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Overall Game view from lvl 60 Devoted Cleric 10k+GS



  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was using Healing Word for awhile, but screw that spell. With all the adds its near impossible to actually LoS the correct person needing healing. I replaced it with Sunburst, LOVE this spell, absolutely love it. Heals for a ton, and if you spec right, gives a HoT. As well, using it in Divine mode toss's mobs a mile away from you.

    I use Sacred Flame, Seal for at Wills
    The flame strike one and Hollowed Ground(I have almost 80% uptime on HG in fights, love this spell, makes **** way easy for us)
    Astral Shield, Forgemasters and Sunburst. Putting out some rediculous dmg and heal numbers currently
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    enct wrote: »
    It seems like you've been playing a lot of the same game. I mean, I don't think, for example, EQ->WoW is a mechanical leap at all. Even EQ->GW1, while much more demanding, still had the same click UI bars-> press hotkey setup as all other MMOs. Only real difference that I can remember was you could dodge some projectiles.

    I haven't played this game enough to know anything about the instances you talked about, but I just wanted to say that I don't necessarily think the games you've played in the past make you great at this one.

    I clearly stated in no way was I saying I was great, you must have missed that part =)
    I was just giving a background. And yes, having years of experience playing MMO's will put anyone ahead of a brand new player imo. Its not necessarily the actual buttons, but just the over-all feel of MMO. Boss fights, grouping, avoiding things on ground, kiting, healing etc etc. If you are actually saying otherwise then I'm not sure what your point is really
  • galefire102galefire102 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Threat - If it is intended to be like this, fine, I am learning and becoming better as a healer anyway, other then that, it definately needs fixing.

    I agree with your whole post, but I really just want to comment on this as a Guardian Fighter myself. I've tanked as far back as vanilla WoW and across multiple other MMOs (Rift included, but not for very long as my friends didn't care much for it and I tend to follow them all around)

    Threat is an absolute clusterf***. My 'mark' ability that I can place on an enemy is supposedly removed by any damage that enemy deals to me that I don't block, however, without this 'mark' I will likely lose threat INCREDIBLY fast. The main issue I have isn't the mechanic, it's that the mark will just randomly disappear when enemies that have it aren't even looking in my direction.

    The other issue is the tank companion -- I have no proof of this, but I've heard his mark overrides mine. Not only that, he is the threat MASTER. He will pull things off me with EASE. The issue here is that he also will die pretty quickly, leaving the enemy to run wild because I haven't established enough threat (partially due to the fact that my mark is being overridden).

    The whole threat system needs an overhaul, but the rest of the game is amazing (besides some pricing issues but those are no big deal to me)
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yah I here ya, I've had the same problem with my Astral Shields just randomly dissappearing, sometimes after a second, sometimes immediately, forcing me to heal my *** off until my CD is up. At first I thought it was a graphical glitch in certain areas, then thought maybe the spiders were dispelling it somehow. Not really sure, all I know is my **** dissappears quite often for no apparent reason.
  • jepzzyjepzzy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Awesome review mate, I was thinking of doing it myself but then I saw this and was like CBA.
    I've got the same MMO experiance as you, so I know what you talking about. I agree 100% of all the things you say.I roll a Cleric 9,6k GS (progressing t2) and i fkin love it, never had this much fun ever. And yeah, it is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> hard to heal when you got 10 adds smashing you at the same time. Threat needs some work ASAP. (rumors said that the "dev" team also knew about the threat issue and was working on it) "fingers crossed" I also got a Guardian Fighter, and they got some threat issues aswell, I was a tank/healer in wow and I never had this much problem loosing aggro. The only thing I fear for now is that the content may be rushed through too fast, they need to update the endgame fast or make a big patch with a bunch of 5 mans, hardmode would be nice. I would love if they added 10 mans (raids) Also with hardmode for weeks/months of progression, some new pvp modes/maps aswell. We are also in need of a class balance patch ASAP, full geared mages crit for 35k when the majority of players got 22-25k HP. But hey guys, its only beta and I think they will come with more content ASAP.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I absolutely love raiding, LOVE raiding. I hope to god they bring in 10 mans, or 12 mans, I've stated before I care not for anything larger. I've done giant raids, 70+ man raids, its near impossible to get people coordinated on one single goal, in 2 vent rooms to accomplish anything. Its generally always a cluster <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. 50% of the raid generally isnt geared enough, nor has the skill to do there job, its usually the 10-15 people doing most of the leg work. Which is why I love 10 mans.

