Seeing mini-games mentioned on another thread and reading about what games we play wile waiting for this MMO made me think of this question.
So, what mini-games do you want, or do you believe it should be "kept out" of a D&D game? (Personally I see no reason for the latter but respect anybody's opinion explaining why.)
I think a crafting mini-game to alleviate the point-click monotony would be nice to modify for our crafting delays when mass-producing especially, perhaps determining how well a finished product is (being possibly normal or up to one step higher/lower when applicable than the typical end crafted product.)
Of course if for some unforeseen reason fast-travel cannot be used in the future for far-off areas (and I expect instancing for these specific missions "outside" of Neverwinter like how the Baldur's Gate missions outside said city were done on the game,) mini-games could work her like three-dragon ante, card, and/or dice games.
While debatable, the Elder Scrolls' lock-picking could be used as a mini-game for opening locked items (the higher the skill the easier the game is to win and the more difficult the lock the more tumblers.)
And just because, I'd love some "Whack-a-Mole" D&D equivalent to kill time between serious adventures. A firey mallet and "Whack-a-Troll" perhaps?

I'd love your feedback so don't be shy on your opinions here! Just try not to make it have more workable code than the main game itself
Bar room card games (with betting hopefully)
I would also kill for a game of billiards or chess in game.
Dice game (can be played in open world or in bar and is betting only)
Courier Job (you can take a courier job that is a time based delivery job that may break out into encounters with thugs and such)
Great hunt (maybe a class restriction on this one?) a hunt for dangerous prey with a party of 10.
Highway escort (help public transportation or local traders going in and out of the city to defend against highway robbers)
For foundry makers:
Lock crafting (to make puzzle locks that are not just skill check related)
I might think of some more later.
For example, three cups with one coin, and the magician then swaps the position of the cups and you can choose one and see if it has coin.
underwater tag with fish-people
Shown a number of things (e.g. 8 different sets of weapons, creatures etc) for 20 secs and then being shown 3 things and asked to recognize which of them was not shown.
also; card games, hide and seek, obstacle race etc.
or some arena styled place where you can fight a selection of captured creatures, constructs or elementals
might be nice to know what kind of creatures to avoid if you happen to run into them in the wild or in a dungeon
However, I would really like to see Sava. A game made by drows.
I just had an idea. How about game in game? [yeah ripoff of that ripoff movie of dream in dream]
I mean I go in tavern, and play dungeons and dragons 4e [or if they can afford AD&D till 3.5e too] - and/or different realms like Planescape, ravenloft etc. So there are chairs in the tavern and we four can sit toghether and roll dice, only difference being that figurines will be animated with magic! So in short, while playing videogame of NWO, inside the game we play tabletop D&D(tabletop as in faerun, there are no SNES consoles or electricity)! A game in game!
EDIT: And a hidden game in game level exist where lady of pain is cooking some - uh - human looking things.
But I do like the idea you proposed.
Dice games would be great, especially if you could bet. Downside to that is someone would cry about the game influencing their lil Johhny to become a gambling addict. Don't laugh, you know it will happen. Number 1 reason Sabacc wasn't & will not be put in to SWToR.
Champions had an arena where you could test your builds against mobs. Difficulty could be ramped up by a few notches. It was great theory, but it's application wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Would be great to have something like this, albeit w/better mechanics. Maybe have it a public viewing event so other players could watch & even place bets on the outcome. (oh HAMSTER, lil Johhny's mother is screaming to a lawyer again)
Rift has an area where once a day you can take a Challenge & fight one mob at a time. Difficulty increases from one challenge to the next. You can win daily prizes if you survive to the end. This was awesome & thoroughly enjoyable.
Card games, for prizes in the taverns would be great.
Tavern Wenches would be awesome!!! (yeah yeah lil Johnny's morality is in serious danger here)
The Great Hunt is a good idea, if implemented properly. Rift also had this, but was horribly broken. Spent several hours a day for a week looking in a relatively small area for the mob w/out success. If this is implemented, the mob would have to spawn properly. Otherwise you get broken quests no one will bother with. Reminds me of the Aardvark in EQ that spawned for 5 minutes. ONCE A YEAR! :eek: (seriously)
Several "Escort" style quests were suggested. Companies put too many of those in anyway. They're called "Time Sinks" lol
SWToR had them even in their space missions. Those type of quests tend to get old fast.
- Crafting mini-games of course, as mentioned:)
- Nightmare/premonition mini-game: you put your character to rest and sometimes need to play through a nightmare. The reward can be a premonition for some treasure. Rare and varying.. Though no idea how common resting will be..
Many others. I like mini-games a lot. Some very good ideas in the thread already:)
Plus it would just be awesome to pass time while you have downtime.
complete with props costumes fishable items/currency cooking recipes craftable items(oils etc) tournaments achievements titles
LOTRO has the best all time music system, you can play a single instrument from a file or manually and do an entire band. It's awesome because it's great for tips and sounds realistic.
I know there was a SW:TOR that ran pazak tournaments in a similar way and they were very successful.
Check out SHADOW on YouTube!
But I;ll settle for some regular old school pong:cool:
How about a game of Pins , (ten pin would be fun if slightly modern)
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