So, after having played BW 3 and BW 4 as a high level GWF. I'm stuck at looking at the GWF's stats. There is no question that people will put at least 1 point in STR every level, it then comes down to the secondary choice. Which have you all found more effective, Con or Dex. I tried a few respec tokens, and I found both to be nice. Con was definitely for a more defensive style of play. It boosted Health and Armor Penetration. Dex was nice for the Crit modifier, it also had a defensive modifier. Which will you choose.
as u said, this simply breaks down to how you want to Play. do you want to be more of an off "tank" or even sometimes be the "tank" for grps, you will go with con. do you want to Focus on being a damage dealer, you will go with dex. personally, i will go with con, simply because i prefere to be able to take a hit or two before i have to run like a chicken ^^.
Put everything into CON because no matter what you do with STR and DEX you are still going to hit with the damage of a wet noodle!!!
/sarcasm off
"Beware the engineers of society, I say, who would make everyone in all the world equal. Opportunity should be equal, must be equal, but achievement must remain individual."
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
imo as it stands right now, off tank is not even an issue, youll need every dropp of constitution you can get... i think a dwarf is pretty much the best race for a gwf, also due to the freedom of movement...dex gives you more deflection from aoe? dont think you need that due to the sprint... i will put everything i can into constitution, but thats just me since im not looking for focused spike damage but rather staying constantly in fight to trigger the unstoppable effect often
silknightMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 199
edited April 2013
I personally hope they make both viable, one for the tanky types, one for the dps types. I saw a nice Con feat, but no Dex feat, maybe they can change the feat to cover both. It would be nice IMO. I wish someone ran the dps numbers of the crit vs the armor penetration, I'd love to see the comparisons.
Constitution bonus per point over 10
+1% Resistance Ignored (Base Offense)
+2% Hit Points (Survival)
+0.5% Damage Resistance (Defense)
Dexterity bonus per point over 10
+1% Critical Chance (Burst Offense)
+1% AoE Damage Resistance (Limited Defense)
+0.5% Deflection Chance (Defense)
I look at it this way.
+1% Resistance Ignored (Base Offense) vs. +1% Critical Chance (Burst Offense): I like the base offense better
+2% Hit Points (Survival) vs. +1% AoE Damage Resistance (Limited Defense): I like the survival better
+0.5% Damage Resistance (Defense) vs. +0.5% Deflection Chance (Defense): I prefer mitigation over avoidance
For me I like Con better because the nature of it is stuff that is there all the time and not an uncontrolled burst or situation dependent. The deflection is mathematically better against harder hits, but I would rather have a known amount of damage coming in than take spikes.
silknightMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 199
edited April 2013
Thanks for those numbers Argantis. Any Idea how those numbers change with the feat modifier?
It's a matter of preference really. It depends on what you are attempting to accomplish with your build. As for GWF, I think DEX has the potential to win out in the long run for both DPS or tanking in PVE.
The Sentinel path benefits more from DEX, and I mentioned that here. Not that someone couldn't choose CON instead, but at least there is some reasoning behind it.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
Thanks for those numbers Argantis. Any Idea how those numbers change with the feat modifier?
No I am not sure on that. However what elspethtirelnw mentions is true, there is a lot more synergy in the Sentinel feats with Dex. But I prefer Con for different reasons. In my build I go with a 16, 16, 12, 10, 10, 10 stat array. So that is a differential of 4 points, if I go with 18 Con with my +2 to any stat then I am looking at a 6 point differential. So 12% more life, 6% more Resistance Ignored and 3% more Damage Resistance. If I flip that it is 6% more Critical Chance, 6% AoE Damage Resistance, and 3% Deflection. The Dex in this game will likely equal more overall mitigation, and the spike nature of it will not matter because this is not a trinity MMO where you have dedicated healers pre-casting heals on estimated incoming damage. Especially as the hits scale, and with all of the adds getting combat advantage, the Dex will be better. I just keep fighting an uphill battle and I am slowly sliding down.
The reason that I like Con, honestly is because I am one of those outside of the box kind of thinkers. I love being the devil's advocate. I love bringing points and counter points to the table. If a discussion is positive I will usually come in with some negativity, if a discussion is negative I will usually come in with a positive view. Not because I am overtly trying to be a contrarian, but because I believe that looking at something from all views and angles results in the most valuable conclusions.
