First of all, helping the development team by donating $200 is a very nice and honorable decision. I have nothing to say that!
At the same time, some people such as myself might think to get HotN bundle as an investment.
We might think that, when we got the HotN pack, we will never ever need to pay a single cent again.
But, as you might expect, publisher will need a steady income...
I don't know you guys, but I will feel bad when the coin shop introduces flying mounts.
I would prefer giving $200 for a fully armored bada$$ drake and a dragon rider cosmetic armor set instead of HotN pack.
Not to mention the zones are quite small, so flying mounts lose some of their interest they otherwise would have in an open world.
As a side note, I don't want any flying mounts. I tend to dislike them.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited April 2013
A developer commented on this about a year ago. So long ago I can't even remember what he said besides that, at least at that time, they had no intention of adding player flight or flying mounts into the game.
Adding flying into a game causes all sorts of nightmarish gameplay issues.
The "what if" is many, many, many months/years from now in my most humble opinion. Flying mechanics for players is something I don't think they were in a hurry to add then and I doubt they are in any hurry to add it now.
I actually prefer flying mounts in most games, mainly for the efficiency of it. I really don't feel like they'd fit in this game very well though. However, if you've ridden on a rank 3 mount, you might as well be flying, they're quick
I'd love to see mounts with a few abilities, like the horse could charge and the spider could drop a web to snare mobs, I think that would be cool.
Not to mention the zones are quite small, so flying mounts lose some of their interest they otherwise would have in an open world.
As a side note, I don't want any flying mounts. I tend to dislike them.
Me neither. It also kills the realism. Just think a D&D novel with every single guy could afford such kind of unique flying mounts !!!
However having so many menzoberranzan renegades with their spider mounts are not very realistic as well.
Honestly, I would like to be, and feel like a poor guy who had to fight for Neverwinter. Rusted/dented armor if they even could afford that. Maybe only 1/20 should afford to buy a poor conditioned horse. Having an healty mount should indicade wealth
A developer commented on this about a year ago. So long ago I can't even remember what he said besides that, at least at that time, they had no intention of adding player flight or flying mounts into the game.
Adding flying into a game causes all sorts of nightmarish gameplay issues.
The "what if" is many, many, many months/years from now in my most humble opinion. Flying mechanics for players is something I don't think they were in a hurry to add then and I doubt they are in any hurry to add it now.
When we asked Mapolis he said it isnt built for flying
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited April 2013
They're actually not terribly difficult to implement, as long as they only fly 3-5 feet off the ground Really though, you can retain all the "coolness" factor of a Griffon mount without any of the flying problems if you just make it hover a few feet.
They're actually not terribly difficult to implement, as long as they only fly 3-5 feet off the ground Really though, you can retain all the "coolness" factor of a Griffon mount without any of the flying problems if you just make it hover a few feet.
I was just thinking this. they could be "flying" just not very high. Say have them start at the height of a horses back. Make them roughly the same size, and sleek. They could take up less room then a spider mount.
savadiousMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
FLying mounts?
colhatickMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
The other thing you have to realize is that the world has to be made for flying mounts. When WoW introduced flying mounts everywhere, they had to redo all the zones so that you wouldn't see the outside of the map from the air.
darkstarmjpMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
Where is there to fly? this games not as open as WoW it wouldn't work
savadiousMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
world and leveldesign don't allow for flying Mounts. they would have to rework the whole game. while this was possible for a game like wow simply because they earned such a ridicoulus amount of Money, this is not possible for a f2p game.
They're actually not terribly difficult to implement, as long as they only fly 3-5 feet off the ground Really though, you can retain all the "coolness" factor of a Griffon mount without any of the flying problems if you just make it hover a few feet.
I'm sure this will happen There might be lots of floating mounts
and even more such as:
Phaerimm (riding might be alittle bir painful though)
starkaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I could see flying mounts added when planar travel is added. Could create interesting zones similar to the Shadow Shard in City of Heroes where its a bunch of floating islands and nothing is below it. Of course, the flying mounts would only operate in those zones and would either be unsummonable or have to walk to move in other zones.
personally i dont see the zones being big enough for flying mounts (at least at faster flying speeds vs ground). they'd also allow for massive skipping of mobs that need to be killed (sometimes again).
A zone dedicated for flying mounts.. hum.. could be interesting.
Open the Launcher. Click Options near the top. Check Disable on-demand patching. This will download another couple of gigs.
I could see flying mounts added when planar travel is added. Could create interesting zones similar to the Shadow Shard in City of Heroes where its a bunch of floating islands and nothing is below it. Of course, the flying mounts would only operate in those zones and would either be unsummonable or have to walk to move in other zones.
That is also a possibility I think.
There might be floating mounts which can only fly on specific maps.
Still, I don't want flying mounts implemented on this game for player use. Maybe only some non-player historic characters might have it. Or a GM could use it on some special events.
thevlakaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
seeing as most of the world is instanced and pretty linear I doubt flying mounts would work...
This question was one of the first to be asked to CMP (developer). He clarified that for Flying, they need to designed the map from ground up for flying. Just like they have maps in CO.
NW maps, the maps of protector's enclave and other places, are not designed that way. Hence we will not see flying being implemented in this game.
