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so what's the point of the game?



  • wesgarwesgar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    well look at how in depth WoW instances are... They are very long dungeon quest areas..

    I havent seen anything yet in this game that compares to a good WoW instance dungeon. Even the low level instances in WoW are a far superior experience...

    I don't recall for sure... were there many good instances by level 10 in WoW? it seems like you had to be a bit higher level there, but it has been a while. I think there was a low level one in Ogramir... then wailing caverns... one at around 17 in Storm-wind...


    WoW aside.... (I get just a 'tad' bit of a 'troll' premonition from the op.. but perhaps I'm wrong, so I'll bite...)

    so ya, setting WoW aside, I leveled up to 49, and had an absolute BLAST, the story line's for the quest leading up to the group instance dungeons were great, (if you took the time to read / listen to the story.) and the Dungeons them selves were fun to play in.

    I struggled to complete one, we were a bit under-leveled and not really executing on the planed attack very well - I didn't get out of the instance, before my group filled up with a higher level average group - that executed the plan, and though one of our fighters went down in the first few rounds of the fight, we were still able to squeak out a victory.

    It felt very rewarding. (pirate king... level 43ish.)

    to answer your question, yes, the instances are fun, I had a blast. The quests were engaging and story was fantastic. I really never felt like I was on 'fetch quests' or like you described.

    (bringing WoW back in...)

    as a matter of fact, the parts that you described as 'negatives' I felt MUCH more strongly reflected how I felt playing the first 50 levels in WoW, than the first 50 levels in this game.

    so, good news! you have lots and lots of fun times ahead! and have no fear, the game far surpasses WoW in the 'fun factor' department. add to all that IT'S FREE!



    zWolf / Wesgar

  • lancevalerienlancevalerien Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am level 10 now......... and basically all the game is so far is just a bunch of back to back quests...

    Is this all the game is? Going on quests?

    Are there no open zone areas to adventure through?

    Welcome to today's AAA MMOs. Glowing path directs you where to go next. Combat is easy and even if you die it is meaningless. Queues to instanced PVP and PVE are all the rage. You don't need to group to begin with (and in fact it's counterproductive) - and then you get a companion to make it even less important that you talk to anybody else or socialize at all.

    Even when you do a queue and get into a PVP or PVE instance, nobody talks to each other. It's just about killing. So you don't develop any sort of camraderie with anybody. I levelled up to lvl 20 this weekend and couldn't tell you a single other player's name.

    Welcome to the new age of MMOs - the single player online instanced community role playing game.

    I actually enjoyed the game while I played it.. but it was pretty much like playing a single player game. And the P2W aspects of the game have massively turned me off from playing it after live.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited March 2013
    Even when you do a queue and get into a PVP or PVE instance, nobody talks to each other. It's just about killing. So you don't develop any sort of camraderie with anybody. I levelled up to lvl 20 this weekend and couldn't tell you a single other player's name.

    Meanwhile I spent the entire team meeting people, making friends, and growing our guild up to over 45 people.

    To get camaraderie, you have to give it. :)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I thought the point was to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentations of their women.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    The OP's point is that WOW quests take you through larger zones that are integrated and sometimes involve things like riding rockets, or firing canons etc. etc. It's a fair point.

    The answer to the OP's question is: "No, on the surface there is no more to this game."

    However, the game offers user-generated content, meaning you can make your own quests and story and share it with friends and guild mates.

    Really, if the game has a secondary purpose that is not readily apparent, (especially if you play it like one would play WOW), is that it is a superb role play tool. Indeed, possibly the best fantasy game for actual RP than any other we've seen since Neverwinter Nights.
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
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  • mostrandomistmostrandomist Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 75
    edited March 2013
    Nah, the quests are fine. What the zones need are GW2 esque dynamic events. Honestly GW2 maps feel like living breathing worlds simply because of their numerous and varied dynamic events. If Neverwinter added these on top of the linear, traditional styled fetch/kill quests, this game would be 10x better.
  • jd0ggjd0gg Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    i think it's a valid question. what's the point of the game? for some of us the answer is "to go on an adventure". in the pen and paper D&D that usually meant a quest to a dungeon or some kind with danger and treasure to be had. i don't think it needs to be a more existential proposition than that. quests that take you to dungeons and you get to crawl through those dungeons to kill someone, find something, destroy something, escort someone, or deliver something. there is only so much that you can actually quest about. the rest of it is about how interesting the narrative of the quest is and how elaborate the dungeons are. you can chain quests together as a campaign even. all that sounds really good to me. i don't need to have some major world story to drive me to play.

    edit: i dont think i've seen a game that actually does anything essentially different than what you see in wow. usually the differences lies in the delivery. for instance the dynamic quests in GW2 are alot of fun but are boiled down to the same basic things: defend against attackers, destroy something bad in the area, collect something good in the area, counter attack attackers, etc. it all has the same basic elements of WoW or EQ or any other MMO. what i like about Neverwinter is that it has a heavy dose of dungeon crawling even for the most basic things.. crawl through sewers, crawl through a creepy house, crawl through a castle, crawl through an actual dungeon. and then there are the actually "party required" dungeons too. it's just a barrel of fun for me. love it.
    JDogg, Original Gamester
    All Out Assault
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I thought the point was to "beat" the game in 3 days and then rage on the forums for months about how much it sucks. Because there is nothing else to do!
  • ryger5ryger5 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    I thought the point was to "beat" the game in 3 days and then rage on the forums for months about how much it sucks. Because there is nothing else to do!

