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Why cant i worship an Evil Deity?

lordeetolordeeto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
edited February 2013 in The Temple
So DnD is about choice, 4e did change it a little and push towards good/neutral but still majority of campaigns I played we were evil.... I want that feel!

These are just some of them:

Where is their weapon of choice? what about cause wounds instead of heals? their control undead instead of turn? where is the freedom that DnD once had? I understand this is a shadow of DnD and it would be next to impossible to add every feature that we saw in the table top game, but I think it would have been nice to see some more variety.

Am I the only one?
Post edited by lordeeto on


  • drowessdrowess Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    No your not alone. I want to worship Lolth with one of my characters. I see no resemblance to the traditional D&D cleric. I play 1st edition, so I don't know how 4th edition works, but I would use some 3.5 material sometimes. The 3.5 spell list wasn't that different from 1.0. I can't believe that there wasn't a single spell I recognized in this game. The class feels the same from level 1 to level 20. I have only played about 20 levels. I'm really surprised that cryptic didn't focus more energy in character/class customization; this is so unlike there previous games.
  • lordeetolordeeto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Aye, I played 1st ed, 2nd ed, 3rd ed, 3.5 and a little of 4th edition. My group has all moved onto pathfinder now, I no longer join the groups like I use to.. but I agree, The spell choice isn't there the character choice choice isn't there and the the story quest lines seem to be the same for all class's (each class should have its own story line in my opinion)....

    I enjoyed the game and will keep playing it, i just wish I wasn't so restricted... I would like to see more spell choices (and a quick way to switch the spells assigned to the q,e,r buttons.. so maybe pre-set bindings we can change with ctr+1-5 etc so depending if we are healing, aoe or single target dps we can change spells on the fly) or allow up so when we Ctr-I in a rest zone we can change the pre-sets as though the deity is giving us our spells for the day....
  • talsictalsic Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 37
    edited February 2013
    While I have Zero interest in playing an evil charactor or worshipping an evil god it is truly a huge part of D&D. It is far easier to create a story line for a game that is simple and same for all if you have no evil players and limited customization. I suspect that is why Cryptic has gone this direction at this time. You really can not have an effective world of Evil charactors without PVP. One of my biggest hopes for the game is when pvp is added if it is, they will add Evil gods that players can worship. Maybe even allow established charators to change who they worship.

    Once again I have no interest in playing an evil charactor, but I do look forward to cleansing the world of evil PCs in pvp. :)
  • razorjack156razorjack156 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Was perusing the new Forgotten Realms and 4e takes away your choice. You are good. Period.. Of course, people who have more knowledge may disagree, but it seems they are remaining true to the new design concepts.
  • aeternys123aeternys123 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Nothing about 4E forces you to be good so that's not true, especially considering how evil gods are listed... ESPECIALLY in the Forgotten Realms book considering there they are much more detailed.

    We should be able to worship Evil Gods coming from a general D&D standpoint but at the end of the day there is a general storyline that it would probably conflict with.

    Example - if you're lawful evil and worshiping Asmodeus on your wizard and are sent into a quest to kill the minions of Asmodeus who have invaded a nearby town... it wouldn't make sense even if you were hiding your true intentions or whatever because you're directly going against your God and back story of your character... you'd have to jump through a ton of hoops to make those types of quests make sense and they just chose not to have that option.

    I mean at the end of the day they're making the choices to have the game work in a certain way and so far it's pretty damn close to the 4.0 way of things besides not being able to be evil or anything (even though you could technically jump through hoops and pretend lol)

    PS: oh yeah and there's a tattoo you can get for Cyric on your face at character creation which I was using on my lvl 30 Rogue... So technically he's an option =P
  • razorjack156razorjack156 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The thing is, they no longer even detail 'good' monsters in the manual. They may have added more, but they seem to be trying to mold it a lot more than they have in the past. The thought that why detail a gold dragon since you would never want to fight one seems to suggest playing an evil character, who would see the advantages of this, are not supported.
  • amorraamorra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Setting aside the mechanical limitations with weapons and power, what keeps you from stating that your character follows (insert evil god here) and playing that out in the game? Several of my characters (the way I have developed their background) would not even worship/pray/follow any of the deities. So while I am forced to choose one (for reasons unknown to me at the moment) I can simply declare that those characters do not worship anyone.

