Recruitment has been frozen until further notice.
Dark Star, a multi-game guild (well, eventually...NW marks a new foundation for us!) is setting up shop in the streets of Neverwinter as the Dark Star Syndicate. Treasure hunters, seekers of ancient lore, and hired swords are just some of the characters you'll find in our open-ended setting. We consider ourselves to be a Heavy role-playing guild due to this being our primary focus in the game, although we welcome the occasional non-roleplayer as well, and guild chat is typically out-of-character with an additional in-character channel provided as needed. Read on for the details!
Website: http://darkstar-guild.comAlignment: Neutral on the surface, with strong inner-leanings towards Evil
Style: Heavy RP, Social, progression end-game and competitive PvP for those interested.
Chat: OOC, Separate IC channel(s) provided. RaidCall available for voice chat.
Timezone: US (Schedule balanced between eastern / pacific)
Restrictions: 18+, concessions made for family on a per-case basis.
Experienced Leadership
We've been around since the beginning of 2007 in a variety of incarnations. While Dark Star represents our goal to establish a new, multi-game brand, we have years of experience with a variety of guilds and settings to ensure success.
An Open-Ended Premise
We believe the best roleplay comes from collaboration, and in order to encourage that we're employing a guild premise that allows members to weave in their personal goals and stories, without having to worry about stepping on the toes of the greater plot.
High-Quality Campaigns
From table-top adventures to Neverwinter Nights modules, the Syndicate plays host to a variety of experienced dungeonmasters who are eager to get their hands on the foundry and supply the guild with unique and interesting content.
An Unrivaled Web Experience
Our website is more than a tool for recruitment; it's a place for our members to truly express themselves. With free access to galleries, personal blogs, and more, members have all the tools at their disposal to showcase their creativity and passion for the games they play.
Additional Resources
We're continuously updating our website with additional resources, tools, and features. Check out some of these articles for additional information about our guild; we'll update this list regularly!

The origins of the Dark Star Syndicate are hazy at best. Unable to trace a clear route to any leadership, those who attempt to dig deeper find only the conflicting aims of the organization's artificers. At first glance it would seem that the Syndicate has no motive other than profiting off of the artifacts of old, but those who have served under its code speak of the knowing gaze in an artificer's eye as she exchanges an agent's find for a satchel of gold.
In truth, the Syndicate is a vast network of plunderers, vendors, and informants unwittingly feeding their gains back to some unknowable source, but few would complain. What treasures the artificers take for themselves are never taken without due compensation, and the Syndicate's agents are free to profit from the rest of their gains. Those who care more for power than gold find themselves pursuing the coveted position of artificer, though the privilege does not come without its price.
Whether you're a treasure-hunter looking to sell your gains on the black market, a wizard in pursuit of a particular item of power, or just an unwitting pawn trapped in the web of the Syndicate, we aim to provide a setting with opportunities for characters of all kinds.
The core of the Dark Star family has been playing MMORPGs together since early 2007, though some of us go as far back as Anarchy Online! Our history of games includes such titles as World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and The Secret World. After years of adjusting our concepts and designing new websites each time, we've finally decided to settle on a single brand and branch out from our new home in Neverwinter to future titles of interest under the Dark Star banner. Although we aim to play a multitude of games, we're committed to supporting each one, and we've specifically chosen Neverwinter as our foundation because we believe it to be the best long-term option. Don't worry, we're not going anywhere!
As roleplayers, we believe in engaging, collaborative environments that draw not only from the settings of the games we play, but the playable environment as well. Our motto is "role-play with the game, not against it", and we take that to heart. We're specifically looking for intelligent, mature role-players who also want to be a part of our tight-knit out-of-character social atmosphere. For us, a guild is more than a catalyst for roleplay or raiding; it's a community, and we want people who are eager to be a part of ours.
Although our primary focus is roleplay, we have many highly-skilled players with a history of achievements in both PvE and PvP. Whether it's a server-first raid clear or a reputation for dominating the battlefield, we've accomplished these things and more while under the banner of roleplay. While we don't expect everyone to play to the same degree, the opportunity is there for those who are interested, so if you're looking to combine your roleplay with some serious gaming, you've come to the right place.