    Post of the week!
    SHADOW - A secret cabal for those who thirst for wealth and power.
    Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
  • syberghostsyberghost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,474
    edited March 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    I thought the point was to "beat" the game in 3 days and then rage on the forums for months about how much it sucks. Because there is nothing else to do!

    Forum PvP is best PvP. Here endeth the lesson.
  • wesgarwesgar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    sockmunkey wrote: »
    I thought the point was to "beat" the game in 3 days and then rage on the forums for months about how much it sucks. Because there is nothing else to do!

    well that's a given SockMunkey... everything 'else' we were talking about happens 'after' the MAIN point has occurred... :-P

    (+2 points for making me laugh out loud.)

    zWolf / Wesgar

  • yasha00yasha00 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 479 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    Hmmm, as I recall up to level 10 in WoW had me killing 10 butterflies to make some magical juice to make a cure for something, collecting the essence of 10 weird crystals scattered around a landscape with non-aggressive mobs, taking a message from point A to a person at point B, who then gave me a quest to kill 10 blood elves, etc...

    The thing I was really impressed with in Neverwinter was that even at low levels there were solo instances that had a nice "diabloesque" dungeon crawl feel to them. Combined with the engaging combat system it was fun to play. The collect 10 sludge sample type quests were pretty standard mmo fare of course, but the solo instances are well done.
  • ordainedoneordainedone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Ugh Quest, and lol @ WoW. WoW is about as shallow as a puddle of camel spit. Only game that I've ever played with in depth story telling was FFXI. Played that game for 7 years right out of beta. Give me parties, give me group grinds, give me awesome HARD story events, get rid of all this solo ****, and for ****s sake, get rid of Questing!

    EDIT: Would be nice to have an open world , with open dungeons, full of monsters. No quest to go there, no little shiny road to follow there. Grab a bunch of adventurers and head out because they're might be treasure in them thar hills!
  • silver44swordsilver44sword Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    "Oh no, another comparison thread.....time to get some popcorn and watch the action ensue."

    I really don't see the relevence in comapring WOW to NWO. Each game is a different monster. One with a long, long, long history of PnP and video gmae RPG iterations........remember SSI pc D&D games like pools of radiance or the savage frontier for the com64 or amiga? The other (wow) has a not so long history and alot of the material used in that game was generated from ideas of D&D material.

    NWO is about players and DM's - Those that play the adventures(stories/lore) or quests and those that create them(foundry).

    WOW is about players - instances, PvP, PvE and grinding, and grinding, and grinding, and guess what grinding some more for loot.

    In truth without D&D which came long before WOW, I'm fairly certain there would be NO WOW.

    Give credit, where credit is due....
  • weelildragonweelildragon Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    theht wrote: »
    Yeah, the official quests are fairly ordinary in the tasks they have you perform (mostly). I haven't been paying attention to the story on account of wanting to take my time with it when my character won't be wiped, but some like the spellplague questline I've really enjoyed.

    The really interesting stuff I expect to come in the form of user-generated content, though I wouldn't put it past Cryptic to have intriguing quest design on some of the official stuff.

    I have found the area quests to be completely uninteresting (the racing and catching spies sort of stuff), but things like having area bosses and similarly more epic (as in actually epic) area quests that pop more often would be great. Maybe they're already there, hell I just got to level 25.

    I really enjoyed a Spell Plaque quest as well. I just played the one where I had to transport Dorothea through the sewers to Razzahd, I have no idea how many there are.

    First off it was fun to play. You had to keep an eye on her, because she
    could become a monster quite quick
    and you don't want that, because having to subdue her was a pain (especially if you don't have any health potions left, while playing GWF) xD
    It was also fun when
    you could have her fight your enemies for you. She really plowed through them.

    Secondly, I see a part of lore which could be elaborated on.
    Appearantly some people who got the spell-plague are sent off to some hell-hole (forgot the name), while other more fortunate people could go to Rhazzad's special hospital.

    Sergeant Fox(?) said something about not being allowed to do something for her, which might suggest there is some rigorous decree in place that commands that all the spellplaqued are to be sent to the hell-hole.
    I have a feeling he went out of his way to do something for this woman. Why? Bribes from her husbaybnd? Emotional ties?
    You can really build on that story arc.
    * Maybe you will meet some people who have been less fortunate
    * Maybe someone wants you to investigate this injustice
    * Maybe something will go wrong in Rhazzad's sanctuary
    * Maybe some tempted individual who witnessed the force off the spell-plague sees an opportunity to help harnass it's incredible power
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