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I play your game, you Owe me!



  • paragon33paragon33 Member Posts: 134 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    You owe me... nothing. It's a game, it's free, when it's up it's fun. So if I divide my cost of zero by time played I think I got my money's worth.

    Oh to be fair, I bought the $60 pack, but the principle doesn't change.

    Is the cash shop over-priced? Maybe... I mean, it's not free and we all like free so if it costs more than free it must be over-priced. After all, zen's expensive... oh wait, I can earn Astral Diamonds for free in game and trade them for Zen? And if I earn enough AD's I can get anything I want? But... but... but I want stuff now, I don't actually want to have to EARN anything... geez, I mean really... who EARNS anything anymore.

    What's more, Cryptic/PWE are all greedy ogres! How dare they want to not only recoup the cost of development and maintenance but they want to make a PROFIT? WTF? Must be more of those evil Americans what with putting out a quality product in the hopes of reaping rewards? Who does that?

    Personally I think they should just make everyone max level with the best gear on character creation and have the monsters drop dead at your feet just because. What's more I think Cryptic/PWE should pay us to play the game!

    Oh yeah, back to my opening line... they owe me nothing. I like the game. I like that I can have anything I want if I earn it or pay for it or both. When there's downtime I can find other things to do or troll the forums :-)

    Have fun in-game everyone and keep posting all those hateful threads about how badly you've been wronged and cheated... you know who you are...

    Ty sir.. I feel Earth is doomed when these same tards take to RL; our future must be dim...
  • endofriversendofrivers Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    direcrow wrote: »
    Ah apathy, the cornerstone of every great cause. The last resort of every troll. Here's the thing about claims to apathy. They sort of lose a bit of their legitimacy, the more you need to declare them. So, as with many people such as yourself, you started off with a strong start, but as soon as anyone with any intellect challenges you, you quickly dissolve into false assertions of not caring, and a few bits of silly taunts. If you didn't care, you wouldn't have said a thing.

    All of which prove you care, and none of which prove me wrong.

    Trust me, I have many muses, and you're not one. If you wish to inspire, try being inspiring.

    ****... +1
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    sagasaint wrote: »
    its a good speech, and you timed it very well. now there are people reading the boards. in a few months when the playerbase has gone to hell due to the cash shop, all that precious words would have been lost in the wind with noone to read them.

    have fun ingame you too... while you still have a game to play

    People said the same thing about GW2. Wish I could find one of them and ask him or her how ticked they are that they were flat out wrong.....

    Perhaps I'll go look at the WoW forums, fine me a page 1 doomsayer and ask them if after 10 years of success, they still say doom.

    I bet they do.
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • oreoz2573oreoz2573 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    ****... +1

    everything you just said can just as easily be applied to the QQ as it can apathy.

    you're not inspiring either.
    "If you're going through Hell, keep going." -Winston Churchill
  • carrotpakcarrotpak Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You owe me... nothing. It's a game, it's free, when it's up it's fun. So if I divide my cost of zero by time played I think I got my money's worth.

    Oh to be fair, I bought the $60 pack, but the principle doesn't change.

    Is the cash shop over-priced? Maybe... I mean, it's not free and we all like free so if it costs more than free it must be over-priced. After all, zen's expensive... oh wait, I can earn Astral Diamonds for free in game and trade them for Zen? And if I earn enough AD's I can get anything I want? But... but... but I want stuff now, I don't actually want to have to EARN anything... geez, I mean really... who EARNS anything anymore.

    What's more, Cryptic/PWE are all greedy ogres! How dare they want to not only recoup the cost of development and maintenance but they want to make a PROFIT? WTF? Must be more of those evil Americans what with putting out a quality product in the hopes of reaping rewards? Who does that?

    Personally I think they should just make everyone max level with the best gear on character creation and have the monsters drop dead at your feet just because. What's more I think Cryptic/PWE should pay us to play the game!

