Devs I dont know if this subject has been broached before so ill keep it short. Please disable the use of current mythos character names. I think I will go completely insane if i see hundreds of Drizzit's running around the world. Lets try and pull a slight bit of creativity out of our user base. Again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Looking to be a great game and I cant wait for Sat.
Forget that, how about just making it so people can't name themselves TitsMcAssFudge or bunchofrandomlettersandcharacters ??
and yes, I do realize my FORUM name isn't exactly role-play-appropriate, but I'm not talking about forum names; I'm talking about in-game character names.
Flint Battle hammer will be me name. An amalgamation of two great dwarves. or maybe Son 'O Pwent
delgatto42Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 135Bounty Hunter
edited April 2013
Yesterday there was a dev that went on the record saying only obscenities will be "an issue." Look for the thread called something like "3 mins in and already" or some such.
When he gets to Heaven To Saint Peter he will say, "Hand me 4d6. Lets roll the dice and play!"
kimberixMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
This makes me laugh - do these people somehow think that by naming their avatars after an established fictional character they become special in some way? If so, how do they feel if everyone also uses the same names?
Personally, as long as they don't use abusive or sexist names, then I'm not too bothered - but it does make me wonder about the psyche of some of these players.
Unfortunately, the way the Cryptic have implemented the naming convention, I imagine that a) they knew this was going to happen and b) they implemented a feature to allow this to happen
They could try and go the route of simutronics and make some special servers where you have to pay an extra fee to play on it to discourage people who aren't serious about getting into the fantasy world of the game. They also have round-the-clock, close GM monitoring on their premium shards.
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited April 2013
Maybe in a world where there are now so many Drow who have freed themselves of the evil of traditional Drow society it is not uncommon for them to name their offspring after that famous original Drow rebel. Or even for adults to take the name as their own.
perfesserpoopMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited April 2013
If you care that much about what other people do in video games that doesn't affect you in any way, I'm sorry to say that life is going to be very fustrating for you. You might not make it.
Don't have a stroke dude, clam down. Have some tea. Maybe a little perspective might help.
If you care that much about what other people do in video games that doesn't affect you in any way, I'm sorry to say that life is going to be very fustrating for you. You might not make it.
Don't have a stroke dude, clam down. Have some tea. Maybe a little perspective might help.
Hey Adventurers, let's not turn on each other here- keep it civil and constructive!
Drizzt is of course a much beloved character, and many players may choose to emulate their favorite characters. This is not something we are banning over.
The only name restrictions we have are against profanity/offensive names. You're not fooling anyone with "sofa king awesome," the GMs are from the internet and we are older than time. *shakes cane, mutters something about a lawn*
And also wrote...
I'm very disappointed that this thread has continued in this way.
As I stated previously, per Wizards of the Coast there is NO IP violation for names from the Forgotten Realms.
I had hoped that we could all show some maturity here and not concern ourselves with the naming conventions of others. Just as you are free to name your character BoBo B'Jumbo, so is your fellow player allowed to be named Drizzt.
There is an old RP'ing rule that states: Don't RP with bad rp'ers. If you feel that someone named Drizzt makes for bad RP, don't RP with them.
There is NO reason to insult each other on the forums, so I'm ending this here. If you have questions about naming policies, Please let me know and I would be happy to help.
Just throwing this in here now from the last thread that was started about this.
I agree it's a bit meh to see so many Drizzt and other variations, but at the same time... it is a drow name, so I guess as long as they come up with something else than Do'Urden as a lastname... I can accept it.
I'm not one of the offenders, but I don't know why this is bothering people so much... This has been going on since the existence of online games and it's not going to change just because the D&D label has been stamped on this game. Why do people believe that just because this is a "D&D" game that it should be held to a higher standard than any other MMO, like WoW? As long as their names aren't vulgar, obscene, sexist, etc. then it should not matter. Please remember this is a MMO first and a D&D game second and some people don't play MMOs for the RP aspect, so the name isn't as important to them as the experience or gameplay. If it really bothers you that much, don't interact with the players/characters with these names and go on enjoying the game.
About the names, I don't care as long as they don't claim to be Drizzt just a name like Eric or John anyway, probably made more common from the hero. Stupid names though, I frown upon, like those not respecting the EULA, now those I would boycott the player, sorry.
mewbreyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 517Bounty Hunter
edited April 2013
While I don't follow the D&D lore, I do find it fairly odd that people would be offended by people using the same name as a lore based character especially if they are not using the second name too... my name in real life is Kellie should I go around besmirching everyone else that would ever have the audacity at birth to be named Kellie too?
