Bah Humbug! I'm not a fan of either were-anything or vampire-anything being included in the Forgotten Realms setting. I just don't like mixed themes. If you want werewolves and vampires then go play a horror mmo. If you want spaceships and laser guns then go play a sci-fi mmo. Keep Forgotten Realms for fantasy mmo playing.
They have been apart of FR since it was created.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
Yep, the lycans and vamps have been part of D&D before 1st ed. Get used to that. I'll withhold comment on playing one cause that depends on which culture/generation you ask.
Yep, the lycans and vamps have been part of D&D before 1st ed. Get used to that. I'll withhold comment on playing one cause that depends on which culture/generation you ask.
Yes this! I remember playing Badurs Gate with my brother in the 90ies through LAN network connection. Both me and my brother have plans to play this game.
Vampires existed in Baldurs Gate and I remember that the first expansion to Baldurs Gate had lycantrophes both Werewolves and wolfwere as a very BIG maintheme.
I am also hardcore fan of Vampire and Werewolf movies/TV series(ok not Twilight but most else). True Blood last episode of Season 5 had a 10/10 ending according to my taste. This game will have lycans and Vampires otherwise it would feel for me like a Dungeons Dragons computer game without Dragons.
I would certainly pay in Micro transactions if they would sell me opportunity to play a Werewolf of Vampire!That is however unknown if we can play them, but as enemies at least available to be used in Foundry is 99.9% certain.
Forget Baldur's Gate which came very long afterwards.
Idea of Elven Vampires who do not drink blood, save people, are pretty and live in city of Waterdeep carving woods and helping friends has been there since first of the novels on Forgotten Realms were published.
Those who say that Vampires who do not drink blood are "anti-D&D" should dig up the old novels of Forgotten Realms and read them.
The story of good Elven Vampire Jade Sunstar( or Jade something, forgot the exact name)
Yes I am very familiar with concept that a Vampire could be good. Angel in Buffy the Vampire Slayer was good when he had a soul. That said most Vampires should be more or less Evil. There are many layers of evil though. Damon Salvatore in the Vampire Diaries is well an Evil Vampire. However even then he does rarely some good deeds though most to impress a human female. However it happens that Damon looses his temper and it only needs a few seconds and Damon Savaltore can kill withour blinking a human if angered.
Damon Salvatore is a typical evil Vampire.... however as the series progress he becomes more good though calling him a good Vampire would be a lie.
I wonder if they'll add a vampiric template for the cash shop...
I would be willing to pay for that.
I'm a big True Blood/Vamp Diaries/Buffy fan. Don't like Twilight at all.
I knew I would like Vampire Diaries when in the first episode, Damon is reading the Twilight book and pokes fun at 'sparkly' vampires saying how ridiculous that is. Great scene!
Jeeze. I really wish someone would make a World of Dorkness MMO so all you people that want to play vampires and werewolves can flock to it.
Yeah so what is wrong with wishing to pay for the opportunity to play Werewolf or Vampire? That is a perfect legal wish and not a demand.
Why have x, y and z monster in game? Because they exist in Dungeons Dragons. For all your hate of Twilight movies nothing can change the fact it has become popular brand. I don't care so much about Twilight movies. That said I am very happy Vampire theme is hot now and that TV series like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries exist.
Do you know what is BEST Seller in my country right now from my countrys biggest ONLINE DVD seller? Answer: Twilight! So yeah lots of teens that like it. I have seen Twilight movies and I don't really like them but neither do I hate them.
The TV series that I mentioned have both better actors and story then Twilight. That said nothing can change the fact that Vampires is hot now.Luckily trend seems to be to include also Werewolves and maybe other creatures like in True Blood TV Series.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yeah so what is wrong with wishing to pay for the opportunity to play Werewolf or Vampire? That is a perfect legal wish and not a demand.
