Not that I'm discounting your concerns, but this is an area which you really need to evaluate at 60. PvP in most, if not all games, is not balanced with lower levels in mind. Right now, level 60 pvp isn't even starting.
I agree for the most part, however, I haven't looked at the PvP gear as yet, but if there is nothing on the PvP gear to assist in the resistance to these skills OR CC breakers all together, then level 60 PvP won't be any better I am afraid.
It gets worse, because if there is PvP resistances on said gear, then the people who rely on CC to get kills will cry a river that CC resists are too high....
Anyways, something to remain vigilant about and keep an eye on.
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
What are you playing? You need to give some info if you want to start a healthy debate.
Trickster Rogues counter CC clases at the moment, they can cleanse out of all your disables and 100-0 you.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Not that I'm discounting your concerns, but this is an area which you really need to evaluate at 60. PvP in most, if not all games, is not balanced with lower levels in mind. Right now, level 60 pvp isn't even starting.
I would rather the game not have diminishing returns either. Use your class how you see fit. Trust me, every class (except one) is very viable In PvP.
donnorgonMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited April 2013
One thing i would like is CC breaker using Stamina as currency. IE you press shift while CC:d to break out of it and you lose half of your stam. and maybe 1-2 sec invurnability for CC after breaking out.
One thing i would like is CC breaker using Stamina as currency. IE you press shift while CC:d to break out of it and you lose half of your stam. and maybe 1-2 sec invurnability for CC after breaking out.
I am not famaliar with the 4E ruleset, but in saying that, I know there was items you could get that made you immune to crowd control effects.
Something to consider.
lexthegreatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
The point is, you can lose total control of your character with no chance of survival due to CC trivializing it.
They nerfed Cleric healing due to trivializing a fight by not being able to be killed and reduced self healing by 40%.
So....maybe, we should undo that nerf and leave CC as is so we can slip a heal in and maybe survive the CC train?
I am actually all for this.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited April 2013
Clerics were nerfed for PvE just as much (if not more) than PvP balancing.
Even with the nerfs I don't use potions as a DC while doing PvP.
With that said Control Wizards are strong but they are a single target class. Throw a whole bunch of weight on them all at once and they will fall quickly.
There are classes which do well against a group, there are classes who do well with a group and there are classes who do well one on one.
Control wizards are only overly effective 1v1 or left alone in the corner.
Hope this is addressed or yet again, another PvP aspect down the toilet in yet another game.......
Dazed and disabled to death, may as well stand there.
I disagree I hope it doesn't change. I think the CC's are more than people are used to, but the time it takes to DPS someone down is increased by the same proportion imho. So it kind of works out, I think currently it feels different, but as people adapt I actually don't think more than some minor tweaks are needed.
Which brings me to what I really wanted to lead off with. If you're having such a problem with it that it is "game-ruining" then I honestly don't feel you are playing your class very effectively.
I went 18-1 and #1 score last queue I was in. I'm a CW, so I thought the same thing you did. Was this OP, but then I kinda went over it and I was only in PvP due to request that a few of my friends who can't play yet wanted me to stream some pvp for them. The three of us all agreed, most of my kills came through other players bad play more than anything. I frequently pulled tricks I don't expect to ever work once people are used to the gamestyle/maps/etc. Also almost every rogue I see just button mashes the second they are in melee, which in a game with a fixed target is fine, in this game, I hit blink, you waste cooldowns on air. On the other side, a well played rogue laughs at all my disables. Which is right back to what I'm saying, people just have to adapt to who should be attacking which classes. It's still new, give it some time.
I find myself dodging and spinning around and pushing people off ledges like a maniac. It's a blast. If I am getting hit by too much CC, I blame myself for not dodging or maneuvering out of the way in time. This may sound insensitive, but I like the way CC is handled here. It doesn't hold your hand. You have to play well to win.
edit: It's also important to mention that (as far as I'm aware) all CC has a tell, and if you can recognize what's being cast, quickly enough, you can dodge it.
I find myself dodging and spinning around and pushing people off ledges like a maniac. It's a blast. If I am getting hit by too much CC, I blame myself for not dodging or maneuvering out of the way in time. This may sound insensitive, but I like the way CC is handled here. It doesn't hold your hand. You have to play well to win.
edit: It's also important to mention that (as far as I'm aware) all CC has a tell, and if you can recognize what's being cast, quickly enough, you can dodge it.
Some are target based, not aoe......
Being CC'd directly is far from a skill point of view unless of course I am Neo and can stop bullets?
Anyways, again I will reiterate, the point of this post is that *chain* cc with no diminishing returns which results in having no control of the outcome, should not exsist in any decently balanced PvP based game.
