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Advanced Combat Tips

derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
edited August 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I figured that since Neverwinter is an action based MMO, it would be good to compile a list of tips and tricks that may help some people survive their next encounter, or save our veteran players from giving the same lessons day in and day out. Some will be fairly common knowledge, even mentioned in-game, but you would be surprised how many people don't know about them.

If you know any tips that I may have overlooked and think they deserve to be in this thread, or I am wrong about something, feel free to post and I will add/change them if necessary. I will also add more tips and edit certain ones already posted as I find them during Open Beta.
Combat Advantage / Positioning
Combat advantage is a major part of the combat of Neverwinter, and boosts your damage quite significantly (If someone knows the exact % damage increase it gives, that would be appreciated). The easiest way to gain combat advantage against a target is to flank it from opposite sides.
If a fellow player, or even a companion is attacking something, a small white quartercircle will appear at the feet of the enemy (the white area may increase if multiple allies are attacking it at different angles). If you stand on that side of the enemy, the quartercircle will turn purple, and all damage you do while standing there will be increased, and your damage should have a sword icon next to it to confirm.
  • There are other ways to gain combat advantage, such as hitting the opponent with Dazing Strike as a Trickster Rogue, which will make all damage dealt into combat advantage damage for a limited time.
  • Certain feats will also give you combat advantage under specific circumstances, such as the Control Wizard's Renegade Paragon feat, 'Nightmare Wizardry'.
  • As a striker, try to position yourself so your defender gets combat advantage off of you, as it will help increase your damage, as well as helping them hold aggro with increased damage for themselves.
  • Enemies can also receive combat advantage for attacking you from multiple sides. Try to avoid being surrounded by using your evasive skill (shift + wasd) to keep all enemies in front of you.
  • Whenever a red area appears on the ground, do your best to get out of it, or block it as a Guardian Fighter.
  • When playing in a group with multiple melee players, if you want to be directly healed by the cleric, try stepping out of the fight a small bit and into the cleric's line of sight. This will make it infinitely easier for the cleric to target you for heals. Otherwise, continue attacking the enemies, as they should have Astral Seal on them, as well as other healing effects from the Cleric.
  • Let the Defender of your party go into a mob group first. This will allow them to maintain aggro better.
Know Your Role
Neverwinter is an MMO where classes have clearly defined jobs that they are expected to do in a party. If one person slacks off, it can make for a much tougher encounter, or even a wipe during a boss. I can't tell you how many times I've seen situations where everyone is just trying to DD, instead of doing what they were made to do. There are four roles in Neverwinter, and every class falls into one. They are Striker, Defender, Leader, and Controller.
  • Striker: specialize in dealing high amounts of damage to a single target at a time. They have the most concentrated offense of any character in the game. Strikers rely on superior mobility, trickery, or magic to move around tough foes and single out the enemy they want to attack.
  • Defender: have the highest defenses in the game and good close-up offense. They are the party’s front-line combatants; wherever they’re standing, that’s where the action is. Defenders have abilities and powers that make it difficult for enemies to move past them or to ignore them in battle.
  • Leader: inspire, heal, and aid the other characters in an adventuring group. Leaders have good defenses, but their strength lies in powers that protect their companions and target specific foes for the party to concentrate on.
  • Controller: deal with large numbers of enemies at the same time. They favor offense over defense, using powers that deal damage to multiple foes at once, as well as subtler powers that weaken, confuse, or delay their foes.
Guardian Fighter: Defender
Great Weapon Fighter: Defender/Controller
Trickster Rogue: Striker
Devoted Cleric: Leader
Control Wizard: Controller
Understand your Powers
There are several different types of powers in Neverwinter, and there is a time and place to use them. While you may be able to get through solo content just spamming cooldowns, it's generally not a good idea in group content.
  • Your "Daily" Powers (the skills mapped to 1 and 2) are not 1 use per day. Generally, with a build that isn't necessarily focused on Action Point Regen, you can use one once every few encounters.
  • Several encounter powers (the skills mapped to Q, E, and R) have important effects, such as the Guardian Fighter's Lunging Strike allowing him to close the gap between himself and the enemy very quickly. These shouldn't always be spammed for increased DPS, as you might need the effect before it is cooled down. However, that is not to say that they should NEVER be used for pure DPS. If you know you won't need it again before the cooldown, the increased damage they do is always helpful.
  • Control effects, such as stuns, dazes, freezes, knockbacks, etc. are resisted by certain larger mobs and bosses.
  • Control effects can interrupt skills from enemies (including those that create red zones), except against enemies that are immune to the effects.
  • When in a group, try not to use knockback powers on enemies that melee classes have a handle on. This ends up making the encounter take longer by lowering the overall DPS. Knockbacks can still be useful to get something off the cleric, or knock an enemy into a bottomless pit, but in general, be wary of when you're using them.
In group play, communication is a VERY important thing. Even in PUGs, try not to be antisocial just because you don't know the people you're playing with. Everyone is there for a common interest, work with it.
  • If you have a headset+microphone for your computer, that is the best option for easy communication between allies. The game has a built-in voice chat, use it.
  • Don't assume everyone can read your mind. If you're planning on doing something specific in a certain area, let the team know ahead of time.
  • If you're in a PUG, ask at the start of the instance if anyone is new to it. It will save a lot of headaches later on if you can explain something to them early, rather than assuming everyone knows how a mechanic works and being frustrated that they don't.
General Combat
Basically anything else that doesn't have a defined 'genre' during combat/grouping will go here.
  • Use line of sight to your advantage against enemies. If there are ranged mobs, have one of your party members grab their attention with a ranged power and run behind a wall or pillar. This will cause the ranged enemies to follow the person around the corner, which will put them in a nice cluster for everyone else to AoE down.
  • As a ranged class, use high ground to your advantage. If you can manage to position yourself on top of a tall building or wall near an encounter, most melee enemies will not be able to reach you. However, even if they can't, stay out of their red splats, as you can still be hurt by those skills.
  • Healers in Neverwinter won't be able to keep you alive if you're face-tanking. Try to avoid as much damage as possible through dodging/blocking. Or if you must face-tank, use potions to offset the difference in damage vs heals.
  • It's generally frowned upon to roll "Need" on every green/blue drop, and is a good way to get on people's ignore lists for further dungeons. As a courtesy rule, roll "Need" only on items that are colored/gray (ones your class can use/eventually use), and "Greed" or "Pass" on anything red (items your class will never be able to use).
  • Don't rush into combat expecting a Cleric to have your back at all times (even if it's your Companion). You've got potions, use them when you need them, as waiting for a heal will sometimes result in death.
  • You will occasionally run into enemies that summon minions. Try to keep these guys incapacitated as long as possible. If they do successfully summon their minions, continue to focus on them, as focusing on the minions is just going to allow the main enemy to summon more.

