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Put aside the cash shop, opinions?

cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Its obvious that the most prevelant issue players have is the cash shop (from what I see). Put aside this one big, glaring issue. Are you generally happy with the game? Im not asking if you're happy with what you received as a founder, HoTN or Guardian pack or anything. The game itself, the combat, ambience, immersion, dungeons, look and field, graphics, foundry, class mechanics, mob/boss mechanics..the actual GAME. Are you happy? How does the GAME rank against other games such as WoW, Rift, Tera, Gw2, SWTOR ?
Post edited by cesmode8 on


  • hatchet01111hatchet01111 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am content with the current game, though would be a lot more happy if they had:

    Improved character customizations (STO!)
    Companions and bag drops from quests
    More focus on gold usage and less reliance of forced AD

    The only thing I absolutely can not stand is what they have done to clerics and healing.


    And more visual variety for armor and weapons, everyone looks the same.
  • elawynelawyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm very happy so far. Combat is fast, immersive (not that I'm all that good yet, still learning the subtleties). Pretty much all positive with only a few minor negatives that are neither deal breaking nor even annoying.

    Most of what I'd like to see is cosmetic (more social outfits!), but I can wait for those, they aren't a priority for the devs right now.

    Ambience, look and feel etc is very nice (especially on high graphics settings). The variety of landscapes I've seen so far is impressive.

    Can't compare to any of those you listed, since I didn't play any of them. I did play DDO, but didn't stick around very long.
  • erluciuserlucius Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 213 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    happy so far, would be better if devs would do something for:
    PvP idlers
    Dungeon Bosses Adds
    Need rolls
  • petraabellipetraabelli Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My biggest problem with the game is the Astral Diamonds. I feel constantly held back because the amount of AD I can make in a day is limited by timers and selling things to people who bought founders packs. I've done skirmishes and daily dungeons each day and just to respec my feats would require more than all the AD I've accumulated over the week. Now i'm not level 60 so there isn't much I can sell on the AH because no one would buy the basic green/blue armor I've found. The gold in the game is just to buy junk from vendors and it seems to be useless which means I'm limited to the little amount of AD that I can manage a day, which again is not enough to buy anything.

    I'm honestly not going to play this game long because of all the timers, that said I really like their gateway you can access the game with, it's just a shame I can't buy anything with it because there's no money to be had.
  • petraabellipetraabelli Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    And more visual variety for armor and weapons, everyone looks the same.

    I'm with you on that, I feel like I've worn the same shirt for 40 levels on my cleric, I got a crown but it didn't have a model so it looked like I had my hat visuals turned off. It's just very lazy in regards to armor design. And the cleric healing is a pain in the butt.
  • archanjo17041985archanjo17041985 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the ONLY thing i don't like is the loot system. it is terrible. should be need only for class.
    i7 3770k @ 4.0//HD 7950 WF3//16 GB ram Corsair @ 1600//Corsair 120 GB SSD x 2//Hyper Evo 212
  • glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    This is the highest quality F2P MMO Released to date! I think it is of high enough quality that this will be the nail in the coffin for paid MMO's in the future.

    As much <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>'n and moaning people are doing about this game (lol and it's free) I do not see any company ever being able to launch a MMO for $49 bucks Plus Subscription ever again.

    I think the only way to get consumers to pay for another MMO is to sell it on a Console for $60.00 (With no Sub).
  • vhalembervhalember Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    glannigan wrote: »
    This is the highest quality F2P MMO Released to date! I think it is of high enough quality that this will be the nail in the coffin for paid MMO's in the future.

    As much <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>'n and moaning people are doing about this game (lol and it's free) I do not see any company ever being able to launch a MMO for $49 bucks Plus Subscription ever again.

    I think the only way to get consumers to pay for another MMO is to sell it on a Console for $60.00 (With no Sub).

    You wish...
  • jgwentworth4jgwentworth4 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    SO far I have enjoyed it. here are my + and - for the game so far.

    Voice overs for most quest. thats a +
    Fast paced combat +
    powers/feats are done nicely so far+
    PvP, while losing, makes you hate it, but when you win, its great! haha+
    quests seem to have pretty good storylines, and many have a twist in them+

    And now the negative..

