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The original Virtuous Cleric (DPS/hybrid build)

wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2015 in The Temple
Now updated for Module 2, post Cleric-nerf.


  1. Updated due to patch.
  2. The Virtuous cleric spec is now a bit of a misnomer - I switched from Virtuous to Faithful back to Righteous.

The original purpose of this build/post was to provide a DPS-focused build for the Devoted Cleric with the Divine Oracle paragon path, that could also heal dungeons. This has dropped by the wayside: consecutive nerfs to the Cleric have left it with one viable PVE build (Faithful, for Moon Touched which is an incredible feat), and no really viable PVP builds. But, I've remixed my build to be viable enough to earn me my one Seal of Triumph a day, assuming the rest of my team isn't terrible ... and of course, I want to be able to heal through T2s (haven't tried the build in Castle Never yet). I nickname it "the Victimiser", because really the cleric doesn't have the power to actually bully anyone through stacking debuffs, but it is at least funny to help other people do it.

But why not go Faithful?
The Faithful spec is (comparatively) fantastic. If all you care about is PVE, go Faithful. Really.

Likewise, if you just PVP and you really like being a tank who can run around and be ignored in PVP for a bit, build Anointed Cleric. Blessing of Battle seems to increase the defence of the people you're targeting by 10% (so it buffs your team and your enemies, at least as far as my testing can tell), and I found Anointed Army was very situational, but some people really like being tanky more than they like Astral Shield passing on Linked Spirit and Foresight to their team mates (actually, I'm not 100% sure Astral Shield *does* do this right now, but I like 11% mitigation from Foresight anyhow and this build revolves around debuffs).


Link to build: http://nwcalc.com/dc?b=p7z:27boe4:1ye3gg,13jx215:110000:1uz000:15z000&h=1&p=dvo. My character was rolled up as Human with 16 STR, 16 WIS, and 12 CHA. I put my discretionary +2 in STR. This is because my build relies on critical hits to build Divinity fast, and STR determines crits for clerics (for more information, see the official Wiki page on clerics. This also gives me +3 Heroic Feat points, but they're not essential (although it has to be said, they're very nice - I put them into Repurpose Soul). End scores are 24, 12, 12, 12, 18, 18. Note that there are some unspent Power Points - I'm not sure what to put them in that would be useful, so I'm saving them for later.

Why haven't I gone for 20/20/20? Pretty simple. You get diminishing returns on every secondary stat bar Power - that includes Crit. My build makes a lot of use of crit. Therefore 24 STR gets me more crit.

At my current gearscore (13,887), I'm sitting at 39% to crit, 29.9% faster cooldowns, 46.8% action point bonuses, and 36.4% damage resistance. Armour wise I'm using Grand Templar's Helm and Greaves, and Miracle Healer's Armour and Gauntlets. My aim was to get Astral Shield cooldown to 16s, then high Crit and Defence. I also run with an Ioun Stone of Allure with Profane Runestones. None of my enchants are above level 7, most are 6. Most of my Defence stuff is on the cleric, a lot of the Recovery stuff is on the Ioun Stone (a little less bothered about Recovery in PVP, at least compared to survivability and critical chance). I could almost certainly trim that done with experimentation to fit more Power in - and I would, but my Cleric is no longer my main character and my other characters get first dib on the +Power enchants. :sadtimes:

STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus)
DEX - 10
CON - 10
INT - 10
WIS - 16
CHA - 12

STR and CHA raised during levelling.

Notes on Powers
Rule of Five: Most area effect powers only hit 5 mobs at once.

My Big Assumption: you see two numbers in your damage log when you attack something. I assume the first number is the damage you actually do, and the second number is the damage you would do if the enemy had no buffs or debuffs.