It is not game breaking, it is just poor mechanics and is far from skill based. Skill dictates that you have some what a fighting chance, CC'd to death removes the entire skill point from your argument.
Clerics were nerfed for PvE just as much (if not more) than PvP balancing.
Even with the nerfs I don't use potions as a DC while doing PvP.
With that said Control Wizards are strong but they are a single target class. Throw a whole bunch of weight on them all at once and they will fall quickly.
There are classes which do well against a group, there are classes who do well with a group and there are classes who do well one on one.
Control wizards are only overly effective 1v1 or left alone in the corner.
I don't even class 1v1 as real world pvp.
I am talking about 5v5 and 20v20.
spartisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
This aspect of the game definitely need to be revisited as far as PvP goes, but I don't think it should be changed on the PvE side of things!
I wouldn't mind Control wizards using massive amounts of CC if the price for that was they do very low damage. Having their cake & eating it in this case means while one player is having fun, others aren't going to be.
:cool:PLAY TO WIN:cool:|"A light in the darkness."
10 or 60, I don't see how the game is going to be any different.
1 dazing move or hindrance and that's practically it. The only time I've seen successful PvP happen thus far is with organised groups, even then you're hard pressed to save a team mate who is being burst targeted.
PvP just isn't balanced for long fights. It's all over in a few seconds.
I have a CW lvl 60 full pvp geared, and am now leveling a GWF to 60. I think one of the major problems is that there aren't good builds for pvp floating around that people can try out and use for classes that are harder to build for. Need some GWF, GF, DC teams who stream for people to watch and see how they work. GF, GWF, DC make awesome outlast teams that can hold points and have fast rotation. High burst groups seem to dominate in pugs purely for the fact that people don't know who to focus.
If you are against a group of CW, TR, and DC's don't focus the healers. This is a misconception that seems to be floating around because of pug PVP in games like WoW. Focus CW's and TR's they are squishier and a lot more dangerous than a DC if left alone. Get a feeling for the the telegraphed signs of a CC incoming and block/dodge/determination.
Each class excels in different areas of PvP, but by no means does that discredit them in solo play. I see numerous amounts of GF's waste their blocks against my CW's basic attacks instead of waiting for my big CC bursts. I also see GWF blow their determination early and let me kite them till it runs outs, instead of pressuring me to use my dodges. I'm about to hit 20 on my GWF and I can already see talents that will make for amazing PvP builds. I'll post them as soon as I get to 60 (finals week inc )
4 sec immunity is longer than the CC it self. And more than enough time to apply the pressure needed to down the one who is CCing you(most likely a CW)
There are tells for pretty much every CC in the game. You see the CW raise his one hand you know to dodge because Entangling Force is being cast. You see the CW blink in the middle of a big fight and throw both hands in the air, well he is casting Steal Time.
You see a big patch of ice under you leave it, Icy Terrain can be a huge detriment for your whole team. See a big Black hole in the sky? run out of the circle in that 2-3 sec time span u have to escape.
This is obviously easier to do if you are closer to the CW so you can watch his animations more closely.
And the dazing strike from TR is pretty easy to dodge, you have that 1-2sec time when they're all slow in the middle of the air. That's your cue to move.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
I think the biggest problem with the chain CC is when you have multiple people using their CC on you at once. This is the case if you are a CW or a DC because people know by now that if you take out the CC and the Heals the node is yours. It can suck to get focused but I think adding a CC immunity would kind of ruin group play.
Above all else it is your whole team working in tandem that decides who wins. If you are getting chain CC'd at least that means your team members can run around fighting free of those CC's while they're all on cool down. Hell f you're getting chain CC'ed then you must be doing something right if you are now a primary target.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
The issue with heavy cc is its only fun for one person, unless there are mechanics to avoid or dispel it frequently one player is having fun the other player isn't even playing the game and has no or very little chance to counterplay it.
edit: I havent pvp'd yet so I am not passing an judgements here until i try it myself, but putting that out there. Is there proper counterplay to avoid cc? or is it click to win?
The issue with heavy cc is its only fun for one person, unless there are mechanics to avoid or dispel it frequently one player is having fun the other player isn't even playing the game and has no or very little chance to counterplay it.
edit: I havent pvp'd yet so I am not passing an judgements here until i try it myself, but putting that out there. Is there proper counterplay to avoid cc? or is it click to win?
4 sec immunity is longer than the CC it self. And more than enough time to apply the pressure needed to down the one who is CCing you(most likely a CW)
There are tells for pretty much every CC in the game. You see the CW raise his one hand you know to dodge because Entangling Force is being cast. You see the CW blink in the middle of a big fight and throw both hands in the air, well he is casting Steal Time.