    I agree with razorjack156, what I read on D&D 4E made me feel as though a lot of the creativity and freedom of D&D was already being sucked away. Player characters starting out as a hero (instead of a no name) and having a sealed fate, so to speak. You are told under what conditions you can and cannot cast certain spells. (In combat, out of combat etc.) It is one reason I decided not to make the transition from AD&D to 4E. I at least dabbled enough in 3E and 3.5E to make some campaigns for a few friends who played it exclusively. I read through the 4E players handbook on the ride home after buying it (30 minute trip) closed it up, put it on a shelf, and pretty much forgot about it.

    (I have one too many players who are rule gurus and would make my life difficult if I tried to stray from the rules and used them as guidelines instead of hard crusted rules. That is no more enjoyable for me as a DM than it is for a group of players when a DM tries to kill off the party because s/he is bored of the current campaign.)
  • trollbogantrollbogan Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The problem is poeple thinking this is a D&D game. It's just an action MMO with a D&D background.
  • starkaosstarkaos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    If you consider a D&D game to be a game where a friend creates various adventures to go on, fight as a group, and features a ton of D&D lore, then this is a very restricted D&D game. If you consider a D&D game to require the dice, saving throws, and other game mechanics of the pnp game, then it would be very difficult to create a D&D MMO and this MMO would fail miserably. IMO game mechanics don't make up a D&D game, it is the lore, monsters, and players that make up the D&D game.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Member Posts: 226 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    trollbogan wrote: »
    The problem is poeple thinking this is a D&D game. It's just an action MMO with a D&D background.

    It doesn't even have a D&D background; instead it has a D&D4 background.

    People who use these forums, and enjoy playing NO, will have to get used to constant disappointment from people who expected something closer to D&D.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • lordeetolordeeto Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Yea I will make evil content for every one to play with the foundry! It's decided! As much as it wont really effect players it will give them the opportunity to work along side some of the secret societies and hidden evil factions of ad&d, my lore is old school so i may have to read up on 4th ed more because I know the Zhentarim is scattered to the wind but I will try and work in them and some other evil factions that people can play if they wish to be evil, I will have to wait to see what foundry offers but i have high hopes.

    If people have idea's on what they would want to do, feel free to post here! Possible assassinations and then murder of witness's, infiltration of government facilities to rescue an asset, Disruption of exploration forces, covering the tracks of one of the factions or evil deity cults, I have plenty of idea's.... even if the dev's wont make the quest lines I will do my best. Weave a story maybe between two rival evil factions and throw in a twist of a hero party tracking you along the way.. Why is it so far away!!!
  • mo0shak3mo0shak3 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People who use these forums, and enjoy playing NO, will have to get used to constant disappointment from people who expected something closer to D&D.
    I've been noticing between threads that a lot of people haven't grasped that this is taken from 4E. I personally enjoy every edition of D&D and several other systems so I don't have any negative feelings towards it.

    Evil Deities would be great to have and someone earlier in the thread mentioned that it would conflict if you sent someone who primarily worships one evil deity to fight their minions when it seems to be those gods more often than not encourage their followers to fight each other.
  • blackblades505blackblades505 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There is no reason not to include them
    The problem is poeple thinking this is a D&D game. It's just an action MMO with a D&D background.
    So how will it make a difference if my character follows bane and heals you? Roleplay? Although i have to say if that's the attitude the developers have taken expect a major flop. This game will never compete on a technical level with some of the other MMO's coming out.

    At the end of the day, D&D has always been about choice. NWN was always about choice! YOU COULD BE EVIL in NWN there was many options at certain points.