Searing Light: this is no longer an exception to the rule of five. With Divinity, Searing Light used hit 5 mobs if they are all in a line. This would cause one explosion to each mob in the line, and each explosion used to hit 5 targets for half damage. So you got a maximum of 5 mobs for full damage, and 25 mobs for half damage. This is great, in the incredibly unlikely situation that you have five lined up mobs each of which is surrounded by another five mobs. In practice, I got this to hit 23 mobs (so 25 is an assumption, but it seems logical). Anyway, this note is just left here to remember what once was. Cryptic generously nerfed this.
Divine Glow: I like this power when soloing or with a disciplined group. As best I can tell, Divine Glow increases the damage the targets take by 15%. If you use it with Divinity on yourself, you get a short (lasts for 6* Lance of Faith) boost to your damage. Testing seems to indicate that the boost increases non-crits by ~15% (I tested over 100 shots of Lance) and crits by ~25%. This is an odd figure. My crit severity is 75% (no Vorpal enchant) so I'm wondering if this is actually being applied to the bonus as well as the overall damage. Average crit with Lance of Faith (no buff) is ~1,730, average crit with Divine Glow (purely on me, not on the target) is ~2,190. That's quite a jump. Anyhow, if you can hit yourself and your target with Divine Glow, it's a big jump.
Daunting Light: this is a great power for damage. Can't fit Nimbus of Light in, sadly, but to be likely to hit with it in PVP means it would take Divinity and that's a precious resource.
Forgemaster's Flame: DOT lasts for 3 ticks, this is a good heal that can crit. I only use it if I'm strapped for healing.
Chains of Blazing Light: damage from this is not actually split amongst mobs. It's reduced by between 15 and 20% per mob that it hits, I'd say 20% is probably accurate. Haven't actually tested that this patch.
Break the Spirit: seems to reduce mob damage by 30%. DOT that lasts for 5 ticks, stun seems incredibly brief, threat reduction is unknown. I'm not a fan. Haven't actually tested that this patch.
Hammer of Faith: repeated multiple hits and pushback. This daily stops GWF/GF knocking you over. It doesn't do any damage worth mentioning now (thanks Cryptic!). Haven't actually tested that this patch.
Prophecy of Doom: I like Prophecy. It's fun in PVE (more Flamestrikes or Divine Armours), but it's great in PVP. Firstly, it means the target takes 10% more damage (15% if you're in Divine mode). Secondly, they take a reasonable amount of damage when it ends.
Lance of Fate: RAAAAH BUT SACRED FLAME CASTS FASTERRRRR AND IS MORE DEEEEPSSSS! Yes. This is true. Sacred Flame seems to cast about 10% faster, not helped by the fact that laggy people will occasionally skip a Lance of Faith animation. That's great in the event that you are sitting still for 60 seconds, holding down your left mouse button. In PVP, you're lucky to get one or two attacks off ... and that 10% speed won't be relevant. If, god forbid, you get 3 attacks off, you're probably hitting someone a long away away and the temporary hit points from Deepstone don't matter. Lance of Faith has higher base damage (sadly this build couldn't fit in Focused Poise, the damage boost feat for it) and is therefore better. Lance also gives ~1.7% Action Points with this build. Sacred Flame gives ~1.55.

Heroic Feats
Healing Action: I ignore this. It's perhaps still bugged, I haven't tested, but the healing boost is of no interest in PVP and this build doesn't boost any dailies.
Greater Fortune: Having said that, you need to sink in 3 points somewhere.
Toughness: low CON in this build, so all health boosters are good.
Holy Resolve: not dying is also great. One point gets me that. If I'm being hit hard, the extra health isn't going to be much more use.
Domain Synergy: Recovery is key to this build - it's no good getting lots of Divinity if your Encounters are on cooldown.
Weapon Mastery: 3% Critical is great.
Initiate of the Faith: At 5,000 power (more than I have) this would add 50 crit for 5 points. This is possibly the worst feat in the game excluding ones that simply don't work.
Repurpose Soul: This build likes organised groups who cluster appropriately. Repurpose Soul works pretty well for that.
Battlewise: A good tank and CW means threat won't matter in PVE. It's worthless in PVP.
Cleanse: It's good to have one point in. The tickdown on it means I don't put more than one point in.
Templar's Domain: This would be more attractive if I could fit AP into my build. I can't with the runestones I have. If I was packing Rank 10s, I'd probably be even more grateful I was human and respec to fit this in.
Bountiful Fortune: if you're kiting (especially), every bit of Divinity gain helps.