    I also want them to be difficult, I dont want to clear end-game raids on my first attempt, what fun is that? I've been in top tier guilds, and we cleared new content in the first fiew days, then were on farm, then on farm for alts. Then, 2 weeks later, there we sit. Nothing to do, and bored of the "new" content.

    I also am a fan of timers for dungeons, I.E a dungeon so large, its near impossible to clear it in one gameplay sitting. Raid night 1, do the first half, raid night 2, whipe night,. If you guys have done any large raiding, you know whipe night. Its generally the best of the best of players you have available, and its a progression and learning raid. I'm fine with this, I love this, and when you finally do clear the "toughest" boss in the game, you are sh itting yourself with excitement because you and a group of friends did something 90% of people in the game will never be able to do.

    5 man dungeons will always be on farm very quickly, they need Elite versions of 5 mans, and definately need to bring in 10 man raids, with 10 man hard mode. Not just 8,000 more adds hard, they need game mechanics, phases that arent just "wow heres more adds" cool.

    None of this is a complaint by any means, I am 100% satisfied with the game thus far, and I enjoy playing everynight. I am happy to farm for my drake seals for the time being, the game is so new I would be fool to cry about having nothing to do right now. I am content to wait and excited to see new things coming in game, and I cant wait for the Scourge Warlock!
  • agrias34agrias34 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 71
    edited May 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Hey everyone, been reading alot of posts and just wanted to throw my thoughts out there, nothing really specific just kinda how I feel about the game thus far.

    Quick background on my gaming history, I've been playing since EQ1 beta. I've always been HUGE into End-Game raiding and even more into PvP. I've been in many top server guilds over the last 15 years. EQ1, WoW, Rift, Aion, Lineage 1, 2, Guildwars 1, 2, and quite a fiew ftp.

    So starting out lvling my cleric, up to about lvl 45, it was a complete face-roll, I was definately getting nervous hoping the rest of the game wasnt going to be this easy. I like a challenge, I want to earn my gear, and feel like I've accomplished something when I've cleared a raid boss, or made a great attempt at new content. 45-49 was a bit rough, I definately drank a ****pile of potions, and I seemed to be ahead of my quests, so most of the mobs I was questing on were 1-2 lvls higher than me. Then lvl 51 came, and I got Astral Shield, holy **** bat-man, talk about ****ing epic, 51-60 was a cake-walk joke for my aggressive non-stop moving playstyle, I cant stand fighting 1 mob at a time. I've kited literally 100+mobs before in EQ as a caster, my playstyle is always searching for more **** to do, see how far I can push the limits of my skill and characters abilities, and thankfully, in this game it seems you are continually fighting multiple mobs, so its right up my alley.

    On to T1 and T2's. I have read quite a fiew posts about people saying the T1's and 2's are a slobbering drool-fest of easy content. With the skill I have in this game already, and the over 15 years of gaming knowledge I bring to the table, I want to call bull****. Giant bull-****, yes...T1's I wouldnt call "hard", but you definately need to have some sort of plan or you will continually whipe, or drink potions the entire time.

    Onto T2's. Now remember, the only character I have played at all in this game, is a Cleric, I do have a 13 rogue but that doesnt mean ****. So as far as how other class's feel about the T2 content, and there difficulty, I have no frame of referance, I am strictly speaking from a Healing Clerics PoV. T2's are no ****ing joke. Everyone I have done has been difficult, did I say impossible? Of course not, but I am definately going to say the epic T2's are called "epic" for a reason. I want to believe, that if you really think T2's are insanely easy and a face-roll, that its only because you have a kick-*** cleric, and I guarantee any good cleric isnt going to say this ****s easy. We are constantly moving, moving 98% of the time, aggro seems to be 100% fixated on the cleric, generally the cleric is being chased by the boss(if hes doing his job putting seal/ff on him), as well as almost every add that spawns. My first actual healer, was in Rift. I played Raid heals and tank heals for end-game content, and healing in this game is un-like any other game I have ever encountered. Its an absolute mind-**** getting used to NOT being able to F1, etc to your party members for direct heals, as well as going from the standard stand in one place, avoid bad **** on the ground cast heals to raid cleric.

