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Foundry authors introduction thread



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    thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    Nah.. lol. that is actual work. no thanks, bobcat... lol
    Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
    Click Here

    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
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    veeiveei Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I am Veei on the forums here but will be playing as Rigas Crimstone. You guys will hear of Rigas in my Foundry content.

    I have been playing DnD since 1986 or so and MMOs since 1996 with MuDs and 1998 with Everquest Beta. In pen an paper I have played many RPGs including many years as an RPGA GrandMaster DM. I had a weekly Living City RPGA game for many years as well as DMed and various Convention across the East. As far as the modding world I was an original member of the DLA (Dragonlance Adventures) mod team back in NW1. I was worked with Steelwind as one of his map creators and quest logic writers. I had to leave the team after almost two years with them and right before they were picked up by Bioware to make the "KingMaker" expansion.

    I am really looking forward to bringing the years of stories in my head to the NW community. My first module will be published for OP, however, it is not complete. In order to get it in front of everyone I went ahead an published it. I will however, that evening of the 25th, be adding the remaining parts of the Lore.

    Look forward to gaming with everyone.

    Rigas Crimstone, Officer

    "Perfecting the art of being a meatshield since 1998"

    Banners of the Light
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    thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    It is pretty awesome to have ya, veei, with those credentials.. :) I love a good story.
    Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
    Click Here

    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
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    paravelparavel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hello everyone. . I am Mike. . I have been a MMO player since 2006 and gaming on computers in one for or another for longer than many of you have been around :) Yes. im old!

    I have ALWAYS wanted the tools and ability to tell a story in a compelling and beautiful way. I am so very excited to get my hands started on creating content for the masses. I am also huge into trying to build positive communities around games that have promise. We put together the Neverwinter Foundry community over on Google+ as a place to share ideas in conjunction with the official forums here.

    I will be working on my first quest as soon as I hit 15 on the 27th. I missed the beta by that much! I missed my code by not checking my PM's here :P

    I am @LiamAlskare in game. . Paravel is not the name I go by anymore but its what is stuck here on the forums it would seem.

    I cant wait to talk with many of you for tips and ideas. . And it is an honor to be around many who have a passion for content creation as well.

    ~Mike Norton
    aka @LiamAlskare
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    thunderspankerthunderspanker Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 713 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2013
    paravel wrote: »
    Hello everyone. . I am Mike. . I have been a MMO player since 2006 and gaming on computers in one for or another for longer than many of you have been around :) Yes. im old!

    I have ALWAYS wanted the tools and ability to tell a story in a compelling and beautiful way. I am so very excited to get my hands started on creating content for the masses. I am also huge into trying to build positive communities around games that have promise. We put together the Neverwinter Foundry community over on Google+ as a place to share ideas in conjunction with the official forums here.

    I will be working on my first quest as soon as I hit 15 on the 27th. I missed the beta by that much! I missed my code by not checking my PM's here :P

    I am @LiamAlskare in game. . Paravel is not the name I go by anymore but its what is stuck here on the forums it would seem.

    I cant wait to talk with many of you for tips and ideas. . And it is an honor to be around many who have a passion for content creation as well.

    ~Mike Norton
    aka @LiamAlskare

    I see your age, and raise you one pair of alligator skin boots when I am barefoot. lol. you are in the company of quite a few of us old timers.. there is no other game that would have brought us around, all in one spot.. :)
    Himmelville - Are you easily frightened?
    Click Here

    On one side of the mountain, there were bones...
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    wininoidwininoid Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hey Mike! Thanks for putting the G+ community together. It seems to be taking off nicely.
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    paravelparavel Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    I see your age, and raise you one pair of alligator skin boots when I am barefoot. lol. you are in the company of quite a few of us old timers.. there is no other game that would have brought us around, all in one spot.. :)

    Love your username Thunder :)

    And I agree. . Although SWTOR was one other game that had lore to spark us older generation. . To bad that it sort of fell off the face of the world. .

    @Wininold Man, no need to thank me. . I just wanted to get something going so the community could grow and complement the other outlets. . Its not mine. . its belongs to all of us.
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    zovyazovya Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hi, my name is Vhey. I'm not a DnD vet, but I've put plenty of hours into PnP with friends. I've played 80% of the MMOs out, and some that have been cancelled. I'm a writer, of controversial topics, so I won't post anything here. I like to create unusual, unpredictable stories. Even though I played City of Heroes, Champions and Star Trek, I have never thought to create a quest until Neverwinter. I just hope my mod skills can keep pace with my story telling or I might bomb out.
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    masticonusmasticonus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    Hello everyone. Masticon here (my name was already taken so I guess I'll be Masticonus).

