Created on March 8, 2013
Exile was specificity created for Neverwinter Online making it one of the first Guilds along with a few others to start pre-recruiting.
We will be focusing on both PvE and PvP content. We will also be doing Community building events and using the Foundry to create epic dungeons with storyline.
To Exile, maintaining a respectable community is our priority, we value our players and hope to create a warm welcoming atmosphere of both hardcore and casual players.
The two main factors in Exile is
- We do not tolerate is Elitism ( If you're pro, that's awesome. But if you're "too pro" to help out your fellow guild mates, you don't belong in Exile)
- No Drama, we would like to keep the community drama free.
Over all, we are a Guild who plans on being very active in both PvE and PvP content.
General Rules:Elitism--
If you really think you're too pro to help out someone new to the game or someone who may not understand the game as well as you do, you most definitely do not belong in Exile and will most likely be warned about your behavior and kicked from the guild if you do not adapt. We encourage new players and want to build a fun community. If you're pro, and a really good player, that's great if you're still willing to be helpful and decent to others.
I get people will have certain players they like to hang out with and play with more than others and that's fine. But when you deliberately start leaving people out and refuse to play with or help your guild mates, that is a problem. Trying to avoid this at all costs, it'll be hard but we'll do our best to keep everyone involved and welcomed.
Trolling is fun at times but honestly, our goal is not to be jerks to each other. There's a difference between joking and being malicious (trolling).
Exile wants a zero tolerance policy for drama for in our opinion it is the fastest way to kill a guild. We understand not everyone will get along in the game, but if members are causing drama in the guild or even in game they will be asked to either sort it out, or stop.

would like to chat more about your guild and its plans
Send me a pm letting me know when you have a moment or two.
IGN: DrDoom
CLS: Heretic
SVR: Atlantis
IND ID:1000165G030200060007250S15fb1f
It's an NA guild, we will most likely go by server time if anything and will have the server time clock on the website itself for those who are not online in game but want to keep track. Events will also be posted on Guild calendar and have a count down timer of when events will start as well.
Please keep in mind that this guild is extremely new and was created Today, 02:18 AM lol
A little bit about me:
I hate drama.. And you're right it is the #1 guild killer. If there is drama and its not handled right, I will leave without warning.
But that being said. I'm normally laid back, Love to have fun and I'm new to Neverwinter. :P
To join, talk to an EXILE member in game for invites or you can PM me
/whisper Shield@x3lade
( i missed the key this beta weekend, but i try next week)
Welcome to EXILE~!
As a reminder, EXILE is still recruiting and if you have any questions feel free to ask
Watch in 1080p http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GICWv6TsTfg
We don't have a VOIP, we plan on using one "Vent, TS3, Raidcall etc..." if a Guildmate already has one that the Guild can use, that would be great =D You and your wife are very much welcomed to join EXILE~!
As of right now in Beta, there is only one server (Shard is what they call it), and its called Dragon-"something" lol can't remember. But anyways, all beta characters will be wiped and for launch and I will assume they will be putting more Shards. Until then I can't give a definite answer on which shard EXILE will join, not until they release the "List of Shards" for launch to the public
Looks good. I'm even interested in joining but I *cannot* and here's why: whatever that template-based web site is that you are using features a version of Captcha that does *not* work on Safari for OS X (I do all my web stuff on my Mac - hey, my choice, right?)
I am NOT complaining. It is what it is.
There was another Guild I was interested in joining and when I brought this problem to the OP's attention his answer? "Use Firefox". Ummm, not no, but hell no. Wrong answer.
Rather I would have *hoped* he would have suggested a way that I could "register" with his guild another way. His unflattering (and to me: offensive) little quip turned me off faster than a light switch. Meaning to say as far as I'm concerned that guild is all hot air: fancy talk, but no substance. What we usually call "paper tiger" or "empty suit". Screw them.
So here's your chance to make your group look good by practicing what you're preaching: help me become a member of your Guild. You can PM me and we can trade email addresses or work through PM or whatever.
I refuse to "sell" myself to any group because the group needs me a helluvalot more than I need them. However, I'll tell you why I'm interested in your Guild. I like the idea if a Guild that is dedicated and specific to neverwinter and not some groupiefest catering to every known other game imaginable. TO me that's all bloat and no substance. I am not and refuse to be a "gamerzdood" (nothing wrong with them, I just don't want to be required to be one! LOL).
Provided you don't have silly requirements like weekly forum posts (in your forum) or required attendance in every other of your events and required this and that, I'm in. (I do have a real life to contend with, but will try to participate as much as I can). As for why I'm interested: I haven't played D&D since, well long before 4th Ed. so I don't have a clue about canon lore (other than Dragonlance, which is a different campaign altogether). Oh, and I don;t have and neither am I interested in getting a microphone (I'm willing if I find a compelling enough reason) - so if teamspeak is a requirement then I guess I'm out of consideration.
However I do know Cryptic systems (in STO since beginning, CO since 6 months or so) and I do know the Foundry inside and out (at the STO level) which means seriously short learning curve on NWO version. I'm happy to share that knowledge. I'm also experienced with 3D modeling, and I am a professional graphic designer and photographer by trade, so I can lend those skills to the group. I also enjoy helping others. A lot.
Anyway, if you're willing - PM me so we can figure this thing out in terms of getting "registered" with your group. It's among the first that look interesting enough for me to actually make a move to join-up. If we can't work it out as long as you at least give me something better than "get another browser" - we're good.
First off, thank you for pointing that out, much appreciated =D I only use Chrome so I don't know what the website looks like for other browsers. I'll look into it and check out whats wrong and hopefully fix it
The forums is merely a tool for communication; Communication with other Guildies, sharing Class Builds idea, posting Events, etc... "Is it a requirement for attendance in every event?", short answer -no. But we do encourage people to take part in special events that may even help yourself "win prizes" or whatever it is, but never forced on Guildies, in the end it's just a game and we're here to have fun!
As of right now, we don't have Teamspeak or other VOIP, it will not be a requirement but more of a privilege to have
About getting registered, give me some time to fix the website so it will work on your browser~ For anymore questions feel free to ask them here or send me a PM ^_^
LOL Thanks. I could do it from work office (we have Windows boxes there I could use - I just don;t do web stuff on my Windows Box at home). Well, I hope to remember to do it, anyway - I telecommute twice a week so I'll have to remember to give it a go on Tuesday. But hell's bells it's not like there isn't time.
Thanks for your courteous reply. And as for events and forums participation, etc: I intend to participate a lot. It's the *requirement* (do it or else) business that turns me off. We all have real live that keep *&%^^$%#$%^*%% interrupting our dungeon delving dammit. (Well, Cryptic not moving fast enough to launch, too)
***~sets reminder alarm to join Exile group on Tuesday from office~***
Hi everyone I would like to help out a little bit. I have been with cryptic for a while, they have a very interesting way that they run their servers. As x3lade said they use Shard now the better question is what exactly does this mean.
It simply meaning that they can add as many servers as they need. But making them shards means that they are all connected. You can play any cryptic game and see exactly what were talking about Star Trek Online and champions online. I prefer Star Trek online I am a lifetime subscriber.
This way you don't have to worry about what server your friends go on when the game launches you could always play with your friends no matter what shard there on.
Now another question will be, want some shard get full yes, and all you have to do is your friends or guild mates will find a shard that's not full and has enough to support your entire group.
Amway's I hope this helps also try some of there other games out like Star Trek Online they are all free to play http://sto.perfectworld.com/
I hope this helps.