So in an MMO I am "that guy" the one that is always trying to break the mechanics. The one that is always looking for a better way to do things than what the common knowledge is. Because of this I am determined to make a Human, Str / Con build work, just because all of the conventional wisdom says otherwise. So I am not really coming at this from a "this is for sure what is best" approach. I am going at it from a "this is what I am going to try" approach.
From what I can tell, CON will have more benefit early on since, as Argantis mentioned, the benefits are static and not at the will of RNG. CON will remain very viable in the end game as long as one builds toward its strengths. The same thing can really be said for DEX, since one needs to build their character with a clear outcome in mind. A player just needs to focus on features, feats, and secondary stats that all strengthen a particular aspect of their build.
It will all work out in the end. Each stat has it's own ups and downs associated with it. Players simply need to determine which is more useful in their own build and beneficial to their personal style of play.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
I honestly think Con is a very attractive choice for an overall balanced GWF, even tho I went with a Dex build and didn't regret my decision, to me having that +2% HP per point is just awesome when stacking defensive stats.
For every stat of +Defense +Deflection +Regen, the more +HP you have, the more valuable each point of that +HP will be due to all the extra modifiers being applied.
I think in GW2 I heard about this term called EHP or effective health point that was determined by your other defensive stats, I don't know how the equation works but it's very "Effective" when determining your overall true HP score.
"There are more things in heaven and earth,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
I would say the very first question you ask yourself is.1" Am I going to be playing solo mostly. or do I have friends to run with mostly.?" 2 " If it is friends I will runwith most of my game time is one a healer going to play as a healer?" ok add up 1 and 2 then 3 " what companion will I need now so I can figure out better my path?" then you add 1 ,2 and 3 and you have a better idea what points you should put where.
reasons should be easy to see but if not .example;;;;. you have 2 RL friend you will play with 90% of your gametime. One is a GF tank . the other is a DC healer. soo you will want to max out your dps output 100%. You will not need the survivals as much as you need straight dps.
Hakarat, that's why I switched from my initial impression of CON to DEX in regards to the GWF's Sentinel path. A higher HP pool seemed less important when I factored it against the benefits of a higher deflect chance and AOE resist at lv 50+. In respect to Sentinel, I would effectively survive longer by negating damage as opposed to having a larger HP pool. It's much like the concept of a parry tank in other games, while still being defensively built to take a serious hit when it manages to pass through.
I'm only looking at it from a Sentinel's perspective in this case, since there are so many more benefits associated directly with the stat. Even then, and I'm beating a dead horse here, they still need to fix threat generation associated with the build.
Regen, though, is an interesting point to bring into the conversation. A higher HP pool would certainly bring greater benefit out of that. It's something I have not personally messed with since I have heard lackluster results from other guild members. I do wonder if anyone has had success with that secondary stat or if it may become viable at some point. Something to keep an eye on.
I do agree with what you and Argantis are saying. CON will certainly result in a well balanced GWF.
| Banners of the Light | Recruitment is open | End Game PvE and PvP |
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
neverasherMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
i also think a dex build lends itself to life steal, as con does to regen. less hp+high deflect+high crit and lifesteal=an easy way to keep your hp up fighting the hordes of mobs you'll be facing. although, i haven't seen any tier set GWF gear with much lifesteal on it.
There is one hidden advantage of Con over Dex in the mechanics that many will overlook. It is the sort of thing that I look at in my builds that is the "out of the box" thinking that I mentioned. Since Dex is complete damage avoidance, you will gain less determination when hit, because you will take half the damage, or if there is a way to increase the deflect severity possibly even more. Con will take the full damage and then mitigate it, hence taking the full load of determination gain. I tested this in beta and I have no concrete proof, but it did indeed seem that I was getting the same amount of determination regardless of mitigation, where on deflect I gained less determination. This will allow for more determination bars during a boss fight which will help pull the mitigation back closer to the avoidance. It should also allow for more effective aggro generation as a result and less crowd control effects on you while unstoppable. To me there is a trade off with every choice, I tend to always go for the ones that effect the most facets of a character. Thus many times I have a slightly less min / maxed character in one area of the game mechanic, but a much stronger overall character.
i'm sorry i might be missing something but is deflection complete damage avoidance? last i checked my character had an "avoidance severity" much like criticals determining how much was damage reduced upon succesfully deflecting a hit. mine was 25%, not sure if it means "take 25% damage from deflected hits" or "take 25% less damage from deflected hits". either way that would mean that 1% deflect equals either a 0,25% or 0,75% damage reduction on average.
it looks to me like the base defense scales better (still on average).
neverasherMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
GWF get 50% deflection severity. Also from what i've seen CON does not give damage resistance for GWF just resistance ignored and HP. DEX give AoE resistance.