    I'm a technology director for a small rural island school district in the northwest. I also teach technology classes that include Minecraft, Simcity, and video editing. I'm hoping to be able to include the foundry in some game design courses here at the high school. For fun I sportscast High School level League of Legends tournaments and enjoy Island life.

    I've been playing D&D since Red Box (I was about 4 at the time). I pretty much skipped 2nd ed in favor of WoD games but have been playing a good bit of 3.0 and 3.5. Most of my non-computer gaming experience has been in LARPing where I was Head of Plot and General Manager of Alliance Oregon for 8 years creating fantasy adventure weekends for 50+ players or in Games Workshop where I was hired as a store manager for a bit. I'm currently working on a LARP rules set with some WoTC guys for a World of Darkness Dark Ages LARP.

    I've been playing MMOs since Everquest and have beta'ed the majority of the major releases including EQ2, Star Wars Galaxies, Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online, SWTOR, and probably a half dozen others. Back in college I was notably ranked in the top 1000 in Starcraft for a while.

    I've been looking for a solid environment in which you could create MMO quests in a system similar to DDO's short modules. This appears to be the perfect medium for it. I've been messing around with the foundry in STO but my world knowledge isn't really strong enough to do anything impressive.
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    bobcat1313bobcat1313 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you don't mind Gill since this isn't sticky and forums are a mess without sub-cats, I was putting this on UGC/Author page. Its on bottom under additional info. I'll remove it if you want.
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    nezroy123nezroy123 Member Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm nezroy.

    I've done a few mods for a number of other games; Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age: Origins, and Oblivion.

    I have been out of the D&D scene for a long time but I'm slowly starting to catch up on the 4ed shake-ups. Spellplague... what's that now? :)

    I tend to get hung up on one major thing when creating content: consistency.

    Spatial or temporal inconsistency in a quest just drives me nuts... buildings that are bigger on the inside or shaped differently than their external appearance, transitions between maps that make no sense spatially, NPC's that just disappear or appear somewhere else for no particular reason, that kind of thing.

    Along those same lines, I also tend to spend a lot of time on "motivational consistency"; e.g. I find it annoying when quests don't provide a reasonably compelling, logical, or understandable reason for me to be doing whatever I'm doing. Or when the logic or reasoning from one objective to another is absurd.

    Lore, RP/storytelling, and multiple quest options/non-linear questing are all cool and nifty, and I try to include those elements as well. But again, these are usually driven by consistency concerns. A decent story usually evolves purely for reasons of motivational consistency, but that's typically as far as I take it. I don't add lore for the sake of lore, I only add it for the sake of being consistent with the world I'm in. I don't add non-linear questing "just because", but only when it is needed to be logically consistent within the context of whatever story evolves out of my conceit. And so on...

    Exploration/side content in particular is the hardest for me, because it drives me nuts when a quest has a sense of urgency/impending peril/mortal danger, yet there are all these side objectives/areas/whatever provided at the same time. Again, back to that consistency issue; if I'm saving the world, I'm not going to dally about.

    Anyway. Oh, and I write code for a living :) Though right now it's more like "I find creative ways to NOT write code" for a living so I have more time to play Neverwinter!
    Quests: Fate of the Bonnie Kate (NW-DE6K6H63Q)
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    granatargranatar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi Granatar here,

    I am new to making quests and even though I have played D&D and pathfinder, I never really created my own content. I am excited about being able to create content and hope to get and give some good feedback in the future.
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    thiagomagthiagomag Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 34
    edited May 2013
    Hello there, everyone!

    My name is Thiago and I am from Brazil.

    I have played countless MMOs, and have just recently found out about Neverwinter. I used to play tabletop RPGs using the 3D&T system (a much simpler D&D-based system that's fit for anime RPGs) with a few friends, and have experimented some other systems, too.

    In real life, I am a 21 years old guy who works for the Brazilian Navy. I have some spare time, and most of it is spent creating content for my Guild members to play (however, that doesn't mean this same content is not geared towards normal players!)