    I have been raiding for over 15 years, I'm talking about clearing trash for 6 hours to get to the first boss, 15 hour raids on some nights, more on others in EQ 1, all the end-game in WoW up until the last expansion..what I'm getting at is I've killed a ****-load of end-game content, and I have not had this much fun in an MMO since I killed the Avatar of War in EQ1 yeaaaaars ago. I have never been on the edge of my seat so much during a boss fight, like I have when fighting the mad dragon(red) in the T2(cant remember the name). I think I died like 6 times or more,..Lack of knowledge of the boss? Yah, but mostly because it is just that ****ing hard. I did it solo healing with no other cleric, and ..Seriously, I cant ****ing believe how much fun that fight was, and when that sob died I literally jumped out of my chair, scared the **** outta my wife and yelled "**** Yah"!! This is the kind of **** that keeps me coming back to games. I've done him quite a fiew times since then, has it gotten any easier? Not really....I have yet to not die atleast once in that fight, not for lack of encounter exp, just because of the difficulty on that fight as a cleric. All the other T2's equally have there intense moments as hard, and some pulls even harder, for a minute or two anyway. Thankfully I have had very good groups most of the time, and it seems sometimes the dude pulling for us is just trying to see how much he can actually pull without getting all of us killed because thus far we've done great, then again lots of the T2 trash pulls are just plain rediculous.

    Currently I am sitting at just over 10kGS, I feel very skilled as a cleric, but in no means am I even remotely saying I am the best, I am always wanting to learn, and improve myself, and will always help out another if I am able to answer a question.

    If people still say T2's are a face-roll, please post a video. I would love to see it. I feel at this point in my gear, and depending on the group, I am putting out my max that my character can possibly do. For example, my last Cavern fight we fought the spider ***** straight up, had 2 clerics. At the end, I put out 4.5mildmg, and almost 6mil healing. I was 2.5mil healing over the other cleric, and 1.5mil more damage.

    Things I would like to see changed/fixed.

    Auction House - Why cant you chose which lvl gear to see? as in, 50-52 rare for example, it posts everything, total annoyance.

    Threat - If it is intended to be like this, fine, I am learning and becoming better as a healer anyway, other then that, it definately needs fixing.

    Gear Models - There dont seem to be very many, I would love to see more differant looking armor, when I kill end-game content and get the gear, I want everyone to **** there pants when they see me at how awesome my gear looks. As of now, most people at 60 generally look the same, minus color dyes if the people purchased them.

    Weapons - I would LOVE, the option to carry a differant weapon, a giant bad *** looking Staff, or a Mace and a shield, I'm you guys have the same opinion on this matter.

    General Fixing of some bugged quests and zones, pathing issues of mobs and LoS, and zone environment not correct in certain areas.

    Astral Diamonds - Seeings how AD is "the" currency in the game, they need to allow it to be transfered among players, when I sell someone an item for 1million, it costs me 100k to post that **** on the AH, its total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>.

    Bags - I am ok with the Zen shop, nothing at all in there will make you OP, unless you actually buy the rank 9 enchants but at that point, more power to you if you wanna spend the money. But bags, bags should be player made, period. Its a ****ty thing to put on the Zen imo. Add more cosmetics, add some very bad *** unique gear models, but not bags..

    Content - Please oh please please please, continue making hard content, I love it, and I want more, I WANT to fail on new content, bring that **** on, and for the love of all things holy and awesome, PLEASE work on atleast 10 man raids. Or 12 man, I care 2 ****s about anything larger, it usually becomes a joke, people cry on vent, and its a total ****show most of the time. Rift had one thing right at the end for me, and it was the 10 man content. Absolutely amazing.

    I'm at work and kinda all over the place, if you've managed to read all the way through, I appreciate you taking the time, any comments appreciated, not really interested in flames but if thats how you feel then bring it on, I always like a good laugh.