Notes on Paragon Feats
Rising Hope: I don't know what the proc rate on this is now, but 1 point for 15% more Recovery and Power for 30 seconds is pretty nice.
Deepstone Blessing: In PVE, you give people temporary hit points via Sacred Flame. This is better than the alternative, Enduring Relief.
Linked Spirit: People in end game will be close to soft cap on most stats, but Power doesn't cap and Power is what most of them want. This is a great use of 5 points. No good in PVP unless you have a team that sticks together, but if you do have a team that sticks together this is worth having. And if you want to win a lot, you'll have such a team (actually, if you want to win a lot, you won't be on a cleric, but I digress).
Benefit of Foresight: Foresight is great. This makes it greater.
Righteous Rage of Tempus: Divinity is awesome, and you should crit a lot. The alternative skill is not awesome.
Ethereal Boon: Divinity is awesome.
Power of the Sun: Brand of the Sun is a fantastic ability. High divinity generation, decent AP generation, ongoing damage. This makes it even better. If nothing else, you can keep it up on a boss and reduce your team's incoming damage. I haven't yet successfully proved it's working (it used to not work). But if it does, dropping enemy damage output and crit chance by 5% with a DOT is a nice PVP move.

Potential Roles
These come with the caveat that sometimes you will need to pack particular spells for particular encounters.

Bread and butter - grinding/Foundry/trash as DPS:
At Will - Lance of Faith
At Will - Brand of the Sun
Encounter - Daunting Light
Encounter - Divine Glow
Encounter - Astral Shield once trash is dead
Daily - Flame Strike
Daily - Divine Armour
Class - Foresight
Class - Holy Fervour

This is all about doing as much damage as possible to clear out the trash mobs. Very simple, very fast. You use Brand of the Sun on the big mob(s) to pull them in (large area) which will make them cluster around you, Divine Glow in Divinity to debuff them and buff you, then you use Daunting Light to damage them.

Trash (as healer)
At Will - Sacred Flame
At Will - Astral Seal if you have Burning Guidance, otherwise Brand of the Sun
Encounter - Prophecy of Doom
Encounter - Forgemaster's Flame
Encounter - Astral Shield
Daily - Flame Strike
Daily - Divine Armour
Class - Foresight
Class - Holy Fervour

Similar to the grinding loadout, but with Forgemaster's Flame for extra healing. Prophecy of Doom is in because you can throw it on trash for a lovely AP boost if you're having to kite more than you want, and because it's the most fun you can have as a Devoted Cleric. Astral Seal is there because if you're in a group where people kill things real fast, a few procs of Burning Guidance is likely more damage than Brand of the Sun will give you.

At Will - Lance of Faith
At Will - Astral Seal
Encounter - Prophecy of Doom
Encounter - Divine Glow
Encounter - Astral Shield
Daily - Flame Strike
Daily - Divine Armour
Class - Holy Fervour
Class - Foresight

Similar to trash, except bosses tend to be more controlled and clustered so I switch out Forgemaster's Flame for Divine Glow. Some of the time your debuff (hopefully on the boss) will be increasing total damage output on your party by 30%. With decent recovery, your Prophecy will be down only for ~5 seconds. If healing is more important than damage output, switch in Forgemaster's Flame. If you need to kite, switch in Sunburst. Astral Seal provides extra healing (and a bit of extra damage if you have Burning Guidance).

At Will - Lance of Faith
At Will - Brand of the Sun
Encounter - Prophecy of Doom/Chains of Blazing Light (if your team has no organisation)
Encounter - Divine Glow/Sunburst (if your team has no organisation)
Encounter - Astral Shield
Daily - Flame Strike
Daily - Divine Armour
Class - Foresight
Class - Holy Fervour

All about Divinity management. You always want Astral Shield, to proc some heals out on people for Linked Spirit and because of the damage mitigation. If you have an organised team - one where you can say "kill that X" and they do - then Divine Glow and Prophecy (both in Divinity) will mean the target takes 50% more damage ... from your whole team. Maybe, if the situation is optimal and your team is good, 50% damage from 4 people (your damage won't be relevant, sorry) is going to be better than having another perma-stealth TR. Maybe. After testing, Divine Glow does not interact with Crit Severity for others, but still seems to for me (interested to hear anyone else's experiences). Testing with Divine Prophecy and Glow on target dummies gave me ~50% increase on normal hits and ~75% increase on critical hits (as compared normal-to-normal and critical-to-critical without those buffs/debuffs).