    EXTREMELY theme park MMO -
    Very linear-
    No open world pVe-
    No open world PvP-
    crafting, nothing but a time sink, instaead of going out into world, discovering thing, killing rare mobs -
    PvP afkers. No way to vote them out? Or something to stop them-
    Lockboxes. this is a form of legal Gambling, and is a sin, and just stupid-
    The clothes/gear apperance. -

    ALso, forgot..the graphics. I am torn on this one. hey are pleasant to the eyes..but..they are cheaply done, if you look at the sky in certain areas. If you compare this, to a game like LOTRO, you can tell LOTRO far superior, in the amount of work done on the graphics.
    Take a look at the sky. DO the clouds move? no. I did one instace, and the sky looked like watercolor.

    But I am not saying they are horrible..just, cheaply done, to make them look better than they really are.

    The appearance is the big one for me..I dont like the way my gear looks, and the most part, I have not seen too many cool looking gear on others. ANd the few that DID look pretty cool, I am sure they had to pay a hefty penny for.

    Now, I DONT want to hear " Well you can grind AD, and get cosmetic, blah blah." OK, I understand cosmetics being expensive..for the most flashy of the stuff. But cmon. They should have at least SOME type of cosmetic gear, you can buy cheaply with AD ( Im talking like 50-100 AD) OR even the in game gold ( maybe 100-200 silver)

    Again, not saying you should have the BEST lookin stuff. But there needs to be more of it. more options. I have looked the same since level 1, as I did at level 25. ANd that ugly helmet! bleh!

    Also, I am not sure, if your stats stay the same when you switch to your "outfit" mode, like you can do in LOTRO, and other games. If so, thats a +, if not a -.

    But ya basically this game, is not bad if you take it for what it is. It is NOT a sandbox MMO. It reminds me alot of DCUO.
    But even in DCUO, they had LOTS of differnt looking clothes. You could find special sets, just by scouring the city, and certain instances. That I like. When I wore my "Wizardly" set in DCUP, I liked when people said " ohh cool! where did you get that?" Instead of people simply weeing you and thinking " oh, this rich **** spent 50 buks on some pixels to look this way"

    They NEED and SHOULD have items/cosmetics, that YOU HAVE TO PLAY to get. not simply be rich, or foolish with the little money you do have.

    I want to feel a "sense of accomplishment" when people see my mount, or my gear. I have not had that feeling, since the Vanilla WoW. And that got ruined with PvP, BG, etc.

    What sense of accomplishment can you get, where, you simply PAID to have your stuff?

    Its like in real life, your mommy buys you a car when you are 16. Sure its cool, and your fake friends will love you..but you wont care really, and will probably drive like a jerk, crash your car, or worse.

    I didnt have my 1st car until I was 22, and I had to work for 2 YEARS to get it. And it was a 10 year old car, and cost me about 3 grand.

    So That does not make me a "hater" as many of you snobs like to call it. It makes me a MAN, with dignity, respect, and a sense of honor, while it make you, quite simply, a rich ****. And one day, when all you rich folks lose your money, and your protection, you will have to face REAL men and women, and will cry like the sniveling cowards you are, for someone to put an end to your life. babies.
  • merlinreynmerlinreyn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have to agree with glannigan. I would add, in my opinion, this is the best, most fully featured MMO that has come out since WoW. I'm truly impressed with all the included features right off the bat. Most MMO's leave out many features when they first launch like guild banks, dungeon queuing, etc.

