Hi everyone i wanted to get some feedback from other players about my laptop to see if it can play D&D Neverwinter. I dont know that much about computer terms but i am going to post the stats and anyone can tell if it will be able to hand it. Model Notebook 53JW/G53JQ Series
Processor Intel (R) Core i7 CPU Q 740
@1.73 GHz 1.73 GHz
RAM: 6.00
System type:64-bit OS
Graphics: Nvidia geforce GTX460M 1.5GB
Thanks all input will help greatly
It should be able to handle the game on higher end settings with little problems depending on how good the cooling system is.
You have the power but the major variable on laptops is heat dispersion.
But you can play for sure!
See you in game.
See you there!
Thats not good advice, I have several friends playing from DSL and Cable connections with no issues at all.