If this sounds like your cup of tea please head over to our website and fill out an application. Keep in mind most of our members are 21+ but we have an 18+ rule.
how many are u that is going to play neverwinter ? I am looking for a casual guild..
We are both Casual and very active.. most of us are 21+ and have families. so far we are around 17 people for Neverwinter (the whole cummunity is a lot bigger)
You can be as casual as you want, we will try make events for people who cant play as much as well as for very active people.
Those of us at Siren are getting ready to welcome many new players with the opening of the servers to all in a couple of hours! See you all on Dragon shard!
Great! A guild that looks good that I don't have to wait for the server merge to join. Application in.
Glad to have you with us!
OfficerofSiren www.sirensanctuary.com
jaguro88Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
This guild sounds promising.
I'm a focused "healer" class looking for some fun guildies to play some cool games.
Applied and looking forward to see and hear you guys in game.
My question only is do you guys use a voice program like raidcall?
EST is my time zone.
nightarcher1234Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited May 2013
Oh, this guild looks promising, too bad it seems you are only on Dragon. Well, I can keep the main one I was playing on Beholder since the shards will eventually merge. just got to decide which one I want to delete and move to Dragon.
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
Haha speak for yourself! ;]
Our dear Laughter is very talented in lots of things.
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
We are both Casual and very active.. most of us are 21+ and have families. so far we are around 17 people for Neverwinter (the whole cummunity is a lot bigger)
You can be as casual as you want, we will try make events for people who cant play as much as well as for very active people.
We take care of our members
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
We are a international community. NA & EU, even some Asian members.
I'm located in EU/Norway.
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
Yeah we have people from all over. I am in the US and as Hans mentioned he is from Norway.
Glad to have you and yes real life always comes first with us.
Family is key and taking care of each other
Glad to have you with us.
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
Have fun to those starting today in Siren. I'll be there on Saturday.
Twitter ~ Google+ ~ Raptr ~ Siren Sanctuary ~ MMO-Society
Siren is recruiting mature players for Neverwinter
Great! A guild that looks good that I don't have to wait for the server merge to join. Application in.
Glad to have you with us!
I'm a focused "healer" class looking for some fun guildies to play some cool games.
Applied and looking forward to see and hear you guys in game.
My question only is do you guys use a voice program like raidcall?
EST is my time zone.
Sienna Whisperwood - GWF
Irinna Brightmoon - DC
Deimia Ki'Lien - CW
Aureslia - TR
Thia Silentread - HR