    Oh yeah, back to my opening line... they owe me nothing. I like the game. I like that I can have anything I want if I earn it or pay for it or both. When there's downtime I can find other things to do or troll the forums :-)

    Have fun in-game everyone and keep posting all those hateful threads about how badly you've been wronged and cheated... you know who you are...

    yea yea QQ more
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Sadly you misrepresent your point at the very get-go by pointing out that you have, in fact, spent $60 dollars on the game already.

    Basically your entire paragraph is a very elaborate way to say you're stupid enough to pay $60 dollars on an item even though it's free. You don't even expect anything in return.

    Therefore I will, this one time only, sell you the planet Earth for whatever is in your savings account. I will not deliver, but I know you won't mind.

    It's legitimate enough to say that if you don't pay anything your complaint is worth what you paid. I have five bucks worth of complaint myself.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • dvshamsterfistdvshamsterfist Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013
    spacejew wrote: »
    Sadly you misrepresent your point at the very get-go by pointing out that you have, in fact, spent $60 dollars on the game already.

    Basically your entire paragraph is a very elaborate way to say you're stupid enough to pay $60 dollars on an item even though it's free. You don't even expect anything in return.

    Therefore I will, this one time only, sell you the planet Earth for whatever is in your savings account. I will not deliver, but I know you won't mind.

    It's legitimate enough to say that if you don't pay anything your complaint is worth what you paid. I have five bucks worth of complaint myself.

    A cheap jew, who would've guessed?
    I'm totally kidding btw and love your name!
  • awdeohawdeoh Member Posts: 53
    edited May 2013
    So if I divide my cost of zero by time played I think I got my money's worth.

    Dividing by zero is dangerous, please don't do it. :)
    spacejew wrote: »
    Sadly you misrepresent blah blah (SNIP)

    Please read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum

    The game is only in open beta, and I'm already hooked. I'm really gonna miss my Rogue if they wipe before release day. That said, I'm really hoping that having the cash shop running so early might help to drive away those with that incessant need to complain about the first thing that comes to mind. If we can get rid of that bag of screaming cats, then perhaps the player base won't be looked at as a bunch of complaining babies like in the eyes of the Devs like every other MMO, and the final result will be a community more friendly and less 'toxic', as one reviewer of the Open Beta put it.

    Sit back, take a breath (and a break, if maintenance is infuriating you), and enjoy being part of the process whereby you have contact with the Devs and can help to mold this into an amazing MMO.
  • filamentsufilamentsu Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Gods told me to do it, so I present you all the universal version.
  • knightfalzknightfalz Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually, the game does owe purchasers something. By offering a game which offers benefits within it that cost money, they are implying that they are offering a free to play game that is actually playable the vast majority of time.

    However, this is occurring at a very early stage of a just opened beta. It is common for games that just went open beta to have more problems early on. It is proper to cut the company some slack in these circumstances, especially when they are working so diligently to get the game up and running.

    If this was a year or more down the line, and things were generally more stable, then there would be reason for complaint. By then, many players will have invested a good deal of money for in game items or services, and they will want to have stable access to what they have purchased. That the game doesn't charge a monthly fee for access doesn't absolve them from the complaints of those that have spent several hundreds of dollars for things not accessible for a long period of time.
  • spacejewspacejew Member Posts: 1,044 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    I guess people just differ on what they think a reasonable price is for a video game. Some people are apparently willing to preorder a F2P game for $200 dollars. Some think $30 for a subscription plus some cash shop cosmetics is ok. Some think that a $60 initial investment and follow-up subscription isn't bad.

    I guess if enough people decide that each character they make in Neverwinter is going to cost them a few hundred dollars or a few thousand hours it's all good. Lord knows how much real cash I threw at City of Heroes, another Cryptic title. I always felt like I got my money back out of it in fun though. Spending money in Neverwinter is buying functionality for only one character for the price of an entire launch title. It's genius, really.