50% deflection severity still means on average 0,5% damage reduction per 1% deflection right? while... 1% damage reduction is 1% damage reduction?
i still don't see why is deflection considered the preferrable defensive stat.
neverasherMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
well i'm going to guess your defense goes against the enemies power/armor pen, which could very well negate the effectivness of those stats. deflection has no such check against it.
i'm not sure how armor penetration fits in the calculations but power should increase enemy damage (if they even use power stat to calculate damage) regardless of deflection/defense. what i mean is if the enemy has 25% extra power both a defense and a deflect focused gwf will on average take 25% extra damage.
armor penetration could be an interesting point but we just don't have any info on how it actually applies.
if it was a flat reduction (say, 5% armor pen vs 20% armor = 15% armor) then stacking more armor would be useless below the enemy armorpen and just scale normally above that level (meaning defense would look more appealing than deflect).
if it was a multiplier (say 50% armor pen vs 20% armor = 10% armor) then deflect would be better than defense when armor pen > deflect severity.
in the first case defense is worse under enemy armorpen value and preferrable above (but i doubt enemies have enough armorpen to completely nullify it), in the second defense is superior excluding really high values of armorpen.
of course, it might work entirely differently but this look like the 2 simpler scenarios. for all we know, enemies might not even have armor penetration. and it's all assuming deflect isn't affected by armorpenetration which we actually don't know.
Protection: An approximation of your total defensive values from gear.
Damage Resistance: Decreases the amount of damage you take from incoming attacks.
Deflection Chance: Your chance to deflect an enemy attack.
Deflection Severity: How much damage you avoid when you successfully deflect an attack.
Health Regeneration: Increases the percentage of your max Hit Points you regain every 3 seconds. The full bonus is given when Bloodied, and diminishes the closer you are to your maximum Hit Points.
Damage Gained As Hit Points: Percentage of the damage you deal returned to you as hit points.
This is straight from the beta 4 character sheet tool tips in game.
There is one hidden advantage of Con over Dex in the mechanics that many will overlook. It is the sort of thing that I look at in my builds that is the "out of the box" thinking that I mentioned. Since Dex is complete damage avoidance, you will gain less determination when hit, because you will take half the damage, or if there is a way to increase the deflect severity possibly even more. Con will take the full damage and then mitigate it, hence taking the full load of determination gain. I tested this in beta and I have no concrete proof, but it did indeed seem that I was getting the same amount of determination regardless of mitigation, where on deflect I gained less determination. This will allow for more determination bars during a boss fight which will help pull the mitigation back closer to the avoidance. It should also allow for more effective aggro generation as a result and less crowd control effects on you while unstoppable. To me there is a trade off with every choice, I tend to always go for the ones that effect the most facets of a character. Thus many times I have a slightly less min / maxed character in one area of the game mechanic, but a much stronger overall character.
That is true if determination is based on amount of damage taken with some formula per level (X damage on level 30, and Y damage on level 60 both equal to Z determination). If determination is, instead, based on the damage taken as a % of total hp, then increasing your hp pool will lower your determination gain per point of damage, thus making it a moot point .
Lets use a simple math model for the theory craft. 100 hits @ 1,000 damage for each hit. Then 100 hits @ 2,000 damage for each hit.
I will also use the 4 point differentiation in points between Con and Dex because it is probably a pretty common middle ground differential that will be in many builds. So 2% Damage Resistance versus 2% deflection @ 50% severity. Note that this is only looking at the mitigation versus avoidance and nothing regarding the other aspects of the comparison.
2% Damage Resistance: 100 hits @ 980 damage (2% = -20 damage per hit) = 98,000 damage taken. 100 hits @ 1,960 damage (2% = -40 damage per hit) = 196,000 damage taken. Basically you mitigate 2,000 damage per 100,000 taken no matter what.
