Now we should all try that thing most of us skipped: personal hygiene!
stgnt90Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
Major bummer... I'm not super thrilled about not being able to play for even a few minutes when I want to in a game I had to pay to play 3 days early.
I hope this server issue gets resolved soon, as I have 3 characters created on Mindflay and no way to make any new characters or play the game at all I didn't buy a founder's package to sit at the character screen unable to play.
I'd just like to take this time to point out that I mentioned server instability on Mindflayer (since the majority of people would be playing there) BEFORE the 25th, and everyone made fun of me :
If you read the character select screen, you'd notice that it said the server was down and all characters on the server would not show up in your list. Relax.
LOL we were in blackdagger keep on last boss who was just about to meet his death but was saved by the server crash..... He only had like 1500 hp to go... then BAM.. How is that for being born under a bad sign! lol
wow even the PW support page is down....says its stuck in a loop....hack?
nitram1981Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
Lets try and put in a 2 million astral dimond clame for pain and suffering (pain and suffering from not been able to play on our server) maby we will get lucky.
saabye1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited April 2013
hundetoke er en hund
gukterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 29Arc User
Lets try and put in a 2 million astral dimond clame for pain and suffering (pain and suffering from not been able to play on our server) maby we will get lucky.
Has there been any word from the Devs on this yet?
"The ability to LeetSpeak does not make one intelligent." "Ask a stupid question and the Morons will answer." "The True measure of a gamer is the ability to ignore epeen and just enjoy a game" -- Hanok Odbrook
derfnose88Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Lets try and put in a 2 million astral dimond clame for pain and suffering (pain and suffering from not been able to play on our server) maby we will get lucky.
^ This right here....
lunaticzioMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
time to harass my cat while I wait for the server to come back up.
The secret conspiracy newsletter you don't receive mentioned that today they would stage a server crash just to delete your characters and AD. Once the servers come back up the rest of us get to go back to playing.
-Agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
jademistxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
hope we get compascetted for this crash in the dungons:)
nitram1981Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited April 2013
I remember a while ago thay where asking us to try and crash the server and offer us gifts if we did, I wonder if that offer is still in effect
sonictribladeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
It's early morning.. I'm pretty sure one of the workers spilled coffee on the server. Also, I'm the midst of killing the lvl 34 dragon boss and failing for the 3rd time. =(
gukterMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 29Arc User
What Class Are You?
I hope this server issue gets resolved soon, as I have 3 characters created on Mindflay and no way to make any new characters or play the game at all
Ah, sometimes, how i love telling people "I told you so... "
I'll vote this. My alts need AD too!
"Ask a stupid question and the Morons will answer."
"The True measure of a gamer is the ability to ignore epeen and just enjoy a game" -- Hanok Odbrook
^ This right here....
The secret conspiracy newsletter you don't receive mentioned that today they would stage a server crash just to delete your characters and AD. Once the servers come back up the rest of us get to go back to playing.
Realm of the Demiurge Foundry Works
Neverwinter isn't D&D, it is a MMO based on a game that uses D&D terms but isn't really D&D either. NW is fun (for that matter so is 4E), but it isn't D&D, and once you wrap your expectations around that you will be able to enjoy the game for what it offers and not worry about what it does not.
What if it's an "it" ?