! Our cat plays a cleric , if you have done an entire dungeon without getting a single heal you have probably grouped with her . I think her toon in this game is " L33T HEALZ " .
Smoke@stonedbill - Mindflayer - 60 Rogue