    But Neverwinter has it all and I'm impressed. The cash shop is a bit expensive, but the developers deserve to make some money off of this release as it is very well done. I'm happy to support them.
  • rhcpmikeyrhcpmikey Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The game itself is fun. The questing is awesome and i never felt like it was repetitve, i enjoy the pvp due to the combat system even though there should defenintely be more pvp options in the future. The graphics are amazing, the fantasy vibe is awesome and the dungeons are a lot of fun. There are of course some improvements that need to be done, but it's beta: i'm sure they'll add more content. More dungeons, more different type of gear, some raids, more pvp content and possibly some more classes. But the base is there: they just have to keep on working. I've already enjoyed myself more with this mmo than 90% of the other mmo's on the market.
    Zironako - level 60 - control wizard
    Lucience - level 16 - trickster rogue
    Dragon server
  • jgwentworth4jgwentworth4 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    Dude..go to the gym or at least go for a walk once in a while haha!
  • clansman2013clansman2013 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm loving the game so far. It's been a long time since I was actually looking forward to getting home from work so I can play. Would love to see scaling skirmishes.
  • jgwentworth4jgwentworth4 Member Posts: 33
    edited May 2013
    ITs funny though, I remmebr back in Everquest, Asherons call day..people used to say things like " oh my husband/kid is addicted to this game! too much time spent on it! blah blah" and it became a family issue..

    Now, people spend time, AND huge loads of cash on these games. ANd to be honest., i think that more and more people DO have a problem, and dont realize it. And they are being exploited by companies to attain their wealth.

    And people who say " its their money, they can spend how they want"
    yes. true. But also, someone addicted to cocaine, or prescriptions, spends their money, but that doesnt change that they have a problem..
  • bardmedicine11bardmedicine11 Member Posts: 201 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The combat is fun and fast.
    The setting is well done.

    Beyond that it feels cheap and rushed to me. Most basic elements are in barely working condition. Things like the AH, crafting, lfg tool. The work, but are not up to today's standards.
    The early dungeons and skirmishes are comically easy, and show little effort or thought. I hope the later ones improve.

    A few mind-boggling poor decisions too. The Need/Greed system. The race for the chest mechanics of skirmishes. The auto-complete chat feature...
  • vincirevincire Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think the game itself is great. However, with how heavily monetized this game is (in every single aspect) it really puts a damper on my personal enjoyment. I don't mind paying cash for convenience but this game is borderline P2W in many respects. I love Cryptic games and I always support them but this cash shop really sucks.
  • direcrowdirecrow Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Oh yeah definitely! Aside from the zen store, and monetization, I love the game. One of the most fun mmorpgs I've ever played.

    I think they did a great job on gameplay, and visuals, music, voice acting, story and mood. All of it is great. The Foundry is genius, and is the closest thing to creating that D&D feel. Character creation and appearance options are disappointing after seeing what Cryptic is capable of in STO (Alien creator is the best I've ever seen), but that is a minor gripe.

    Auction house is also not great. But, again, most of the game is fantastic.

    I only played the CBT for a few hours and I was inspired to buy the Guardian pack.
    Mindflayer Shard - @direcrow
    The Dire Crow - Tiefling TR
    Alice L'ddell - Human GF
    Ludovique - Tiefling DC
  • arcbladezarcbladez Member Posts: 210 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, it's the best MMO I've played in a very long time. It's so good that i haven't played WoW since last Saturday and I don't even feel like playing it tomorow after tuesday server maintenance.

    Why? Well let's see.

    - I love the character graphics and animation! They are so well done! My halfling rogue twirls her daggers before certain attacks, and it's little touches that many game developers don't do... except for Blizzard... and now Perfect World.

    - The combat is very fast paced! I've tried other games like Guild Wars 2 and Tera, and I just don't like their combat system. It's sluggish, slower and overall it just gets so boring after a few hours. I guess it's all thanks to NW's awesome talent tree system! I can customize my character how I see fit and chose different attacks how I want to play my character. It's not like in GW2's with their terrible weapon/ability system! I hated that. If I equip a 2handed sword, all my abilities change, if I switch to a 2handed mace cause it's stronger, then I get a whole new toolbar worth of abilities. ugh.

    - Armor customization and matching armor sets! Oh gawd how I hate levelling up a character while looking like a multicolored clown! I know some people complained that our armor doesn't change all the time, but I really don't care about that! I would much rather have a matching armor set that looks the same for a dozen or more levels in a row, than have multi-colored and non-matching armor everytime I find a new upgrade! There's a reason why WoW once had the nickname: World of Warclowns. :) Or Clowncraft. :P

    - F2P!!!! It's FREE 2 PLAY and isn't a bad one either! I've tried all the PC 3D graphics F2P MMOs out there and none of them have the quality and stability that Neverwinter has! I'm really shocked at how polished this game is for a F2P beta MMO!