The 50% Severity is the key. If you can increase the Deflection Severity to 100% they will be equal. One will just be mitigation and the other avoidance. To actually make deflection superior in taking less damage it must surpass 100% severity, which it never will. At the best it can be equal, not better.
The advantage to taking Dex has more to do with threat and damage done rather than damage taken. However the build of Sentinel that I will play in live will not feature Sure Strike for threat off of critical hits. Furthermore I do not have the Heroic Feat points to put into Critical Chance or Severity.
I actually will switch over to Weapon Master's Strike as my primary attack at some point so I do not have the synergy in my build with dex, threat, or Sure Strike. For me Con is far more beneficial, but for other builds the Dex will make more sense.
That is true if determination is based on amount of damage taken with some formula per level (X damage on level 30, and Y damage on level 60 both equal to Z determination). If determination is, instead, based on the damage taken as a % of total hp, then increasing your hp pool will lower your determination gain per point of damage, thus making it a moot point .
With mitigation you take the damage, but it is reduced based on your Damage resistance. Some of this is from con, some from defense stat, and some from armor class, but it all gets pooled into "reduced damage taken" from all sources. So the real question to me is, if you have 30% damage reduction and you take 100 damage, do you actually take the 100 damage, gain the determination, and then have the mitigation factor in the reduction to 70 damage or do you take 100 damage, mitigate it to 70 and then take the determination gain.
With grim resolve you break free from control effects, and steel yourself for the challenge ahead.
While active, you are immune to control effects, your At-Will attacks are much faster but slightly weaker, and you resist 25-50% of incoming damage based on how much Determination you had.
Determination is built by taking damage or killing foes.
From reading this my initial thinking may have been in error. It very well may be that the more damage taken from deflection will actually = more determination. The critical hits will certainly = more determination from kills.
So now I am thinking that the trade off is less damage taken versus more determination. Con = less damage taken, Dex = more determination. That leads me to believe that if you want to try and main tank with a GWF that Con is better, but if you are looking to be more of an add tank and do more AoE damage that Dex is better. Here I go down that hill again, sliding down the slippery slope of trying to find value in my Human over a Half-Orc....
It is looking like I am going to have to focus everything I have on being a main tank and sacrifice damage done to find my niche as a Human GWF. This works well with my build choice so it looks like a win for me in the end. At least on the theory craft from a closed beta that is likely to change drastically in open beta. :P
Edit: This also implies that Human and Dwarf will be a better main tank type of GWF and Half-Orc will be the racial max choice for both damage and the flex tank or add tank role. Halflings and Half Elves also could perform a "balanced" build type of role and an Elf could do all right with a more damage focused build but sacrifice a small amount of defense in the process. All in all the Racial choices seem to mean less once you get past Human, Dwarf, and Half-Orc. While the other races do lose some of the min / max potential, I do not feel like it really is enough to ultimately matter.
Wait, is the wiki that outdated and GWF get both 1% Armor Penetration and 0.5% Resistance from CON, rather than just 1% Armor Penetration for GWF and 0.5% Resistance for GF?
Wait, is the wiki that outdated and GWF get both 1% Armor Penetration and 0.5% Resistance from CON, rather than just 1% Armor Penetration for GWF and 0.5% Resistance for GF?
The wiki definitely is outdated. It has not been updated since closed beta 3. Cryptic is going to make a mint off of all the errors people make. There were some pretty significant nerfs on the damage end of some feats. Determination went from 20/40% damage resistance to 25/50%. The feat that gives bonus AP during Unstoppable went from 50% gain to 25%. The Str bonus from damage feat went from 15% to 6%. There is one more I am forgetting as well.
Edit: Oh the healing feat went from once every 20 seconds to once every 40 seconds. There is a lot of adjustments being made on the fly and none of them are being reported or documented to the public. Since it was closed beta that is not a big deal. But in open beta they need to be more forthcoming with change logs and patch notes for every single change.
Edit 2: I found the reddit where Cryptic talked about the armor pen added to con.
[–]Cryptic_LordAzrael 6 points 22 days ago
Reaping strike does not have a heal normally. Did you perhaps have some life steal gear equipped?
Regarding Con giving armor pen, that was a special addition to GWF because Con is one of their special stats, and needed a bit more oomph than just health.
