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Unsure about continuing playing this game



  • tttsssrrr1tttsssrrr1 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Last we heard new classes aren't being charged for. :)

    Subject to change as always. But that's always been the general consensus.

    That's good, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  • ranhurranhur Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tttsssrrr1 wrote: »
    In a year, most of us will have had the chance to play Wildstar or TESO or who knows what else, and will have to make the choice between spending $$$ on a new class or new paragon path in NW and then scrimping, saving and busting our *** off to buy a bag or just move on to a game that is more suited to the traditional Western palette.

    That choice is an every day occurrance, no MMO in the history of MMOs has planned to be a short term investment but they are well aware of the competition that is on the horizon - a new MMO due out? Boom, their special offer pricing comes into play in an attempt to keep your business - pointless to give the lowest cost possible when there is little fear of you playing something else.

    Like I said, the cash shop pricing needs some fine tuning, but the constant posts about how the costs don't allow for acquisition of items within a month are very flawed.
  • gnawbadgergnawbadger Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    fotzik wrote: »
    Except I make about 300k-1000k AD everyday just by using the AH, takes me about 2-3hours of gameplay (which is casual gameplay) to acquire the items you sell on the AH. Almost all ranks of runes/enchants sells fairly often and the price vary based on the ranks. You can also get a nice ammount of AD by selling crafting services, the items you craft with the professions sells rather well aswell. Then there's the boe's from the dungeons, those will always sell since most people like to make alts, and most people are lazy when it comes to gearing their alts.

    I get you can earn a **** ton of AD atm, but ppl seem to forget the game is flooded with the founders pack AD's which is why even the "worst" items are way overpriced due to ppl haveing enough funds. The "just use ah its easy" argument i only valid the first few weeks after the soft launch due to supply and demand not being balanced.

    As more ppl get to 60 those "wonder" items which is sold overpriced now (the ones you are profitting heavly from) will drop drastically, and then we are back at "Is the worth of AD balanced compared to prices set by Perfect world, and are the ways AD get injected into the game economy plentiful enough"

    If they ****ed up their priceing, which it looks like they did, we will see ALOT more whining on the forums when all the founder AD's circulating the market now is gone.
  • prevail517prevail517 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So don't play it. Do you think whining on the forums about spending money to play a game will fix it?

    Just put 15 bucks a month into the game if you're that worried about it.

    I haven't spent a cent and I'm enjoying it.
  • bobzebrickbobzebrick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    prevail517 wrote: »
    So don't play it. Do you think whining on the forums about spending money to play a game will fix it?

    Just put 15 bucks a month into the game if you're that worried about it.

    I haven't spent a cent and I'm enjoying it.

    The problem is $15 a month would get you nowhere in this game.
  • oghieroghier Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 84
    edited May 2013
    Did you really expect to pay nothing for a game this good?

    Actually, you can. You can earn anything in-game (other than Founder Fluff) by grinding out AD, then converting the AD to Zen. It will take a long, long time for some items. But it's possible. You can speed it by spending some money.
    - Snit (Cleric, Dragon Server)
  • prevail517prevail517 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    bobzebrick wrote: »
    The problem is $15 a month would get you nowhere in this game.

    That's odd, since I've spent zero and haven't had any issues. You don't NEED bagspace. You don't NEED to have an epic mount. The one and only thing that you might actually NEED are good endgame mats, thats it.
  • bobzebrickbobzebrick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    prevail517 wrote: »
    That's odd, since I've spent zero and haven't had any issues. You don't NEED bagspace. You don't NEED to have an epic mount. The one and only thing that you might actually NEED are good endgame mats, thats it.

    If you want to be competitive in pvp you need the epic mount. You practically need to spend zen on packs to level your profession unless you want to do it with just one guy as resource. If you want a competitive pve companion you have to spend zen for one or soon buy the books maybe for zen we will see or absurd amounts of astral no doubt. I need more bag space, have you ran dungeons? Basic bagspace is just insufficient. If I want to respec my char at any point it's $6. All I'm saying is you get much more value for your money out of $60 B2P titles like GW2 or $15 a month sub options like WoW, you would have to spend $1000s here to have the same kind of options/freedom.

    The free to play model isn't bad but the money grabbing nature of this game and stupidly high prices of the cash shop kill this for me... But hey I bet they are laughing to the bank, you people will pay for this stuff that's why they make it, this has to be the most restrictive and annoying F2P experience I've had though and I won't be staying long.
  • w01fe01w01fe01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    oghier wrote: »
    Did you really expect to pay nothing for a game this good?