You see a big patch of ice under you leave it, Icy Terrain can be a huge detriment for your whole team. See a big Black hole in the sky? run out of the circle in that 2-3 sec time span u have to escape.
This is obviously easier to do if you are closer to the CW so you can watch his animations more closely.
And the dazing strike from TR is pretty easy to dodge, you have that 1-2sec time when they're all slow in the middle of the air. That's your cue to move.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
I think the biggest problem with the chain CC is when you have multiple people using their CC on you at once. This is the case if you are a CW or a DC because people know by now that if you take out the CC and the Heals the node is yours. It can suck to get focused but I think adding a CC immunity would kind of ruin group play.
Above all else it is your whole team working in tandem that decides who wins. If you are getting chain CC'd at least that means your team members can run around fighting free of those CC's while they're all on cool down. Hell f you're getting chain CC'ed then you must be doing something right if you are now a primary target.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
1v1 or 2v2, maybe even 2v3 yeah, some, not all of these tactics may be viable for twitch gameplay.
Stepping it up into 5v5 and 20v20, no hope.
I will give you an example:
Choke Hold > Daze > Cleric Daily Stun = gg.
You won't survive it, whats worse is, you don't even have a chance to survive it. I didn't even add the CW's black hole ability and other classes roots.
What the **** is wrong with you people? The meta game hasn't really fully developed and most of the time you're playing with pick up groups who have not one iota of organization.
Correct me if I am wrong and supply evidence of such but I am pretty sure you can get together a high resistance/HP gear set along with picking feats (respeccing if need be) for maximum mitigation which should be enough to tank several damage sources provided you have support of your own - in other words you cannot be alpha'd down.
Also why the **** are you even thinking about taking on say 5 CW or anything really blobbing at one point? You know both maps allow you to move freely from all the points right? You can just settle for a 2v2v1 rather than go for a direct 5v5. You win by points, not necessarily by killing people.
The OP's entire post is to iterate that skill =! chain CC, yet given the short duration and how easily it can be interrupted or avoided it appears that it takes some skill to chain CC and to avoid being chain CC'ed. In a matter of fact, for chain CC to even work it requires ... well, multiple people and in which case where are your friends?
The CC is fine in this game. Every class gets a boatload of it and no one is really on any advantage except 1v1 against a Control Wizard (which even then a Guardian laughs at). In fact adding an immunity to CC in PvP would grossly disrupt the balance of PvP and put it entirely in the hands of Rogues who have high flat out burst damage which with immunity to CC basically would make them wrecking balls.
freeloaderzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I like how cc works in nw, once you figure out the different types of cc most can be countered with good teamwork.
Dazed and disabled to death, may as well stand there.
It gets worse, because if there is PvP resistances on said gear, then the people who rely on CC to get kills will cry a river that CC resists are too high....
Anyways, something to remain vigilant about and keep an eye on.
Trickster Rogues counter CC clases at the moment, they can cleanse out of all your disables and 100-0 you.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
I would rather the game not have diminishing returns either. Use your class how you see fit. Trust me, every class (except one) is very viable In PvP.
This is not the point.
The point is, you can lose total control of your character with no chance of survival due to CC trivializing it.
They nerfed Cleric healing due to trivializing a fight by not being able to be killed and reduced self healing by 40%.
So....maybe, we should undo that nerf and leave CC as is so we can slip a heal in and maybe survive the CC train?
I am not famaliar with the 4E ruleset, but in saying that, I know there was items you could get that made you immune to crowd control effects.
Something to consider.
I am actually all for this.
Even with the nerfs I don't use potions as a DC while doing PvP.
With that said Control Wizards are strong but they are a single target class. Throw a whole bunch of weight on them all at once and they will fall quickly.
There are classes which do well against a group, there are classes who do well with a group and there are classes who do well one on one.
Control wizards are only overly effective 1v1 or left alone in the corner.
I disagree I hope it doesn't change. I think the CC's are more than people are used to, but the time it takes to DPS someone down is increased by the same proportion imho. So it kind of works out, I think currently it feels different, but as people adapt I actually don't think more than some minor tweaks are needed.
Which brings me to what I really wanted to lead off with. If you're having such a problem with it that it is "game-ruining" then I honestly don't feel you are playing your class very effectively.