    - Buy vanity items! So many F2P MMOs out there charge money for the wrong things. Some will lock out quest hubs unless you pay money. Others will lock out dungeons and many other gameplay features! But NW doesn't seem to do this! Instead, you can pay money for vanity items and new gear, which I think is the right formula for a F2P MMORPG! You know where I've seen this kinda formula? Smartphone/Tablet games! You know, those $1 RPGs you can buy off the App Store or Google Play. You can spend $1 and only $1, but those who spend more money can level up faster and look nicer with cooler looking armor, pets and mounts! Why can't all MMOs be like this?
  • wasaguestwasaguest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Game itself is pretty fun.

    The only other thing outside the cash shop I dislike is the serious 4th wall breaking that comes from a couple of things.

    First, the Admin spam. Ugh... turn is off already. I don't care that Billy Joe Bob got an ugly mount from a cash shop box. Immersion broken.
    Second; lack of post character creation customization. Almost everyone is wearing the exact same thing. Clone Wars = bad. Need A LOT more variety in terms of gear from drops. It's fine to have the vanity town clothes in the cash shop; but armor design is severely lacking. I'd go so far as to say "It's Beta, and they will add more." But I watched Age of Conan up too GW2 all do the same. Borish armor design which to me, just kills immersion... and I like heavy Immersion in my games.

    Other than those things; enjoying it alright... and it is just my opinion on the topic.
  • thescrapkingthescrapking Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Check the tech support forums under "Zen /Billing issues" before you buy Zen in the next few days. There is more than a small problem, and unless you go fishing for it, there is no way to know it is even happening.
  • glanniganglannigan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 463 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    ITs funny though, I remmebr back in Everquest, Asherons call day..people used to say things like " oh my husband/kid is addicted to this game! too much time spent on it! blah blah" and it became a family issue..

    Now, people spend time, AND huge loads of cash on these games. ANd to be honest., i think that more and more people DO have a problem, and dont realize it. And they are being exploited by companies to attain their wealth.

    And people who say " its their money, they can spend how they want"
    yes. true. But also, someone addicted to cocaine, or prescriptions, spends their money, but that doesnt change that they have a problem..

    To keep things in perspective I compare everything to the Arcades I grew up playing. .25 Cents a play. 2 Hours of Entertainment on Video Games $20.00 Maybe 3 Hours if you were good ;)

    With that line of thinking today's "Video Game" Entertainment is actually...well...inexpensive, hell, cheap!
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited May 2013
    wasaguest wrote: »
    First, the Admin spam. Ugh... turn is off already. I don't care that Billy Joe Bob got an ugly mount from a cash shop box. Immersion broken.

    Your immersion is an exceptionally fragile thing, if that breaks it. Did rolling dice break it for you in pen and paper?
  • xkws3xxkws3x Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I feel like a lot of people feel this way but don't realize it or maybe just fail to express it. What makes these games enjoyable for me (and I suspect many others) is the sense of accomplishment I get from playing them. That being said I havn't played this game enough yet to determine whether or not it's going to provide that sense of accomplishment that makes logging in day after day worth it.

    Personally I do enjoy the game so far. The combat is fun. Graphics have never been that important to me but are fine. I find myself reading quest and enjoying it (something I usually have to force myself to do).

    I realize we were asked to asses the game without regards to the Cash Shop, so I will not go into depth how I feel about that, but I will mention that the fact that it's there and that people can pay for what I will play to earn (to achieve that sense of accomplishment that I mentioned earlier) cheapens the experience. Not trying to turn this into a cash shop debate but it does affect the experience I get from the game.

    All that said, I am having more fun with this game then anything I've played since probably Rift and I look forward to playing it at the end of the day. A lot of us are really liking this game, which is why we don't want to just walk away because of a single negative aspect.
  • lokaidraxmartislokaidraxmartis Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm fairly happy with the game itself, cash shop aside i think only a few things i'd like to see improved.