Why have x, y and z monster in game? Because they exist in Dungeons Dragons. For all your hate of Twilight movies nothing can change the fact it has become popular brand. I don't care so much about Twilight movies. That said I am very happy Vampire theme is hot now and that TV series like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries exist.
Do you know what is BEST Seller in my country right now from my countrys biggest ONLINE DVD seller? Answer: Twilight! So yeah lots of teens that like it. I have seen Twilight movies and I don't really like them but neither do I hate them.
The TV series that I mentioned have both better actors and story then Twilight. That said nothing can change the fact that Vampires is hot now.Luckily trend seems to be to include also Werewolves and maybe other creatures like in True Blood TV Series.
This again. Please see developers my wish. I am willing to pay for opportunity to play as Werewolf or Vampire.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited February 2013
I was going to detail the 4th ed Vampire PC since Heroes of Shadow, but I think I'll just find a quiet corner and go cry softly somewhere....
Yes, you may lick up my deliciously salty tears you heartless monsters!
Well, it's like this. There's other games out there that let you play as werewolves and vampires. Why not go play them and leave this one alone? Why turn this perfectly fine game into that ruddy awful blight upon humanity? Seriously. Tabletop gaming. World of Darkness. Be a peach and look it up. Then buy the rulebooks. Then sit around with your vampire/werewolf loving friends and play all night long. Then go buy fangs and LARP being a vampire or werewolf.
And in counterpoint, I'd pay good money for a "nuke" button/power that would let me simply kill any player that was a vampire or werewolf. Is your money better than mine? Is your desire any more legitimate than mine? No. We are equals at best.
It's also a balance issue. If PW/Cryptic made the template/class/race/ would have to be no more powerful than the other classes/races already in the game. Otherwise, it's a case of "why play anything else" and then you have fleas. And little pitterpatter of wolfy furry feet running around. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW VAMPIRES ARE DEAD AND THE DEAD CANNOT BREED. *shudder*
And if they are no more powerful than player characters....why play them in the first place? Some unhealthy desire/kink/fetish? That's all it really seems to be to me.
And by the way..True Blood? Tripe. Ditto Vampire Diaries. The only thing that's come out in the last decade that had anything to do with vampires and was remotely decent was Blade and 30 Days of Night. The rest of it was garbage. Sad but true.
Update your lore first Just click on Lore in my signature.
*And Selune opened her eyes and the darkness of ignorance was illuminated by light of knowledge and facts*
I read your 'lore' and all you mention is vampires using 'shadow' as a power source... but then I googled it and yeah, you're right. Never really read too much 4ed (coz it sucked), but still think thats kinda dumb. Oh well, new class for NvW Online "Vampire", bring it on!
I read your 'lore' and all you mention is vampires using 'shadow' as a power source... but then I googled it and yeah, you're right. Never really read too much 4ed (coz it sucked), but still think thats kinda dumb. Oh well, new class for NvW Online "Vampire", bring it on!
It is not a new concept. Unless you also missed my Post#70. Vampires have always been there - just because you never noticed them doesn't means it is a new concept.
But after reading your statement:
Never really read too much 4ed (coz it sucked)
I can't take you seriously because you are passing on judgement as an informed opinion on something you never read?
I read your 'lore' and all you mention is vampires using 'shadow' as a power source... but then I googled it and yeah, you're right. Never really read too much 4ed (coz it sucked), but still think thats kinda dumb. Oh well, new class for NvW Online "Vampire", bring it on!
Then you don't trust it, look it up and find it to be true. But you hate me now. And you attach a video which is a violation of RoC.
Then you pass a judgement (never stating it as an opinion but as a fact) while admitting that you never really read much into it.
It is not a new concept. Unless you also missed my Post#70. Vampires have always been there - just because you never noticed them doesn't means it is a new concept.
But after reading your statement: I can't take you seriously because you are passing on judgement as an informed opinion on something you never read?