I went 18-1 and #1 score last queue I was in. I'm a CW, so I thought the same thing you did. Was this OP, but then I kinda went over it and I was only in PvP due to request that a few of my friends who can't play yet wanted me to stream some pvp for them. The three of us all agreed, most of my kills came through other players bad play more than anything. I frequently pulled tricks I don't expect to ever work once people are used to the gamestyle/maps/etc. Also almost every rogue I see just button mashes the second they are in melee, which in a game with a fixed target is fine, in this game, I hit blink, you waste cooldowns on air. On the other side, a well played rogue laughs at all my disables. Which is right back to what I'm saying, people just have to adapt to who should be attacking which classes. It's still new, give it some time.
edit: It's also important to mention that (as far as I'm aware) all CC has a tell, and if you can recognize what's being cast, quickly enough, you can dodge it.
Some are target based, not aoe......
Being CC'd directly is far from a skill point of view unless of course I am Neo and can stop bullets?
Anyways, again I will reiterate, the point of this post is that *chain* cc with no diminishing returns which results in having no control of the outcome, should not exsist in any decently balanced PvP based game.
It is not game breaking, it is just poor mechanics and is far from skill based. Skill dictates that you have some what a fighting chance, CC'd to death removes the entire skill point from your argument.
I don't even class 1v1 as real world pvp.
I am talking about 5v5 and 20v20.
1 dazing move or hindrance and that's practically it. The only time I've seen successful PvP happen thus far is with organised groups, even then you're hard pressed to save a team mate who is being burst targeted.
PvP just isn't balanced for long fights. It's all over in a few seconds.
If you are against a group of CW, TR, and DC's don't focus the healers. This is a misconception that seems to be floating around because of pug PVP in games like WoW. Focus CW's and TR's they are squishier and a lot more dangerous than a DC if left alone. Get a feeling for the the telegraphed signs of a CC incoming and block/dodge/determination.
Each class excels in different areas of PvP, but by no means does that discredit them in solo play. I see numerous amounts of GF's waste their blocks against my CW's basic attacks instead of waiting for my big CC bursts. I also see GWF blow their determination early and let me kite them till it runs outs, instead of pressuring me to use my dodges. I'm about to hit 20 on my GWF and I can already see talents that will make for amazing PvP builds. I'll post them as soon as I get to 60 (finals week inc
There are tells for pretty much every CC in the game. You see the CW raise his one hand you know to dodge because Entangling Force is being cast. You see the CW blink in the middle of a big fight and throw both hands in the air, well he is casting Steal Time.
You see a big patch of ice under you leave it, Icy Terrain can be a huge detriment for your whole team. See a big Black hole in the sky? run out of the circle in that 2-3 sec time span u have to escape.
This is obviously easier to do if you are closer to the CW so you can watch his animations more closely.
And the dazing strike from TR is pretty easy to dodge, you have that 1-2sec time when they're all slow in the middle of the air. That's your cue to move.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
I think the biggest problem with the chain CC is when you have multiple people using their CC on you at once. This is the case if you are a CW or a DC because people know by now that if you take out the CC and the Heals the node is yours. It can suck to get focused but I think adding a CC immunity would kind of ruin group play.
Above all else it is your whole team working in tandem that decides who wins. If you are getting chain CC'd at least that means your team members can run around fighting free of those CC's while they're all on cool down. Hell f you're getting chain CC'ed then you must be doing something right if you are now a primary target.
Everyone has an escape, GF can block all CC so instead of running away and escaping they just stand tall and say NO.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
edit: I havent pvp'd yet so I am not passing an judgements here until i try it myself, but putting that out there. Is there proper counterplay to avoid cc? or is it click to win?
It all comes down to timing and positioning.
PVPer rocking it Solo queue style since the dawn of Neverwinter
You are 100% correct.
1v1 or 2v2, maybe even 2v3 yeah, some, not all of these tactics may be viable for twitch gameplay.
Stepping it up into 5v5 and 20v20, no hope.
I will give you an example:
Choke Hold > Daze > Cleric Daily Stun = gg.
You won't survive it, whats worse is, you don't even have a chance to survive it. I didn't even add the CW's black hole ability and other classes roots.
Correct me if I am wrong and supply evidence of such but I am pretty sure you can get together a high resistance/HP gear set along with picking feats (respeccing if need be) for maximum mitigation which should be enough to tank several damage sources provided you have support of your own - in other words you cannot be alpha'd down.
Also why the **** are you even thinking about taking on say 5 CW or anything really blobbing at one point? You know both maps allow you to move freely from all the points right? You can just settle for a 2v2v1 rather than go for a direct 5v5. You win by points, not necessarily by killing people.
The OP's entire post is to iterate that skill =! chain CC, yet given the short duration and how easily it can be interrupted or avoided it appears that it takes some skill to chain CC and to avoid being chain CC'ed. In a matter of fact, for chain CC to even work it requires ... well, multiple people and in which case where are your friends?