    Other than that, I absolutely LOVE this game, and I will be playing for months, and hopefully years to come. My constant struggle to find a new MMO is finally over, and I am home. Thank you Cryptic!

    msg me in game if you needing a healer, or just wanna talk **** =)

    Barabus The Gray "Resist"
    60 Devoted Cleric

    I also have a 60 cleric around 10k GS on Mindflayer. Here's the deal. First of all, the lair of the mad dragon dungeon is a T1 dungeon, so is gray wolf den, and throne of idris. The 8300 req. GS dungeons are the T2 ones, dread vaults, spider queen and pirate lair.
    So far, with a full guild group of all 10k+ gs players, and a complete balanced group, we've not been able to clear gray wolf den and dread vaults. The 2 starter dungeons, cragmire crypts and cloak tower are seriously a joke. We pull entire rooms into the boss room and just don't care. Here's where it gets weird, the lair of mad dragon and idris dungeon are doable, yes they get harder, but I would love to see anyone have complete gray wolf den. The ads that spawn hit for 10k normal damage, and they spawn every 5-10 seconds maybe. Same thing goes for the T2 dungeon, dread vault, literally impossible fight. Please, prove me wrong if any other guild has completed it and make a video, because it is not possible. Reasons these fights are impossible? Ads. The mobs that spawn while fighting the boss. Ads make up for 99% of the boss mechanics in this game, and it seems cryptic literally spent a whole 5 minutes deciding what makes up a boss fight.

    Now don't get me wrong, every boss fight in the game currently has ads that spawn, but those that are doable, the ads honestly don't hurt that bad and aren't too much an issue. But some dungeons haven't even been tested or balanced at all because when you summon these black wolves that crit you for 25k and 1 shot you, something is entirely wrong, or in dread vaults where 10 little brain dogs and 5 mindflayer octopus mobs and 2 thoon hulks spawn in the first 10 seconds of a boss fight and whipe you almost instantly, something is wrong.

    Then you got the Pirate Lair dungeon, which is on par 8300 GS as dread vaults is, and is a cakewalk. It's currently the most farmed T2 dungeon and all the item drops that come from it are less than 75k AD on the AH. The ads in that dungeon hit like wet noodles and of course, no boss mechanics other than wet noodle ads isn't very hard.

    Other than that, your viewpoint covers maybe 50% of how things could be better, but is really lacking in order in which things should be done. Who cares about bag space, my bags have never been filled to this day, stop picking up all the green item trash that vendors for 50 copper, unless you really really need the gold. Weapons? Really? You want a staff weapon instead of a holy icon. Yea, let's make that our #1 priority on the list of things to make a small margin of players happy.

    How about, let's balance and fix the dungeons by making the T2 dungeon delve chests actually work, balance the damage and spawn rate and number of ads in boss fights, add in actual boss mechanics, not just, durrhurr I boss, i make auto attack and all my specialty is to summon 100 ads.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    agrias34 wrote: »
    I also have a 60 cleric around 10k GS on Mindflayer. Here's the deal. First of all, the lair of the mad dragon dungeon is a T1 dungeon, so is gray wolf den, and throne of idris. The 8300 req. GS dungeons are the T2 ones, dread vaults, spider queen and pirate lair.
    So far, with a full guild group of all 10k+ gs players, and a complete balanced group, we've not been able to clear gray wolf den and dread vaults. The 2 starter dungeons, cragmire crypts and cloak tower are seriously a joke. We pull entire rooms into the boss room and just don't care. Here's where it gets weird, the lair of mad dragon and idris dungeon are doable, yes they get harder, but I would love to see anyone have complete gray wolf den. The ads that spawn hit for 10k normal damage, and they spawn every 5-10 seconds maybe. Same thing goes for the T2 dungeon, dread vault, literally impossible fight. Please, prove me wrong if any other guild has completed it and make a video, because it is not possible. Reasons these fights are impossible? Ads. The mobs that spawn while fighting the boss. Ads make up for 99% of the boss mechanics in this game, and it seems cryptic literally spent a whole 5 minutes deciding what makes up a boss fight.

