I've decided to make a thread where players can post up any tips/advice they have for players starting out in the game. I have some of my own, but please do add any you happen to have or think would help players out, since the game essentially starts off very soon.
The tips I have are:
1) Looking for mouse zoom? Press the "b" key to toggle to screen shot mode which will allow you to mouse wheel/zoom around your character like other MMO's. Sadly, this is the only way you can mouse zoom in the game at this time.
2) The "N" key will toggle open the professions menu. I think this is available for players at level 10 (might be earlier, i'm not 100% sure)
3)Bought Zen or got Bonus AD? You can claim these from the small Diamond shape icon in the menu at the top center of the screen.
4)Where are your founders items? Click on the mail icon in the menu at the top center of the screen. You will see your founders items mail. These will have attachments with them. You need to go to the Mail Courier in the first zone you enter after the tutorial (Protectors Enclave) to collect these items. Press the "M" key to open your map when your there & go to the Mail icon on the map.
5)You can use mounts at level 20.
That's all the ones I have so far. Please add to these.
:cool:PLAY TO WIN:cool:|"A light in the darkness."
If I believed in conspiracies I would say Cryptic removed class forums for launch so people are in the dark with their build and have to spend $$$ on respecs.
derresshMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited April 2013
I made a thread with a ton of combat/gameplay tips that didn't get much attention. Link is in my signature.
I made a thread with a ton of combat/gameplay tips that didn't get much attention. Link is in my signature.
Great advice Derressh.
:cool:PLAY TO WIN:cool:|"A light in the darkness."
silvergryphMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 740Arc User
edited April 2013
Don't Identify everything you find. Start with items that are not tinted red. The red ones are not usable by your class. After around level 30 or so it will start to pay off to identify some red items and auction them. At higher levels it may even be worthwhile to ID them and then vendor for gold. But always start with the ones you can use so you don't get stuck with some shiny recommended gear that you can't ID because you used the last one on vendor trash. ID scrolls are an important resource. Only invest ID scrolls in non-class gear if you are reasonbly sure you can recoup that investment or preferrably make a profit.
1. Save your gold until you hit level 20; you will need it to buy a mount (unless you are a founder and already have one). After this your gold will only be useful for buying *white* companions (white companions have a max level of 15), Profession materials, the three horse mounts (just different models), and gear. The gear is useful to round yourself out every 10 levels or so which brings me to
2. Check the Vendors for gear; gold (in the betas) lost its usefulness the higher I leveled, you can buy some very useful gear about once every 5-7 levels from the vendors, the level of the gear upgrades as you level higher, so check it every 5 levels or so.
3. Daily Quests; there is an Astral Diamond vendor outside the market that is right next to the Daily quest person, you can also hit L (I think thats the keybind) to open a UI to accept these without going to the quest guy. These quests give you a leveled amount of AD (Astral Diamonds; At level 50 you can gain 13000 across all four dailies (PVP, Foundry, Dungeons, and one other... can't remember what it was), which brings me to
4. Astral Diamonds, these are used for just about ANYTHING in the game, they are used for anything on the Auction house; they are used to buy Zen without putting in real money; they are used to upgrade mounts to a faster speed; they are used to buy certain pieces of gear from vendors, they are used to "socket" companions and gear for better stats, they are used to speed up profession missions. Basically it is the Primary currency of Neverwinter; They come in two different types, refined and unrefined. If you bought a founders pack then you will be recieving refined AD; all AD that I have seen in earned in game has been unrefined.
5. Earning AD: They can be hard to earn and you can only "refine" 24000 a day. Only refined AD is spendable. You can earn them by completing the Daily quests, Doing Skirmishs during the Skirmish event (1000 unrefined AD per skirmish), Some profession missions, and by Invoking the gods.