    I shall be posting some of my creations after I have tested them enough, and I would gladly accept feedback when I do;

    If you want to know more about me, just PM me or add me over CORE connect. I usually check it almost daily, so feel free to drop and say hi!

    Thank you,

    - Thiago
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    kerrifkerrif Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello everyone,

    I mainly go by Otnehs but I also use the name Kerrif, I've tried my hand at DMing for small groups a few times when 4th edition was released as well as playing my own characters at weekly encounters. The first time I've ever checked out creating custom maps was during Warcraft III's prime years, I would dissect and learn from other map creators and figure out all of the behind the scenes actions going on in the maps. Although I never released any custom games of my own I did learn quite a bit about what made certain maps popular and the more difficult tasks that were performed through such a custom map system. I've almost finished my first Foundry quest and am looking forward to feedback on it from the community (I'm trying to make it quite difficult).

    I'm 22 years old and currently work full-time as a senior computer technician for a large corporation as well as attending college full-time for Computer Information Systems. I play tons of games outside of Neverwinter and run an online community called YouJustLost where we gather on Google Hangouts to play games and enjoy each others company.


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    senjaxsenjax Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 49
    edited May 2013
    Hello fellow authors. I am Senjax Stormhammer. I have been playing D&D since the 2nd Edition AD&D days. I recently retired from the USAF after 20 years of service and currently looking for work here in Las Vegas. Until I find a job I have some free time to dedicate to putting out some awesome foundry work. I look forward to working with you all and sharing ideas and such. Feel free to friend me in the game. Currently located on the Dragon shard and you can find me on Senjax, Mika, or Jherico @misfit702. Special shout out to my fellow foundry buddy Moondawg.
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    drakedge2drakedge2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013

    My name is Drake.

    I am an old school DND player that fell in love with the Planescape boxed sets back when they were first released in the 90s. I was extremely sad when they took them away in 3.0. As such I have been working in the foundry to bring Planescape back to reality here in Neverwinter.

    I hope that you enjoy my content as much as I enjoy yours!

    - Oh and my handle is drakedge2 because i forgot the password and email to drakedge lol
    A story driven quest, with a fun and challenging amount of combat, that takes you into the world of Planescape, carefully hand crafted by me.
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    bluntie1bluntie1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Heya all, adjanah@bluntie1 here!

    Another professional game developer here, even if our company is small. :D I work with graphics on a daily basis and am really looking forward to seeing what the Foundry can do. More or less just arrived to Neverwinter and just reached 15 so I can get stuck into the Foundry. Will be playing and reviewing lots of you guys' stuff for fun and inspiration, so keep it coming!

    Also, does anyone know of a good Foundry-author-centered guild on Mindflayer...? :D
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    xdementiaxdementia Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My turn, hello all :)

    I am (yet another) dev irl, who's been playing d&d for the best part of the last 20 years, started with the 1st edition and still have the boxes safely stashed in the attic.

    I'm currently working on reediting a campaign that I had made for NWN, altho a lot has to be changed because the foundry isn't exactly Aurora. Still having a blast with it, altho it's not going as fast as I'd like to, mostly because I'm too busy playing ^^

    I also love to do a few foundry quests everyday, so if you posted about your quest in these forums, chances are you'll get a review from me & my girlfriend before too long ;)
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    omegaaxis2omegaaxis2 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello there.

    My experience comes from devving for a NWN PW "The Three Towns". My biggest accomplishment there was the creation of a new 'class', the trapper, through the use of scripting alone, no haks, etc.. I still get the itch from time to time, and I just published my first foundry quest yesterday. Hopefully more to come.
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    dzogendzogen Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi all and Gill, thanks for starting this thread.

    What can I say about myself? I work in advertising as a writer & strategist. If you watch TV at all you might have seen a few of my RL campaigns.

    I've been into D&D and MMOs for a long time. I think Foundry is quite brilliant and having a blast so far both making and playing CGC.
    Dzogen, Moonstar Agent
    Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
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    drakedge2drakedge2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hey there everyone!

    I am drakedge2. Sadly I forgot the password and email for just drakedge back when i used to play perfect world. I like writing stories. I am not the greatest writer since dickens, but I still enjoy putting a story together. Back in the 90s I used to DM Planescape games, and when DND 3.0 came out and the wizards of the coast got rid of my fave setting I was a very sad panda.

