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CW Icy Aoe build. Great for Leveling

sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
edited July 2013 in The Library
Frost build is a great build for leveling and especially great for leveling from mid 40-60. You can mix and match what you have pre-40 to eventually come to this build. Leveling around 50-60 can be a pain, but with this build you should be able to breeze through content.

At Wills:
1) Chilling Cloud or MM doesn't matter. My suggestion MM will give u better single target damage which will be helpful with this AOE build. Early on it's MM obviously.
2) Ray of frost (Amazing ability, fast cast speed and extra CC)

Encounter Power:
1)Conduit of Ice
2)Icy Terrain.
3)Steal Time
4)Chill strike/Icy Rays (with my feat build Icy Rays has some great damage)

Now it's up to you which ability you put in your spell mastery, and depends entirely on your play style. I messed around with a lot of them, but I like Conduit of Ice most for this build.

1) Ice Knife
2) Arcane Singularity (Replaced Ice Storm here, AS will pull all targets together letting you CoI and other AOE abilities hit all targets) Great ability.

1) Evocation
2) Eye of the Storm/Storm Spell (as long as damage is ticking, Storm spell has a chance to proc) Decision is yours.

I used this build for most of my leveling, and it really started to excel at 50-60. It's very efficient at cc'ing and clearing large groups of mobs. It has decent single target damage and cooldowns are relatively low. Here are my feats.

Feats: (Because I went Human I got the 3 additional feat points. I tried to figure this w/o being human so If I gave any extra feat Points lemme know.

Controlling action 5/5: We have lots of CC and movement impairing abilities in this build, so the majority of your damage will increase your AP. More Dailies to throw out is always a good thing.

Fight On 5/5: 10% Reduction in CD for all encounter spells. Less CD means more chances to use and ability and more damage output= Profit.

Blighting Power 3/3: 9% increased damage to targets effected by chill.

Wizards Wrath 3/3: The majority of our abilities are Aoe so why not.

Focused Wizardry 3/3: This with Wizard's wraith gives our AOE abilities a 15% increase in damage. Add that with our Evocation 15% increase gives our Aoe abilities a 30% increase in damage.

Think any class other than human will have one point left over (correct me if I am wrong). So I usually put what ever is left over into Toughess for more HP.

Now to our fun Feats the tree I chose was: Thaumaturge
Why you may ask. Damage, damage and more damage.

Tempest of magic 5/5: Gain 10% damage when foe has 30% or less HP left. I chose this mainly to help against more difficult mobs, especially boss types.

Malevolent Surge 5/5: Since you especially excel at clearing out large groups of mobs, this spell gives you a good 30% increase in damage. Let's you clear out the smaller mobs first, giving you bonus damage when focusing more difficult mobs.

Snap Freeze 5/5: Gives 20% bonus damage to Cold encounter abilities against targets not effected by chill. I may be wrong in my speculation here but whenever a target becomes frozen they lose their chill effect. That's usually when I followed up with a Chill strike or Icy Rays. Gives a large burst of damage and lengthens the CC. Also allows for Chill Strike or Icy Rays as an opening strike to hit harder.

Elemental Empowerment 5/5 5/5: Cold encounters do 30% of your weapon damage as a DoT effect and Arcane encounter spells give a 10% reduction to defense. This is a win-win for this build.

Transcended Master 5/5: Icy Rays get a bonus 20% damage if used on the same target twice. Makes Icy Rays a much better single target abillity, giving us more burst.

Assailing Force 1/1: Conduit of Ice reduces mitigation of effected targets by 15%. Awesome! This gives us even more damage against groups and also great benefits against single targets.

Leftover points can go anywhere after this. Bitter cold is a nice one that has good synergy with this build. This build with a few tweaks makes a great pvp build.

Play style:

You can get up close in personal with this build. Key is getting all the mobs together. Throw down Icy Terrain get your Conduit of Ice on a mob that generally has the most HP. Then pop your Steal time and start tossing out damage and ray of frost to increase those chill stacks.