I do find it fairly odd however when people copy the second name as well... but I don't hold it against some one, perhaps I would keep them at arms length however but would never be rude towards some one for a choice of their computer game character.
In real world, there are quite a few people named after heroes from books. For example, Mohamed is quite popular in some parts of world, I've been told.
So nothing wrong in billion Drizzts I'd say. Maybe even guilds for Drizzts only... ; )
Clearly there was a market for people who wanted to play a dark elf renegade, with a panther companion and faerie fire, and pretend to be a character they like from a series of books. Who cares. Don't like it? Try pen and paper because forcing unique names will only result in more irritating derivations Ddrriiztt
Just ignore them. Don't speak with them, rp with them, run dungeons with them or conduct trade with them. Let them pay the price for blowing 200 bucks to be the first of 1000 Drizzt Clones.
Devs I dont know if this subject has been broached before so ill keep it short. Please disable the use of current mythos character names. I think I will go completely insane if i see hundreds of Drizzit's running around the world. Lets try and pull a slight bit of creativity out of our user base. Again, sorry if this has already been discussed. Looking to be a great game and I cant wait for Sat.
Yea I know, so classless.
Just blows my mind why anyone would want to use a Salvatore or other Author's content. So childish.
I keep seeing some dude named "Bruenor Battlehammer" recruiting for his guild "Mithral Hall"
So unoriginal. I'm just gonna ignore anyone that plagiarizes known author's like Salvatore. Its tacky.
In real world, there are quite a few people named after heroes from books. For example, Mohamed is quite popular in some parts of world, I've been told.
So nothing wrong in billion Drizzts I'd say. Maybe even guilds for Drizzts only... ; )
Just more signs of the "warcraft" generation. Can't wait to see what kind of dooosch-baggery they come up with at max level.
perfesserpoopMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Just ignore them. Don't speak with them, rp with them, run dungeons with them or conduct trade with them. Let them pay the price for blowing 200 bucks to be the first of 1000 Drizzt Clones.
Just /ignore them and start them down the path to a 24 hour chat ban.
netrngrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
I'm not one of the offenders, but I don't know why this is bothering people so much... This has been going on since the existence of online games and it's not going to change just because the D&D label has been stamped on this game. Why do people believe that just because this is a "D&D" game that it should be held to a higher standard than any other MMO, like WoW? As long as their names aren't vulgar, obscene, sexist, etc. then it should not matter. Please remember this is a MMO first and a D&D game second and some people don't play MMOs for the RP aspect, so the name isn't as important to them as the experience or gameplay. If it really bothers you that much, don't interact with the players/characters with these names and go on enjoying the game.
*sigh* Because some people haven't taught their children how to act in polite society and this is the average Drizzit in video games. Oh well such is life and I apologize for bringing up the subject again.
and yes, I do realize my FORUM name isn't exactly role-play-appropriate, but I'm not talking about forum names; I'm talking about in-game character names.
Personally, as long as they don't use abusive or sexist names, then I'm not too bothered - but it does make me wonder about the psyche of some of these players.
Unfortunately, the way the Cryptic have implemented the naming convention, I imagine that a) they knew this was going to happen and b) they implemented a feature to allow this to happen
Your truly
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Don't have a stroke dude, clam down. Have some tea. Maybe a little perspective might help.
People like you make my face and my palm hurt
And also wrote...
Just throwing this in here now from the last thread that was started about this.
About the names, I don't care as long as they don't claim to be Drizzt
I do find it fairly odd however when people copy the second name as well... but I don't hold it against some one, perhaps I would keep them at arms length however but would never be rude towards some one for a choice of their computer game character.
So nothing wrong in billion Drizzts I'd say. Maybe even guilds for Drizzts only... ; )
Yea I know, so classless.
Just blows my mind why anyone would want to use a Salvatore or other Author's content. So childish.
I keep seeing some dude named "Bruenor Battlehammer" recruiting for his guild "Mithral Hall"
So unoriginal. I'm just gonna ignore anyone that plagiarizes known author's like Salvatore. Its tacky.
Just more signs of the "warcraft" generation. Can't wait to see what kind of dooosch-baggery they come up with at max level.
It has already been stated by Cryptic that these names are acceptable. It is not plagiarism fyi
Just /ignore them and start them down the path to a 24 hour chat ban.
*sigh* Because some people haven't taught their children how to act in polite society and this is the average Drizzit in video games. Oh well such is life and I apologize for bringing up the subject again.