    1: ability to train our companions up to max rank and not rank locking them at say 15.
    2: Enchant system removed for something more reasonable... the whole 1% fail rate and needing wards is blarg...
    3: Crafting improved, right now it feels sub-par and super time consuming
    4: ability to control companions, make them heal our friends and allies, to make them hold position, or attack on command right now they are purely ai driven and that is bad... let us micro manage them please!
    5: GW2 style of dye system and more customization in character creation in color choices of hair and such.

    Cash shop aside... its super good....
  • cesmode8cesmode8 Member Posts: 384 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I agree with a lot of what you guys have said, positives and negatives.

    For me, I'll start with Negatives...

    1.Cash Shop(Wont say anything else about it)
    2.Lack of armor variety
    3.Dodge animation lock.
    4.Insane linear feeling. Theres no reason and maybe no ability to wander off and explore. I go from road to road. Very much themepark.
    5. So far, the two dungeons I've done..the bosses have been extremely easy. I was hardly paying attention. Tip: Adding 50 adds to an encounter doesnt make it unique or well though out.
    -Unable to physically move my abilities around on my bar. I can remap, but I want to move the At Wills right next to the encounters(actually Im unsure if you can do this, I haven't checked the UI change thingy yet)

    -Ambience/look and feel... Theres something about the setting that is enthralling. Killing actual undead hulking beasts vs killing pigs is a nice change. I feel like there is a real dungeon and death type of theme..vampires and "ghouls", at the risk of sounding corny. I love it, and its a huge reason for me to keep playing.
    -Foundry...Some of the best mini stories and experiences in the game so far has been in the foundry. I commend Cryptic for putting it in, and all of you for fantastic content.
    -Nice story
    -The Combat is OK. On my rogue it was stupidly easy, so theres no fear of death, so I continnue to just button mash. Its ufn, but gets old. On my cleric, I love popping in and out of Channeled Divinity. Last night, it made a world of difference in my experience and makes me want to play more.
  • hiiragidanielhiiragidaniel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited May 2013
    SO far I have enjoyed it. here are my + and - for the game so far.

    Voice overs for most quest. thats a +
    Fast paced combat +
    powers/feats are done nicely so far+
    PvP, while losing, makes you hate it, but when you win, its great! haha+
    quests seem to have pretty good storylines, and many have a twist in them+

    And now the negative..

    EXTREMELY theme park MMO -
    Very linear-
    No open world pVe-
    No open world PvP-
    crafting, nothing but a time sink, instaead of going out into world, discovering thing, killing rare mobs -
    PvP afkers. No way to vote them out? Or something to stop them-
    Lockboxes. this is a form of legal Gambling, and is a sin, and just stupid-
    The clothes/gear apperance. -

    ALso, forgot..the graphics. I am torn on this one. hey are pleasant to the eyes..but..they are cheaply done, if you look at the sky in certain areas. If you compare this, to a game like LOTRO, you can tell LOTRO far superior, in the amount of work done on the graphics.
    Take a look at the sky. DO the clouds move? no. I did one instace, and the sky looked like watercolor.

    But I am not saying they are horrible..just, cheaply done, to make them look better than they really are.

    The appearance is the big one for me..I dont like the way my gear looks, and the most part, I have not seen too many cool looking gear on others. ANd the few that DID look pretty cool, I am sure they had to pay a hefty penny for.

    Now, I DONT want to hear " Well you can grind AD, and get cosmetic, blah blah." OK, I understand cosmetics being expensive..for the most flashy of the stuff. But cmon. They should have at least SOME type of cosmetic gear, you can buy cheaply with AD ( Im talking like 50-100 AD) OR even the in game gold ( maybe 100-200 silver)

    Again, not saying you should have the BEST lookin stuff. But there needs to be more of it. more options. I have looked the same since level 1, as I did at level 25. ANd that ugly helmet! bleh!

    Also, I am not sure, if your stats stay the same when you switch to your "outfit" mode, like you can do in LOTRO, and other games. If so, thats a +, if not a -.

