Ive read a fiew posts regarding this issue, some people believe that. If you Q for a dungeon with Soothe in your bar. Enter the Dungeon. Take off every piece of gear you have,..everything. Then simply put your gear back on, that it somehow fixes the aggro, or at the very least makes it better. I have not tried it because at this point I'm used to the way it is. But I have heard it many times, might wanna try it
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
bump....seriously.. fix this. Its broken. Even after dying if my party revives me mobs immediately attack me. Its like aggro never wipes.
I agree with this thread. Healer aggro is way too high. I don't even play a cleric I'm a GWF but my cleric companion draws more aggro than I do, they're clerics, not tanks, it doesn't help when on a team if 90% of the team's time is keeping the cleric alive.
I spend most of my time being a range-tank. I drop a couple heals and kite everything around in circles until the actual tank and dps kill it, with no one else taking any damage because EVERYTHING is focused on me. I've tanked bosses, huge trash spawns, everything. The trick is to not stop and heal anyone once you've got agro (because then you get hit and die).
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
exactly what arolah said. If Clerics were designed to be kiters, then give us self heals that can be cast on the move. I stopped doing dungeons when I hit Lair of the Mad Dragon. Every group I was in stayed pissed off at me. "Hey man, don't you have pots?" "hey cleric, dont you get aggro reducing spells?" "Ok so I'll tank and everyone else keep the Cleric alive". Say SOMETHING about this Devs.
"Hey man, don't you have pots?" "hey cleric, dont you get aggro reducing spells?" "Ok so I'll tank and everyone else keep the Cleric alive". Say SOMETHING about this Devs.
Yeah - obviously players who haven't yet played a Cleric...
If this kind of aggro is working as intended, and Clerics ARE expected to tank more than a fighter, then Clerics should be able to wear heavy armor, and swing some kind of melee weapon as well, preferably a nice big Greataxe. Or at the very least, a mace and Shield.
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
the rest of the group shouldn't have to use their cleric companions, yet they are.
I am not sure about the numbers on healer or the aggro capabilities of a tank. Any good game, healers should draw aggro otherwise they never need to care about anything and chill in the game. That being said, any good tank should be able to keep aggro. Number should only be changed if a healer can somehow take aggro away from a good tank.
It would be nice if clerics didn't grab so much aggro. As a tank I feel like my efforts are meaningless. Burning out trying to keep all of the aggro on me.
"You hurt me long ago; my wounds bled for years. Now you are back, but I am not the same."
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
I am not sure about the numbers on healer or the aggro capabilities of a tank. Any good game, healers should draw aggro otherwise they never need to care about anything and chill in the game. That being said, any good tank should be able to keep aggro. Number should only be changed if a healer can somehow take aggro away from a good tank.
Have you done a dungeon with a cleric yet? Like a lvl 30+ dungeon. Everything below that is pretty easily managed as far as damage goes. It isn't about tanks not being able to keep aggro, its that mobs come straight for clerics. Even if you get killed and revived in the same fight, the mobs go right back to the cleric. There is no aggro wipe. Our aggro reducing abilities are not working.
First thing you have to consider is the environment its not all about aggro threat and etc theres a deeper side you cant expect something summoned or influenced by an evil god to simply ignore a cleric who is blessed by a rival god and not expect there to be anamosity or aggro as the saying goes.
Example : Lawful good Cleric Holds up holy symbol to turn undead ....*undead thinks* ugh ugh flesh blood rrrrr ahh hmm leave them alone they dont want threat .
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
First thing you have to consider is the environment its not all about aggro threat and etc theres a deeper side you cant expect something summoned or influenced by an evil god to simply ignore a cleric who is blessed by a rival god and not expect there to be anamosity or aggro as the saying goes.
Example : Lawful good Cleric Holds up holy symbol to turn undead ....*undead thinks* ugh ugh flesh blood rrrrr ahh hmm leave them alone they dont want threat .
what? its game mechanics....noone's asking to not have to manage aggro. I've been playing a healer in MMOs since 1996. Believe me, I know about aggro management. The Cleric is broken. If you think I'm wrong, play one to level 40 at least and tell me if you don't see it. And if you don't then tell me what I'm doing wrong.
what? its game mechanics....noone's asking to not have to manage aggro. I've been playing a healer in MMOs since 1996. Believe me, I know about aggro management. The Cleric is broken. If you think I'm wrong, play one to level 40 at least and tell me if you don't see it. And if you don't then tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Ok if its about Mechanics then ill answer they sure seem to draw a bit of threat ive seen clerics in play and they dps ...dps draws aggro then you have to consider other factors on a per encounter basis if their base threat generation is too great then this is something that may have to be considered as I see your point for tanks trying to hold threat and manage aggro.
mazukMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3
edited May 2013
Yeah its defiantly broken especially when a companion that doesn't heal that much constantly pulls argo off of me. Its the fact that all argo reduction does not seem to work and argo pull don't seem to work. They really need to look into this.