    I should invest in their company actually, short term of course. It's the smarter game to play.
    MoF/Thaum CW SS/Thaum CW IV/Protector GF SW/Combat HR SM/Destroyer GWF WK/Executioner TR DO/Faithful DC
  • jimbobslimbobjimbobslimbob Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just to throw in my two cents - for me subscription-based games are just not practical. I think a lot of casual gamers would agree with this. If the game charged me $10 a month to play I would feel the need to get my money's worth, at the expense of everything else. I would much rather pay for the client and then never have to pay again (unless for big expansions and the like). On top of this, I like to alternate between games. For example, up until recently I have been playing a lot of Kerbal Space Program. I stopped playing it to try Neverwinter. This does not mean I want to play Neverwinter exclusively and having a subscription would nudge me in that direction.

    So free to play: I don't think you can complain about this. The amount of time, money and effort put into a game like this is huge. The developers have to recoup some of it or it would not be very good business sense. Be thankful for what you have got for free.
  • futrixfutrix Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The assumption that the prices are too high relies on the assumption that people will not pay for the items being sold. So far, we are witnessing a good bit of the opposite. If the items are selling and selling well... the prices are evidently NOT too high.

    In short, people complaining about something doesn't make the complaint legitimate. The numbers are what matters. Complaints don't mean that the items aren't selling, complaints mean that there are people who won't buy (and in this case, they are simply being very loud about it).

    People complain, they want more than they are offered, they are always looking for a better bargain. That is also why PWE will sell a lot of Zen every time they offer a percentage discount and why the Zen shop will likely continue to sell as well as it appears to be doing.

    There are things I would like to see cheaper or altered, but that has noting to do with whether or not prices are actually too high.
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love this OP too if thats her real picture, and also +1 for sticking it to the entitled gamer generation.

    This game is awesome!
  • anastasiakiaraanastasiakiara Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love this OP too if thats her real picture, and also +1 for sticking it to the entitled gamer generation.

    This game is awesome!

    I wasn't really trying to stick it to a generation, I hate to lump that many people together since there are so many not like that; it's just the vocal entitled minority that tend to get annoying. Of course being annoying is all a matter of perspective since there are a few who found my take in this thread to also be annoying, so to each their own!

    As for the pic, it's me, but that's the only reason to love me? *winks*
  • kimmurieloblodrakimmurieloblodra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As for the pic, it's me, but that's the only reason to love me? *winks*

    If this game was anything like league of legends, you could stream and get like 20,000 + followers on twitch and constant 5k+ viewers and make like 500$ a day, LoL players are that shallow. (see Gemiee, pooksie, etc... )
    I wasn't really trying to stick it to a generation, I hate to lump that many people together since there are so many not like that; it's just the vocal entitled minority that tend to get annoying.

    Agreed, I made a sweeping generalization. But lurking in these forums for the past 6 months, older gamers don't seem to mind the cash shop all that much. Personally, I'm all for buying stuff to help me out if it saves me time, because time = money, and I want this game to succeed.

    Granted, the UI and menus still need work. Mail system is broken, The AH interface is just terrible. But like you say, the core of this game is free, and nice to haves cost money. That is absolutely reasonable.
  • anastasiakiaraanastasiakiara Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If this game was anything like league of legends, you could stream and get like 20,000 + followers on twitch and constant 5k+ viewers and make like 500$ a day, LoL players are that shallow. (see Gemiee, pooksie, etc... )

    $500 a day, that's crazy.
  • angeldiablo1342angeldiablo1342 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You owe me... nothing. It's a game, it's free, when it's up it's fun. So if I divide my cost of zero by time played I think I got my money's worth.

    Oh to be fair, I bought the $60 pack, but the principle doesn't change.

