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Beta was fun, but way to easy.



  • wulfster42wulfster42 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 183 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    punkroker wrote: »
    A recent interview I read say that a hard core gamer play 5 or more hours a WEEK, and you say that 10+ hours a DAY is no hard core? :P

    I meant that playing 10+ hours a day is hardcore...and thats for the weekend. I have played online games since they first started on BBSs and then on school severs as muds. Hardcore for mudding was averaging more then 10 hours a DAY for 2 weeks....and that wouldn't even get you on the top of the nolife list (a list of people who played the mud the most). At one point I was in between jobs/school and spent a whole year on the top of the nolife list (14+ hours a day on average for a year). Was actually a blast to be honest.

    Anyway I played a moderate amount for a weekend for me, much less then I play with new games I purchase and am enjoying on the weekend for the most part. Probably averaged 6 hours or so per day (including friday which was less..and bunch more on Sat..and then not too much on Sun because I was almost maxed out already).

    As far as casual gamers, I believe anyone who plays less then 10 hours a week has been considered to be casual for MMO games...at least on DDO etc...been awhile since I've heard that being mentioned though so could be wrong. Very casual would be just 2 hours a day on Sat/Sun though..which is 4 hours a week...saying hard core gamers play just 1 more hour then that means you need quite a few more definitions then hard core gamer lol. Crazy gamer, obsessed gamer etc:)
  • ysil6969ysil6969 Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I found the difficulty was stupidly easy at the start with a rogue and a cleric. Even if it get's harder later on, it shouldn't be THAT easy in the beginning. My cleric doesn't even use his heal spell or potions. But it is a beta and by the sounds of how different it was from beta 1 they're still trying to find the perfect balance between difficulty and progress speed.
  • txhawktxhawk Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Playing a control wizard, I hit an absolute wall in the Graveyard. I was two levels below the content, mobs resisted my control effects, and even minions were able to carve me up.

    I had to abandon the main questline altogether and go do Foundry content for a few hours.

    I'm not sure if that says more about the game difficulty, the levelling curve, or the BW2 state of control wizards.
    Waiting for paladins...
  • horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    I too find the game to easy at least from 5-20. The enemies weren't doing enough damage on their end to us. The time it took to kill various baddies on our end seemed about perfect, nothing too long like beating on a stone with a tooth brush. That would then go in line with over powering potions. Cleric heals need a boost to at least compete somewhat with a potion.

    So this doesn't mean the whole game is one way or the other. Or a single dungeon can't be an exception to the rule. But I'm comfortable saying 5-20 needs some balancing.
  • wesgarwesgar Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am not sure what level you played to, but... for me the difficulty increased at around level 30. I think that the 'first part' or introduction to the game, is fine the way it was. for hard core gamers, you'll blow through the content quickly, and the more 'casual' player can have a nice introduction to the game.

    My 2 Cents.

    zWolf / Wesgar

  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Time constraints limited me to only hitting level 10 with my cleric (I know, I know...). Regardless, regular mobs felt easy enough, but some boss fights got a bit dicey (the Gothan rescue wasn't bad - the barbarian (?) before that taught me the value of getting out of the way).

    That's just me, though. I've never claimed to be a 1337-d00d, and my gaming time is limited.
  • mltdwnmltdwn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited March 2013
    raugar wrote: »
    was to easy in my eyes too. which is bad, since i remember the total halibut video, where the devs clearly said, nwo would be really hard.

    Actually they stated that the NWO End Game content would be really hard. Their words were along the lines that they wanted the end game content to be so hard not even they could beat it.
    let's face it..like many of the MMO's that come out .. we play them we beat them and move on to the next..

    Sounds like a personal problem. I don't play them, beat them, move on to the next. I generally play each MMO a couple of years before moving on, and then I tend to come back off and on to see and experience the changes.
  • hopeless2hopeless2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited March 2013
    darvien19 wrote: »
    I will simply say this..IF you made it to lvl 40..in one weekend the game is too easy..

    let's face it..like many of the MMO's that come out .. we play them we beat them and move on to the next..

    Not many games today will hold your attention for a long period of time .. like for me EQ1 did or Daoc..

    Not spaming here or disliking this game.. i plan and will play this till i beat it with friends and enjoy it ..

    The only thing i can see myself doing to a great extent is the Foundry creating player content

    Feel free to spam :)

    Being slow with levelling has nothing to do with how difficult a game is. I don't mean this as an insult or anything. But games are being made FASTER to level not easier.
  • hopeless2hopeless2 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 73
    edited March 2013
    cdnbison wrote: »
    Time constraints limited me to only hitting level 10 with my cleric (I know, I know...). Regardless, regular mobs felt easy enough, but some boss fights got a bit dicey (the Gothan rescue wasn't bad - the barbarian (?) before that taught me the value of getting out of the way).

    That's just me, though. I've never claimed to be a 1337-d00d, and my gaming time is limited.

    Along all other mmo content is scaled where low level stuff is cakewalk and stuff keeps getting harder. As it should be.
  • horrorscope666horrorscope666 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 415 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    hopeless2 wrote: »
    Along all other mmo content is scaled where low level stuff is cakewalk and stuff keeps getting harder. As it should be.