Healer aggro isn't all that bad, it takes more skill to actually play a healer now and not just point and click. Get used to it!
Yeah, playing broken chars is fun :rolleyes:. Maybe they shouldn't fix any bug, ppl should just get used to them.:cool: Auctioneers are stealing your AD? Get used to it. Your character gone from your account? Get used to it.
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
Healer aggro isn't all that bad, it takes more skill to actually play a healer now and not just point and click. Get used to it!
OK. then please tell me your 1) level 2) abilities 3) tactics. how do you set up a fight? especially the Mad Dragon fight. thats the one I'm really curious to see how you're handling
It's not just players. I've noticed with my lvl25 CW that when my lvl4 companion cleric casts a healing spell while standing a little too close to the mob, the mob turns and attacks the cleric.
Something is not right when a little level 4(!) healing spell can pull agro from a level26 mob that's being battered to death by a level 25 player.
shalloh1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 24Arc User
edited May 2013
I understand there's bigger issues right now, like server stability, and the slew of bugs I keep finding in quest dungeons, mostly pathing issues.
been browsing through all the forum post and people keep telling us it meant to be this way but refuse to let out any tips on how they are keeping aggro off themshelves
Sorry if this has already been said, but a healer that gets agro there is nothing wrong with that.
Healers should be the main target even in PVE, the reason is because healing is the opposite of damage.
That means that it should be counted as agro, if that wouldnt happen then other classes that have agro skills would be less usefull.
Your team mates should be trusted anough to keep the agro off of you.
If not then you should say something about it to them.
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The Gaylords Of Middle Earth
Have a f@ggoty day
diabolistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Ok if its about Mechanics then ill answer they sure seem to draw a bit of threat ive seen clerics in play and they dps ...dps draws aggro then you have to consider other factors on a per encounter basis if their base threat generation is too great then this is something that may have to be considered as I see your point for tanks trying to hold threat and manage aggro.
Just to let you, clerics have to dps in order to heal in level 30+ dungeons, Each Pip can be used to improve the encounter spells example. Forgemaster's Flame. Its a great spell when you use a pip since it provide high healing to anyone near the target. There are other spells that reduces their defenses or reduces crit chance and so on.
All in all it requires that we "dps" in order for us to maintain a Pip or use spells that does dmg which provides aoe healing.
This is just something that a tank should have and this problem is fixed for 90% of the time.
If Defenders do not have these 2 skills then i think there is something wrong with how the player plays the class.
This might have some bugs here and there but its not that healers should not get aggro at all.
Its a part of an action packed gaming genre and that should stay that way.
Anyways here are 2 skills (and you can also see my skill build!) on how to tank better.
I am a DPS tank (PVP / PVE) but i am still a tank....
Gives me aggro up to 99% when mobs are marked.
Aoe marks all targets (with a verry low CD, you can almost spam it!)
And tanks aka Defenders who complain to do some dirty work to keep aggro shouldnt be a tank.
This sounds messed up but this isnt a bug but a player mistake.
When i am in a dungeon with ppl i always tank 75% of all damage.
Why? its because i think like i want to finish this quick.
And i dont think for one second about my dps that i do.
I am there to tank that my job so i will tank!
I understand healer's aggro should be a concern. But all the ads that spawn in the middle of boss battles going straight for the cleric? I don't know if that's right. They can't even get them off me, no matter how much I ignore them and how much damage the rest of the group deals to them.
Something about the Cleric's threat is off.
Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.
I understand healer's aggro should be a concern. But all the ads that spawn in the middle of boss battles going straight for the cleric? I don't know if that's right. They can't even get them off me, no matter how much I ignore them and how much damage the rest of the group deals to them.
Something about the Cleric's threat is off.
When you and your team are in a boss fight.
All the dps should focus on the adds.
Its allot of times that i see 1 rogue attack the boss while other are fighting adds.
That rogue should attack the adds aswell and ignore the boss untill all the adds are dead.
The tank should then mainly focus on the boss and try to make it face the opisite side of the group that is fighting the adds (or side ways incase a drake).
Everytime when i was in a dungeon with players i made sure before i went in the circle that tps everyone.
That all melee (not the tank) should focus on the adds.
Some players will say "Yea but the tank should tank the adds aswell.......".
The tank should not, the adds should be killed by "ALL" dps.
And then the fight should be easyer.
If a tank on the other hand needs to deal with the adds, then our shields will go down and we cant handel the boss anymore = wipe!
I hope players start understanding (not to be a HAMSTER at all) that this is a skilled based genre type of game.
Where everyone need do to do there best to protect your team mates.
Clerics die allot in random dungeons just because what i just said above.