    Actually, you can. You can earn anything in-game (other than Founder Fluff) by grinding out AD, then converting the AD to Zen. It will take a long, long time for some items. But it's possible. You can speed it by spending some money.

    did you read my post? where did i say i expected nothing? i even said ive played games with cash shops and have spent 20-60 dollars on a f2p game i felt was worth my money, but part of that was that i felt my money got me something worth the price as well, which i dont feel with this games cash shop.
  • w01fe01w01fe01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    the character respect costing 6 bucks NEEDS to go, im pretty sure i messed a couple points up on my char, i should nto be punished for that. thats like having to pay to level up.
  • ringomandingooringomandingoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    can we pls be able to attack and move at the same time
  • jonnybigbossjonnybigboss Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think this game is a shining example of the subscription model's defeat murdering the MMO genre. I don't see the genre recovering after this recent trend.
  • stanleypain007stanleypain007 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »

    btw, some people will tell you that you can convert ADs to Zen by playing the game

    dont listen to them, they are idiots. even if you play every single day of the week, every single week of the month, and always always always cap your 24k ADs per day, it will take you 20 days for each 1000 zen item that you need. and beieve me, just for the wards your gonan need LOTs of them.

    if you consider than not every day you can play, and that not everyday you will get the 24k (actually I doubt the average casual player makes more than 10k per day) your looking, at the very least, at double that time.

    last but not least, factor in much better companions, bag/bank space/ respecs and mounts all for AD, and you have in front of you a multi-year grind

    if you dont have ANY money nor will to spend it, and you like this game, yep, go ahead and keep playing. not like you have many other options

    if you have money and are willing to spend it, but are concerned about getting the best bang for your bucks, this game is an all around bad deal in all fronts.

    unless you are dying to play this and only this, there are plenty other games out there that will make you feel your getting your money's worth

    If you're basing your AD gain only on the stuff that is handed to you on a silver plater, god speed and safe journey.
  • cookieyumyummycookieyumyummy Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2013
    You know, you don't need a subscription model. There are f2p games out there with a reasonable cash shop system. Just saying.

    A company only understands numbers, so stop spending money on a game that has an overpriced cash shop. Then it will change.

    It is really that simple.
  • psiwuffpsiwuff Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    primejive wrote: »
    Personally, I think they should make a subscriber package available for those that would like one.

    When I play a game, I do it to think about the game. Not real world currency.

    this. so much this.
    THe cash shop is obnoxious as is, but its even sadder that even if you wanted to - and likely ended up paying more than perusing the cash shop - you can not subscribe and avoid the nickel-and-diming this company does. its rather unsettling.

    edit: regarding the post above me, generally if you stop playing theyll just shut down the game and make a new one with the same ideals, because they believe people dont care anymore. voting with your wallet generally only gets games closed down fast, unless you provide feedback as to why you do it. which we do
  • fotzikfotzik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    gnawbadger wrote: »
    I get you can earn a **** ton of AD atm, but ppl seem to forget the game is flooded with the founders pack AD's which is why even the "worst" items are way overpriced due to ppl haveing enough funds. The "just use ah its easy" argument i only valid the first few weeks after the soft launch due to supply and demand not being balanced.

    As more ppl get to 60 those "wonder" items which is sold overpriced now (the ones you are profitting heavly from) will drop drastically, and then we are back at "Is the worth of AD balanced compared to prices set by Perfect world, and are the ways AD get injected into the game economy plentiful enough"

    If they ****ed up their priceing, which it looks like they did, we will see ALOT more whining on the forums when all the founder AD's circulating the market now is gone.

    I wouldn't call selling runes for 3-4k AD in mass bulks overpriced (you can also sell lowbie gear and skip runes).. You don't have to sell items for 100-500k to earn AD. I earn most of my stuff by mass selling cheap stuff, it all adds up pretty fast. Hence the 300k daily if you spend about 2-3 hours farming the stuff, you still need to put a couple of mins now and them to restock the AH (but gateway is really handy for that). In order to really earn a lot you need to invest the money and add some more time, but casually you can easily earn enough to buy all the ZEN stuff.. I expect boe's will still sell when people start making more alts, there will always be alts and new players so yeah, those will always sell, same with runes and enchants.. most peole are lazy and would rather buy the stuff than farm them.

    Btw, you can also get the wards (many people like to complain about this item) just by logging in 7 days a week.. So you don't have to even convert AD to ZEN in order to get the wards.. Sure it might take you a week or two longer, but if you use the prayer coins + the ad you make you should be able to enchant all your gear without problem.. And later on you can stock up on the wards when you don't need them as often.
  • wingofbenuwingofbenu Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    technically, yes. Bt theres only a small random chance of even getting a coalescent instead of another, weaker ward type. so if he isnt lucky, it wont be a couple weeks, it'll be months of logging in just for coins.
  • fotzikfotzik Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wingofbenu wrote: »
    technically, yes. Bt theres only a small random chance of even getting a coalescent instead of another, weaker ward type. so if he isnt lucky, it wont be a couple weeks, it'll be months of logging in just for coins.