    Its like - Lets take everything that makes a D&D game appealing...throw it out the window, along with choice and try to compete on a technical level with other games. (think Elder Scrolls online)
  • aragoharagoh Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I do not now if anyone has mentioned it yet, but if you listen to the NOC podcast posted in the main msg board around here then you will hear them talk about adding in things like evil gods for people to worship for RP purposes, they just have not added them in yet but it is planned.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Credit: Syreian: Devient Art
  • harekazeharekaze Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 122 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Technically a DM could restrict characters to only worshiping good deities? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I just thought the DM has control over what is allowed in the campaign.
  • bardbarianbardbarian Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It would be nice to have more of the Faerun Pantheons present in the game, at least for flavor and RP. And more variety in dialogue in the quests. I can only stand to play the same cleric build with the same god having the same conversations with the same NPCs before it gets really, really old. It would be nice to be able to play a cleric of Asmodeus seizing the opportunities present in a city still rising from its ashes.

    I'd like to see deities have more of a role in the game too. As it stands, it feels like it doesn't matter what god your character follows or their alignment. Every one prays at the same place with the same benefits and wears the same holy symbols, armor, etc.
  • noolidnerdnoolidnerd Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 151 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Since they were so Hush-hush about about pvp I thought they might be adding evil deities later and use Good-versus-Evil as the basis for battleground-type instances. Like you pick "Harpers" or "Blackguard" side in the character creation.
  • prootwaddleprootwaddle Member Posts: 226 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    harekaze wrote: »
    Technically a DM could restrict characters to only worshiping good deities? Please correct me if I'm wrong, I just thought the DM has control over what is allowed in the campaign.

    In the context of this D&D4 MMO the game is the DM.

    Superhero stories, done well, are about modern archetypes.

    A Prootwaddle is one of the weirder player-character races in "The Fantasy Trip", Steve Jackson's first published role-playing game.
  • thelickingtoadthelickingtoad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 51
    edited February 2013
    It doesn't even have a D&D background; instead it has a D&D4 background.
    4E *is* D&D. You may not like the edition, but that doesn't negate the fact that Fourth Edition is, in fact, a true edition of Dungeons & Dragons. And yes, 4E encourages players to choose good or neutral deities. After all, the base game assumes the PCs are heroes. The evil deities still are there, and the DM can choose to allow their worship, but the game doesn't assume they're available.

    That's not a 4E thing, by the way. I don't know any DMs who allow the worship of evil deities outside special campaigns or in special circumstances. From the AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook:

    "Third, some people choose to play evil alignments. Although there is no specific prohibition against this, there are several reasons why it is not a good idea. First, the AD&D game is a game of heroic fantasy. What is heroic about being a villain? if an evilly aligned group plays its alignment correctly, it is as much a battle for the characters to work together as it is to take on the outside world. Neutral evil individuals would be paranoid (with some justification) that the others would betray them for profit or self-aggrandizement. Chaotic evil characters would try to get someone else to take all the risks so that they could become (or remain) strong and take over. Although lawful evil characters might have some code of conduct that governed their party, each member would look for ways to twist the rules to his own favor. A group of players who play a harmonious group of evil characters simply are not playing their alignments correctly. By its nature, evil alignments call fro disharmony and squabbling, which destroys the fun."

    It should also be noted that 4E did, in fact, include fairly expansive rules for playing evil campaigns, with the Heroes of Shadow supplement (which reintroduced the Blackguard class, the Necromancer and Nethermancer Mage schools, and so on) and the Menzoberranzan supplement, which focused entirely on drow society.

    That said, I do think evil gods should be there, as not all people who worship them need be evil. And since alignment is a nonissue anyway (FINALLY), it would simply mean that they came from a bad area (perhaps a citizen of Thay or Netheril) or even that they are somehow attached to that patron, despite their protests and attempts to get away. I don't necessarily believe that those need to be available for launch, especially since I"m unsure what exactly your choice of deity actually does mechanically. But I'd like to see them eventually.

