Hello I have three characters I'm looking to roleplay with. I'm looking for a heavy roleplay guild that has minimal to no out or character chat. I'd like guild chat to be in character. If you cannot justify in character guild chat then I am afraid you are not creative enough.
I am an extremely active, proactive and skilled players.
My first character is Thorin a level 60 great weapon fighter on Mindflayer. Thorin is a guard in the mountains whom protects his homeland from goblins and giants.
My second character is Mia a level 15 control wizard on Mindflayer. Mia is a bounty hunter who uses seduction to lure her pray into a secure feeling before feasting on their lives.
My third character is Dwalin Ironskull a level 46 guardian fighter on Beholder. Dwalin is a warrior always looking for a greater challenge.
I play all three very actively so if you are interested in any of them for your ranks please let me know. I recommend sending me a mail in game in character and 'roleplaying' me into the guild rather than a random invite that has no meaning at all. I am picky when it comes to guilds but I am definitely worth it and very loyal.
Hmm... Creativity is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. Good luck finding a RP guild. I'm looking, as well.
Give it a look.