    I agree, it could take months if you're super unlucky, still it's another option that many don't know about. I will use all my daily prayer coins for those packs. Then use the AD I make to either buy the wards or just convert to ZEN and buy them.. I shouldn't have to spend more money than I already have. I've already more than doubled my intial AD since the headstart just by using the method I've explained previously.
  • sagasaintsagasaint Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    That's the best solution. :)

    Pay to Win is a topic which will always have two sides. If they only charged for cosmetics with no convenience we would still have plenty of people complaining it was pay to win because they need their pink pony with wings in order to beat the game.

    The best way for you to judge is to go from 1-60 and see how you feel about the game.
    yet another strawman, this one even bigger. getting boring fast...

    talking about vanity items....

    LoL is a game run by Riot Games. LoL sells strictly vanity stuff.

    Riot has gone from a company that had to take a $1m loan to create LoL and a staff of about a dozen, to being worth more than $450m, a staff of over 500, and running a world wide championship with a $2m prize.

    jeez, good thing that they didnt pay attention to those telling them that selling just vaniy items would make them go bankrupt, eh?

    otoh, Cryptic is a company that has seen more layoffs across the years than fingers in my hands, and was let go for $50m to a well known cash grab asian F2P emporium with a F rating in the BBB and a reputation of being Satan's little helper in the biggest MMO communities available (e.x: massively, ten ton hammer, mmorpg.com to name a few)

    omg, what shocker. being honest and caring, and treating your customers as people you want to make a long lasting relationship with, works better than trating them like walking wallets that must be stripped clean of every cent before your game dies and you release the next one to start the cycle again.
  • musaabrcmusaabrc Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I actually wish this game wasn't "Free to play". I really like it and thus would rather pay a subscription. Paying $15 a month would be way better.
  • tfangeltfangel Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »
    dont listen to them, they are idiots. even if you play every single day of the week, every single week of the month, and always always always cap your 24k ADs per day, it will take you 20 days for each 1000 zen item that you need. and beieve me, just for the wards your gonan need LOTs of them..

    So many clueless people making assumptions. The 24k AD cap is refining rough AD, usually from daily quests. You know an even quicker way to make AD? Auction house. Selling items there. There is NO limit on how much you can get from there. Sell things people want, make AD, convert if that's your deal. Just today i made about 150k AD selling profession things i got for, get this, FREE going around the world doing things. I decided to focus on tailoring and leadership, and selling the rest. Those green or better items that come from nodes, some of those sell for decent amounts over the 24K you talk about.

    And the wards that keep things from not working? I got one for free from box that you can get for praying for five days in a row.
  • jetahjetah Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Companion upgrades aren't in the shop, they are in the companion vendor and state "coming soon". imo it shouldn't exist in the game if it's coming soon.

    did we mention you can get free zen? offers.perfectworld.com there's a link in my sig too.
    Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.

    Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
  • jorealjoreal Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    w01fe01 wrote: »
    "cryptic needs to make money too" hey im not saying making it completly free, im just saying it needs to be more reasonable. like i said ive played games with cash shops before and their prices and what you paid for was much more reasonable, ive sunk anywhere between 20-60 bucks into those games on the basis that i tthought the game was good AND i felt i got my money's worth.

    People need to realize that when you play a pay to play game like WoW you spend $150/year on those games. The difference is you get to pick and choose what you buy and when in this game. Want to play an alt play it up to where you find out if you like it and then invest some money in it.

    Game developers spend thousands and thousands of hours making these games for players to play and each person *****es about how they have to spend $50 to get access. You spend a lot more than you think other games. If you like the game then support it. Give it money and the game will grow.

    You don't HAVE to do anything if you don't want too. You CAN spend money to make it faster, but you can get everything through grinding for free if you want. You can't expect everything to be handed to you unless you are willing to put forth some support for it.
  • lerdocixlerdocix Member Posts: 897 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »

    btw, some people will tell you that you can convert ADs to Zen by playing the game

    dont listen to them, they are idiots. even if you play every single day of the week, every single week of the month, and always always always cap your 24k ADs per day, it will take you 20 days for each 1000 zen item that you need. and beieve me, just for the wards your gonan need LOTs of them.

    if you consider than not every day you can play, and that not everyday you will get the 24k (actually I doubt the average casual player makes more than 10k per day) your looking, at the very least, at double that time.