6. Invoking the gods is a spell you obtain around level 10, if you hit 10 I suggest you immediately go back to Protectors Enclave and talk to Sgt. Knox (the guy who has been giving you the main story quests); he will give you a quest to learn how to do this. Invoking the gods is something you want to get and use as much as possible, you can obtain Items, Astral Diamonds, 1-2 hour long buffs to your character, Experience, and Coins.
7. Coins, Bounty, Seals; There are two types of coins,
Ardent Coins: These are obtained from invoking and give you access to exclusive rewards from a shop called the Piety Vault. Some of the items can ONLY be obtained there, you cannot buy an Angel of Protection companion from the cash shop, but you can get one from the Piety Vault shop. Ardent coins are bound to character and cannot be bought or traded. To my knowledge (pleaase correct me if I am wrong) These coins can only be gained from invoking once per day.
Celestial Coins: these are also gained from invoking, however if you go 24 hours without invoking they disappear. The most costly thing I have seen that can be bought with these costed 7 coins; however in BW4 the most expensive item was 5 coins.
Bounty: In each area there are items that drop that may be traded in for a bounty item; this item is usually something that is useful to you character in that particular area. For example an Elixir that increases your damage against orcs in the area where there is mostly orc enemies. The bounty tokens are also used to buy different Seals from the vendor depending on the area. 10 tokens per elixir and 40 per seal.
Seals: Seals are badges you can trade in for dungeon quality gear, different Seals represent different level gear that can be traded for by a vendor. The vendor is located in the market, in Protectors Enclave. You can also obtain Seals from looting dungeon bosses, 1 drops per boss.
8. Mics and grouping; Many people do not know this, however when you group up with someone your group is automatically set to "open". This means ANYONE can right click you and join your group, even in an instance (if they use the group finder). There is an option to turn this off.
Also Voice chat is turned on by default, this is something I suggest leaving on because it can help coordinate your group (if its working, it had a habit of crashing alot in the Cbeta). There are also options for turning this on or off, and for calibrating your mic/voice chat in game.
9. Combat rooting and movement speed.
I played a control wizard and am almost always a caster. The mobs in the game move EXTREMELY fast and when you attack on anyone you are rooted in place while you do so. This means that kiting takes place as a move - cast - move leapfrog movement while using your "dodge" move. There are items and enchant stones with movement speed on them and this can GREATLY improve your ability to kite, even more so than any other game I have played. (probably because of the rooting mechanic). So if you want to be able to kite semi-effectively in this game, be prepared to sacrifice some stats for movement speed. This is Particularly useful (I found) against Melee classes in PVP.
You CAN'T outrun mobs while on foot. They will keep hitting you and chase you all the way back to a camp. And some places they will come in the camp and get you.
You CAN'T outrun mobs while on foot. They will keep hitting you and chase you all the way back to a camp. And some places they will come in the camp and get you.
Which brings up another good point: beware when going AFK at a camp, even within the campfire ring. If someone trains Lockjaw to the Docks, you could be in trouble.
When PvPing: you can invoke your god in the campfire circle in any PvP match if you notice you need to do so.
itdude123Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Lockjaw, man that's showing your age (and mine)! lol
ervonisMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 21Arc User
edited April 2013
Thank you ever so much bismar7.
itdude123Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Not sure if this is still in, but right clicking on the stacked enchantments in your inventory will let you combine 4 to get a better enchantment. This also works with the pet enchantments I believe.
csileMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited April 2013
*When entering an other area to do a quest(where you need to click on the place on the map) you can go to any Zone exit, not just the one that the "helper" shows you.
*When you hit lvl 16 you get a quest so you can get a free Companion.
*The companion levels and get exp.
* Everytime the companion has reached a level he or she needs to go train, you have to send them go training.
* Your companion can wear items (cant remember the levels)
* You need to claim your Astrial Diamons, but remember once claimed its bound to that character.
Which brings up another good point: beware when going AFK at a camp, even within the campfire ring. If someone trains Lockjaw to the Docks, you could be in trouble.
When PvPing: you can invoke your god in the campfire circle in any PvP match if you notice you need to do so.