I look forward to getting feedback from people, and would be much appreciate it if the Hero pack purchasers could post additional things they discover from their early access gameplay.
The "thank you" section to those who helped evolve this thread by adding additional information either directly or indirectly.

mazzles | prunetracy | kotli | quorforged | xcammi | zzyatpw | beardyalebelly | argantis | lordxenite
Post edited by derressh on


  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    ADMINISTRATORS/MODERATORS: This needs to be a sticky.
  • kotlikotli Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 577
    edited April 2013
    I will say this the GWF should go after the adds that spawn in boss fights (since he is AOE DPS) with wizard/cleric helping as needed.

    The rogue stays on the Boss with the Tank (Single target DPS king).

    Oh and the single biggest thing don't stand in the red marked zone as a mob is about to release a high damage attack there, ether get out of the zone or block (Guardian Fighter) or use an interrupt skill (stuns knockbacks etc as long as the mob isn't immune, some big bosses are to some of these effects).
  • derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    kotli wrote: »
    I will say this the GWF should go after the adds that spawn in boss fights (since he is AOE DPS) with wizard/cleric helping as needed.

    The rogue stays on the Boss with the Tank (Single target DPS king).

    Oh and the single biggest thing don't stand in the red marked zone as a mob is about to release a high damage attack there, ether get out of the zone or block (Guardian Fighter) or use an interrupt skill (stuns knockbacks etc as long as the mob isn't immune, some big bosses are to some of these effects).

    I'll try to find a specific spot to edit the thread to specify the rogue vs GWF thing, and thanks for bringing up that part in red. I actually thought about that when I wanted to make this thread, but completely forgot about it over the course of typing it out.

    Much appreciated.
  • quorforgedquorforged Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I'd say that an important difference between Neverwinter and most other role-based MMOs is that the "healer" is not your red-bar nanny. They simply cannot keep up if you aren't playing smart, and avoiding the big damage splats. Even the tank needs to block (or better, avoid entirely) those big hits.
  • derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    quorforged wrote: »
    I'd say that an important difference between Neverwinter and most other role-based MMOs is that the "healer" is not your red-bar nanny. They simply cannot keep up if you aren't playing smart, and avoiding the big damage splats. Even the tank needs to block (or better, avoid entirely) those big hits.

