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Three things on your wishlist



  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Drow, Warlocks, Rangers, but I would trade all these for a controller that actually, really control mobs and player more effectively than bein dependent on dpsing.
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • lazywilllazywill Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. More dungeon mechanics (not longer, just more interesting stuff)

    2. More classes/paragon choices (these are pretty much the same so count as 1)

    3. More armour styles (I wanna look like a special snowflake!)
  • blackfire001blackfire001 Member Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Proper D&D Character creation.
    2. More ways to gain ALL the currencies. Not just ones linked to the cash shop.
    3. Less constrictive "class" builds.
  • evilkinglarryevilkinglarry Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    kazzreth wrote: »
    How about more use of the gold we gain ?

    That's what I think respecs should cost. Primarily because I don't think it is right to charge real money for a respec when Cryptic can mess over your build by them reworking powers or how feats and such interact.

    Three things I'd like to see?
    1) a HUGE choice in classes. There are 23 classes between the three 4th edition player's handbooks and the Forgotten Realms player's guide and each class is split into 3-4 build options, the build options are what Neverwinter is using as stand alone classes aka GWF and GF.
    2) More races to choose from. In the three 4E PHBs and the Forgotten Realms guide there are 19 races. I doubt they will ever add Shardmind or Minotaur but Eladrin, Gensai, Dragonborn, Gnome, Shifter, Deva and Goliath should fit in well and are mentioned in the Forgotten Realms Player's Guide so they are setting approved.
    3) More exotic companions. My person wish is for a Rust Monster companion.
  • abooselolabooselol Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1 - montly subscription.
    2 - Pvp balance
    3 - Some armor customization.
  • optimysticaloptimystical Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I would like to be able to see the potential quest rewards when I view my quests, so I can determine which quests are worth doing.
  • josh0lanternjosh0lantern Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    2. for them to reverse their decision to include Drow as a playable race.
    3. Flumph as a player race, Paladin only, naturally
  • theisingguytheisingguy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 78
    edited May 2013
    1. Better Interface, serious gamers have mice and keyboards designed for a lot of skill shortcuts and macros, this game, just 2 button mouse is enough. At least let us reconfigure the F# keys too.

    2. PVP mount, I have loads of glory, but don't like to buy the gear, give me a 110% speed boost mount and I'll be happy.

    3. Druid or a shapeshifter would be nice, I miss being able to transform in a Dragon in NW1
  • losse1losse1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Fix the group finder so that you get balanced groups and so its not bugged like it is now putting people in different zones.

    Make some of the dungeon end bosses easier. Right now some of them are almost impossible. Im talking in the 35 to 45 range.

    Allow queing for ANY dungeon from ANYWHERE with ANYONE. The quality of the dungeon finder is going to make or break this game so it REALLY needs to be improved.
    "The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." -Charles Dickens
  • alantir1alantir1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Loot system improve
    2) Better boots for TR, not thing like Alladin'es shoes.
    3) More arena Pvp.
  • h2orattyh2oratty Member, NW_CrypticDev, Neverwinter Beta Users, Cryptic Developers, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. More classes, starting with Ranger, paladin and Druid in that order
    2. Pet Commands to govern their actions.
    3. Being able to find keys for Nightmare lockboxes in loot drops :)

    4. Being able to transfer items, AD and Gold between alts.
    5. Merge the servers or allow easy transfer between shards
    6. give me back the AD I lost to a glitched Auction Vendor...which the GMs then lost the ticket for after several days. (roughly 100k - 200k AD was lost to that glitch)

    7. Dyes to make Helms, hats and hoods invisible. I need the gear but would rather not see it.
    8. Dyes that work on weapons.
    9. some way to get better crafting tools...I manage to get tons of workers but not the implements they need.

    On your #7 request you can already hide your helmet - right click on the inventory slot and select to turn of visual.
  • etherealjetherealj Member Posts: 1,091 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    1) Class balancing in PVP.
    2) Class balancing in dungeons.
    Use the <removed exploit lead-in> to interact with the auction vendor.
  • selvecselvec Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Dev's read the forgotten realms campaign setting and fix all the terrible terrible mistakes. Aka, Elf race being Wood Elves but using the stats and class recommendation of the Moon Elves. Wizard that uses CHA when CON or DEX makes more sense. Dungeoning opening secret doors and such, thats the role of a rogue not a blasted warrior.

    2. PVP balance issues resolved: Seriously, allowing mounts in PVP? Ability locking powers that also lock out dodge? Item Balancing being non-existant?

    3. Fashion Tab Fully Redesigned: Replace the fashion tab so it replicates the visual slots for your combat gear, but allows you to place whatever armor or clothing you want in those tabs so you can maintain your own unique look for your character while keeping combat bonuses. Basically take the system used in Age of Conan because the system here is horrible. (Sorry, but Guild Wars fashion system is just plain terrible and should not be replicated here.)

    For the bonuses points:

    4. Remove the race bonuses, such as Dwarfs granting damage reduction bonuses: This unfortunatly means that its less likely people will play other races, and thus other classes. It reduces the viability of the build also, making them less useful in parties when people do play those classes.

    I speak specifically of the Guardian and Great Warrior. The Dwarf and Half-Orc are pretty much essential choices for these classes. Their bonuses make these classes ten times better then what they are if you use any of the other races. Unfortunately both those races are extremely unpopular in both normal table-top games, as well as digital games. This is particularly concerning with the Guardian, which is the only effective tank.

