antyrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited April 2013
I can't seem to throw a rock without hitting someone wanting to roleplay within the guild so far, and we grow bigger every week. Official launch is just around the corner!
ulfrafenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
I applied...haven't heard anything nor have I seen anyone on...
I applied...haven't heard anything nor have I seen anyone on...
Is ulrafen your @handle? We don't have any pending applications with that name. There were 15 or so of us online last night, including all the officers but I did have someone who sent me a tell saying they'd applied but then appeared to have blocked several of the members and we couldn't reply. Perhaps it was you? Send me a PM or a /tell in game @ainilome1 and we'll get it figured out
ulfrafenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
Not that wasn't me. I dont think I've ever blocked anyone in any game lol
I guess I'm not @ulfrafen, thought I was. In game I'm @mrsoopa on the website I registered as MrSoopavillin, my generic gamer tag. Sorry for the confusion.
Are guilds linked by account or characters? I have good, bad and ugly guys looking for homes
screamomaxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Which server are you on?
ulfrafenMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Hey Dark Star! The guild sounds awesome, I applied but while I did, I was on a different server and didn't know about Mindflayer, I made a new character and decided to tweak my character a bit to make it a bit more consistent, I usually make good backstories, but I was tired at the time :P. Anyway if you want to know the changes I registered on your forums, I'd be happy to answer any questions.
Yikes, what a week! Thanks to everyone who has expressed interest so far. We're currently a bit swamped with applications, so please forgive us if things take a little longer than the promised 48 hours. It doesn't look like we'll actually fall behind, or at least not any more so than we currently have, but just in case...that would be the reason. :cool:
Now getting caught up real quick...
@hervorruf - We're pretty much ready to send you a message, but if you'd like to get your changes in for the sake of consistency by all means. I know having the additional information wouldn't hurt! You can send that to me via PM either here or on the Dark Star site, and I'll get it updated. Otherwise, if you'd rather hold off, that's fine too. I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon to give you a chance to see this before I do anything.
@frostylaw - Plenty of wenches We just had to ban them from that one event. It was a classy affair, you understand. At least until the dwarves came.
So, now the big news. Because of the current volume of applications, as well as the backlog of characters that need to be properly inducted into the guild through roleplay, we're going to be putting recruitment on a temporary hold. This means that as of 12am eastern time on Friday, May 3rd, we will not be accepting any new applications, and new user registration on our website will be disabled. If you've already submitted an application, we will process it like normal, so you aren't affected by this. I apologize to anyone who is interested in joining us but hasn't had the chance to apply, but I assure you, giving us a little bit of time to sort through everything and tighten the ship will make the experience that much better when we do re-open! I don't have an ETA on when that will be, but with any luck the freeze will be lifted some time within the next week.
Thanks again for everyone's interest so far. I'll be updating this as soon as the freeze is lifted. Until then, feel free to roleplay with us in-game, or to keep asking questions - Ainilome has been an absolute beast keeping on top of things.
If you're the sort who has a plot in mind for their character, who enjoys getting involved in other's stories and providing openings /roping them in to your own then we are the place for you. Our plots are so thick I could barely unravel all the connections if asked, and that's only the things I actually know.
We also happen to be a very fun group of grown-ups who enjoy hanging out OOCly and delving our faces off
Is the name "killz2many" inappropriate for the guilds role play? I have other traditionally named characters as well. I'm only wondering because killz2many is just a nick name for my character. Well, basically he always ends up killing too many which is how he was granted the title. He has a real name, just few on the surface know of it.
Unfortunately, we've been seeing a significant drop in in-game activity over the past weeks. We've spent some time evaluating our prospects, our own leadership's interest in Neverwinter, and the experience that we're currently able (or perhaps unable) to offer new members. After much deliberation, we've decided to halt recruitment whilst we make some internal decisions about if, and how, we will be continuing our activity in Neverwinter, while restructuring the leadership for our chapter there accordingly.
We'll update here when there's more information to share, but for the time being recruitment for the Dark Star Syndicate is frozen. We're aware that there have been a number of applicants who never received a response one way or the other, and we've issued mass PMs to these individuals as well.
Thanks to everyone for your interest over these past months. We're sorry if this freeze impacts you, but we hope that the ultimate conclusion of our internal discussions will lead to the best possible experience and continued health for our guild.
Is ulrafen your @handle? We don't have any pending applications with that name. There were 15 or so of us online last night, including all the officers but I did have someone who sent me a tell saying they'd applied but then appeared to have blocked several of the members and we couldn't reply. Perhaps it was you? Send me a PM or a /tell in game @ainilome1 and we'll get it figured out
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
I guess I'm not @ulfrafen, thought I was. In game I'm @mrsoopa on the website I registered as MrSoopavillin, my generic gamer tag. Sorry for the confusion.
Are guilds linked by account or characters? I have good, bad and ugly guys looking for homes
Dark Star Syndicate is on Mindflayer, the unofficial RP shard.
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
Though perhaps I should wait as my knowledge of DnD lore is at best sort-of knowing what I'm doing.
Now getting caught up real quick...
@hervorruf - We're pretty much ready to send you a message, but if you'd like to get your changes in for the sake of consistency by all means. I know having the additional information wouldn't hurt! You can send that to me via PM either here or on the Dark Star site, and I'll get it updated. Otherwise, if you'd rather hold off, that's fine too. I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon to give you a chance to see this before I do anything.
@frostylaw - Plenty of wenches
So, now the big news. Because of the current volume of applications, as well as the backlog of characters that need to be properly inducted into the guild through roleplay, we're going to be putting recruitment on a temporary hold. This means that as of 12am eastern time on Friday, May 3rd, we will not be accepting any new applications, and new user registration on our website will be disabled. If you've already submitted an application, we will process it like normal, so you aren't affected by this. I apologize to anyone who is interested in joining us but hasn't had the chance to apply, but I assure you, giving us a little bit of time to sort through everything and tighten the ship will make the experience that much better when we do re-open! I don't have an ETA on when that will be, but with any luck the freeze will be lifted some time within the next week.
Thanks again for everyone's interest so far. I'll be updating this as soon as the freeze is lifted. Until then, feel free to roleplay with us in-game, or to keep asking questions - Ainilome has been an absolute beast keeping on top of things.
Website ★ Recruitment
Website ★ Recruitment
If you're the sort who has a plot in mind for their character, who enjoys getting involved in other's stories and providing openings /roping them in to your own then we are the place for you. Our plots are so thick I could barely unravel all the connections if asked, and that's only the things I actually know.
We also happen to be a very fun group of grown-ups who enjoy hanging out OOCly and delving our faces off
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
Website ★ Recruitment ★ Video
Unfortunately, we've been seeing a significant drop in in-game activity over the past weeks. We've spent some time evaluating our prospects, our own leadership's interest in Neverwinter, and the experience that we're currently able (or perhaps unable) to offer new members. After much deliberation, we've decided to halt recruitment whilst we make some internal decisions about if, and how, we will be continuing our activity in Neverwinter, while restructuring the leadership for our chapter there accordingly.
We'll update here when there's more information to share, but for the time being recruitment for the Dark Star Syndicate is frozen. We're aware that there have been a number of applicants who never received a response one way or the other, and we've issued mass PMs to these individuals as well.
Thanks to everyone for your interest over these past months. We're sorry if this freeze impacts you, but we hope that the ultimate conclusion of our internal discussions will lead to the best possible experience and continued health for our guild.
Website ★ Recruitment