Quick question for my fellow players living in EU: how high is your latency?
/netgraph 1 in chat to display your ping on the bottom right corner of your screen. Latency is NOT the number in ms displayed next to your fps when you do /showfps 1.
I generally have 20-30ms latency in games but I'm getting 150-200ms latency in NW, and while it's still playable it's not as enjoyable. Are all the servers located in the US? I thought they used server clustering, with some servers in Europe, automatically connecting players to the nearest servers.
If the servers actually are US only, are they planning to launch some EU servers?
Couldn't find a clear answer on the forums. Does anyone have info on the matter?
Mine is also 180-200ms. I only really notice it in PvP where it unfortunately does have a rather substantial impact if you face folks who have 20-50ms pings.
v1ctor2kMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
150ms during off hours and 200ms at peak. haven't experienced any major latency issues yet (apart from the 1k pings and insane rubberbanding on open beta launch day)
elrath212Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
170-220 ms,and this really bothers me,game feels realy sluggish,and mobs feel the hit after animation ends not after you hit it with a sword.
Quick question for my fellow players living in EU: how high is your latency?
130-180 ms.
If the servers actually are US only, are they planning to launch some EU servers?
There are servers all around the world, including EU. Learn what the word "Shard" means. Those 3 "servers" people call are Shards. Shards are made up of bunch of servers to mitigate traffic. Almost all MMOs use this method.
The problem with latency for EU players, is that all those servers[in the EU] are required to communicate with US server, which connects all the players basically.
This picture's left side illustrates this:
That long thing is my information being sent to US server, which as you see takes quite long.
There are servers all around the world, including EU. Learn what the word "Shard" means. Those 3 "servers" people call are Shards. Shards are made up of bunch of servers to mitigate traffic. Almost all MMOs use this method.
This picture's left side illustrates this:
That long thing is my information being sent to US server, which as you see takes quite long.
Also wrong.
You are talking to the server (which people have said is in Boston I believe, but it's not in Cryptic's home state of California at the very least) all the time. You are not talking to some server node somewhere in some country near you. It does not work that way for Cryptic's titles.
Everywhere in the entire world talks to the one server cluster located in the USA. Period. And the Proxy option in the Launcher (fire up the launcher, hit Options, look for Proxy) reroutes what IP addresses you use to get to the server. Why it sometimes helps to switch it from None to US or EU.
I found the IP for all 3 servers as I made characters on them and then found the ip's with netstat in cmd.
Appears all 3 servers are located in california, so there's no Europeans servers, I wonder if they ever gonna add them.
I will wait before playing this game, cba to play on US West coast servers as EU, and with classes, races and everything still missing.
PvP is pretty much pointless with my 200ms ping. PvP is the only thing that brings longevity to MMOs for me and beside it being terrible here anyway the ping completely kills this game for me.
Im getting around 180 without setting any proxy and around 200 with EU proxy. Game is playable but lag is a bit to high especially for my guardian fighter as i would like to flawlessly time my shield and attacks.
Just as a note, I know this is common sense to most of you, but the number beside your fps when you type /showfps is not your ping. That is related to the frame rate. /netgraph 1 will show you your ping.
neckerm4annMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
150-200 isn't really "high latency", it's pretty average. 300+ : now that's high. I get between 100 and 180 consistently and live in the middle of the U.S. How far you are (physically) from the servers isn't really an issue, it's how the traffic is routed.
150-200 isn't really "high latency", it's pretty average. 300+ : now that's high. I get between 100 and 180 consistently and live in the middle of the U.S. How far you are (physically) from the servers isn't really an issue, it's how the traffic is routed.
150-200 is high latency becouse a) its very noticable, b) i have below 100 with other mmos.
pedjanikMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
ive recently came home from italy while i played game there, i had 150-200 ping with recv: 100-1000
now that i came home ping is 300+
with recv of 10.000+ please help me out what do i do to fix?
v1ctor2kMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
ive recently came home from italy while i played game there, i had 150-200 ping with recv: 100-1000
now that i came home ping is 300+
with recv of 10.000+ please help me out what do i do to fix?
How far you are (physically) from the servers isn't really an issue, it's how the traffic is routed.
Traffic from Europe to the US still has to go through the Atlantic, and yes, that does make a difference. You are just not getting anything below 1xx ms from Europe to the US. In Europe, at least the northern and western parts, it's fairly standard to have 20-30ms. For PvP, 180ms+ is high latency if your opponent has a much better ping. It's even an issue in PvE now (epics), paired with the "rooted" combat, since there is much less margin for error.
skierkegaardMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Thank you all for your answers. It's pretty clear that there is indeed only US servers at the moment, that's why we are all getting 150+ ms latency from Europe. I opened a similar thread on a french forum about the game and had identical answers.
To those saying that 150-200ms isn't high latency: it all depends on the definition you have of it. There is a subjective perception of latency, and it's lag: everybody is not affected the same by lag, and some are more tolerant to it than others.