    But, with the Thayans, the Netherese, the orcs, the demons rising from the Chasm, the Ashmadai and maybe even the Dead Rats, there's going to be plenty of evil to fight, and little, if any, capital-G Good things to take on. (Though, I must say, getting involved in the dustup between the Sons of Alagondar and the Harpers would be fun.)
  • liaratsoni84liaratsoni84 Member Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well, if the choice of deity and background are completely cosmetic and have no effect at all on gameplay, then why can't they give you the option to at least type in your deity's name/background? That would solve lots of problems and allow people to have the ultimate choice for roleplaying purposes. It's kind of silly to have things like Cyric tattoos and drow in a game without Cyric or Lolth as an option for worship.
  • bruddajokkabruddajokka Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 447 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2013
    Meh it's probably because your supposed to be a force for good. Struggling against the forces of evil, and all of that jazz.
  • novanine1novanine1 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I don't know it would appear that alot of people play DDO and enjoy it; which doesn't even support deity worship. It's better to leave the evil factor out, because it warrants playing a character most party meembers don't want to get involved with. It would also create more problems for game mechanics. I've played 1,2,3, 3.5 as well and feel that options was never neccessary, for the most part it is better to have campaigns revolving around good fighting evil. The developers would really have to alter things to create campaigns for evil based parties anyways.I'm sure for the TOOLSET it might be possible, so put your hope in that.
  • chthonicmythoschthonicmythos Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0
    edited February 2013
    aragoh wrote: »
    I do not now if anyone has mentioned it yet, but if you listen to the NOC podcast posted in the main msg board around here then you will hear them talk about adding in things like evil gods for people to worship for RP purposes, they just have not added them in yet but it is planned.

    Did people not see this post? It makes this thread obsolete. It looks like we will get to worship evil dieties, so you can be a follower of Asmodeus going around murdering the Ashmodi. Or a follower of Loth killing drow. Both those groups are backstab happy though so it's probably not too out of the ordinary.
    Don't forget, we are still early beta, and I doubt the Cryptic team is just sitting around.
  • elminbanelminban Member Posts: 187 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    4E *is* D&D. You may not like the edition, but that doesn't negate the fact that Fourth Edition is, in fact, a true edition of Dungeons & Dragons. And yes, 4E encourages players to choose good or neutral deities. After all, the base game assumes the PCs are heroes. The evil deities still are there, and the DM can choose to allow their worship, but the game doesn't assume they're available.

    That's not a 4E thing, by the way. I don't know any DMs who allow the worship of evil deities outside special campaigns or in special circumstances. From the AD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook:

    "Third, some people choose to play evil alignments. Although there is no specific prohibition against this, there are several reasons why it is not a good idea. First, the AD&D game is a game of heroic fantasy. What is heroic about being a villain? if an evilly aligned group plays its alignment correctly, it is as much a battle for the characters to work together as it is to take on the outside world. Neutral evil individuals would be paranoid (with some justification) that the others would betray them for profit or self-aggrandizement. Chaotic evil characters would try to get someone else to take all the risks so that they could become (or remain) strong and take over. Although lawful evil characters might have some code of conduct that governed their party, each member would look for ways to twist the rules to his own favor. A group of players who play a harmonious group of evil characters simply are not playing their alignments correctly. By its nature, evil alignments call fro disharmony and squabbling, which destroys the fun."

    It should also be noted that 4E did, in fact, include fairly expansive rules for playing evil campaigns, with the Heroes of Shadow supplement (which reintroduced the Blackguard class, the Necromancer and Nethermancer Mage schools, and so on) and the Menzoberranzan supplement, which focused entirely on drow society.

    That said, I do think evil gods should be there, as not all people who worship them need be evil. And since alignment is a nonissue anyway (FINALLY), it would simply mean that they came from a bad area (perhaps a citizen of Thay or Netheril) or even that they are somehow attached to that patron, despite their protests and attempts to get away. I don't necessarily believe that those need to be available for launch, especially since I"m unsure what exactly your choice of deity actually does mechanically. But I'd like to see them eventually.