Either way, it's going to be better than your awful PVP heals or attempts to DPS in the post-Hammer-of-Fate world. If your team is terribad, then Chains of Blazing Light and Sunburst buy you time to at least annoy some enemy teams.
Post edited by wintersmercy on


  • deistikdeistik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 658 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I have a question. How much have you tested 3/5 v. 5/5 Healing Action? It doesn't list above 3 points worth of upgrade, so I never even bothered speccing above 3.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    deistik wrote: »
    I have a question. How much have you tested 3/5 v. 5/5 Healing Action? It doesn't list above 3 points worth of upgrade, so I never even bothered speccing above 3.

    I haven't found a reliable method to test any Action Point generation other than visually (which is inherently unreliable). This is because it's not a numerical layout. Going by the number of other cleric feats/powers that don't work as the tooltip say they should, it's hard to know. I assume that each point is worth 0.5 (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3) but that's not grounded in anything.
  • uyenauyena Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you so much for posting this one. I was just looking yesterday, and am sure glad I looked today!
    Respec coming in for the wasted points I had no clue of how to spend (I have always used a guide, and and feel I can't do it myself and don't want to start now after 12 years of gaming).
  • montiblancmontiblanc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 97
    edited May 2013
    STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus)
    DEX - 12
    CON - 12
    INT - 12
    WIS - 16
    CHA - 12

    this roll is not listed here http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Ability_Score_Rolling

    cud it possible be a new set patched in? coz the total points here is 78 one over the max & the only 16Str/Wis I know has 12 to cha and ten for the rest

    just remade my character for like a 2nd or third time...get the feeling im gonna mess up yet again
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    montiblanc wrote: »
    STR - 16 (+2 racial bonus)
    DEX - 12
    CON - 12
    INT - 12
    WIS - 16
    CHA - 12

    this roll is not listed here http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Ability_Score_Rolling

    cud it possible be a new set patched in? coz the total points here is 78 one over the max & the only 16Str/Wis I know has 12 to cha and ten for the rest

    just remade my character for like a 2nd or third time...get the feeling im gonna mess up yet again

    Apologies, I forgot that levelling up buffed Dex/Con/Int. I've edited the original post. My array was 16,16,12,10,10,10. The best array will have 16 STR then the highest CHA you can get - looking at that page, 16 STR (first column of secondary attributes) was the highest I could get it, and I wanted to get as much crit as possible, and the minimum points in tertiary attributes.
  • montiblancmontiblanc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 97
    edited May 2013
    ah I see, the roll I go with is almost the same (15 Str/Wis, 13Cha, 12Int, 11Con, 10Dex) with +2 to Str

    so I lose about 1% crit/Dmg & 1.33%healing but get back about 2% Recharge & hit points (which after +2 to all & +1 from camp add up to more)
  • iggy4mayoriggy4mayor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    where does brand of the sun come into play in your rotation? i'm just wondering because I'm trying to find a good time to cast it (while leveling that is). i usually daunting light a pack if its a bunch of trash and one harder mob, and then i figure, brand of the sun while he runs towards me and then forgemasters flame (if using) or something else. idk it just seems like there isn't a whole lot of times to cast it off once, let alone 5 times for the full debuff it's going for.
  • iggy4mayoriggy4mayor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    also, i'm gonna run with your respec choices and do the astral seal debuff and the flame strike interrupt. will work well on bosses/large mobs that don't lift up.
  • warsawxwarsawx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is this spec viable in PvP?
  • armlpeglegarmlpegleg Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cant believe you dont use Searing light in this build.

    It's by far the most broken and overpowered aoe ability in the clerics assest at the moment, im not sure if you understand how it works.

    5 mobs in a line
    still close enough for the induvidual hit aoe to hit the other 4 again.