OMG... Kudos for your Lockjaw reference. How many times that gator has killed me over the years, i'll never know. Always a treat to get that hide vest though!
5. Earning AD: They can be hard to earn and you can only "refine" 24000 a day. Only refined AD is spendable. You can earn them by completing the Daily quests, Doing Skirmishs during the Skirmish event (1000 unrefined AD per skirmish), Some profession missions, and by Invoking the gods.
How do you refine your unrefined AD? I had some in Beta 4 but never needed them and it never occurred to me to even attempt to refine them.
Nice tips btw. Thanks for sharing these, all of you sharers.
How do you refine your unrefined AD? I had some in Beta 4 but never needed them and it never occurred to me to even attempt to refine them.
Nice tips btw. Thanks for sharing these, all of you sharers.
You open your bag/inventory and click on the Currency tab; under the currency tab there is a "refine" button that keeps track of how many you have refined in that day, and how many you can still refine. You click it to refine all the unrefined AD you currently have up to 24000 .
If you don't like the default keybindings, PLEASE change them to your liking. I don't want to count how many people probably loaded up the beta and quit because they weren't used to NW style of movement/attacking. You'd be surprised, I'm sure. Personally, I enjoy moving with my mouse, so I changed the keybindings. Don't get discouraged. Customize to your liking!
The ADEx is like a bank. this 'bank' allows your alts to access it. if you remove ALL your AD on one character and wish to have something on an alt, you'll have to pay the exchange fee to place it back in the ADEx. You place an order and cancel it really quickly.
Only remove what AD you need to make your purchase.
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
I probably should be looking out for me and mine, but I have a big heart so.... this is something I posted to my guild mates and I will share with you all.
First of all, if you are unsure of which class you will like just read the class forums or ask one of us about them. The game play stays pretty true to the 4e rules of Defender, Leader, Controller, Striker in my opinion.
Now here is a couple of things that I found in closed beta weekend four.
1) ID Scrolls: Do not bother with identifying out of class items. At level 1 to 50 I earned roughly 25 gold, a whopping 2 gold of that was from identifying everything I came across. Whittle things down in the following manner.
A) If it is out of class, do not identify it. Just vendor it for the 1/10th item value, decimals are dropped. So an item that vendors for 16 copper unidentified may well be worth 1 silver 69 coppers once you identify it.
Do not identify any items that are lower level than the gear you are wearing.
C) Only identify same level items once you are post level 40 and you do not like the stats on your current gear.
2) Item Enchantments. Personally I would only enchant your gear with the same rank of enchantments that are dropping where you are currently questing. If you are picking up rank 1 sigils and runes then only slot rank 1 enchantments. It is not worth the AD to pull them out at all. It costs more AD per rank of enchantment and more AD per level of gear you are pulling it from. At level 50 it was costing me upwards of 16k AD to pull a rank 4 enchantment from level 44 gear. At level 50 in the Chasm rank 3 and rarely 4 sigils and runes were dropping. So I used rank 3 to enchant, it worked just fine. I did have several rank 5 blue enchantments in my bank though and I was just saving them for combines to eventually work towards end game enchantments.
Oh and if you really want to build up enchantments, get the 4 kits for your out of class nodes. It costs about 90 silver for a stack of 20 of them but they are worth every penny. It also allows you to access certain areas if you don not have dungeoneering as a class default. If I was going to select one kit it would be that one to buy. Second would be the religion kits. They have nodes that can give buffs as well as crafting stuff and enchantments. Arcane can be nice because it will sometimes allow you to disable a spellplague fire, twice that I remember. There was also a fire disable with a religion kit. Thievery is probably my last choice of kit to carry if you are on a budget. They also buffed them to 75% success. Maybe I am paranoid but you seem to fail on a kit a lot more if you are standing too far away, or if you move. If I fail a kit I always move a little closer for my next attempt, maybe it is superstition! Also never do a kit in combat, it will auto fail.