Post edited by sent8 on


  • kelthienkelthien Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Really nice! Very similar to a build I've been eye-balling.

    What kind of experience have you had with it outside solo leveling? How have dungeon runs gone? Do you think you offer more to a group than a DPS-specced CW?
  • losse1losse1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im only 33 but really, especially on bosses, i can't see not using Magic Missile. I guess if you don't run 5 mans it might work...

    I really want to go ice because i love locking stuff down, but magic missile just seems to ubber for single target and single target.

    I guess if we ignore the boss and take adds maybe?

    I also hate being close to stuff so I guess that is personal preference.

    And again prolly just my low level not able to use all abilities.
    "The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy. The best way to lengthen out our days is to walk steadily and with a purpose." -Charles Dickens
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    kelthien wrote: »
    Really nice! Very similar to a build I've been eye-balling.

    What kind of experience have you had with it outside solo leveling? How have dungeon runs gone? Do you think you offer more to a group than a DPS-specced CW?

    The majority of my lvl 60 time has been spent PvPing because it doesn't take too much time. I do a similar Feat build (made some small changes) for imo one of the best PvP specs out there ofc different abilities slotted. I haven't run any end-game dungeons yet due to this week being my Finals week. Up to now all my dungeon runs have been top damage, least damage taken etc. I can keep most to if not all Adds frozen while still keeping great damage on the boss'. This build has great damage output for as much Aoe/CC that it has. It also allows for a much more creative play styie compared to many of the pure single target damage builds. Because this puts out a great deal of damage, my Dailies were up right after another.

    My last final is Thurs and I plan to do some serious dungeon farming so I'll update you on how it works in end-game dungeons. Especially compared to more single target "Pure Dps" build.
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    losse1 wrote: »
    Im only 33 but really, especially on bosses, i can't see not using Magic Missile. I guess if you don't run 5 mans it might work...

    I really want to go ice because i love locking stuff down, but magic missile just seems to ubber for single target and single target.

    I guess if we ignore the boss and take adds maybe?

    I also hate being close to stuff so I guess that is personal preference.

    And again prolly just my low level not able to use all abilities.

    By all means stick with MM, I use it myself. I threw chilling cloud in just for those who wanted the additional chill/aoe. MM is great for throwing out extra damage on Boss' while the adds are freezing. If you get creative you can keeps adds frozen near the boss, getting all of that juicy AOE damage on him.

    When you get around lvl 40 and especially at 50-60, this build really shines. Although I can understand your hesitance to get close, with this build mobs should be dead b4 they unfreeze, as long as you keep your abilities going when they are off cooldown. I found myself pulling multiple groups of mobs, just to see how many I could take.
  • imivoimivo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,682 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    The guide has been added to the Master List of Class Builds! Thank you for sharing it with the community! :)
    Unsure about skills and feats? Check the Master List of Class Builds!
  • gomok72gomok72 Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just changed over to the dps spec "arcane" that's the cookie cutter build right now and I hate it in comparison to my frost build.
    I may not be considered by most the BEST PVP Warlock on the server but, I am the most HATED amongst them.

  • davidfromdenmarkdavidfromdenmark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Evocation
    2) Chilling Presence/Storm fury (as long as damage is ticking, Stormfury has a chance to proc) Decision is yours."

    Stormfury??? Don't you mean "Storm Spell"?
  • davidfromdenmarkdavidfromdenmark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Very nice build! I changed to this from a Renegade crit build, since it supports all the skills I like to use. And like you, I prefer to have Conduit of Ice in my spell mastery slot. ;) Use MM + Chilling cloud for right and left mouse.
    ... and, instead of Tempest Magic, that's bugged if you have a Tiefling, you could go Frozen Power Transfer.
  • watamopwatamop Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Nice guide and build! How about the stats? What stats you start off with and which ones did you add?
  • spr1nk3lsspr1nk3ls Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for this, I am currently using it and having fun in both PvP and leveling!
  • knoteskadknoteskad Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry to burst your bubble but alot of those dmg feats aren't working.

