celestial coin timer is bugged, gained first coin at around 3:30 pm pacific on friday. saturday at about the same time it disappeared even though i'd been invoking frequently. gained a new coin after 8 pm pacific saturday and timer read 24 hrs. after 10 am today i used invoke and timer reset to 6 hrs. then at 3:30 my remaining celestial coin disappeared again even though i had invoked 20 mins before that.
There were 2 types of coins from prayer. Celestial and ardent. The celestial coins disappeared after a time period and the ardent coins you keep. You can buy different things with them by clicking on the coin icon in the prayer icon. I scrolled through and saw that with like 50 ardent coins you can purchase a guardian angel companion or a unicorn mount. I know the celestial coins I spent a couple on buff potions before they vanished.
hyphenjayMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
There were 2 types of coins from prayer. Celestial and ardent. The celestial coins disappeared after a time period and the ardent coins you keep. You can buy different things with them by clicking on the coin icon in the prayer icon. I scrolled through and saw that with like 50 ardent coins you can purchase a guardian angel companion or a unicorn mount. I know the celestial coins I spent a couple on buff potions before they vanished.
i thought it was celestial you keep and ardent's the one that vanishes? O_o
anyway, that's besides the point
the guardian angel seems to be a nicer version of cleric healer
There were 2 types of coins from prayer. Celestial and ardent. The celestial coins disappeared after a time period and the ardent coins you keep. You can buy different things with them by clicking on the coin icon in the prayer icon. I scrolled through and saw that with like 50 ardent coins you can purchase a guardian angel companion or a unicorn mount. I know the celestial coins I spent a couple on buff potions before they vanished.
so these coins were more for the hardcore gamers , the ones who played often kept up with praying. i noticed tho you could only get a few coins / diamonds a day this way after that was minor xp.
Blue, green, grey, white, or black; smooth, ruffled, or mountainous; that ocean is not silent.
H. P. Lovecraft
so these coins were more for the hardcore gamers , the ones who played often kept up with praying. i noticed tho you could only get a few coins / diamonds a day this way after that was minor xp.
i think it's first 3 invokes per day that'll get you ADs, with diminishing amounts of course
kourgath4Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
issue still happening with today's beta. 2 hrs after gaining my celestial coin it disappeared while zoning into fallen tower district. with 34 mins left on my invoke timer which it also reset
Same problem as well. It did this BW1 as well. I know nothing is set in stone yet, but a better explanation of how the system works would be nice. There have been improvements from BW1, but a breakdown of the rewards would be handy. (As in, do the rewards improve/stack if I invoke right away every hour or is it better to wait and invoke after I've been logged in for a couple hours.)
kraut77Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited March 2013
Yes me too, handed in a ticket about this problem as well.
Same problem, invoked my deity like 4 minutes earlier, went through gate (zoned) to new area and BAM! Celestial Coin vanished.
Maybe the problem is zoning (leaving through gate/dungeon).
Exact same thing is happening to me.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
The idea is if you log ijn within 24 hours you keep the accumulated coins and gain a new one; if you don't it's reset to zero. Other coins are just accumulated as per praying once a day. For some reason the celestial coin is not staying and resting to zero anyway.
It seems to be related to changing zones. When i change zones, i do get the reset on my Celestial coins too.
snicketysnickMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited March 2013
I've also encountered this problem, as above it seems to be tied to changing zones.
I've had the refresh timer set to only 6 hours, the prayer timer reset completely and the coin disappearance bug a couple of times over the weekend.
kohlfrogMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
I had my first celestial coin disappear less than 30 minutes after I got it. I teleported into an instanced version of a map, and when I got there, it was gone. Because of this, I promptly spent my second coin on the buff potion so I wouldn't lose it.
However I think they need a new system in place for Celestial Coins.
You can only get 1 per day, yet you have to pray every 6 hours to make sure you don't lose them, and you can redeem up to 7. I'm sorry, but I sleep 10 hours straight each night if I get my way. Some people work 9 hour days, etc. If they are going to reset the Celestial coins, then they need to make it a daily thing. If you miss a day of prayers, then you lose all your coins. This keeps people logging in every day. If absolutely necessary, at least extend it to 12 hours. This would give someone enough time to at least log in to pray before going to work or something....
Anything shorter than 12 hours though, is going to be problematic. You could even make it so you have to pray 2-3 times in a 24 hour period to keep your coins. This would mean they would need to be on at least 2-3 hours, or at least that many times during the day.
dec0ydeaditeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
haha i'm surprised no one has posted a valid response to this; not even a mod. yes the CC timer is bugged, i had the same problem during beta2 but the disappearing act is only from your inventory, the coins themselves are pooled after leaving your inventory and can still be used to make purchases. in total i invoked 2 coins during beta2 and 'lost' one to the disappearing act, however when i invoked the second and actaully tried to use it i discovered that my first was sitting in the CC pool under the same menu.
those dam_ HOTN players ruin everything. STRUGGLING? uMAD? QQ? NEED A GUIDE? GET SPOON FED HERE! NOMNOMNOM
haha i'm surprised no one has posted a valid response to this; not even a mod. yes the CC timer is bugged, i had the same problem during beta2 but the disappearing act is only from your inventory, the coins themselves are pooled after leaving your inventory and can still be used to make purchases. in total i invoked 2 coins during beta2 and 'lost' one to the disappearing act, however when i invoked the second and actaully tried to use it i discovered that my first was sitting in the CC pool under the same menu.