    last but not least, factor in much better companions, bag/bank space/ respecs and mounts all for AD, and you have in front of you a multi-year grind

    if you dont have ANY money nor will to spend it, and you like this game, yep, go ahead and keep playing. not like you have many other options

    if you have money and are willing to spend it, but are concerned about getting the best bang for your bucks, this game is an all around bad deal in all fronts.

    unless you are dying to play this and only this, there are plenty other games out there that will make you feel your getting your money's worth

    Sorry, but if you think you will get anywhere just by getting dailiy AD convertion you won't get anywhere. I'm playing 5th day and I got over 900k ADs. As you can see from simple math, its not by converting RADs to ADs.
    You won't get anywhere in any F2P mmo if you won't quickly get a grasp of economy.

    I know I will be able to afford most zen related stuff because I will be able to convert ADs to Zen easily because I know how to get ADs, meanwhile you will be sitting here, crying about your inability to get stuff.
  • calaminthacalamintha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I know I will be able to afford most zen related stuff because I will be able to convert ADs to Zen easily because I know how to get ADs, meanwhile you will be sitting here, crying about your inability to get stuff.

    I know I will be able to afford most zen related stuff because I have a job. I don't need another one (with horrible pay!) in my leisure time.
  • ravinravin Member Posts: 587 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The exchange rate will be in constant flux. It's high because of demand, at some point it will dip really low. Take STO, for example, you could buy 1 Zen for 87 Dilitium (STO's AD.) It's gone up since Legacy of Romulus was announced. Just have to be patient.
    =\/= ================================ =\/=
    Centurion maximus92
    12th Legion, Romulan Republic
    12th Fleet

    =\/= ================================ =\/=
  • kina1991kina1991 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey, if I'm playing for roughly 4 days atm, and got around 20k AD only with my lvl30 char, is there a way to get ad faster in my case or is there some tricks I'm missing? The AH doesn't seem to be really that good, cos most of my items aren't that worthy for people to buy.
  • v1ctor2kv1ctor2k Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »
    yet another strawman, this one even bigger. getting boring fast...

    talking about vanity items....

    LoL is a game run by Riot Games. LoL sells strictly vanity stuff.

    Riot has gone from a company that had to take a $1m loan to create LoL and a staff of about a dozen, to being worth more than $450m, a staff of over 500, and running a world wide championship with a $2m prize.

    jeez, good thing that they didnt pay attention to those telling them that selling just vaniy items would make them go bankrupt, eh?

    otoh, Cryptic is a company that has seen more layoffs across the years than fingers in my hands, and was let go for $50m to a well known cash grab asian F2P emporium with a F rating in the BBB and a reputation of being Satan's little helper in the biggest MMO communities available (e.x: massively, ten ton hammer, mmorpg.com to name a few)

    omg, what shocker. being honest and caring, and treating your customers as people you want to make a long lasting relationship with, works better than trating them like walking wallets that must be stripped clean of every cent before your game dies and you release the next one to start the cycle again.

    Are you on some kind of crusade or something? For someone that claims to know so much about PW and Cryptic and how they are perceived by millions of players, you sure spend a lot off time on their forums.

    As for LoL, you can't compare the pricing model of a AAA F2P MMO and a F2P moba game. That's just silly.
  • bobzebrickbobzebrick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »
    yet another strawman, this one even bigger. getting boring fast...

    talking about vanity items....

    LoL is a game run by Riot Games. LoL sells strictly vanity stuff.

    Riot has gone from a company that had to take a $1m loan to create LoL and a staff of about a dozen, to being worth more than $450m, a staff of over 500, and running a world wide championship with a $2m prize.

    jeez, good thing that they didnt pay attention to those telling them that selling just vaniy items would make them go bankrupt, eh?

    otoh, Cryptic is a company that has seen more layoffs across the years than fingers in my hands, and was let go for $50m to a well known cash grab asian F2P emporium with a F rating in the BBB and a reputation of being Satan's little helper in the biggest MMO communities available (e.x: massively, ten ton hammer, mmorpg.com to name a few)

    omg, what shocker. being honest and caring, and treating your customers as people you want to make a long lasting relationship with, works better than trating them like walking wallets that must be stripped clean of every cent before your game dies and you release the next one to start the cycle again.

    +1 Couldn't put it better myself.
  • labbblabbb Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kina1991 wrote: »
    Hey, if I'm playing for roughly 4 days atm, and got around 20k AD only with my lvl30 char, is there a way to get ad faster in my case or is there some tricks I'm missing? The AH doesn't seem to be really that good, cos most of my items aren't that worthy for people to buy.

    Daily missions from the kobald across from the auction house . 10K - 12K daily
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