Then there is the objective side: in pretty much every other online games I'm playing (League of Legends, WoW, Stacraft 2, Path of Exile) I'm getting 20-60ms latency. Thus, I consider +100%-300% milliseconds high latency. And I absolutely DO feel the difference: HP bar depleting a bit after being hit, double attack bug, last second dodges not working, etc.
In PvP, with equal skill, someone with 30ms ping will always have the edge on someone with 150+ ms ping.
I asked support to give us an official answer on this, hope they will. As soon as anyone has official info on this (be it from Twitter, support or these forums) please post it in this thread with some source.
I really enjoy the game, but I will not invest more time or money in it if I know for sure I will never have better latency. It's not a criticism about the game, it's absolutely Cryptic's (or PW's) choice to open or not european servers and I will respect it, but it is my personal feeling.
UK here.
Been ok until this morning (Monday), when it's turned into a lag fest. Come on US players get to bed!
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
doing quests and just walking around I get around 150 ms, I see no problem with that ping. ( I have a 100/50 connection )
BUT doing some more difficult dungeons and PvP it really is quite annoying (200+ ms), I've died quite a few times smashing the dodge button and watching my character just standing there taking free hits.
I hope any solution for EU players will come since if it stays like this late game will be so bad and unenjoyable for EU players.
doing quests and just walking around I get around 150 ms, I see no problem with that ping. ( I have a 100/50 connection )
BUT doing some more difficult dungeons and PvP it really is quite annoying (200+ ms), I've died quite a few times smashing the dodge button and watching my character just standing there taking free hits.
I hope any solution for EU players will come since if it stays like this late game will be so bad and unenjoyable for EU players.
Are u sure?
Because i have played WoW like 3 years, doing the high end content, and NEVER die because my latency is 200+.
xantrisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Thank you all for your answers. It's pretty clear that there is indeed only US servers at the moment, that's why we are all getting 150+ ms latency from Europe. I opened a similar thread on a french forum about the game and had identical answers.
To those saying that 150-200ms isn't high latency: it all depends on the definition you have of it. There is a subjective perception of latency, and it's lag: everybody is not affected the same by lag, and some are more tolerant to it than others.
Then there is the objective side: in pretty much every other online games I'm playing (League of Legends, WoW, Stacraft 2, Path of Exile) I'm getting 20-60ms latency. Thus, I consider +100%-300% milliseconds high latency. And I absolutely DO feel the difference: HP bar depleting a bit after being hit, double attack bug, last second dodges not working, etc.
In PvP, with equal skill, someone with 30ms ping will always have the edge on someone with 150+ ms ping.
I asked support to give us an official answer on this, hope they will. As soon as anyone has official info on this (be it from Twitter, support or these forums) please post it in this thread with some source.
I really enjoy the game, but I will not invest more time or money in it if I know for sure I will never have better latency. It's not a criticism about the game, it's absolutely Cryptic's (or PW's) choice to open or not european servers and I will respect it, but it is my personal feeling.
Thank you.
What more of an official answer do you need? All cryptic games for the past 3 years have been operated exactly the same. Everyone connects to US servers. You can't run a single cluster server any other way. It's the same reason Eve players all connect through London.
They aren't going to make additional servers that are Euro only because its not financially beneficial, plus it breaks up the player base.
neckerm4annMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Thank you all for your answers. It's pretty clear that there is indeed only US servers at the moment, that's why we are all getting 150+ ms latency from Europe. I opened a similar thread on a french forum about the game and had identical answers.
To those saying that 150-200ms isn't high latency: it all depends on the definition you have of it. There is a subjective perception of latency, and it's lag: everybody is not affected the same by lag, and some are more tolerant to it than others.
Then there is the objective side: in pretty much every other online games I'm playing (League of Legends, WoW, Stacraft 2, Path of Exile) I'm getting 20-60ms latency. Thus, I consider +100%-300% milliseconds high latency. And I absolutely DO feel the difference: HP bar depleting a bit after being hit, double attack bug, last second dodges not working, etc.
In PvP, with equal skill, someone with 30ms ping will always have the edge on someone with 150+ ms ping.
I asked support to give us an official answer on this, hope they will. As soon as anyone has official info on this (be it from Twitter, support or these forums) please post it in this thread with some source.
I really enjoy the game, but I will not invest more time or money in it if I know for sure I will never have better latency. It's not a criticism about the game, it's absolutely Cryptic's (or PW's) choice to open or not european servers and I will respect it, but it is my personal feeling.
Thank you.
They won't give an official answer because they don't want to admit how half baked and poorly implemented this shard system theirs is. The only people saying 200ms ping is not a big issue really can't be serious gamers. I find PvP unplayable and the double animation bug ect just plain annoying. Such a shoddy gaming experience has no longevity for me, but longevity isn't what they are going for. They would rather milk the 5% who will pay $40-55 for pixels (depending if you are in the EU) this is a pretty disappointing first impression.