They make no mention of Con = DR so that is something that we are going to have to be very careful with in open beta. It should be pretty obvious in character creation what is what. I will go back through my video capture of the tool tips to see if I can find anything. Yeah no luck. Brain HAMSTER on the ability scores. I looked at my array and the overall point system as you level, but did not actually hover over the abilities.
I did notice a lot of the details being wrong as I was in BE4 (the first one for me), so I don't plan any builds based purely on the wiki but rather on what I've seen in game, I didn't double check the bonuses of ability scores though and it strikes me as odd that CON would gain two bonuses being a secondary stat compared to it's basic benefit for other classes. I like to estimate things for myself, but that is hard to do not knowing facts.
My plan is probably very different from what you're going at, I figured to start out with 18 STR / 12 CON / 18 DEX (half orc) and then build up STR / CON while leveling, which should leave my CON and DEX somewhat balanced by max level. I should be able to keep a steady 20%+ crit chance with just DEX, 2/3 crit chance feat (3/3 into severity) and weapon master slotted. Then going all the way into sentinel with Student of the Sword for stacking defense debuffing and Grudge Style for extra crit and threat from Sure Strike. I like somewhat balanced builds, maxing out only defense, or only offense for that matter, is not my thing. Reality will verify my plan and in the end I expect to respec at least two times before I settle on a build that suits me.
Edit 2: I found the reddit where Cryptic talked about the armor pen added to con.
They make no mention of Con = DR so that is something that we are going to have to be very careful with in open beta. It should be pretty obvious in character creation what is what. I will go back through my video capture of the tool tips to see if I can find anything. Yeah no luck. Brain HAMSTER on the ability scores. I looked at my array and the overall point system as you level, but did not actually hover over the abilities.
Thanks for checking. Guess we will know soon enough anyway .
leissesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited April 2013
I think people got confused here. GF is the class with the 0.5% DR at CON, not GWF.
I think people got confused here. GF is the class with the 0.5% DR at CON, not GWF.
Not knowing this for sure is going to annoy me :P But it would make sense that the Guardian is a mitigation tank and the Great Weapon Fighter is an avoidance tank. It would further help to balance them if the GWF has less damage taken based on the severity because they do a lot more damage.
/sarcasm off
- Drizzt Do'Urden
― R.A. Salvatore
+1% Resistance Ignored (Base Offense)
+2% Hit Points (Survival)
+0.5% Damage Resistance (Defense)
Dexterity bonus per point over 10
+1% Critical Chance (Burst Offense)
+1% AoE Damage Resistance (Limited Defense)
+0.5% Deflection Chance (Defense)
I look at it this way.
+1% Resistance Ignored (Base Offense) vs. +1% Critical Chance (Burst Offense): I like the base offense better
+2% Hit Points (Survival) vs. +1% AoE Damage Resistance (Limited Defense): I like the survival better
+0.5% Damage Resistance (Defense) vs. +0.5% Deflection Chance (Defense): I prefer mitigation over avoidance
For me I like Con better because the nature of it is stuff that is there all the time and not an uncontrolled burst or situation dependent. The deflection is mathematically better against harder hits, but I would rather have a known amount of damage coming in than take spikes.
The Sentinel path benefits more from DEX, and I mentioned that here. Not that someone couldn't choose CON instead, but at least there is some reasoning behind it.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
No I am not sure on that. However what elspethtirelnw mentions is true, there is a lot more synergy in the Sentinel feats with Dex. But I prefer Con for different reasons. In my build I go with a 16, 16, 12, 10, 10, 10 stat array. So that is a differential of 4 points, if I go with 18 Con with my +2 to any stat then I am looking at a 6 point differential. So 12% more life, 6% more Resistance Ignored and 3% more Damage Resistance. If I flip that it is 6% more Critical Chance, 6% AoE Damage Resistance, and 3% Deflection. The Dex in this game will likely equal more overall mitigation, and the spike nature of it will not matter because this is not a trinity MMO where you have dedicated healers pre-casting heals on estimated incoming damage. Especially as the hits scale, and with all of the adds getting combat advantage, the Dex will be better. I just keep fighting an uphill battle and I am slowly sliding down.