3) Companions. They added the dog to the vendor along with every other companion you get from the intro quest, so there is no reason to pick one over the other anymore. They also reduced the cost to 2 gold. Personally I would get a companion before I got a mount. If you want to save healing potions the cleric is an excellent choice. For some classes though that cannot maintain threat off them, another selection is better. The companions are also limited to rank 15. There was three tier tokens on the vendors to upgrade to uncommon, rare, and very rare quality of companions. So if you like how your lower level companion works you can indeed get it to rank up higher. I actually used three clerics in beta and they were getting a bit weak by the time I hit level 50. I did it so that I could constantly train one and have another to summon. All of them were rank 15 for quite some time, probably since I was level 45ish. It may be worth just using one and spending the AD to rush them on training. I am not sure how pricey this gets but I am willing to bet it gets stupid silly expensive at some point. It may actually be better to play an alt than to adventure without your companion or take the AD hit.
4) Mounts. The standard gold mount is just fine to get around with. I bought the rank 2 armored black warhorse in closed beta 4. It was a rank two and the difference is negligible between it and a rank one. Rank three is surly a good bit faster than a rank one, but it is not going to kill you to use a free to play one. If you really must get a mount and you are going to pay cash, as long as you are happy with a warhorse I would just pay for the Guardian of Neverwinter $60 pack. For $20 more you get a companion and a decent chunk of AD. Also I bought the rank 2 mount for about 2 mil and some change AD. The rank 3 token was actually a similar price. So the most expensive AD mounts will be a rank 2 mount that you upgrade to rank 3.
5) Invocation. Do it, religiously, pun intended. At the very least do it once every 24 hours to keep your celestial coins. It also seems that it is character bound not account, so you can log in and invoke on all characters once a day. It is probably worth it for altaholics.
6) Bags. The bags that you quest for can actually be mailed. There is one that you get around level 6 and another slightly bigger one at the end of Neverdeath Graveyard. The quest there is about level 32ish but I usually complete it at level 29. If you do ship the bags over to an alt, or if you are deleting a character, you cannot loot the end chest reward where you will normally get the bag. IMO it is not worth mailing quest bags over because you sometimes lose out on other nice items. I don't know if this is a bug but it is what happened to me in CB4 when I deleted my 47 GWF and rerolled him, mailing all of my stuff to my new toon.
7) Speaking of Mail... You can mail your @handle to be able to get that mail on any character on your account.
8) Events. Watch the event list on the minimap. While leveling it is not hugely important but once we all hit cap it will be important to see what is awarding 1,000 AD. It is usually skirmishes which you can run 4-6 or even more of if you power them out while the event is up.
9) Be wary of the Foundry while leveling, and PvP. Both will award XP and if you want to do the skirmish and dungeon delves for the zones as you level, you must be in a pretty tight level range in order to be able to que up for them. The work around would be to run in a guild group by going to the instance entrance, though I am not sure where to find some skirmishes or all of the dungeons. I literally ran around for 3 hours looking for the entrance to the Mad Dragons Lair in CB3. Which would have been to no avail anyways since it would not let me join the public que. For anyone that is planning on doing end game PvE heroic mode stuff I highly recommend running each instance and skirmish once at level to get a feel for it. If you really want to play with the foundry I would use your second character slot for that.
10) If you hit any bugs do a Google or Neverwinter Forum search. There are some known work around solutions for some pretty nasty bugs.
Edit: If you need access to the class forums just search for them, they are still there but archived. When I say search, I mean literally use the forum search tool.
Use this guide for GWF at your own risk. Things may have already changed drastically. So be sure to check and double check before spending a single point in game on your builds.
If I believed in conspiracies I would say Cryptic removed class forums for launch so people are in the dark with their build and have to spend $$$ on respecs.
Great advice Derressh.
