Sons of Moradin
Who We Are
We have officially started on the Mindflayer shard and we are looking for all fellow roleplayers of the dwarven persuasion (..okay that sounded cheesy, even for me). Er yes anyways, as I was saying, we are looking for dwarven rper's to join us in our quest to give all the roleplayers of the stout folk a place to call home. Of course non-dwarves can join as well as long as they don't mind hanging about dwarves.
We are more of a OOC group/gathering to better find fellow dwarven roleplayers or people who enjoy dwarven themed rp in general. Whether we evolve to have an actual IC organisation in the future remains to be seen.
Want to Join?
If interested in joining us give me a shout on Throren Stonehammer or if I'm not on, get in contact with Asdur Grimforge. If you want or need to know anymore feel free to shoot me a PM here on the forums or simply reply to this thread.
Are you a dwarven roleplayer but already in a guild? No problem! We have set up a roleplay chat channel for any and all dwarf related rp. It is called DwarfRP so feel free to join at your leisure.
Thanks for reading and may Moradin's hammer guide you!
I'm interested in join Sons of Moradin. I'm playing in Dragon Shard.
I don't know if you need any more information. Ask me.
(I'm spanish and my english is not good.)
(I also heard that the shards will be combined in the future, so then Berend Battlebeard could potentially join in the future!)
Character's Birth Name: Nevren As'r Evalarr the III (elvish translation "of strong fortitude")
Role: Controller (Wizard)
Server: Mindflayer
Quick Background: Once a promising young Elven apprentice, Nevren poked his pointy ears where it didn't belong and mistook his master's Wand of Polymorph for a Wand of Magic Missiles. As he uttered the trigger incantation in hopes to watch the brilliant display of missles, the wand shot off into the distance, but to his dismay there was no trail of missiles. Instead the green ray shot with such force, that Nev's poor arm swayed back causing the Polymorph ray to reflect off a mirror and strike him dead in the chest. To his disbelief he was transformed into the one humanoid he disliked most... a DWARF!
After being expelled from his apprenticeship, Nev took on a life of adventurer and trickster, utilizing what few cantrips he remembered from his stay at the Invoker's Academy to get by and feed himself. From Elven noble to homeless Dwarf. Our story begins in Neverwinter.....
When you folks can, try to find me online. My character is Throren Stonehammer. If you can't find me try to talk to Asdur Grimforge.
IGN: Rangrim Battleheart (Lot's of Dwarf's with Battle in their name.)
Class: Devouted Cleric
I will try and find you first in-game Throren!
Cheers my mineral brethren.
Character's Birth Name: Theresa Apolla
Role: Devout cleric
Server: Mindflayer
My character is Freja Flamehair, hers is a simple story, she became a Cleric after her husband fell in battle while she watched on helplessly and is now determined never to feel so helpless again and to do all she can for her fellow Dwarves.
Best regards,
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
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