    20% cold dmg on targets w/o chill only seem to work for At-Wills.

    The 20% more ice ray dmg also doesn't work at all.

    Also something about the % aoe dmg feats/passives not affecting alot of skills.
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    knoteskad wrote: »
    Sorry to burst your bubble but alot of those dmg feats aren't working.

    20% cold dmg on targets w/o chill only seem to work for At-Wills.

    The 20% more ice ray dmg also doesn't work at all.

    Also something about the % aoe dmg feats/passives not affecting alot of skills.

    Can you prove this? I know that my PvP set passive for spell mastery isn't working through math, but I haven't taken the time to test all these others out yet. If you have proof i'd like to see it, and it needs to be brought to the Devs attention.

    P.S NVM just found the thread on the bugs.
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    1) Evocation
    2) Chilling Presence/Storm fury (as long as damage is ticking, Stormfury has a chance to proc) Decision is yours."

    Stormfury??? Don't you mean "Storm Spell"?

    Yes, I meant Storm Spell thank you. Fixed it.
  • davidfromdenmarkdavidfromdenmark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    "2) Eye of the Storm/Storm Spell (as long as damage is ticking, Stormfury has a chance to proc) Decision is yours."

    The first one you fixed, not the last. lol

    btw why not chilling presence, since it is a frost build, so to speak?

    Update: Okay, I got Eye of the Storm and tried it out, and it is freaking awesome!
  • shimirshimir Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Which ability scores distribution did you focus on when leveling, Int/Wis or Charisma?
  • kboogle1kboogle1 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sorry, which CW Bug List are you referring to? I haven't been able to find any bug list for CWs, would be nice if somebody could link to it.
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    @Shimir I focused mainly on Int with my secondary being Wis I believe my final stats were 24 Int and 20 Wis and 17 cha. If you want crit I'd recommend slotting for it. Int=More damage Wis= Shorter cd which in turns means more damage and more ability procs.

    @david Fixed again lol

    @Kboogle1 here is the link to bug page http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?211571-My-compilation-of-CW-bugs
    The original post covers a few but if you read through there is mention of a few others. This post also highlights inconsistencies with a few of the passive, one of which is Evocation. Something this build would rely upon heavily in end-game.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This build looks very promising, though I can't imagine not using Shield. It's been a life-saver for me. Excited to try it though.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • yummydownontheseyummydownonthese Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Shield is great for TRs because they usually hit with a large burst skill right out the gate. Shield only lessens damage for one skill and then it's useless until it can recharge. The AoE repel is great for clearing a Dom point but then it's useless until you can get away to cast the skill again. In PvP there are better skills to use and I wouldn't recommend it in PvE groups.
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Loving this build so far. Right now I'm level 32.

    At Will:
    1. MM
    2. ROF

    All listed in original build, Shield Instead of Steal Time. It's also AOE, which is awesome when surrounded by enemies along with Icy Terrain.

    Ice Storm (for now)
    Arcane Singularity

    Feat Tree: Same

    Arcane Mastery (for now)

    Spell Mastery:
    Chill strike. Sick-amazing damage. Love this.