Maybe in future they will add a new map which is created for flying from grounds up. Even in that case flying would be restricted to that part of map only and not what we see right now.
I'm sure this will happen There might be lots of floating mounts
and even more such as:
Phaerimm (riding might be alittle bir painful though)
ok Griffon, Wyvern and Hippogrif i can see making sense... but a manticore Beholder and a Phaerim would just kill you if you tried to climb ontop of one... only one who even would have the chance would be a control wizard... if they were controlling one... and not sure how you would ride a flying orb or a spinning cone of teeth and spikes...
I wouldn't mind seeing "hover" mounts. They wouldn't be a nightmare to design.
I'm talking like... a Wasp mount that hovers off the ground but doesn't actually fly. Or any flying mount, but the animation is just hovering over the ground.
I wouldn't mind seeing "hover" mounts. They wouldn't be a nightmare to design.
I'm talking like... a Wasp mount that hovers off the ground but doesn't actually fly. Or any flying mount, but the animation is just hovering over the ground.
Hmm. I have to agree that a floating wasp mount might look cool.
I'd love to "Hoverfly" on a nice Griffon mount. Something regal and distinct in appearance. Hippogriff and Wasp are also neat. Eventually adding in a flying zone? Also of the awesome.
I would pay $40 for a Griffon, though. Noble. Proud. Regal. Imposing. Not larger than a horse or anything...
Great Weapon Fighter tanks? Who are you kidding? Cleric tanks. They draw -all- the aggro.
thevlakaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
small world space, instanced and linear.
Flying wont work.
In TES: Morrowind, my character can fly. It was really a unique experience, since Morrowind is an openworld game and you can actually fly over walls which can not be passed by walking.
For an online game which have small regions this can be difficult, but if an MMO want to be different than others here is the challenge / chance! Give us ability to fly (I may be wrong there may be other games that has flying) and be different.
Cheers from Turkey
Guild of Anatolia
starkaosMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
In TES: Morrowind, my character can fly. It was really a unique experience, since Morrowind is an openworld game and you can actually fly over walls which can not be passed by walking.
For an online game which have small regions this can be difficult, but if an MMO want to be different than others here is the challenge / chance! Give us ability to fly (I may be wrong there may be other games that has flying) and be different.
Cheers from Turkey
Has already been done with Aion. They limited it to gliding only in certain areas and limited duration for flight in others. Not sure how much this has changed since I only played beta. Aion was built from the ground up for flight.
As a side note, I don't want any flying mounts. I tend to dislike them.
Adding flying into a game causes all sorts of nightmarish gameplay issues.
The "what if" is many, many, many months/years from now in my most humble opinion. Flying mechanics for players is something I don't think they were in a hurry to add then and I doubt they are in any hurry to add it now.
That would be hysterical.
I'd love to see mounts with a few abilities, like the horse could charge and the spider could drop a web to snare mobs, I think that would be cool.
Me neither. It also kills the realism. Just think a D&D novel with every single guy could afford such kind of unique flying mounts !!!
Honestly, I would like to be, and feel like a poor guy who had to fight for Neverwinter. Rusted/dented armor if they even could afford that. Maybe only 1/20 should afford to buy a poor conditioned horse. Having an healty mount should indicade wealth
When we asked Mapolis he said it isnt built for flying
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But flying mounts tend to be big and bulky. That's part of why I dislike them. They just unnecessarily clutter the screen.
I was just thinking this. they could be "flying" just not very high. Say have them start at the height of a horses back. Make them roughly the same size, and sleek. They could take up less room then a spider mount.
Dont worry - I accidentally change my font colors... so ...
I'm sure this will happen
and even more such as:
Phaerimm (riding might be alittle bir painful though)
A zone dedicated for flying mounts.. hum.. could be interesting.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
That is also a possibility I think.
There might be floating mounts which can only fly on specific maps.
Still, I don't want flying mounts implemented on this game for player use. Maybe only some non-player historic characters might have it. Or a GM could use it on some special events.
NW maps, the maps of protector's enclave and other places, are not designed that way. Hence we will not see flying being implemented in this game.
Maybe in future they will add a new map which is created for flying from grounds up. Even in that case flying would be restricted to that part of map only and not what we see right now.
ok Griffon, Wyvern and Hippogrif i can see making sense... but a manticore Beholder and a Phaerim would just kill you if you tried to climb ontop of one... only one who even would have the chance would be a control wizard... if they were controlling one... and not sure how you would ride a flying orb or a spinning cone of teeth and spikes...
I'm talking like... a Wasp mount that hovers off the ground but doesn't actually fly. Or any flying mount, but the animation is just hovering over the ground.
Hmm. I have to agree that a floating wasp mount might look cool.
i guess angelic could be changed to any type depending on your 'god'.
Ability Scores || All Attribute Roll Combinations || My Cleric Stream \o/
I would pay $40 for a Griffon, though. Noble. Proud. Regal. Imposing. Not larger than a horse or anything...
Flying wont work.
For an online game which have small regions this can be difficult, but if an MMO want to be different than others here is the challenge / chance! Give us ability to fly (I may be wrong there may be other games that has flying) and be different.
Cheers from Turkey
Has already been done with Aion. They limited it to gliding only in certain areas and limited duration for flight in others. Not sure how much this has changed since I only played beta. Aion was built from the ground up for flight.