Players do not understand at all, that they should be the protectors for other classes :P.
Fixed it fur ya.
It does seem a bit.....excessive?
I spend most of my time being a range-tank. I drop a couple heals and kite everything around in circles until the actual tank and dps kill it, with no one else taking any damage because EVERYTHING is focused on me. I've tanked bosses, huge trash spawns, everything. The trick is to not stop and heal anyone once you've got agro (because then you get hit and die).
Yeah - obviously players who haven't yet played a Cleric...
If this kind of aggro is working as intended, and Clerics ARE expected to tank more than a fighter, then Clerics should be able to wear heavy armor, and swing some kind of melee weapon as well, preferably a nice big Greataxe. Or at the very least, a mace and Shield.
Have you done a dungeon with a cleric yet? Like a lvl 30+ dungeon. Everything below that is pretty easily managed as far as damage goes. It isn't about tanks not being able to keep aggro, its that mobs come straight for clerics. Even if you get killed and revived in the same fight, the mobs go right back to the cleric. There is no aggro wipe. Our aggro reducing abilities are not working.
Example : Lawful good Cleric Holds up holy symbol to turn undead ....*undead thinks* ugh ugh flesh blood rrrrr ahh hmm leave them alone they dont want threat .
what? its game mechanics....noone's asking to not have to manage aggro. I've been playing a healer in MMOs since 1996. Believe me, I know about aggro management. The Cleric is broken. If you think I'm wrong, play one to level 40 at least and tell me if you don't see it. And if you don't then tell me what I'm doing wrong.
Ok if its about Mechanics then ill answer they sure seem to draw a bit of threat ive seen clerics in play and they dps ...dps draws aggro then you have to consider other factors on a per encounter basis if their base threat generation is too great then this is something that may have to be considered as I see your point for tanks trying to hold threat and manage aggro.
OK. then please tell me your 1) level 2) abilities 3) tactics. how do you set up a fight? especially the Mad Dragon fight. thats the one I'm really curious to see how you're handling
OK then enlighten me.. whats your level? abilities? and how are you managing aggro?
Something is not right when a little level 4(!) healing spell can pull agro from a level26 mob that's being battered to death by a level 25 player.
been browsing through all the forum post and people keep telling us it meant to be this way but refuse to let out any tips on how they are keeping aggro off themshelves
Healers should be the main target even in PVE, the reason is because healing is the opposite of damage.
That means that it should be counted as agro, if that wouldnt happen then other classes that have agro skills would be less usefull.
Your team mates should be trusted anough to keep the agro off of you.
If not then you should say something about it to them.
Just to let you, clerics have to dps in order to heal in level 30+ dungeons, Each Pip can be used to improve the encounter spells example. Forgemaster's Flame. Its a great spell when you use a pip since it provide high healing to anyone near the target. There are other spells that reduces their defenses or reduces crit chance and so on.
All in all it requires that we "dps" in order for us to maintain a Pip or use spells that does dmg which provides aoe healing.
Pip = Divinity (in case you are confused)
If Defenders do not have these 2 skills then i think there is something wrong with how the player plays the class.
This might have some bugs here and there but its not that healers should not get aggro at all.
Its a part of an action packed gaming genre and that should stay that way.
Anyways here are 2 skills (and you can also see my skill build!) on how to tank better.
I am a DPS tank (PVP / PVE) but i am still a tank....
Gives me aggro up to 99% when mobs are marked.
Aoe marks all targets (with a verry low CD, you can almost spam it!)
And tanks aka Defenders who complain to do some dirty work to keep aggro shouldnt be a tank.
This sounds messed up but this isnt a bug but a player mistake.
When i am in a dungeon with ppl i always tank 75% of all damage.
Why? its because i think like i want to finish this quick.
And i dont think for one second about my dps that i do.
I am there to tank that my job so i will tank!
Something about the Cleric's threat is off.
All the dps should focus on the adds.
Its allot of times that i see 1 rogue attack the boss while other are fighting adds.
That rogue should attack the adds aswell and ignore the boss untill all the adds are dead.
The tank should then mainly focus on the boss and try to make it face the opisite side of the group that is fighting the adds (or side ways incase a drake).
Everytime when i was in a dungeon with players i made sure before i went in the circle that tps everyone.
That all melee (not the tank) should focus on the adds.
Some players will say "Yea but the tank should tank the adds aswell.......".
The tank should not, the adds should be killed by "ALL" dps.
And then the fight should be easyer.
If a tank on the other hand needs to deal with the adds, then our shields will go down and we cant handel the boss anymore = wipe!
I hope players start understanding (not to be a HAMSTER at all) that this is a skilled based genre type of game.
Where everyone need do to do there best to protect your team mates.
Clerics die allot in random dungeons just because what i just said above.
Players do not understand at all, that they should be the protectors for other classes :P.