    Now don't get me wrong, every boss fight in the game currently has ads that spawn, but those that are doable, the ads honestly don't hurt that bad and aren't too much an issue. But some dungeons haven't even been tested or balanced at all because when you summon these black wolves that crit you for 25k and 1 shot you, something is entirely wrong, or in dread vaults where 10 little brain dogs and 5 mindflayer octopus mobs and 2 thoon hulks spawn in the first 10 seconds of a boss fight and whipe you almost instantly, something is wrong.

    Then you got the Pirate Lair dungeon, which is on par 8300 GS as dread vaults is, and is a cakewalk. It's currently the most farmed T2 dungeon and all the item drops that come from it are less than 75k AD on the AH. The ads in that dungeon hit like wet noodles and of course, no boss mechanics other than wet noodle ads isn't very hard.

    Other than that, your viewpoint covers maybe 50% of how things could be better, but is really lacking in order in which things should be done. Who cares about bag space, my bags have never been filled to this day, stop picking up all the green item trash that vendors for 50 copper, unless you really really need the gold. Weapons? Really? You want a staff weapon instead of a holy icon. Yea, let's make that our #1 priority on the list of things to make a small margin of players happy.

    How about, let's balance and fix the dungeons by making the T2 dungeon delve chests actually work, balance the damage and spawn rate and number of ads in boss fights, add in actual boss mechanics, not just, durrhurr I boss, i make auto attack and all my specialty is to summon 100 ads.

    Ok crabby pants, bring'er down a notch =) I know the boss mechanics and fights are di cked up. My entire post wasnt a rant, or complaint on how crappy I think things are. It was an over-all opinion of "mine" of the enjoyment I am getting out of this game thus far. I'm sorry it makes you upset that I think it would be cool to have a differant weapon. There are plenty of crabby patty threads out there you are free to have your period on about how broken things are. This is not one of them.

    P.S. I here Vagisal works wonders........just sayin =P
  • projaeprojae Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This guy said 15 hour raids.. :eek:

    But most of it I like and I AGREE on the weapons part.. DDO may not be the very BEST MMO, but it sure does follow the core of D&D much better, especially on what you can and cannot equip!

    This game needs more options! At least a good alternate weapon for each class (and no, not just talking a "skin" or re-texture because we already have those)
  • beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Absolutely agree, I love encounters with multiple stages. What I DONT want to see, and hopefully they wont ever allow it. Is the gawdawful boss timers and tool tips. Its complete <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> and it breeds ****ty players. Watching people play WoW nowadays its just disgusting to me all the add ons they have that tell them EVERYTHING exactly when its going to happen.

    In EQ1, we had some 70+ people in lots of raids. A tank rotation of 8 tanks, a 10 man Complete Heal rotation on the #1clerics watch, as well as many other specific tasks. Not one add-on to tell you to move out of boss's bad ****. I really really, hate boss addons.

    I loved those raids. I was main puller for a raid guild. was such fun, raided every night almost.
  • beaghan1beaghan1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    projae wrote: »
    This guy said 15 hour raids.. :eek:

    But most of it I like and I AGREE on the weapons part.. DDO may not be the very BEST MMO, but it sure does follow the core of D&D much better, especially on what you can and cannot equip!

    This game needs more options! At least a good alternate weapon for each class (and no, not just talking a "skin" or re-texture because we already have those)

    there were lots of Raids in EQ1 that could hit 12-15 hours with wipes. 8 hours was pretty standard on most harder ones.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ****, I remember my fist Vex Thal Raid. Was 6 hours of clearing trash. Just to whipe on the first boss. 2 and a half hour corpse retrieval. Then 6 more hours to clear trash. Gross. Definately had to be dedicated to raid back in the day
  • nationalcity1nationalcity1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 58
    edited May 2013
    There top priority should be to fix aggro....

    I mean what's the point of having a guardian class if the cleric is gonna tank the whole time anyway........

    And as for people saying the tank sucks blah, blah, blah don't give me that there is another thread on here with 15 pages of people saying the same thing.......

    So unless every tank sucks in the game then aggro really needs adjusted......

    I've basically just gotten use to having every add on me at every boss fight so now I just try and move enough to not die until there actually killed off.......... But it becomes a real pita......
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