    Is the cash shop over-priced? Maybe... I mean, it's not free and we all like free so if it costs more than free it must be over-priced. After all, zen's expensive... oh wait, I can earn Astral Diamonds for free in game and trade them for Zen? And if I earn enough AD's I can get anything I want? But... but... but I want stuff now, I don't actually want to have to EARN anything... geez, I mean really... who EARNS anything anymore.

    What's more, Cryptic/PWE are all greedy ogres! How dare they want to not only recoup the cost of development and maintenance but they want to make a PROFIT? WTF? Must be more of those evil Americans what with putting out a quality product in the hopes of reaping rewards? Who does that?

    Personally I think they should just make everyone max level with the best gear on character creation and have the monsters drop dead at your feet just because. What's more I think Cryptic/PWE should pay us to play the game!

    Oh yeah, back to my opening line... they owe me nothing. I like the game. I like that I can have anything I want if I earn it or pay for it or both. When there's downtime I can find other things to do or troll the forums :-)

    Have fun in-game everyone and keep posting all those hateful threads about how badly you've been wronged and cheated... you know who you are...

    I couldn't have said it better myself. Bravo! ;)
  • mensarmensar Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I can give you something new to complain about:

    Newbies that can't seem to find the NWOtrade channel and keep clogging zone with their <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for trade/sale.

    That's getting pretty old. I can't even see responses to questions from folks trying to learn how to play the game from all the newbie spam.

    Get on NWOtrade, use it for all your trading/selling/buying.


    YOu can see NWOtrade anywhere in the game.. even in instances so you'll reach every single person that has joined that channel that obviously WANTS to know if you have something to sell or trade.


    It keeps you from ending up muted/ignored from continuously posting things for sale in the wrong channel.

    There.. now you have something new to complain about. You're welcome!

    Bacon out!

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited May 2013
    While I agree that this type of thing is funny for free 2 play players complaining. I'm not one of them.

    The only thing that's bothered me this whole time has been bags. Both the cost of the 24 slot bags and the tiny bag they gave the founders for our troubles are just wrong imo.

    The founders bag should be bigger easily because of what it cost to get the package (which is the only part of the foundry pack I have never liked) and the cost of bags is entirely too high. $750 max for these bags is sensible. $10 looks greedy. That's just how I feel about it. I've never played a game where bags were only available thru the store currency until GW2 and even they wanted a bit much for their's because you had to buy a rune of holding to make the largest ones and those were very expensive from the vendors too.

    While it's not going to halt my gameplay if I don't get what I want it would be a very nice and thoughtful gesture for Cryptic to change the bag founders get to the larger version. I wouldn't mind so much getting a $10 bag if I didn't have to replace the bag I already got from buying the founders pack too because it's essentially too small.
  • ralandarralandar Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Excellent post
  • ashgan99ashgan99 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    mensar wrote: »
    I can give you something new to complain about:

    Newbies that can't seem to find the NWOtrade channel and keep clogging zone with their <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> for trade/sale.

    That's getting pretty old. I can't even see responses to questions from folks trying to learn how to play the game from all the newbie spam.

    Get on NWOtrade, use it for all your trading/selling/buying.


    YOu can see NWOtrade anywhere in the game.. even in instances so you'll reach every single person that has joined that channel that obviously WANTS to know if you have something to sell or trade.


    It keeps you from ending up muted/ignored from continuously posting things for sale in the wrong channel.

    There.. now you have something new to complain about. You're welcome!

    Bacon out!

    you didn't just mute zone chat day one?

    My dream is to mute that ^%@#* admin so and so got a horse one day...
    Edit: for any cryptic or PWE guy reading this I would even maybe be tempted to get some keys if I didn't have a constant spam msg in my face that makes me turn right around on that in disgust... the %@#^ boxes that you can't get rid of to fill a limited bagspace is already stupid and a constant haha msg is not helping
    (if you intended this my hats off to the person that manage to make the most annoying system I have experienced in a video game in a long time its kinda hard to annoy me but this...
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