    The damage output on this build is sick. Mobs die in one blast most of the time, and the harder ones are just eaten away with damage.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • kaitaru89kaitaru89 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Im also curious as to what stats you use (Crit/Power e.t.c.) And what the priority is. I was thinking that crit at low-mid level while your exping to 60 is fairly low so just stacking power felt fine until I saw the passives you mentioned with the 5% added crit. Thoughts?
  • yummydownontheseyummydownonthese Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well, I'm only level 47 atm but I've got 3,117 crit (36.2% crit chance), 882 recovery (28.3% recharge speed 13.7% AP gain), and 1,496 power. You can get your stats pretty high even during the leveling process and the stats will be much higher at 60 and I'll be dropping crit to just below 3,000 and raising the others up.
  • spr1nk3lsspr1nk3ls Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well the bug issues sound right, I have been messing with this for awhile and I have noticed that I am either fantastic, they get frosted no issues OR they don't and I'm dead. I have been pretty frustrated now, so I may have to switch to something else when it works...its so fun...when it doesn't... I'm wiping my body from the floor lol
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    @Spr1nk3ls Are you talking about leveling and they are not getting frozen? That is not an issue of bugs. The lack of chill stacks doesn't come from feats, try swapping out some of your abilities, changing around what's in your spell mastery, or change your tactics a bit. Keeping mob groups together within Icy terrain and Conduit of Ice is key to getting those stacks up quickly you can alternatively use your chill strike in your spell master slot to help spreading mass chill.

    @kaitaru My primary focus is always Power/Recovery because they provide the most consistent damage, having passives to provide the occasional crits helped while leveling to 60. After 3k stats the increase they provide is very minute to your crit/recovery/power (if any at all in terms of recover/crit). At 60 with end-game gear you can potentially have crit/power/recovery all at around 3k.
  • stormshadow73stormshadow73 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi and thanks for the guide. I am lvl 15 now and I have a couple questions.

    1. What companion should I get at lvl 16?
    2. Right now I am not sure how to use conduit of ice. I typically cast entangling force on the big monster and with tabbed chill strike, I try to blow up the smaller mobs. Then ray of frost to refreeze the big mob and magic missile him down. What can I do to make this better? Arcane singularity isnt up every fight...matter of fact, it takes a while before it is available.

    Thanks for the help.
  • stormshadow73stormshadow73 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi and thanks for the guide. I am lvl 15 now and I have a couple questions.

    1. What companion should I get at lvl 16?
    2. Right now I am not sure how to use conduit of ice. I typically cast entangling force on the big monster and with tabbed chill strike, I try to blow up the smaller mobs. Then ray of frost to refreeze the big mob and magic missile him down. What can I do to make this better? Arcane singularity isnt up every fight...matter of fact, it takes a while before it is available.

    Thanks for the help.
  • commonlispcommonlisp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Snag the Cleric as your first companion.

    I normally lead with Chill strike, cast conduit of ice as they run towards me, and then drop entangling force once the big guy gets to me. They normally run in a pack so the conduit will normally finish off the smaller mobs while they try and reach me. Spam your at-will while he's floating and when he drops chill strike should be off cooldown for some more cc.
  • spr1nk3lsspr1nk3ls Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sent8 wrote: »
    @Spr1nk3ls Are you talking about leveling and they are not getting frozen? That is not an issue of bugs. The lack of chill stacks doesn't come from feats, try swapping out some of your abilities, changing around what's in your spell mastery, or change your tactics a bit. Keeping mob groups together within Icy terrain and Conduit of Ice is key to getting those stacks up quickly you can alternatively use your chill strike in your spell master slot to help spreading mass chill.

    You're totally right, I misunderstood the nature of the Bug list. I think I am just dealing with feeling very squishy and thought it may have been a bug, good to know about Evocation and CoI though.
  • sent8sent8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 70
    edited May 2013
    spr1nk3ls wrote: »
    You're totally right, I misunderstood the nature of the Bug list. I think I am just dealing with feeling very squishy and thought it may have been a bug, good to know about Evocation and CoI though.

    Try running with Shield slotted as an alternative. It'll boost your survivability and when you use it to push enemies back it builds a lot of AP for your dailies.
  • tokse2tokse2 Member Posts: 117 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    sent8 wrote: »
    Leftover points can go anywhere after this. Bitter cold is a nice one that has good synergy with this build. This build with a few tweaks makes a great pvp build.
    I'd suggest Reaper's Touch for leftover feat points (or actually the first paragon feat you take). +30% at wills damage within 20ft is just too good to ignore.
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