    This is probably a good thing to add as well. Didn't even think much about it since I've been playing action MMOs for so long now, and it's not really something I think about anymore. Thanks.
  • derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Bumping this for BWE4 reference and input.
  • xcammixcammi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 98
    edited April 2013
    Not sure if which category this might go in, but does it make sense to put something in about rolling/dodging with the shift key? It's definitely key in positioning and "staying out of the red stuff".

    Er, never mind, I see it's there now.
    There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
  • xcammixcammi Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 98
    edited April 2013
    I guess what I can add, is that one of my frustrations as melee is the ranged attackers using knockbacks that force me to move and re-position myself before I can continue fighting. It makes the encounters longer because DPS is interrupted.

    To put it in a nicer way, be mindful of knockback skills, because they interrupt melee damage on the enemies and draw out the encounters. Use them if the group is overrun or away from melee targets. :eek:
    There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
  • dagger2thugtrap7dagger2thugtrap7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    This thread is awesome!You should really read what OP written
  • decubisdecubis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 90
    edited April 2013
    Very nice post.
    Greetings Decubis,
    Decubis: Dwarf Guardian Fighter: lvl 60
    Demic: Human Devoted Cleric: lvl 60
    Server: Beholder Guild: The Unnamed
  • paleminsupaleminsu Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10
    edited April 2013
    Thank you ...
    I will study this :)
  • zzyatpwzzyatpw Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 55
    edited April 2013
    use hp potions! dont save them even u have a DC in the grp.

    dont forget to summon minion in dungeons.

    when u roll loot in a grp, the rule is very important and simple: shift +1 when the icon is green and shift +2 when the icon is red.

    highly recommend to announce the 3rd although it's not about combat.
  • taeryltaeryl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 41
    edited April 2013
    Great info!
  • berserkerkitten8berserkerkitten8 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Always aim the pointy end at the enemy.
    They're not called respect tokens...
  • blasph3m3blasph3m3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Great post, really informative. Kudos.

    +1 for sticky.
  • beardyalebellybeardyalebelly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 48
    edited April 2013
    Good guide, but the definitions you have for the roles are a bit misleading. This is one of the confusions people have concerning the Great Weapon Fighter. I'll just copy paste straight from the Player handbook:

    Controllers deal with large numbers of enemies at the
    same time. They favor offense over defense, using powers
    that deal damage to multiple foes at once
    , as well as subtler
    powers that weaken, confuse, or delay their foes.

    Strikers specialize in dealing high amounts of damage
    to a single target
    at a time. They have the most concentrated
    offense of any character in the game. Strikers rely
    on superior mobility, trickery, or magic to move around
    tough foes and single out the enemy they want to attack.

    Defenders have the highest defenses in the game and
    good close-up offense. They are the party’s front-line
    combatants; wherever they’re standing, that’s where
    the action is. Defenders have abilities and powers that
    make it difficult for enemies to move past them or to
    ignore them in battle.
    -= Dark Star Syndicate - Heavy RP, Dark Themes =-
    Website Recruitment
  • beardyalebellybeardyalebelly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 48
    edited April 2013
    So there's no such thing as an "AOE striker". The definition of striker is concentrated damage on a single target. What people have been calling the AOE striker is actually a Defender/Controller hybrid.
    -= Dark Star Syndicate - Heavy RP, Dark Themes =-
    Website Recruitment
  • derresshderressh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Good guide, but the definitions you have for the roles are a bit misleading. This is one of the confusions people have concerning the Great Weapon Fighter. I'll just copy paste straight from the Player handbook:

    Controllers deal with large numbers of enemies at the
    same time. They favor offense over defense, using powers
    that deal damage to multiple foes at once
    , as well as subtler
    powers that weaken, confuse, or delay their foes.

    Strikers specialize in dealing high amounts of damage
    to a single target
    at a time. They have the most concentrated
    offense of any character in the game. Strikers rely
    on superior mobility, trickery, or magic to move around
    tough foes and single out the enemy they want to attack.

    Defenders have the highest defenses in the game and
    good close-up offense. They are the party’s front-line
    combatants; wherever they’re standing, that’s where
    the action is. Defenders have abilities and powers that
    make it difficult for enemies to move past them or to
    ignore them in battle.

    Yeah, I initially had them labeled as Defender/Controller for that reason, but changed it for some reason I can't remember a while back. I think I'll change it back. I think I'll change my role definitions to those as well, since what I had them listed as is just my interpretation having never played 4e. Can you give me the definition for Leader as well? Appreciate it.
  • beardyalebellybeardyalebelly Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 48
    edited April 2013
    derressh wrote: »
    Yeah, I initially had them labeled as Defender/Controller for that reason, but changed it for some reason I can't remember a while back. I think I'll change it back. I think I'll change my role definitions to those as well, since what I had them listed as is just my interpretation having never played 4e. Can you give me the definition for Leader as well? Appreciate it.