    First enemy in the line gets hit for lets say 100dmg > the 4 behind him gets hit for 50 dmg
    Second enemy in the line get hit for 100dmg > the 3 in back and the 1 infront of him gets hit for 50 dmg again.
    third enemy hit in the line for 100 dmg > the 2 ahead and the 2 behind gets hit for 50 dmg again.
    and so on..

    so what do we get from one nuke with a made up basedmg of 100dmg on hit for a 5mob aoe hit?

    500dmg (original hit)
    500/2 x 4 = 1000 (total splash dmg, 50% of the original hit on everything around each induvidual hit)

    Combined dmg on a 100dmg base spell when htting 5 mobs = 1500 dmg

    The splash effect while in divinity mode can also hit an unlimited amout of targets, hence, this ability is completely broken if used correctly.

    This is how i've been leveling, just pull as much mobs as you possibly can, line them up, use divinty Searing light, watch the entire screen die.

    my 2 cents.
  • iggy4mayoriggy4mayor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    armlpegleg wrote: »
    Cant believe you dont use Searing light in this build.

    It's by far the most broken and overpowered aoe ability in the clerics assest at the moment, im not sure if you understand how it works.

    5 mobs in a line
    still close enough for the induvidual hit aoe to hit the other 4 again.

    First enemy in the line gets hit for lets say 100dmg > the 4 behind him gets hit for 50 dmg
    Second enemy in the line get hit for 100dmg > the 3 in back and the 1 infront of him gets hit for 50 dmg again.
    third enemy hit in the line for 100 dmg > the 2 ahead and the 2 behind gets hit for 50 dmg again.
    and so on..

    so what do we get from one nuke with a made up basedmg of 100dmg on hit for a 5mob aoe hit?

    500dmg (original hit)
    500/2 x 4 = 1000 (total splash dmg, 50% of the original hit on everything around each induvidual hit)

    Combined dmg on a 100dmg base spell when htting 5 mobs = 1500 dmg

    The splash effect while in divinity mode can also hit an unlimited amout of targets, hence, this ability is completely broken if used correctly.

    This is how i've been leveling, just pull as much mobs as you possibly can, line them up, use divinty Searing light, watch the entire screen die.

    my 2 cents.

    i dunno where you are in terms of leveling, but mobs do not line up at later stages. most mobs 40+ are either ranged attackers or melee attackers that leap towards you. searing light is great on those slow moving packs of zombies and ****, but they space the monsters out so much in the later stages that searing light isn't an aoe attack, its single target.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    iggy4mayor wrote: »
    where does brand of the sun come into play in your rotation? i'm just wondering because I'm trying to find a good time to cast it (while leveling that is). i usually daunting light a pack if its a bunch of trash and one harder mob, and then i figure, brand of the sun while he runs towards me and then forgemasters flame (if using) or something else. idk it just seems like there isn't a whole lot of times to cast it off once, let alone 5 times for the full debuff it's going for.

    My reading of Power of the Sun is that with 5 points, one application will reduce mob damage by 5% - not that you need to hit 5 times with it to reduce it by 5%.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warsawx wrote: »
    Is this spec viable in PvP?

    Yes, inasmuch as gear matters and TRs will still be able to destroy you in a couple of hits (true for almost anyone, though). You'll find GWFs and GFs bat you out of Astral Shield a lot, and you are often the number one target ... but it's a decent enough spec. Still trying to upload a video demonstrating that a cleric can turn the tide against a team of CW/TR.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    armlpegleg wrote: »
    It's by far the most broken and overpowered aoe ability in the clerics assest at the moment, im not sure if you understand how it works.