    But ya basically this game, is not bad if you take it for what it is. It is NOT a sandbox MMO. It reminds me alot of DCUO.
    But even in DCUO, they had LOTS of differnt looking clothes. You could find special sets, just by scouring the city, and certain instances. That I like. When I wore my "Wizardly" set in DCUP, I liked when people said " ohh cool! where did you get that?" Instead of people simply weeing you and thinking " oh, this rich **** spent 50 buks on some pixels to look this way"

    They NEED and SHOULD have items/cosmetics, that YOU HAVE TO PLAY to get. not simply be rich, or foolish with the little money you do have.

    I want to feel a "sense of accomplishment" when people see my mount, or my gear. I have not had that feeling, since the Vanilla WoW. And that got ruined with PvP, BG, etc.

    What sense of accomplishment can you get, where, you simply PAID to have your stuff?

    Its like in real life, your mommy buys you a car when you are 16. Sure its cool, and your fake friends will love you..but you wont care really, and will probably drive like a jerk, crash your car, or worse.

    I didnt have my 1st car until I was 22, and I had to work for 2 YEARS to get it. And it was a 10 year old car, and cost me about 3 grand.

    So That does not make me a "hater" as many of you snobs like to call it. It makes me a MAN, with dignity, respect, and a sense of honor, while it make you, quite simply, a rich ****. And one day, when all you rich folks lose your money, and your protection, you will have to face REAL men and women, and will cry like the sniveling cowards you are, for someone to put an end to your life. babies.

    I second this whole post.

    You there. Yes you, community manager. Pass this on to the developers.
  • dragonchow1dragonchow1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Problem is, you can't "put aside" the cash shop since it is the cause of all of bad things about the game and the genre in general. The store is the cause of too few charactor slots, too little in drops, need to respect, too little currency, no ranger, lack of immersion, ect.

    But you can see that this could have been a great game, if it had content designed by devs with the freedom to base everything on fun and immersion and gameplay and not just on pointing everything toward the store.
  • dezman00000dezman00000 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Cash shop aside, it's a really fun game.

    But you can't put it aside in the actual real world, so I'm very conflicted. And I'm still waiting on some feedback and adjustments to the cash shop, otherwise I'll probably never spend a dime on it.
  • ungodsmackupungodsmackup Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok lets start with what they have gotten right.

    1.Combat is fast paced and exciting at times
    2.Sound and voice acting is average
    3.Foundry I love the fact that you can make your own story
    4.Storyline is very interesting
    5.Cash shop just because it is needed to keep the servers up and running. Yes yes even the people that pay to win deserve a thank you so that all of us people who can`t effort to spend money on any game can play and enjoy.

    Now The Bad
    1. Lack of Classes- come on even DDO had more classes in open beta. Yes yes more classes will be added but shouldn`t you guys already had them out here so they could be tested and balanced.
    2. The fast leveling and progression- In my own opinion it ruins the game. A D&D game should be about enjoying the adventure with you friends or guild. Not who can reach the level cap the fastest an get the elite gear that everyone else will have when they get max level.
    3. Lack of Weapons and Armors- it`s a D&D game if i want to a warrior wielding a 2 handed flail i should be able to. if i am a rogue and want to wield maces i should be able to. if i am a wizard an i want to wear leather or chain mail or platemail i should be able to Because its D&D.
    4.Combat mechanics - A guardian fighter should be able to hold aggro on mob with his taunts. but it doesn`t happen healers get to much aggro and no matter how much taunting you do the mob never turns towards you. Control wizards and trickster rogues draw less aggro then a healer and they do massive amounts of damage.

    These are just my opinions on how it is going so far it is still only open beta I Really hope they improve this game.
    I am haveing fun even with the flaws of the game and thats all that matters is haveing fun
  • wasaguestwasaguest Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    syberghost wrote: »
    Your immersion is an exceptionally fragile thing, if that breaks it. Did rolling dice break it for you in pen and paper?

    Course not, don'e be silly. Rolling the dice is a kin to pressing QWERTY. It's part of the mechanics. Reading "Billy Bob got an ugly mount" while I'm exploring a dungeon and killing undead is more like the DM suddenly yelling "I'm selling my daughters Girl Scout cookies!" while we are trying to get into the game. :P
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