The reason that I like Con, honestly is because I am one of those outside of the box kind of thinkers. I love being the devil's advocate. I love bringing points and counter points to the table. If a discussion is positive I will usually come in with some negativity, if a discussion is negative I will usually come in with a positive view. Not because I am overtly trying to be a contrarian, but because I believe that looking at something from all views and angles results in the most valuable conclusions.
So in an MMO I am "that guy" the one that is always trying to break the mechanics. The one that is always looking for a better way to do things than what the common knowledge is. Because of this I am determined to make a Human, Str / Con build work, just because all of the conventional wisdom says otherwise. So I am not really coming at this from a "this is for sure what is best" approach. I am going at it from a "this is what I am going to try" approach.
It will all work out in the end. Each stat has it's own ups and downs associated with it. Players simply need to determine which is more useful in their own build and beneficial to their personal style of play.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
For every stat of +Defense +Deflection +Regen, the more +HP you have, the more valuable each point of that +HP will be due to all the extra modifiers being applied.
I think in GW2 I heard about this term called EHP or effective health point that was determined by your other defensive stats, I don't know how the equation works but it's very "Effective" when determining your overall true HP score.
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
reasons should be easy to see but if not .example;;;;. you have 2 RL friend you will play with 90% of your gametime. One is a GF tank . the other is a DC healer. soo you will want to max out your dps output 100%. You will not need the survivals as much as you need straight dps.
I'm only looking at it from a Sentinel's perspective in this case, since there are so many more benefits associated directly with the stat. Even then, and I'm beating a dead horse here, they still need to fix threat generation associated with the build.
Regen, though, is an interesting point to bring into the conversation. A higher HP pool would certainly bring greater benefit out of that. It's something I have not personally messed with since I have heard lackluster results from other guild members. I do wonder if anyone has had success with that secondary stat or if it may become viable at some point. Something to keep an eye on.
I do agree with what you and Argantis are saying. CON will certainly result in a well balanced GWF.
| Lust | Level 60 Guardian Fighter 15.8k GS|
it looks to me like the base defense scales better (still on average).
i still don't see why is deflection considered the preferrable defensive stat.
armor penetration could be an interesting point but we just don't have any info on how it actually applies.
if it was a flat reduction (say, 5% armor pen vs 20% armor = 15% armor) then stacking more armor would be useless below the enemy armorpen and just scale normally above that level (meaning defense would look more appealing than deflect).
if it was a multiplier (say 50% armor pen vs 20% armor = 10% armor) then deflect would be better than defense when armor pen > deflect severity.
in the first case defense is worse under enemy armorpen value and preferrable above (but i doubt enemies have enough armorpen to completely nullify it), in the second defense is superior excluding really high values of armorpen.
of course, it might work entirely differently but this look like the 2 simpler scenarios. for all we know, enemies might not even have armor penetration. and it's all assuming deflect isn't affected by armorpenetration which we actually don't know.
This is straight from the beta 4 character sheet tool tips in game.
That is true if determination is based on amount of damage taken with some formula per level (X damage on level 30, and Y damage on level 60 both equal to Z determination). If determination is, instead, based on the damage taken as a % of total hp, then increasing your hp pool will lower your determination gain per point of damage, thus making it a moot point
Lets use a simple math model for the theory craft. 100 hits @ 1,000 damage for each hit. Then 100 hits @ 2,000 damage for each hit.
I will also use the 4 point differentiation in points between Con and Dex because it is probably a pretty common middle ground differential that will be in many builds. So 2% Damage Resistance versus 2% deflection @ 50% severity. Note that this is only looking at the mitigation versus avoidance and nothing regarding the other aspects of the comparison.
2% Damage Resistance: 100 hits @ 980 damage (2% = -20 damage per hit) = 98,000 damage taken. 100 hits @ 1,960 damage (2% = -40 damage per hit) = 196,000 damage taken. Basically you mitigate 2,000 damage per 100,000 taken no matter what.
2% Damage Avoidance @ 50% Severity: 98 hits @ 1000 damage = 98,000 damage taken + 2 hits @ 500 damage = 99,000 damage taken. 98 hits @ 2000 damage = 196,000 damage taken + 2 hits @ 1000 damage = 198,000 damage taken. Basically you avoid 1,000 damage per 100,000 damage potentially taken.