    Now I am trying to bring one of the greatest settings back to life with my campaign - Planescape - The Skeleton Key while at the same time respecting Neverwinter for what it is and weaving the two together. I hope that you enjoy my stories, as much as I am enjoying yours.
    A story driven quest, with a fun and challenging amount of combat, that takes you into the world of Planescape, carefully hand crafted by me.
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    c0mixfanc0mixfan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 92
    edited May 2013
    Hi all, I'm Comixfan and I started playing D&D with its inception through AD&D then migrated to the PC games with all the SSI classics starting with Pool of Radiance and have played just about every D&D game since. My favourites would include pretty much all the SSI games, the Eye of the Beholder trilogy, Spelljammer, the Baldur's Gate games (including Dark Alliance 1 & 2), Planescape: Torment & Icewind Dale.

    I'm also a former Marvel Comics freelance writer, having worked on their Handbooks and Encyclopediae for around 6 years.

    I'm absolutely loving the Foundry so far and am hoping it continues to improve. Can't wait for the addition of proper boss encounters so we can have some dragons with our dungeons! ;)
    Please play, rate, & review my very first Foundry Quest!

    The X Factor Campaign NWS-DCO7OKB6F

    Quest #1: The Morning After NW-D13LX4M93

    Quest #2 Coming Soon!

    Just for fun - Night of the Werebeast! NW-DT5EIZKZZ
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    wuhsinwuhsin Banned Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Salutations, fellow nerds. My epithet is Wu Hsin. I'm actually quite new to the D&D scene since I didn't get into it until 4th edition came out. However, before that I had a hand and foot in the development of many home-brew tabletop RPG systems ever since middle school. This gave me many years of enjoyment creating numerous characters with intertwining stories, along with various worlds/settings, and some pretty cool monsters/villains. Since these were home-brew systems I generally had a lot of freedom.

    Anyways, all that experience later contributed to my D&D campaigns when I became an actual Dungeon Master. The learning curve for 4th edition is fairly steep, and I was rather distraught when I learned that Wizards of the Coast would be releasing a new iteration of D&D, thus ceasing to release new material for 4th edition. Since that news, my most recent D&D campaign basically came to a screeching halt. To be honest, D&D Next does not look like something I would invest in from what I've seen play-testing it.

    This game is a tremendous blessing to me, since the Foundry will allow me to harness my creative energy in a constructive way, and hopefully connect me to more people that can enjoy the content I create. It's resemblance to 4th edition is not perfect, but I do like the Class Roles, and can somehow cope with classes being restricted to certain builds. I've only published one mediocre quest so far, just to test the capabilities of the Foundry. It's nothing special so I'm not going to bother sharing it.

    In the near future though, you can look forward to me publishing a very extensive dungeon. I don't want to spoil the details, but you can expect it to be a ridiculously long endeavor to complete. There will be monsters, of course, but it will not be entirely combat oriented. Nor will it be too heavy with dialogue. It's just going to have a ton of objectives, and require a good bit of exploration. I assure you all though, I will work to produce quality over quantity. Good luck in your future adventures!
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    shorlongshorlong Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 286 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Hello everyone, name is Shorlong. I have been playing D&D since the mid-90's and played all the way up to the release of 4e. I didn't stop because of 4e, real life just kind of happened.

    I was never a DM, but I did write plenty of stories. I was told by many a DM that my stories were far to large in scope for a PnP crowd, and I needed to look into taking these stories elsewhere, such as a game, novel or movie.

    Needless to say, I am a storyteller. IRL, I am a writer and director (you can check out the trailer for my new movie, Nightmare, which comes out this year to absolutely zero theaters near you http://youtu.be/zIFJeIkLXCs ) and I have a huge story to tell.

    That's what brought me to Neverwinter. I am an avid gamer, and play many things, and have throughout the years. My current main game is DDO, but I also play this, Marvel Heroes, TERA, and many others. I tried out Neverwinter and did not like it at first, but it has grown on me. I spend more time in the Foundry than anything (I gained access last week, and have only played 2 out of my thirty hours since in the actual game......heh...)

    So, I just published my first quest (or at least, thought I did, it says it failed so I'm trying it again.) Once it is up and I've had a test run, I'll actually make a thread for it. But the actual saga takes place over four campaigns and 10 quests. It really is a MASSIVE story that I have, I think, done a good job so far in making it fit into a video game without a lot of tedious reading (there is some reading, but only enough to let you know what's going on, who is who, where you are going, and then letting you play the game.)