Well that makes for an interesting bug - when I zoned after that 4 minutes earlier having prayed for the first time thing and immediately losing the Celestial Coin, the system message also popped up in chat saying "your Celestial Coin has been removed" (something along those lines) so server also believes you should've lost it, even if it is somehow hiding in your bag and still able to be spent.
dec0ydeaditeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
yeah i got the same message when i lost my first coin but if you hover over the CC image in your inventory the text will tell you about the coin pool, it even has a specific name for it but i can't recall what it was. if you go into the CC purchasing menu you can see your CC total on the bottom left corner. the timer is bugged however and the coins do leave your inventory which is why we all recieved that message, so i can only imagine that keeping them 'in' your inventory could possibly increase the chances of getting them more frequently when you invoke. i'm hoping for a no-wipe beta3 so i can get some more coins and see what some of the high-end CC items can do.
those dam_ HOTN players ruin everything. STRUGGLING? uMAD? QQ? NEED A GUIDE? GET SPOON FED HERE! NOMNOMNOM
jezathforumMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2013
aye there is some kind of bug effecting invoking when changing zones and i think its probably linked to that
"There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
"If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
I actually had a different bug attached to these coins which I bugged. I was unable to exit the town until I had lost all my coins
Only options to leave town when I had a celestial coin was to skirmish, no other gate would let me through!
This could actually be an unrelated bug. I had a few times where I had to relog because I lost the "F" functionality. Gates didn't think I was there, NPC's wouldn't talk to me, etc. I could still use F on Players, but not on any NPC/interactional object.
As for the Celestial Coins. When I lost mine, they were lost. They never appeared in my pool later. When my first disappeared I checked the store, and I was not able to purchase anything in it, not even the single token item. I did however keep my other coin (Ardent?) Those were still in the pool.
Both times I got a celestial coin I lost it within an hour. In each case I was changing zones while the cooldown on prayer was back to zero. There was a system notification in chat that my celestial coins had been set to zero.
This is still happening. I just lost my celestial coin even though I've been praying at least once every couple of hours since I logged on, and I still had 6 minutes on the timer from the last time I prayed. I hope that this is fixed before go-live, otherwise it will be hideously confusing to people why their coins keep disappearing. (And obviously, this seriously hinders the ability to acquire items that require celestial coins...)
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i somehow managed to get it to 2, but then went to 0 for no reason
mine also eventually got wiped.
H. P. Lovecraft
i thought it was celestial you keep and ardent's the one that vanishes? O_o
anyway, that's besides the point
the guardian angel seems to be a nicer version of cleric healer
so these coins were more for the hardcore gamers , the ones who played often kept up with praying. i noticed tho you could only get a few coins / diamonds a day this way after that was minor xp.
H. P. Lovecraft
i think it's first 3 invokes per day that'll get you ADs, with diminishing amounts of course
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The 19th Battalion
"Captain's Company"
Maybe the problem is zoning (leaving through gate/dungeon).
Exact same thing is happening to me.
I've had the refresh timer set to only 6 hours, the prayer timer reset completely and the coin disappearance bug a couple of times over the weekend.
However I think they need a new system in place for Celestial Coins.
You can only get 1 per day, yet you have to pray every 6 hours to make sure you don't lose them, and you can redeem up to 7. I'm sorry, but I sleep 10 hours straight each night if I get my way. Some people work 9 hour days, etc. If they are going to reset the Celestial coins, then they need to make it a daily thing. If you miss a day of prayers, then you lose all your coins. This keeps people logging in every day. If absolutely necessary, at least extend it to 12 hours. This would give someone enough time to at least log in to pray before going to work or something....
Anything shorter than 12 hours though, is going to be problematic. You could even make it so you have to pray 2-3 times in a 24 hour period to keep your coins. This would mean they would need to be on at least 2-3 hours, or at least that many times during the day.
Well that makes for an interesting bug - when I zoned after that 4 minutes earlier having prayed for the first time thing and immediately losing the Celestial Coin, the system message also popped up in chat saying "your Celestial Coin has been removed" (something along those lines) so server also believes you should've lost it, even if it is somehow hiding in your bag and still able to be spent.
"There are two things that drive technology forward in a huge leap in this world, one is war and one is business..."-- Timothy Wade 2012
"If you wish to join a guild, that will be running a guild foundry RP campaign then come take a look at [BLOOD]"
Only options to leave town when I had a celestial coin was to skirmish, no other gate would let me through!
This could actually be an unrelated bug. I had a few times where I had to relog because I lost the "F" functionality. Gates didn't think I was there, NPC's wouldn't talk to me, etc. I could still use F on Players, but not on any NPC/interactional object.
As for the Celestial Coins. When I lost mine, they were lost. They never appeared in my pool later. When my first disappeared I checked the store, and I was not able to purchase anything in it, not even the single token item. I did however keep my other coin (Ardent?) Those were still in the pool.