    Sure thing! I know there's still a big debate about what role the GWF fills since there hasn't been an official post about it. I think people are just too used to the idea of "DPS, TANK, or HEALS".

    Leaders inspire, heal, and aid the other characters in
    an adventuring group. Leaders have good defenses,
    but their strength lies in powers that protect their
    companions and target specific foes for the party to
    concentrate on.
    -= Dark Star Syndicate - Heavy RP, Dark Themes =-
    Website Recruitment
  • milkshakes777milkshakes777 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Good thread. Much appreciated.
  • helbjornhelbjorn Member Posts: 678 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for a very helpful thread. Wish there was a "request sticky" button.
  • elderock67elderock67 Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Nicely done, thanks for taking the time to post this.
  • morvek01morvek01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 118 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    •When in a group, try not to use knockback powers on enemies that melee classes have a handle on. This ends up making the encounter take longer by lowering the overall DPS. Knockbacks can still be useful to get something off the cleric, but in general, be wary of when you're using them.

    THIS ^, I didn't want to cut that whole page up to get this one part for a direct quote. The whole page is spot-on, but this part in particular.....PLEASE if you use or have knockbacks pay attention to this. This APPLIES TO COMPANIONS that knockback as well.
    If you can't be constructive in your criticism, go back to world-of-whiners.
  • sodjersodjer Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Thanks for this post/thread derressh and also to the other posters that contributed. This is probably the single most useful thread I've read on the forums. Well done!
  • lordxenitelordxenite Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Awesome thread, thanks. Should be stickied!

    Some Control Wizard tips:

    1. Don't belittle Cold/Chill even if it does less damage, it can still AoE freeze.

    2. Always read Spell/Skill hints and description and check the Spell Mastery tip for each one.

    3. Try and experiment with different Encounter powers in the Spell Mastery slot, see what works best for your playstyle.

    4. If you're focused on Controlling enemies and you see a downed ally/teammate consider quickly disabling enemies around them, then helping them back to their feat.

    5. Don't rush into combat expecting a Cleric to have your back at all times (even if it's your Companion!). You've got potions, use them when you need them instead of waiting for a heal!

    6. Always be on the lookout for any enemy that is trying to call for help, drink potions or cast any spells. Try to stun/freeze them before they complete their action, if you can.
    The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
    * Dec 2007 (CO)
    * Oct 2008 (STO)
  • argantisargantis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    You could probably best define the GWF as the following

    Secondary Defender / Controller Damage with Limited Control Effects / Striker Mobility

    Some other additions could help as well, such as:

    Unless you are the defender leading the group into battle, please stay behind them initially and wait for them to initiate combat. This helps them to manage and maintain the aggro for the entire fight. Most defenders have a TAB mechanic that actually requires them to be hit in order for them to perform their class role. Please be mindful of aggro. The one exception to this rule might be a rogue going a short distance ahead to disarm a trap.

    Groups need to stick together. It is very bad to get spread out and and fight as separate smaller groups. Not only do you focus less damage onto the packs of mobs, but your leader will many times be unable to assist both groups at once. Please let one defender lead the group through the dungeon. If you have a desire to explore or go off the beaten path then communicate it rather than just abandoning the group.
  • lexthegreatlexthegreat Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Great thread. Thanks!
  • argantisargantis Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    lordxenite wrote: »
    Never ever expect to be healed. You've got potions, if you need them, use them!

    I really don't agree with this in the wording there. It makes it seem like it is OK for Leaders to never heal party members and that is not really cool. I understand that they may be on cool down and need to be building power through damage, but Leaders should strive to keep all members of the group alive. Unless they need to let them die over and over to teach them to not stand in red splats. But I am not sure that always works as intended.
  • teethxteethx Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    This is very good, those that have knowledge such as your self, aegantis, lordxenite and the dwarf that talked about controller/defender should all keep adding in and editing stuff, this could easily be a beginners sticky.
  • lordxenitelordxenite Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    argantis wrote: »
    I really don't agree with this in the wording there. It makes it seem like it is OK for Leaders to never heal party members and that is not really cool. I understand that they may be on cool down and need to be building power through damage, but Leaders should strive to keep all members of the group alive. Unless they need to let them die over and over to teach them to not stand in red splats. But I am not sure that always works as intended.
    Thanks for your input, I decided to revise the tip into this:
    lordxenite wrote: »
    • Don't rush into combat expecting a Cleric to have your back at all times (even if it's your Companion!). You've got potions, use them when you need them instead of waiting for a heal!
    The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
    * Dec 2007 (CO)
    * Oct 2008 (STO)
This discussion has been closed.