I redirect you to some more pre-3e information where vampires were featured
Alright, let me elaborate. I played 4ed when it first came out, enjoyed it for alittle while, until I realized 3.5 was superior. Thusly I didnt read the 'extra' books. Im so sry... pls... omg, I am SO SORRY!!!! Pls forgive me oh knowledgable one, pls pls...only to have your approval is all I've ever wanted!
I wont take up anymore of your time sir, go back to your wine, grapes, and women back on Mt. Olympus...
Now you say that not only you read it but also played and but didn't read extra books while QQing about it.
How about this for an idea possibly for end-game or in-game event,
"The mists roll into the Neverwinter, and transport the party to Barovria, on the Demi-plane of Dread, so you have a Ravenloft (love that setting) adventure where you go up against the vampire lord Strahd Von Zarovich, and the ultimate goal is to escape the demi-plane and make it back to Neverwinter, but you character will be inexplicitly changed for the experience (perhaps a unique Title and Achievement?)
I love Ravenloft, and hope to see it implemented into this game at some point! Oh, and if you have never read it, make sure you read "Vampire of the Mists", the first Ravenloft novel put out and EPICALLY AWESOME!!!
Also, if you have no idea what I am talking about and never heard of Ravenloft, then GTFO!, Only kidding, just check out this link:
How about this for an idea possibly for end-game or in-game event,
"The mists roll into the Neverwinter, and transport the party to Barovria, on the Demi-plane of Dread, so you have a Ravenloft (love that setting) adventure where you go up against the vampire lord Strahd Von Zarovich, and the ultimate goal is to escape the demi-plane and make it back to Neverwinter, but you character will be inexplicitly changed for the experience (perhaps a unique Title and Achievement?)
I love Ravenloft, and hope to see it implemented into this game at some point! Oh, and if you have never read it, make sure you read "Vampire of the Mists", the first Ravenloft novel put out and EPICALLY AWESOME!!!
Also, if you have no idea what I am talking about and never heard of Ravenloft, then GTFO!, Only kidding, just check out this link:
Ahhh.......... a kindred spirit. I am halfway through Vampire of the Mists. I read it years ago (like high school), bringing back lots of fond memories. I would truly love to take a char there someday. I used an old picture from a ravenloft book of Strahd as my forum avatar. love it.
Well, it's like this. There's other games out there that let you play as werewolves and vampires. Why not go play them and leave this one alone? Why turn this perfectly fine game into that ruddy awful blight upon humanity? Seriously. Tabletop gaming. World of Darkness. Be a peach and look it up. Then buy the rulebooks. Then sit around with your vampire/werewolf loving friends and play all night long. Then go buy fangs and LARP being a vampire or werewolf.
And in counterpoint, I'd pay good money for a "nuke" button/power that would let me simply kill any player that was a vampire or werewolf. Is your money better than mine? Is your desire any more legitimate than mine? No. We are equals at best.
It's also a balance issue. If PW/Cryptic made the template/class/race/ would have to be no more powerful than the other classes/races already in the game. Otherwise, it's a case of "why play anything else" and then you have fleas. And little pitterpatter of wolfy furry feet running around. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW VAMPIRES ARE DEAD AND THE DEAD CANNOT BREED. *shudder*
And if they are no more powerful than player characters....why play them in the first place? Some unhealthy desire/kink/fetish? That's all it really seems to be to me.
And by the way..True Blood? Tripe. Ditto Vampire Diaries. The only thing that's come out in the last decade that had anything to do with vampires and was remotely decent was Blade and 30 Days of Night. The rest of it was garbage. Sad but true.
As for World of Darkness that you mentioned already in some earlier post nobody knows when that odd game is going to be released. I don't like LARP gaming, but I have really succeeded to scare one of my friends at Halloween when I suddenly jumped out from a bush with fangs and full dress. It was also dark and I tried to use my voice as a monster. He really jumped backwards and was shaken, but forgave me afterwards since it was Halloween. If I would do that every year it would never work. However it was a new friend and it was the first time I scared him after he had met me a few years earlier. I watched Descent(2005) with him and other friends, but he was certainly much more scared by my acting performance then the movie!