The 50% Severity is the key. If you can increase the Deflection Severity to 100% they will be equal. One will just be mitigation and the other avoidance. To actually make deflection superior in taking less damage it must surpass 100% severity, which it never will. At the best it can be equal, not better.
The advantage to taking Dex has more to do with threat and damage done rather than damage taken. However the build of Sentinel that I will play in live will not feature Sure Strike for threat off of critical hits. Furthermore I do not have the Heroic Feat points to put into Critical Chance or Severity.
I actually will switch over to Weapon Master's Strike as my primary attack at some point so I do not have the synergy in my build with dex, threat, or Sure Strike. For me Con is far more beneficial, but for other builds the Dex will make more sense.
With mitigation you take the damage, but it is reduced based on your Damage resistance. Some of this is from con, some from defense stat, and some from armor class, but it all gets pooled into "reduced damage taken" from all sources. So the real question to me is, if you have 30% damage reduction and you take 100 damage, do you actually take the 100 damage, gain the determination, and then have the mitigation factor in the reduction to 70 damage or do you take 100 damage, mitigate it to 70 and then take the determination gain.
Here is the tool tip for Determination from CB4
From reading this my initial thinking may have been in error. It very well may be that the more damage taken from deflection will actually = more determination. The critical hits will certainly = more determination from kills.
So now I am thinking that the trade off is less damage taken versus more determination. Con = less damage taken, Dex = more determination. That leads me to believe that if you want to try and main tank with a GWF that Con is better, but if you are looking to be more of an add tank and do more AoE damage that Dex is better. Here I go down that hill again, sliding down the slippery slope of trying to find value in my Human over a Half-Orc....
It is looking like I am going to have to focus everything I have on being a main tank and sacrifice damage done to find my niche as a Human GWF. This works well with my build choice so it looks like a win for me in the end. At least on the theory craft from a closed beta that is likely to change drastically in open beta. :P
Edit: This also implies that Human and Dwarf will be a better main tank type of GWF and Half-Orc will be the racial max choice for both damage and the flex tank or add tank role. Halflings and Half Elves also could perform a "balanced" build type of role and an Elf could do all right with a more damage focused build but sacrifice a small amount of defense in the process. All in all the Racial choices seem to mean less once you get past Human, Dwarf, and Half-Orc. While the other races do lose some of the min / max potential, I do not feel like it really is enough to ultimately matter.
The wiki definitely is outdated. It has not been updated since closed beta 3. Cryptic is going to make a mint off of all the errors people make. There were some pretty significant nerfs on the damage end of some feats. Determination went from 20/40% damage resistance to 25/50%. The feat that gives bonus AP during Unstoppable went from 50% gain to 25%. The Str bonus from damage feat went from 15% to 6%. There is one more I am forgetting as well.
Edit: Oh the healing feat went from once every 20 seconds to once every 40 seconds. There is a lot of adjustments being made on the fly and none of them are being reported or documented to the public. Since it was closed beta that is not a big deal. But in open beta they need to be more forthcoming with change logs and patch notes for every single change.
Edit 2: I found the reddit where Cryptic talked about the armor pen added to con.
They make no mention of Con = DR so that is something that we are going to have to be very careful with in open beta. It should be pretty obvious in character creation what is what. I will go back through my video capture of the tool tips to see if I can find anything. Yeah no luck. Brain HAMSTER on the ability scores. I looked at my array and the overall point system as you level, but did not actually hover over the abilities.
My plan is probably very different from what you're going at, I figured to start out with 18 STR / 12 CON / 18 DEX (half orc) and then build up STR / CON while leveling, which should leave my CON and DEX somewhat balanced by max level. I should be able to keep a steady 20%+ crit chance with just DEX, 2/3 crit chance feat (3/3 into severity) and weapon master slotted. Then going all the way into sentinel with Student of the Sword for stacking defense debuffing and Grudge Style for extra crit and threat from Sure Strike. I like somewhat balanced builds, maxing out only defense, or only offense for that matter, is not my thing. Reality will verify my plan and in the end I expect to respec at least two times before I settle on a build that suits me.
Thanks for checking. Guess we will know soon enough anyway
That was my impression too.
Not knowing this for sure is going to annoy me :P But it would make sense that the Guardian is a mitigation tank and the Great Weapon Fighter is an avoidance tank. It would further help to balance them if the GWF has less damage taken based on the severity because they do a lot more damage.