Champions Online Advanced Forum Search
2. Check the Vendors for gear; gold (in the betas) lost its usefulness the higher I leveled, you can buy some very useful gear about once every 5-7 levels from the vendors, the level of the gear upgrades as you level higher, so check it every 5 levels or so.
3. Daily Quests; there is an Astral Diamond vendor outside the market that is right next to the Daily quest person, you can also hit L (I think thats the keybind) to open a UI to accept these without going to the quest guy. These quests give you a leveled amount of AD (Astral Diamonds; At level 50 you can gain 13000 across all four dailies (PVP, Foundry, Dungeons, and one other... can't remember what it was), which brings me to
4. Astral Diamonds, these are used for just about ANYTHING in the game, they are used for anything on the Auction house; they are used to buy Zen without putting in real money; they are used to upgrade mounts to a faster speed; they are used to buy certain pieces of gear from vendors, they are used to "socket" companions and gear for better stats, they are used to speed up profession missions. Basically it is the Primary currency of Neverwinter; They come in two different types, refined and unrefined. If you bought a founders pack then you will be recieving refined AD; all AD that I have seen in earned in game has been unrefined.
5. Earning AD: They can be hard to earn and you can only "refine" 24000 a day. Only refined AD is spendable. You can earn them by completing the Daily quests, Doing Skirmishs during the Skirmish event (1000 unrefined AD per skirmish), Some profession missions, and by Invoking the gods.
6. Invoking the gods is a spell you obtain around level 10, if you hit 10 I suggest you immediately go back to Protectors Enclave and talk to Sgt. Knox (the guy who has been giving you the main story quests); he will give you a quest to learn how to do this. Invoking the gods is something you want to get and use as much as possible, you can obtain Items, Astral Diamonds, 1-2 hour long buffs to your character, Experience, and Coins.
7. Coins, Bounty, Seals; There are two types of coins,
Ardent Coins: These are obtained from invoking and give you access to exclusive rewards from a shop called the Piety Vault. Some of the items can ONLY be obtained there, you cannot buy an Angel of Protection companion from the cash shop, but you can get one from the Piety Vault shop. Ardent coins are bound to character and cannot be bought or traded. To my knowledge (pleaase correct me if I am wrong) These coins can only be gained from invoking once per day.
Celestial Coins: these are also gained from invoking, however if you go 24 hours without invoking they disappear. The most costly thing I have seen that can be bought with these costed 7 coins; however in BW4 the most expensive item was 5 coins.
Bounty: In each area there are items that drop that may be traded in for a bounty item; this item is usually something that is useful to you character in that particular area. For example an Elixir that increases your damage against orcs in the area where there is mostly orc enemies. The bounty tokens are also used to buy different Seals from the vendor depending on the area. 10 tokens per elixir and 40 per seal.
Seals: Seals are badges you can trade in for dungeon quality gear, different Seals represent different level gear that can be traded for by a vendor. The vendor is located in the market, in Protectors Enclave. You can also obtain Seals from looting dungeon bosses, 1 drops per boss.
8. Mics and grouping; Many people do not know this, however when you group up with someone your group is automatically set to "open". This means ANYONE can right click you and join your group, even in an instance (if they use the group finder). There is an option to turn this off.
Also Voice chat is turned on by default, this is something I suggest leaving on because it can help coordinate your group (if its working, it had a habit of crashing alot in the Cbeta). There are also options for turning this on or off, and for calibrating your mic/voice chat in game.
9. Combat rooting and movement speed.
I played a control wizard and am almost always a caster. The mobs in the game move EXTREMELY fast and when you attack on anyone you are rooted in place while you do so. This means that kiting takes place as a move - cast - move leapfrog movement while using your "dodge" move. There are items and enchant stones with movement speed on them and this can GREATLY improve your ability to kite, even more so than any other game I have played. (probably because of the rooting mechanic). So if you want to be able to kite semi-effectively in this game, be prepared to sacrifice some stats for movement speed. This is Particularly useful (I found) against Melee classes in PVP.