    Not sure if you read my section on Searing Light? It doesn't have unlimited targets, it has 25 targets (though I've never got it to hit more than 23). It also becomes less useful than other spells at high levels, this is a guide written for level 60.
  • iggy4mayoriggy4mayor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My reading of Power of the Sun is that with 5 points, one application will reduce mob damage by 5% - not that you need to hit 5 times with it to reduce it by 5%.

    yeah i definitely read it wrong. so i guess rotation on mobs you won't be able to kill in a few hits would be bots -> astral seal (if needed for buff) -> encounters -> re-bots when needed
  • montiblancmontiblanc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 97
    edited May 2013
    astral seal seems pretty worthless I think better off bots & lance, don't know how it factors into AP/D gain but I guess its only use is healing passives that tend to go off in heals
  • iggy4mayoriggy4mayor Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    montiblanc wrote: »
    astral seal seems pretty worthless I think better off bots & lance, don't know how it factors into AP/D gain but I guess its only use is healing passives that tend to go off in heals

    well i'm gonna be going for 5 points in power of oppression which is 5% less damage to mobs affected by astral seal. that means with BOTS & astral seal and their respective debuff feats you can start the fight off with a 10% damage reduction on your mob.

    edit: it's still not ideal, but there aren't that many other feats to choose from. the 5% boost to lance is pretty pitiful to have to waste 5 points on. the 10% extra encounter damage last feat in virtuous is okay, but like testing has shown, it doesn't seem to proc on encounters that have small heals with them. so unless you're planning on having an encounter slot for heals specifically to boost your other two by 10%---- yeah.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    warsawx wrote: »
    Is this spec viable in PvP?

    I've added a PVP video. Obviously I picked one that I "won", but ignore the score and focus on how useful Astral Shield and Hammer of Fate are in PVP. I'm not a particularly fast or great PVPer, but as long as I focus on taking objectives I tend to do well.
  • junkiesnationjunkiesnation Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm thinking about starting a cleric and I'm curious to know if this spec is conducive to leveling quickly.
  • wintersmercywintersmercy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm thinking about starting a cleric and I'm curious to know if this spec is conducive to leveling quickly.

    Yes, as quickly as a cleric ever can - even with DPS spec, your DPS isn't going to be great. Things get hard every now and then (e.g. the level just before you get Astral Shield) but that's going to be the same for every spec.
  • vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Isn't it better to put the 2 spare heroic points you put in Holy Resolve to Toughness? The difference is just 4% and with Toughness it is permanent extra HP. Holy Resolve also works only once every 5 minutes which pretty sucks in PvP and End Boss fights.

    Than that 6% more HP which is permanent sounds beter to me.

    But nice guide, it helped me how to set my Cleric :)
  • kuyuujikuyuuji Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm actually deciding which build to follow, either this 1 or deistik's build hmm... What's the difference between going Virt and Faithful?
  • enderlin50enderlin50 Member Posts: 993 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Has anyone tried a spec like this in a T2 and seen how it stacks up? Obviously you aren't going to compete with a Striker but could possibly give GWF a run for their money.
  • vvergvverg Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 199 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cycle of Change: on paper, this is okay. If you're doing dedicated healing, then this may pop. But I haven't seen a buff pop from Forgemaster's Flame, and I haven't seen it proc from Astral Shield, and I haven't seen it proc from Astral Seal. If I were to respec, I'd ditch this until it's fixed or someone can explain which powers it works from that this build is likely to use.

    I found out it get activated a lot when you go in Divine Mode and use the Right Mouse Button (that heal beam, forgot the name). My critical is now around 24% so this creates enough Crits which enables Cycle of Change and can be stacked few times.

    I actually use it as some kind of buff, when I'm in Divine Mode anyways for a encounter I fastly tap few times (self-healing) and it works. As you gain a lot of Divine, you can almost activate this all the time in battle.
  • jpollard89jpollard89 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    enderlin50 wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a spec like this in a T2 and seen how it stacks up? Obviously you aren't going to compete with a Striker but could possibly give GWF a run for their money.