Neverwinter is released in 2013 with 95% certainity. I want Vampires and Werewolves and rate True Blood TV series season 1 and 2 as 7/10 good but season 3, 4 and 5 is classic 9/10 entertainment. You whine and whine about TV series and movies. Fine if you don't like them then don't watch them.
However why do you not go posting in some thread that there are things that you want in this game? There are lots of different things maybe you wish Black Dragons or maybe you wish some specific class that has not yet been released.
There will be Vampires and Werewolves in this game and hear me Cryptic I would certainly pay even 50 euro for opportunity to play as Werewolf or Vampire in this game.
castagyreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited February 2013
You can go play a Freeblood vampire in EQ2 right now if it's that important to some people, and the lore in Norrath for vampires does not at all 'sparkle'.
Remembering Hanlon's Razor can save one a lot on aspirines.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
You can go play a Freeblood vampire in EQ2 right now if it's that important to some people, and the lore in Norrath for vampires does not at all 'sparkle'.
Everquest 2? No thanks I want to play Neverwinter with my brother and friends and they wanna play it since it is free and a new game. Sparkle? I never said Vampires must sparkle. I have also said examples of Vampires that do not sparkle that I like is in the movie Vampires(1998) by John Carpenter.As long as Vampires look handsome/beautiful and not like ugly Nosferatu Vampires it is good.
Vampires can also look more scary then in The Vampire Diaries. I don't look ugly as a Nosferatu Vampire and I am Athletic since I like sports, but I still scared the HAMSTER out of my friend at Halloween when I really tried.
castagyreMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Everquest 2? No thanks I want to play Neverwinter with my brother and friends and they wanna play it since it is free and a new game. Sparkle? I never said Vampires must sparkle. I have also said examples of Vampires that do not sparkle that I like is in the movie Vampires(1998) by John Carpenter.As long as Vampires look handsome/beautiful and not like ugly Nosferatu Vampires it is good.
Vampires can also look more scary then in The Vampire Diaries. I don't look ugly as a Nosferatu Vampire and I am Athletic since I like sports but I still scared the HAMSTER out of my friend at a Halloween party when I really tried.
You really need to calm down.
I never quoted you directly or said you said vampires should sparkle.
I get that you're passionate about the subject, but chill.
Remembering Hanlon's Razor can save one a lot on aspirines.
Neverwinter is released in 2013 with 95% certainty. I want Vampires and Werewolves and rate True Blood TV series season 1 and 2 as 7/10 good but season 3, 4 and 5 is classic 9/10 entertainment. You whine and whine about TV series and movies. Fine if you don't like them then don't watch them.
However why do you not go posting in some thread that there are things that you want in this game? There are lots of different things maybe you wish Black Dragons or maybe you wish some specific class that has not yet been released.
I have posted things I'd like to see in this game. Perhaps it would behoove you to go back and reread?
There will be Vampires and Werewolves in this game and hear me Cryptic I would certainly pay even 50 euro for opportunity to play as Werewolf or Vampire in this game.
And I would pay five hundred dollars for them to simply be monster races we as players kill. I'm willing to pay more, so my say matters more. See how that works? Furthermore, I am willing to go out on a limb and say...that is the truth. You will NOT be able to play monster races or even be able to apply their templates to your characters in NWO.....EVER.
Remember that the people you meet here are the ones that will be fighting dragons with you once the game launches. Better to have an ally than an enemy at your back.
Leave the insults off these boards, and please don't make me say it again.
They have been apart of FR since it was created.
I can even make a Werewolf Vampire (though I will not).
They are both racial templates that over-lap onto your char. Where did you get the idea vampire was a class?