    See if nobody takes dwarf, nobody takes the guardian class. Which means there is no tanks. Which then means the queue's never complete. Making an essential class unattractive by allowing the most effective race for it to be the least popular race completely kills party based gameplay, as well as the queue's which search for a party balance.
  • bugbig1bugbig1 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    - Ability to impulse buy ingame, im too lazy to go out of game and figure out Zen and conversion system. But if I could just buy a wolf mount ingame for $10 or whatever, I would have already done that.
    - More focus on the classic D&D roles. Specifically, let a tank be more of a tank.
    - Individual loot in groups to encourage grouping as opposed to breeding ninjalooters.
  • themangroththemangroth Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I would be happy if they just took PVP straight out of this game. That's what a majority of the complaints are about. I'm not terribly excited about watching all the classes get homogenized into a big pool of "every class is exactly the same as every other class, so all classes are equal in pvp"

    I'm terrible at PVP, I know it, and I stay away from it. I don't want it to ruin the PVE portion of the game like so many other games before this one.
  • blankzakblankzak Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    -Crafting materials storage in guild bank
    -More freedom in the undertaking of quests, meaning more than one way of solving it.
    -More classes
  • evilkinglarryevilkinglarry Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 144 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Soooo because i find it impossible to only post three things...

    1) Bulette mount. 4e shrank them down to large so they fit into the normal mount size.
    2) More weapon types. I REALLY REALLY want to see flails.
    3) For cryptic to not balance the classes according to PvP.
    4) Respec token to be removed from the Zen shop. I don't think it is right for them to charge us real money for an item to fix what they might break by retooling spells and such. Sure you can do the AD transfer but then you are being charged time which in this case time = money.
    5) Offline Foundry...
  • rengetsu08rengetsu08 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 44
    edited May 2013
    1. Ranger >> First time ever for me that a game went out without this class T_T
    2. Let there be a white level Bag so that we can store more items or have at least more invenotry slots
    3. More options to get the Lock Box keys
    Half-Elf Devoted Cleric-Divine Oracle Build, Powers and Feats:V1.0, V2.0
  • cetra07cetra07 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    More classes
    More pvp maps and modes
    More end game content that is fun and not stressful
  • chuckwolfchuckwolf Member Posts: 634 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Monks
    2. Native controller support
    3. All other D&D classes and races
    @Powerblast in game
  • jpowers72jpowers72 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For all the Bard requests.

    Bards Suck
  • kazzrethkazzreth Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    h2oratty wrote: »
    On your #7 request you can already hide your helmet - right click on the inventory slot and select to turn of visual.

    Good to have you here, things get solved :D
    Your chance - save money on shopping
  • demogorgorothdemogorgoroth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Rageblood Barbarian
    2. Rageblood Barbarian

    Look, I don't care for the GWF. Just give me a raging, hide armor-wearing Barbarian that can crush his enemies, see them driven before him, and hear the lamentation of their women, and I'll frikkin trade it for my Control Wizard in a heartbeat.
  • myxlplykmyxlplyk Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'll give mine, with the assumption that "more classes" is already in the works.

    1) Better mail handling. We need a "take all items from all mail" button and a "Delete all" button.
    2) Make the sorting options in the AH actually work, like sorting by time remaining.
    3) Alternate leveling paths. My suggestion would be to take the top rated and vetted foundry quests and have the "medal of honor" for foundry designers be that one of their quests gets copied into the "alt leveling path" pool. Then someone could have an option when they reach Protectors Enclave to tell Knoxy "This all seems too familiar..." and he would switch to assigning quests out of the "alt leveling pool" and intersperse the "get a bigger/new bag" quests where needed.

    My third one would be because if someone is going to turn up a few alts/rerolls doing the EXACT SAME LINEAR QUEST LINE multiple times is mind numbing.

    If you want the challenging "pro mode" for your developers add more functionality into Foundry to allow more advanced in game puzzles and game mechanics. Look at all the things people have built in minecraft...
  • kadirrakadirra Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    First: Respecs cost AD or Gold rather than Zen

    Second: Bank Slots start out at 2x the number of spaces they do now, and cost half (if not 1/4) what the Zen price is now to expand it (since the banks are not shared across whole account).

    Third: Archer Class!!! Need some bows please. Thanks!
  • selvecselvec Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    jpowers72 wrote: »
    For all the Bard requests.

    Bards Suck

    I take it you never played a bard in NWN? If you know how to build them, bard can be the strongest class in FR.
  • viith3003viith3003 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. The AH could use some fine tuning, it's a bit cumbersome. Minimum item level doesn't seem to work for me.
    2. Some more social/vanity gear
    3. More of a reason to go to the Moonstone Mask to make it a central hang out area. Perhaps accrued buffs the longer you stay there, have chairs that you can sit in, oh, and booze, lots of booze.
  • grouchy0grouchy0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    !. finish the skill trees.........right now everyone is the same
    2. more different looking items.........everyone in a class lokks pretty much the same
    3. more classes, or more skill trees with in each class
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    - An invoker class
    - All skirmishes get a lvl 60 version (quite easy to do actually), because i don't like the one we get at level 60 but loved the one with the dragon
    - pve daily quests rewarding astral diamonds, and not something taking 1-2h to farm to get a mere 3-4k ADs. And shorter quests! Like "do 1 pvp match and get something".
  • jpowers72jpowers72 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nope, just thought that was funny!
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