Finally I want to link a Thread by Derresh; http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?119021-Advanced-Combat-Tips
Check it out some really good general combat tips.
hope this helps
Which brings up another good point: beware when going AFK at a camp, even within the campfire ring. If someone trains Lockjaw to the Docks, you could be in trouble.
When PvPing: you can invoke your god in the campfire circle in any PvP match if you notice you need to do so.
this is the most important.
Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
Click Here
On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
And a change of underwear.
*When you hit lvl 16 you get a quest so you can get a free Companion.
*The companion levels and get exp.
* Everytime the companion has reached a level he or she needs to go train, you have to send them go training.
* Your companion can wear items (cant remember the levels)
* You need to claim your Astrial Diamons, but remember once claimed its bound to that character.
OMG... Kudos for your Lockjaw reference. How many times that gator has killed me over the years, i'll never know. Always a treat to get that hide vest though!
How do you refine your unrefined AD? I had some in Beta 4 but never needed them and it never occurred to me to even attempt to refine them.
Nice tips btw. Thanks for sharing these, all of you sharers.
Forum Trolls getting you down? Click here to access your personal Forum Ignore List.
You open your bag/inventory and click on the Currency tab; under the currency tab there is a "refine" button that keeps track of how many you have refined in that day, and how many you can still refine. You click it to refine all the unrefined AD you currently have up to 24000
P.S. you are welcome Ervonis.
Only remove what AD you need to make your purchase.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
don't panic!
• Gather Food and drinks before-hand.
• Take a comfy pillow and place it on the seat of the computer chair.
• Have a healthy supply of wet-wipes handy.
• Duck-tape a couple of gatorade bottles to a hat and connect feeding tubes to the bottles for easy slurping access.
• Barricade the house/apartment to shield thy-self from the outside world.
Those were the tips i could thi......*passes out on the keyboard* ZzzzZZzzz
First of all, if you are unsure of which class you will like just read the class forums or ask one of us about them. The game play stays pretty true to the 4e rules of Defender, Leader, Controller, Striker in my opinion.
Now here is a couple of things that I found in closed beta weekend four.
1) ID Scrolls: Do not bother with identifying out of class items. At level 1 to 50 I earned roughly 25 gold, a whopping 2 gold of that was from identifying everything I came across. Whittle things down in the following manner.
A) If it is out of class, do not identify it. Just vendor it for the 1/10th item value, decimals are dropped. So an item that vendors for 16 copper unidentified may well be worth 1 silver 69 coppers once you identify it.
C) Only identify same level items once you are post level 40 and you do not like the stats on your current gear.
2) Item Enchantments. Personally I would only enchant your gear with the same rank of enchantments that are dropping where you are currently questing. If you are picking up rank 1 sigils and runes then only slot rank 1 enchantments. It is not worth the AD to pull them out at all. It costs more AD per rank of enchantment and more AD per level of gear you are pulling it from. At level 50 it was costing me upwards of 16k AD to pull a rank 4 enchantment from level 44 gear. At level 50 in the Chasm rank 3 and rarely 4 sigils and runes were dropping. So I used rank 3 to enchant, it worked just fine. I did have several rank 5 blue enchantments in my bank though and I was just saving them for combines to eventually work towards end game enchantments.
Oh and if you really want to build up enchantments, get the 4 kits for your out of class nodes. It costs about 90 silver for a stack of 20 of them but they are worth every penny. It also allows you to access certain areas if you don not have dungeoneering as a class default. If I was going to select one kit it would be that one to buy. Second would be the religion kits. They have nodes that can give buffs as well as crafting stuff and enchantments. Arcane can be nice because it will sometimes allow you to disable a spellplague fire, twice that I remember. There was also a fire disable with a religion kit. Thievery is probably my last choice of kit to carry if you are on a budget. They also buffed them to 75% success. Maybe I am paranoid but you seem to fail on a kit a lot more if you are standing too far away, or if you move. If I fail a kit I always move a little closer for my next attempt, maybe it is superstition! Also never do a kit in combat, it will auto fail.