Update your lore first
*And Selune opened her eyes and the darkness of ignorance was illuminated by light of knowledge and facts*
Vampires existed in Baldurs Gate and I remember that the first expansion to Baldurs Gate had lycantrophes both Werewolves and wolfwere as a very BIG maintheme.
I am also hardcore fan of Vampire and Werewolf movies/TV series(ok not Twilight but most else). True Blood last episode of Season 5 had a 10/10 ending according to my taste. This game will have lycans and Vampires otherwise it would feel for me like a Dungeons Dragons computer game without Dragons.
I would certainly pay in Micro transactions if they would sell me opportunity to play a Werewolf of Vampire! That is however unknown if we can play them, but as enemies at least available to be used in Foundry is 99.9% certain.
Idea of Elven Vampires who do not drink blood, save people, are pretty and live in city of Waterdeep carving woods and helping friends has been there since first of the novels on Forgotten Realms were published.
Those who say that Vampires who do not drink blood are "anti-D&D" should dig up the old novels of Forgotten Realms and read them.
"The Quiet Place" by Christie Golden
The story of good Elven Vampire Jade Sunstar( or Jade something, forgot the exact name)
Damon Salvatore is a typical evil Vampire.... however as the series progress he becomes more good though calling him a good Vampire would be a lie.
I would be willing to pay for that.
I'm a big True Blood/Vamp Diaries/Buffy fan. Don't like Twilight at all.
I knew I would like Vampire Diaries when in the first episode, Damon is reading the Twilight book and pokes fun at 'sparkly' vampires saying how ridiculous that is. Great scene!
Why have x, y and z monster in game? Because they exist in Dungeons Dragons. For all your hate of Twilight movies nothing can change the fact it has become popular brand. I don't care so much about Twilight movies. That said I am very happy Vampire theme is hot now and that TV series like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries exist.
Do you know what is BEST Seller in my country right now from my countrys biggest ONLINE DVD seller? Answer: Twilight! So yeah lots of teens that like it. I have seen Twilight movies and I don't really like them but neither do I hate them.
The TV series that I mentioned have both better actors and story then Twilight. That said nothing can change the fact that Vampires is hot now. Luckily trend seems to be to include also Werewolves and maybe other creatures like in True Blood TV Series.
I was going to detail the 4th ed Vampire PC since Heroes of Shadow, but I think I'll just find a quiet corner and go cry softly somewhere....
Yes, you may lick up my deliciously salty tears you heartless monsters!
And in counterpoint, I'd pay good money for a "nuke" button/power that would let me simply kill any player that was a vampire or werewolf. Is your money better than mine? Is your desire any more legitimate than mine? No. We are equals at best.
It's also a balance issue. If PW/Cryptic made the template/class/race/ would have to be no more powerful than the other classes/races already in the game. Otherwise, it's a case of "why play anything else" and then you have fleas. And little pitterpatter of wolfy furry feet running around. BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW VAMPIRES ARE DEAD AND THE DEAD CANNOT BREED. *shudder*
And if they are no more powerful than player characters....why play them in the first place? Some unhealthy desire/kink/fetish? That's all it really seems to be to me.
And by the way..True Blood? Tripe. Ditto Vampire Diaries. The only thing that's come out in the last decade that had anything to do with vampires and was remotely decent was Blade and 30 Days of Night. The rest of it was garbage. Sad but true.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
I read your 'lore' and all you mention is vampires using 'shadow' as a power source... but then I googled it and yeah, you're right. Never really read too much 4ed (coz it sucked), but still think thats kinda dumb. Oh well, new class for NvW Online "Vampire", bring it on!
It is not a new concept. Unless you also missed my Post#70. Vampires have always been there - just because you never noticed them doesn't means it is a new concept.
But after reading your statement: I can't take you seriously because you are passing on judgement as an informed opinion on something you never read?
I quote a simple fact
Which you challange.
And I direct to you a thread with new information which you are not aware of
Then you don't trust it, look it up and find it to be true. But you hate me now. And you attach a video which is a violation of RoC.