Because i have played WoW like 3 years, doing the high end content, and NEVER die because my latency is 200+.
WoW, even the hardmodes, is overall much slower paced than Neverwinter. Or differently put, the frequency in which you need to move out of circles, cones, etc, is significantly higher in this game. You also have less time because of the "rooted" combat. Up to and including T2 it is still manageable, at least as a wizard. There are still times where I blink immediately when a red ground effect shows up and I still get hit by it. That is not likely to happen with a sub-50ms ping. But so far it has not been a major issue.
130-180 ms.
There are servers all around the world, including EU. Learn what the word "Shard" means. Those 3 "servers" people call are Shards. Shards are made up of bunch of servers to mitigate traffic. Almost all MMOs use this method.
The problem with latency for EU players, is that all those servers[in the EU] are required to communicate with US server, which connects all the players basically.
This picture's left side illustrates this:
That long thing is my information being sent to US server, which as you see takes quite long.
Wrong (for Cryptic's games).
Also wrong.
You are talking to the server (which people have said is in Boston I believe, but it's not in Cryptic's home state of California at the very least) all the time. You are not talking to some server node somewhere in some country near you. It does not work that way for Cryptic's titles.
Everywhere in the entire world talks to the one server cluster located in the USA. Period. And the Proxy option in the Launcher (fire up the launcher, hit Options, look for Proxy) reroutes what IP addresses you use to get to the server. Why it sometimes helps to switch it from None to US or EU.
Appears all 3 servers are located in california, so there's no Europeans servers, I wonder if they ever gonna add them.
I will wait before playing this game, cba to play on US West coast servers as EU, and with classes, races and everything still missing.
Just as a note, I know this is common sense to most of you, but the number beside your fps when you type /showfps is not your ping. That is related to the frame rate. /netgraph 1 will show you your ping.
150-200 is high latency becouse a) its very noticable, b) i have below 100 with other mmos.
now that i came home ping is 300+
with recv of 10.000+ please help me out what do i do to fix?
try out Leatrix Latency Fix
also, why are you fiddling around with recv values?
Traffic from Europe to the US still has to go through the Atlantic, and yes, that does make a difference.
To those saying that 150-200ms isn't high latency: it all depends on the definition you have of it. There is a subjective perception of latency, and it's lag: everybody is not affected the same by lag, and some are more tolerant to it than others.
Then there is the objective side: in pretty much every other online games I'm playing (League of Legends, WoW, Stacraft 2, Path of Exile) I'm getting 20-60ms latency. Thus, I consider +100%-300% milliseconds high latency. And I absolutely DO feel the difference: HP bar depleting a bit after being hit, double attack bug, last second dodges not working, etc.
In PvP, with equal skill, someone with 30ms ping will always have the edge on someone with 150+ ms ping.
I asked support to give us an official answer on this, hope they will. As soon as anyone has official info on this (be it from Twitter, support or these forums) please post it in this thread with some source.
I really enjoy the game, but I will not invest more time or money in it if I know for sure I will never have better latency. It's not a criticism about the game, it's absolutely Cryptic's (or PW's) choice to open or not european servers and I will respect it, but it is my personal feeling.
Thank you.
Been ok until this morning (Monday), when it's turned into a lag fest. Come on US players get to bed!
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
It really does take away the fun of action games. When you need to avoid the attacks and watch mobs animations to do the right move.
BUT doing some more difficult dungeons and PvP it really is quite annoying (200+ ms), I've died quite a few times smashing the dodge button and watching my character just standing there taking free hits.
I hope any solution for EU players will come since if it stays like this late game will be so bad and unenjoyable for EU players.
Are u sure?
Because i have played WoW like 3 years, doing the high end content, and NEVER die because my latency is 200+.
What more of an official answer do you need? All cryptic games for the past 3 years have been operated exactly the same. Everyone connects to US servers. You can't run a single cluster server any other way. It's the same reason Eve players all connect through London.
They aren't going to make additional servers that are Euro only because its not financially beneficial, plus it breaks up the player base.
They won't give an official answer because they don't want to admit how half baked and poorly implemented this shard system theirs is. The only people saying 200ms ping is not a big issue really can't be serious gamers. I find PvP unplayable and the double animation bug ect just plain annoying. Such a shoddy gaming experience has no longevity for me, but longevity isn't what they are going for. They would rather milk the 5% who will pay $40-55 for pixels (depending if you are in the EU) this is a pretty disappointing first impression.
WoW, even the hardmodes, is overall much slower paced than Neverwinter. Or differently put, the frequency in which you need to move out of circles, cones, etc, is significantly higher in this game. You also have less time because of the "rooted" combat. Up to and including T2 it is still manageable, at least as a wizard. There are still times where I blink immediately when a red ground effect shows up and I still get hit by it. That is not likely to happen with a sub-50ms ping. But so far it has not been a major issue.