    I run this in T2's, 2nd on dps in spell (running sunburst) with daunting light + AS, spider im usually within 500k-1m of CW's, my gear isn't enchanted yet as i need more AD's (who doesn't) but i think once i get my 4 piece miracle healer's set with tenebrous enchants and fire weapon enchant that i'll comfortably be able to compete with or beat most CW's, its a very underestimated spec and it works wonders. the plague run i mentioned finished up, DC 5.2m healing 4m damage to my 2.8m healing & 14.5m damage so there was quite the noticable difference in damage for the little sacrificed healing, and since most cleric's play faithful they just wanna kick back and heal anyway so it synergises really nicely

  • pednickpednick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You say in your setup, "Alternate Paragon Feats If I was to respec, I would take these alternate feats". Is it changed what's showing on the page now and is it for PvE or PvP? Because I just started a DC and I'm following your setup but for PvE.
    Be a Leet D00D, can't think of something smart? Always blame the economy.
  • trinity1980trinity1980 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Will the first post be updated? Anyone else playing dps cleric?
  • landragoonlandragoon Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Took my Cleric (running a similar spec to the OP with the alternate paragon feat build; 9,8k GS, High Prophet set, no weapon enchant yet) into Spellplague yesterday, group setup GF, 2x DC, 2x CW. One of the Wizards was a random, rest of us were guildies.

    Ran Daunting Light + Divine Glow + Searing Light for trash/first boss, Daunting Light + Divine Glow + Break the Spirit for boss #2 and Forgemaster's Flame + Divine Glow + Break the Spirit for the end boss, then swapped Forgemaster's Flame for Sun Burst when the group required more support for add handling (we had the random CW non-stop on the boss, coordinating with me over voice was easier). I usually was tasked with destroying smaller trashmobs (Singularity into Searing Light, yes please), buffing/debuffing bigger trash and, during boss fights, debuff boss/buff Wizards/DPS boss (in this order).

    Did surprisingly high damage overall. AoE damage is powerful especially when Wizards continuously group up mobs to throw Searing Light at, but even single-target damage wasn't terrible. Divinity Divine Glow is MASSIVE not only for yourself (17k Searing Light, 28k Daunting Light crits evaporate trash in seconds) but for everyone you manage to fit into the AoE. This does take some coordination, however, especially when fights become hectic. Even Divine Glow-boosted single target damage isn't too shabby, considering you shred their defenses and attack for the rest of your group.
  • grifterecgrifterec Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 82
    edited June 2013

    Will the first post be updated? Anyone else playing dps cleric?
    Yep, but i have 15 points in the middle tree for feated foresight and Linked spirit's amazing buff.

    So dps/buffbot.

    I dont use searing light or break the spirit (might respect to try out break the spirit)


    SB DL DG
  • landragoonlandragoon Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    grifterec wrote: »
    Yep, but i have 15 points in the middle tree for feated foresight and Linked spirit's amazing buff.

    So dps/buffbot.

    I dont use searing light or break the spirit (might respect to try out break the spirit)


    SB DL DG

    Do Foresight and Linked Spirit stack with buffs applied by other clerics? If so, this would probably make me shift towards using Sun Burst more and to adapt my spec. However, even if they stack, I don't think they should - they're way too powerful to stack. Also, the cast-SB-then-quickly-TAB will probably get removed as an exploit, and deservedly so.

    If not building around Linked Spirit/Foresight, this build might make most sense for a DPS Cleric right now. Except for Foresight (which you can get at the expense of Holy Fervor), it still gets most integral healing spells, but really shines when it comes to group utility. This also has most integral PvP powers and feats, except Hammer of Fate. Considering Feats, one might drop the one point from Strength of the Gods and three points from Bountiful Fortune to dump into Desperate Renewal.
    At-Wills: Lance of Faith and Brand of the Sun combine for some decent damage, divinity and debuffing.
    Encounters: Wide range of useful encounters, from pure healing to healing/support to AoE nuking/kiting to group buff/debuff, this DC can do a lot of things to a satisfying degree.
    Class features: Healer's Lore/Terrifying Insight in most cases, unless you need AP (drop Healer's Lore for Holy Fervor) or are healing (drop Terrifying Insight for Holy Fervor or Foresight, whatever you got).
    Dailies: Hallowed Ground is the go-to power: unless your Healer has a very high HG uptime AND you're always grouped up, your group will be off better with the defense/offense boost from HG than some damage from Flame Strike (still in this build for soloing and since you need to invest points anyway..) or Hammer of Fate (which you can get for PvPing purposes if you drop one of the utility powers - Prophecy of Doom or Divine Armor). Flame Strike or Divine Armor take the second slot, depending on the needs of your group.
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