Then you pass a judgement (never stating it as an opinion but as a fact) while admitting that you never really read much into it.
I redirect you to some more pre-3e information where vampires were featured
Now you say that not only you read it but also played and but didn't read extra books while QQing about it.
its alright!
*pats on back*
There there!
"The mists roll into the Neverwinter, and transport the party to Barovria, on the Demi-plane of Dread, so you have a Ravenloft (love that setting) adventure where you go up against the vampire lord Strahd Von Zarovich, and the ultimate goal is to escape the demi-plane and make it back to Neverwinter, but you character will be inexplicitly changed for the experience (perhaps a unique Title and Achievement?)
I love Ravenloft, and hope to see it implemented into this game at some point! Oh, and if you have never read it, make sure you read "Vampire of the Mists", the first Ravenloft novel put out and EPICALLY AWESOME!!!
Also, if you have no idea what I am talking about and never heard of Ravenloft, then GTFO!, Only kidding, just check out this link:
I still hate rust monsters.
All die, so die well.
Ahhh.......... a kindred spirit. I am halfway through Vampire of the Mists. I read it years ago (like high school), bringing back lots of fond memories. I would truly love to take a char there someday. I used an old picture from a ravenloft book of Strahd as my forum avatar. love it.
Player 1: Dude check out my new +2 long sword.
Player 2: Wow thats awesome! All I have is the lame wooden club. Hey....what is that behind you?
Player 1: Oh sh......Kill it!!!
<Fight Ensues>
Player 2: OH NO! Your brand new +2 long sword!!
Player 1: Yep....dust.
Player 1: Grrr........emoragequit.
<player 1 logs off>
Player 2: Glad I always carry this awesome wooden club with me for just such an occasion!
<player 2 walks off into the virtual sunset with club on shoulder.>
The End.
As for World of Darkness that you mentioned already in some earlier post nobody knows when that odd game is going to be released. I don't like LARP gaming, but I have really succeeded to scare one of my friends at Halloween when I suddenly jumped out from a bush with fangs and full dress. It was also dark and I tried to use my voice as a monster. He really jumped backwards and was shaken, but forgave me afterwards since it was Halloween. If I would do that every year it would never work. However it was a new friend and it was the first time I scared him after he had met me a few years earlier. I watched Descent(2005) with him and other friends, but he was certainly much more scared by my acting performance then the movie!
Neverwinter is released in 2013 with 95% certainity. I want Vampires and Werewolves and rate True Blood TV series season 1 and 2 as 7/10 good but season 3, 4 and 5 is classic 9/10 entertainment. You whine and whine about TV series and movies. Fine if you don't like them then don't watch them.
However why do you not go posting in some thread that there are things that you want in this game? There are lots of different things maybe you wish Black Dragons or maybe you wish some specific class that has not yet been released.
There will be Vampires and Werewolves in this game and hear me Cryptic I would certainly pay even 50 euro for opportunity to play as Werewolf or Vampire in this game.
Vampires can also look more scary then in The Vampire Diaries. I don't look ugly as a Nosferatu Vampire and I am Athletic since I like sports, but I still scared the HAMSTER out of my friend at Halloween when I really tried.
You really need to calm down.
I never quoted you directly or said you said vampires should sparkle.
I get that you're passionate about the subject, but chill.
Yup. Fetish/kink. I was right.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
I have posted things I'd like to see in this game. Perhaps it would behoove you to go back and reread?
And I would pay five hundred dollars for them to simply be monster races we as players kill. I'm willing to pay more, so my say matters more. See how that works? Furthermore, I am willing to go out on a limb and say...that is the truth. You will NOT be able to play monster races or even be able to apply their templates to your characters in NWO.....EVER.
Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
Remember that the people you meet here are the ones that will be fighting dragons with you once the game launches. Better to have an ally than an enemy at your back.
Leave the insults off these boards, and please don't make me say it again.
@Effreet in game
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