I am currently looking for an EU heavy role playing guild. I have played a lot of MMOs and while I don't roleplay on all of them (cause of the people that ruin it) I would love to try to do it here.
Life facts: I'm 24 and I got a job, so my time would be somewhat limited although not too much. I am in a GMT +2 timezone and I play >5h per day.
Right now I'm trying to develop a story for my guardian character and will post it here once it's finished.
If you have any specific questions do not hesitate to ask
Mixed Na/Eu roleplaying guild. Amazingly creative and kind bunch of people.
Thank you my evil friend? Also could you be so mean as to explain what "we break does our rules" means?
No thanks at all! I hate you,
I am on the same boat and only guild that I could find that picked my interest is "The Wild Hunt", but that's on PST.
Gaurwulf - GF, hybrid tank/dps, GS 12.5k
The guild is called Night's Embrace, and has a pretty decent backstory so far. Our guild chat is IC except in situations where OOC PMs will not cut it.
If you want to learn more about us, we have a website which you can find by clicking here.