Does the Dark Star Syndicate sound like something you want to be a part of? We're looking to grow in preparation for Neverwinter, and we'd love to hear from you.
You can get started by visiting
our website, reading about our
Neverwinter chapter, our
Mission, and our
Code of Conduct. If it all sounds good, then we encourage you to
submit your application. Note that you must be registered on the website and logged in to view this page, and be sure to check your spam folder for validation e-mails!
Once submitted, your application will go to a members-only section for review, and once we've had some time to mull it over (we aim to process apps within 48 hours, but it may take longer at times) we'll contact you via PM on our website with a yes or no, and in some rare occasions we might even have more questions for you. If everything checks out, you'll begin a two-week trial period where either party can determine if it's not a good fit, no hard feelings, no questions asked. After that, congratulations, you're a full-fledged member!
We hope we've covered most of our bases, but if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask them here in this thread, or contact me via
PM. We're excited to contribute to the growing Neverwinter community, and look forward to meeting everyone!
So looking forward to the stories we weave in Faerun!
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In other news, I've just posted a new blog entry detailing the role of the Artificers within the Syndicate. As the only face of leadership within the organization at present, Artificers represent the enforcers of the Syndicate's code, but also possess the capacity to act as catalysts for conflict both between themselves and among agents.
Oh, and of course applications are still wide open. :cool:
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The Mercenary
The mercenary is loyal only to himself, eschewing steady work and duty to a nation in favor of the freedom to choose his battles, and live by his own rules. With overflowing coffers and an ever-expanding agenda, the Syndicate regularly employs mercenaries for tasks ranging from the bullying of shopkeeps to the most dangerous dungeon delves, and in rare occasions may even use a hired sword to help enforce the Articles of Agreement. There's never a shortage of work for a mercenary in the employ of the Dark Star, and some make a career out of their ever-renewing contracts.
A contract with the Dark Star offers freedom rarely found elsewhere. Because agents are bound only by the Articles, there is little in the way of moral pretense and even less in the way of etiquette. Even the gruffest man will find he has room in which to stretch his feet. The mercenary may also find he has an affinity for the Syndicate's lack of immediate hierarchy, and will easily feel an equal among his peers.
Of course, that equality ends at the artificer's desk. Where true agents may keep the tangible spoils of their adventures, the mercenary's share belongs to the Syndicate. If he should ever wish for more than a satchel of gold to mark his efforts, he shall need to pledge himself wholly, and be a mercenary no longer.
Money makes the world go 'round, my friend. :cool:
Well, money and objects of horrific cosmic power.
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The details of our setting are nearing completion and the pre-launch lead-up RP is about to begin. You know you want to join, it's going to be a blast.
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I've watched it a half dozen times and I still get all excited when I see our logo fade in at the end. /proud
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With the beta weekend coming up, we're discussing our plans and potential events. If you've been on the fence about applying, this will be your chance to get to know us directly both OOCly and ICly, so keep an eye out for an announcement later tonight. :cool:
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Hopefully we will see even more this weekend.
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OOC Details:
When: Saturday, March 9th, from 8pm to Midnight Eastern time.
Where: Channel 14 - The fountain just south of the Hall of Justice in Protector's Enclave, nestled between the stairways and directly below the statue. Not the large circular fountain further south.
More Details: Come meet us in-character on Saturday night, whether as a prospective recruit or just to stretch your role-playing legs. We'll be playing a variety of mains, alts, and experimental characters, so if you want to roleplay with us but are worried about not doing so with your main, that's perfectly fine!
In addition, we'll be available to contact OOCly throughout the weekend if you have any questions, comments, or just want to say hi. Send tells to handles @astralecho, @ainilome1, @selcarian, @Rilendyr, or @aiieen. And be sure to check out our awesome trailer if you haven't yet!
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Others are welcome too, I will be in today if anyone has any questions.
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Website ★ Recruitment
Yeah! I messed around with all the classes last night and this morning. Ended up sticking with a rogue. Who is now around 14.
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Website ★ Recruitment