    But, with the Thayans, the Netherese, the orcs, the demons rising from the Chasm, the Ashmadai and maybe even the Dead Rats, there's going to be plenty of evil to fight, and little, if any, capital-G Good things to take on. (Though, I must say, getting involved in the dustup between the Sons of Alagondar and the Harpers would be fun.)

    Ammon Jerro was one of the best characters I have seen in a video game. From his voice acting, to his determination, to his faults and weaknesses. He was in NwN2 so obviously 2nd ED never heard of him. He is a great example of how true evil character works. I really felt NwN2 in general did an awesome job at debunking the myths of character alignments. In 2nd ED a lawful evil character could literally lay siege to an entire town and as long as he spared the women and children he was lawful evil. A lawful good character could not steal an apple from said town. As time has gone on DnD has improved and changed alignment.
  • mvinstedmvinsted Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Im gona play evil all the way im lucky cos i follow the one and lies is a major factor in my game so if the quest line but is non evil it is what i do out of quest that maters but that they made it so you can not take an evil path makes me not want to play the game and that
    Pains me alot cos fr is in my bone and i would properly still game if for that reason only what happent to the constand battle of the faith
    That was sutch a big part of the fr ... i can follow kelemvor and not cyric!!! Kelemvor the cowerd at midnights trial ups sorry hehe but
    good only takes away what d and d rly is you make your own path
    CPU - 5i 2500k
    MB - sabertooth Z77
    GPU - x2 msi 660 GTX OC
    RAM - 8 GB 1300 ish ddr3
    OPS - WIN 7
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    The one is my god
    AO had no answer when the one spoke to him
  • wabortiaswabortias Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ya but what about the warlocks, pale masters..spirt shaman, class's an as a shadowDancers rouge. i like being lawful evil . most my class's are in game yet an all are Evil i Hope i lest get a druid.. i lest worship death with him, Hope you can go in all the realms of limbo,(all the lvls of hell an hevan, maybe even the shadow dimensions, any one thing We might get Those quest??
    Rats fighting For Scraps,as i shake my head
  • drudgydrudgy Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Ah, the great Black Hand himself. Such fond memories adventuring in the Barrens of Doom and Despair as my illusionist Mage in AD&D.

    It would be cool if you had that kind of choice in Neverwinter, but I imagine it would be hard to come up with story for every single one of the deities in the handbook.
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  • venomdemmevenomdemme Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 42
    edited February 2013
    I would like to see more options added. I do not see why we can not have Evil Deity. Because all the Background/Deity with nothing more then rp fluff. This does not effect the story or add exclusive quest and that stuff. So just let us pick evil gods or let us pick god haters.
  • mvinstedmvinsted Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well good and evil can workt togetter cos lets say the evil abd godt fight
    Over a city and now comes somthing that will kill them all what to do gang up and fight after
    CPU - 5i 2500k
    MB - sabertooth Z77
    GPU - x2 msi 660 GTX OC
    RAM - 8 GB 1300 ish ddr3
    OPS - WIN 7
    X2 SSD

    The one is my god
    AO had no answer when the one spoke to him
  • chthonicmythoschthonicmythos Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0
    edited February 2013
    aragoh wrote: »
    I do not now if anyone has mentioned it yet, but if you listen to the NOC podcast posted in the main msg board around here then you will hear them talk about adding in things like evil gods for people to worship for RP purposes, they just have not added them in yet but it is planned.

    Did people not see this post? It makes this thread obsolete. It looks like we will get to worship evil dieties, so you can be a follower of Asmodeus going around murdering the Ashmodi. Or a follower of Loth killing drow. Both those groups are backstab happy though so it's probably not too out of the ordinary.
    Don't forget, we are still early beta, and I doubt the Cryptic team is just sitting around.
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