    I hope you guys enjoy it and I look forward to playing some of yours!
    My quest was deleted in July of 2013. There were no issues, it had not violated any rules. Was deemed a bug. That quest is still missing.

    RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
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    moonbucketmoonbucket Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hi. I'm Drakos, also known as @Moonbucket. I'm new to the Foundry but I really enjoy the creative outlet it offers. My only previous claim to fame (all 5 people who know) was being paid $600 bucks to do level design for a little known SNES game called, "Power Piggs of the Dark Age" - yeah, wiki that one...

    I like to add a little pop culture and humor in my stories, so look for the Easter-eggs. I just published my first story, though I'm a little disappointed that I can't search for it in the under review tab. That's actually why I came to the forums, but nice to meet you all.
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    groshiegroshie Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 146 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2013
    Hey all, @groshie here!
    Been into Dungeons & Dragons ever since 1998 when Baldur's Gate came out. However, I'm not really into the pen and paper-rules, I prefer other game systems when it comes to that.
    Liking the Foundry so far, I've used the toolsets from the Neverwinter Nights-series before (Aurora/Electron) so I hope they'll be adding more features to it soon. That said, I've created 3 modules so far. (Feel free to try them out!)
    I'm kind of allergic to grinding so don't expect a lot of encounters in my modules, I'd rather do some nice stories and try out what the Foundry can do other than normal dungeoncrawling and/or grinding.
    I've tried out a few modules here made by some of you and so far I like what I see. :)
    Rescue in Rainwall, ID: NW-DRQK3HKVV
    Chef's Challenge, ID: NW-DGTKIBVF3
    The Dreamfall Campaign, ID: NWS-DEB7Z9IJC (3 Quests)
    Ogre: For the win!, ID: NW-DR5O3PD63
    Cults and Culture, ID: NW-DCLSFYSQ2
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    lunchtimenowlunchtimenow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2013
    Hello everyone, I am LunchTimeNow or LTN. I have been playing D&D since college in the early uht-ohs and late 90's. I was a gnome cleric for the longest time. Long time reader of Dragon Lance books (<3 Chronicles and Legends). Studied Film/Computer Science. Work as a web designer and software engineer currently on games and a plethora of projects. :D

    I've enjoyed level editing, modding and making games since half-life. Big gamer, enjoys the occasional game eSports from Halo/StreetFighter/Dota2/SC2 you name it. If I had time, I'd play them all, however, Neverwinter takes my time at the moment.

    I love the Foundry. I enjoy playing through and reading the amazing stories everyone has to share. I look forward to publishing soon and to all the quests the community has to offer.

    Happy Questing :D

    Be careful when you go at sea. ;D
    NW-DSEGBOHCC & NW-DKSTDEHFF @lunchtimenow
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    tedstriker333tedstriker333 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hello. I am Ted. Been mapping for a few years now and frankly wasn't expecting to be doing it in Neverwinter but alas... here I am :) I have mapped for Left 4 Dead series and Portal series along with a few other misc. games over the years.

    Looking forward to watching the foundry grow and allow for us to make some really impressive stuff in the future.
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    avengersethavengerseth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    hello all my nick es Avengerseth, Im video game designer and hardcore player, and I wanna make a series of quest here in Neverwinter, about and story that i have in my mind but first Im creating a campain for practice, and take experience with the editor.
    the name of this campain is TheCurses of our Kingdom ID: NWS-DCOPGFI8W

    check out the link
    Server: Dragon
    XkiraX Rouge

    The Curses of our Kingdom: NWS-DCOPGFI8W

    Chapter 1:The cursed Cathedral: NW-DBDKPNWEM

    Chapter 2: The lost children: NW-DUEFGSEM7
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    yospeckyospeck Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 174 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2013
    Hey, I'm Yospeck, long time RPer from various MMOs, 6+ years tabletop (virtual) experience including the last 8 months where I've GMd a Forgotten Realms D&D Campaign. Hardcore Foundry author (still only a level 13 Cleric....) by night, by day I'm a married man with a baby on the way, working from home as an illustrator, web designer and editor for F2P.com where I get to review and playtest pre-release computer games.
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