3) Companions. They added the dog to the vendor along with every other companion you get from the intro quest, so there is no reason to pick one over the other anymore. They also reduced the cost to 2 gold. Personally I would get a companion before I got a mount. If you want to save healing potions the cleric is an excellent choice. For some classes though that cannot maintain threat off them, another selection is better. The companions are also limited to rank 15. There was three tier tokens on the vendors to upgrade to uncommon, rare, and very rare quality of companions. So if you like how your lower level companion works you can indeed get it to rank up higher. I actually used three clerics in beta and they were getting a bit weak by the time I hit level 50. I did it so that I could constantly train one and have another to summon. All of them were rank 15 for quite some time, probably since I was level 45ish. It may be worth just using one and spending the AD to rush them on training. I am not sure how pricey this gets but I am willing to bet it gets stupid silly expensive at some point. It may actually be better to play an alt than to adventure without your companion or take the AD hit.
4) Mounts. The standard gold mount is just fine to get around with. I bought the rank 2 armored black warhorse in closed beta 4. It was a rank two and the difference is negligible between it and a rank one. Rank three is surly a good bit faster than a rank one, but it is not going to kill you to use a free to play one. If you really must get a mount and you are going to pay cash, as long as you are happy with a warhorse I would just pay for the Guardian of Neverwinter $60 pack. For $20 more you get a companion and a decent chunk of AD. Also I bought the rank 2 mount for about 2 mil and some change AD. The rank 3 token was actually a similar price. So the most expensive AD mounts will be a rank 2 mount that you upgrade to rank 3.
5) Invocation. Do it, religiously, pun intended. At the very least do it once every 24 hours to keep your celestial coins. It also seems that it is character bound not account, so you can log in and invoke on all characters once a day. It is probably worth it for altaholics.
6) Bags. The bags that you quest for can actually be mailed. There is one that you get around level 6 and another slightly bigger one at the end of Neverdeath Graveyard. The quest there is about level 32ish but I usually complete it at level 29. If you do ship the bags over to an alt, or if you are deleting a character, you cannot loot the end chest reward where you will normally get the bag. IMO it is not worth mailing quest bags over because you sometimes lose out on other nice items. I don't know if this is a bug but it is what happened to me in CB4 when I deleted my 47 GWF and rerolled him, mailing all of my stuff to my new toon.
7) Speaking of Mail... You can mail your @handle to be able to get that mail on any character on your account.
8) Events. Watch the event list on the minimap. While leveling it is not hugely important but once we all hit cap it will be important to see what is awarding 1,000 AD. It is usually skirmishes which you can run 4-6 or even more of if you power them out while the event is up.
9) Be wary of the Foundry while leveling, and PvP. Both will award XP and if you want to do the skirmish and dungeon delves for the zones as you level, you must be in a pretty tight level range in order to be able to que up for them. The work around would be to run in a guild group by going to the instance entrance, though I am not sure where to find some skirmishes or all of the dungeons. I literally ran around for 3 hours looking for the entrance to the Mad Dragons Lair in CB3. Which would have been to no avail anyways since it would not let me join the public que. For anyone that is planning on doing end game PvE heroic mode stuff I highly recommend running each instance and skirmish once at level to get a feel for it. If you really want to play with the foundry I would use your second character slot for that.
10) If you hit any bugs do a Google or Neverwinter Forum search. There are some known work around solutions for some pretty nasty bugs.
Edit: If you need access to the class forums just search for them, they are still there but archived. When I say search, I mean literally use the forum search tool.
Use this guide for GWF at your own risk. Things may have already changed drastically. So be sure to check and double check before spending a single point in game on your builds.
Your inventory has tabs for: Basic inventory, Currency (This is where AD is), Crafting Materials and Assets, Idle Companions.