    The question is do you need 20'ish levels of cakewalk? To me 5 seems sufficient to get the point, it aims like a FPS, you press either LMB/RMB or a few other keys to fire off spells to kill things. Next.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    tsaaby wrote: »
    Im not sure if it can be discussed here, so I will not go into detail. But this game really needs to get harder, alot harder.

    Revisit this post and this thread when you reach level 50. Hmmm? If you've played previous Cryptic games you will know that difficulty level is based on a curve. Difficulty will become exponentially harder as you level-up, and level-up time will increase exponentially as well. Though you can level-up to 20 in a weekend, good luck getting from 50 to 60 in less than a couple weeks of casual play. It will be an effort.
  • gaymer87gaymer87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 291 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2013
    I thought the game was very easy, level 40 control. Also the potion spamming is a bit out of control. I was able to have a large number of mobs on me as a wizard and take care of them just because I could spam potions like crazy.
    *~Ezenkrul Kor'hedron -Drow Sorcerer~* **on hold**
    *~Serixil Kor'hedron- Drow Trickster~*
  • koreannuskoreannus Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I think the battles are to forgiving, u can just spam your at-will and have potions like a druken-potion-spam master cause the cooldown is too short (at least the weaker potions), there's no need to think before pull mobs, just hack'n'slash them to death u can't as an example, use the enviroment to favor you (concealment,narrow corridors,deep-water slowing movement,height advantage)
    and the traps...oh boy..I'm really dissapointed, it should be unforgiving, causing near death, debuffs, eating some time to get free from a hole and things like that, this would avoid the total rush-faceroll on dungeons (when you have healers) and would be good to make the players actually pay attention to the beauty of the enviroment...
    but these are just first impressions, I trust I'm going to have a good time playing after the release
  • crazydavey804crazydavey804 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    Played all the way to 40 as a CW. I do agree that potion spamming seems a bit out of control. 8 seconds cooldown on a potion is way too short. But other than that had a blast with the active combat system. I look forward to the next beta weekend.
    One another note. If you are able to buy astral diamonds with Zen then the game is basically pay to win. People with disposal income will have the best gear. I truly hope that Cryptic does not allow players to purchase AD for Zen.
  • vorathianvorathian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    if you died, you must suck. this game is 24/7 hello kitty mode.
  • chrysooochrysooo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 42
    edited March 2013
    vorathian wrote: »
    if you died, you must suck. this game is 24/7 hello kitty mode.

    => you obviously didnt do the mad dragon
    => since you think its to easy and still didnt do a dungeon you could enter at lv31 you probably didnt get beyond 30
    => people are saying its getting harder at 30+
    => ur argument is invalid
  • mafiamanmafiaman Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2013
    I am not sure if I am a bit ahead of the norm, but I found that I didn't even need to try with the control wizard until mid 30's. I made it to 40 and went through the main storyline, so I experienced what was available to me. Late 30's did ramp up to a good difficulty level and you could very easily die if you didn't shift dash correctly. So, I would honestly say the difficulty is fine. One issue I did find though is that this challenge only existed if I fought 3 or 4 levels ahead of me in content. Most of this was because of the slowed xp gain making me lower level than the content, but I am glad it did. I found that at any point, if I was fighting in the open world with anything my level, it was easy. It had to be higher level than me to have to work at it.

    Ultimately, I think for those who are having difficulties, when the xp game/content gets aligned, it will be ok for most people. For those that want a harder difficulty, you will always be able to go against higher level content. Also, there are foundry quests that throw quite alot of mobs your way and provide sufficient challenge. I am sure that foundry creators will always fill any void that players have in terms of variety in difficulty.
  • mayhemsmmayhemsm Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 35
    edited April 2013
    I made it to lvl 40 as GWF in BW3, almost entirely solo and found the game very easy.

    The speed was fun and enjoyable and the difficulty was beginning to ramp up but still it seems strange to make it to 2/3 of the level cap over just one weekend. At that rate even with an exponential difficulty increase it would be 1-2 weeks max to cap. If the level cap was say 80 or 90, it would probably feel just right.

    However with how the quests are structured, if they reduced exp you'd quickly become out of sync with the main quest line. So I'm not quite sure how else they could fix this without restructuring all the quests, or increasing level cap.
  • pednickpednick Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2013
    some of these people claiming it's too easy are hyper active add syndrome, take your meds and stfu.
    Be a Leet D00D, can't think of something smart? Always blame the economy.
  • bloodlightsbloodlights Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1
    edited April 2013
    If you havent gotten to the higher lvls you cant really say if its hard or not (30+). I got to 20 and sold all my pots for a mount so I stoped playing after I reached that goal :p, so up till 20 it was pretty easy.
  • bubbabinskybubbabinsky Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 161 Community Moderator
    edited April 2013
    Early levels are bound to be easy. That's a given for almost any MMO you can play. I'm sure there are balance issues that Cryptic is working on as well. I wouldn't bet on these issues being present later on in the game.
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