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Weekly Neverwinter Comment to Win Contest - 01/18/13



  • muzrub333muzrub333 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    B2 The keep on the borderland; my very first adventure, with a full group of first timers, and a first time DM. We died horrible deaths many times trying to figure out the rules on the fly, because that's what 11 year olds do. Those crumby orange dice never rolled worth a damn. Lots of full party whipeouts, and restarts.

    Closest to full party death as a fairly experienced player was S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. Damn robots and lasers. Frikkin' Lasers! That whole series of modules was fantastic.
  • callifrostcallifrost Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've never had a whole party wipe, or even close. I guess I'm lucky... either that or the DM's wanted to keep playing so they dulled it down and cheated the rolls if we were ever in serious trouble. :D

    Nevertheless, I'd still like a shirt. Because if anything, it's free advertising... even though I tell all of my friends, online and off about this soon to be awesome free to play game. :)

    I can't wait to build scenarios in the Foundry! Really excited.
  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Question: What dungeon was the closest you came to a total party kill? Was it a premade adventure, or did your DM build a death-trap?

    This contest ends Monday, 01/21, at 12 PM PST. Good luck, Adventurers!
    I presume the question to be based on me as a D&D player. For which, I have very limited experience. My very first D&D experience (AD&D 2E) would fit the profile.

    We were few players, some new like me, so we were allowed two level one characters each, playing a custom adventure by our DM. The party had to investigate/purge an old cemetery somewhere in The Realms. There were skeletons, zombies, ghouls, some shadows, traps and a big talking skeleton. We had casualties but the nature of the adventure allowed players to incorporate new characters with ease. And at one point, we even discussed abandoning the quest. I had a male kagonesti gladiator (portals and such) and a female half-elf bard, and managed to keep both of them alive. Both of them also developed some skill digging graves for the fallen mates. Many graves.

    From a newbie point of view, it was epic.
  • k44mosk44mos Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    My DM was high and thought it would be awesome to spice things up. Next thing you know, we are all dead and he received a full blown set of tactical facepalms.
  • testinukketestinukke Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I don't think I've ever had a TPK situation but I'm notorious for dying in the very first encounter. I haven't actually played DnD in a few years and my usual campaigns are played online. I used to play in an online group and the remarkable thing is that I had to keep a stash of backup characters because mine kept dying to *good* rolls. Yeah. The DM was rolling good. Me not so much.

    Our DM wasn't even after our heads. No one really died normally unless we did something really stupid.

    I remember starting this new level 1 human warlock and we started the "pregameplay event" which was basically supposed to be an intro to our gameplay. We went against a cleric of Nerull that was supposed to be cakewalk. Yeah. Well. He whipped out a spiritual weapon scythe and promptly hit me for maximum damage x4 since it was a scythe crit. 32 damage vs warlock with 7 hp... (he also ended up death knelling the guy we were supposed to rescue... whoops). I rerolled as an Elan Psion after that...

    Later we tried a higher level campaign where I rolled a mystic theurge. It was basically one of those portal to hell campaigns. The "prequel" event sent us to a temple of a good god that had dropped off the chart (don't remember the god). So we followed a few demons to the temple and assumed the standard tactics which is to say meatshield in first, followed by me, followed by the other meat shield.

    So there were these chains in the room and the moment I stepped in four of them decided it was a nice thing to attack. Yeah. They were controlled by a kyton. 4x 2d4+2 should not be enough to take down a level 7 character but... three of them were crits again and the last one was maximum damage too. I think I ended up eating something like 45 hp damage which was again enough to kill me outright as we used the rule "max hp for first level followed by half hd for every other level".

    I think that was added as an option after I rolled a level 4 sorcerer with 9 hp (including the +1/lvl from con)...
  • mothdrumsmothdrums Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Temple of elemental evil.
  • garunasegarunase Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It was a dungeon designed by my dm. Plenty of falling floors and wraiths. Its hard to fight what you cant see XD
  • bal0rdobal0rdo Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    it was an adventure made by my DM, Me and my group(5 ppl) were traveling on a ship (I don't remember why), we stopped on the smallest island of an archipelago to search for food and water. Near a spring of fresh water we found the entrance of a cave, a big one.
    It was the nest of a basilisk!!!!...to make it quick 3 of my friend have been petrified but at the end me, a half orc warrior, and a cleric, we have killed it!! (true story) :D
  • argoyletargoylet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In the one session I was a PC rather than DM, a friend wanted to run a Ravenloft campaign. So we invested time in crafting our characters and back stories, building an identity, and got excited for our first campaign session. Five minutes in we're all dead. This sparks a bit of outrage, but he tries to explain we had to die, but we're going to get new "better" bodies. Not happy, the session ends in bickering.

    That was the last time he ran a campaign, I was pushed back into the role of DM, my only session as a player lasting a whole 5 minutes.
  • meldrothmeldroth Member Posts: 137 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    I've never had the pleasure of playing D&D, though I would like to, one day.

    Wish you were giving out beta keys and not a shirt. :/
    "Truth is absolute, so if you truly seek it, you can find only one answer."
  • lordgrimmwoodlordgrimmwood Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Hmmm I can't remember the name of it, but me and some friends where in a desecrated church where the main boss was like this Uber Vampire Priest. Like fools we rushed in, and 3 minutes later I'm asking if they'd seen my spleen.:)

    My first Foundry mission, The Valley of Darkness NW-DG9DOTZLU
  • thefreakdthefreakd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I was the DM and had a large player group of 8 so making battles seem not so easy was a problem. I spent three days forming a plan for a battle that should challenge the group. I'd designed only the first three rounds of combat then thought I'd let it go on the fly from there. Well the battle started and by half way through round two nearly all the players were out (not dead but couldn't fight back) it was going to be a slaughter. I had to adjust every bad guy and pray the players got a couple of good rolls. To this day only one of the players figured out how close it was to a total wipe out.
  • draelin1978draelin1978 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I have GMed TPK's some were crafted by me and if I remember correctly the rerelease of Temple of Elemental Evil a dozen years ago or so wiped the party too. different groups for each.
  • elluricelluric Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    When was it? Hmm, let me think back a moment... Ah yes! The dreaded shadow beast during the "What have we become?" Campaign back in 2002. It took place in a frozen dungeon somewhere far below Waterdeep. We called it Luminoestrus! The party was unbalanced from the start but nevertheless we pushed on further and further into the depths. There weren't many encounters, but the ones we came across were exhausting. Not to mention all of the falling icicles, mirror traps, and drop floors. Needless to say by the time we reached the beast fatigue had more than set in. The roll of the dice were no help as the beast used the ice mirrors and shadow tendrils to drain away what little life energy we had left. It was not meant to be a TPK dungeon but sure enough the dice had its way with us, as it often does.
  • travestiiitravestiii Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Closest I ever came to a TPK was when the girlfriend of another player lit up a cigarette in the explicitly nonsmoking apartment my wife and I lived in at the time. I thought my wife was going to kill us all!
  • sandrossandros Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    was keep on the borderlands about 25 years ago, my party of 4 entered a room and a minotaur rolled a boulder to block the passage. after an epic battle only my mage survived and his strength was too low to move the boulder, so game over :(
  • maybello17maybello17 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Queen of the Demon Pits.....Our DM watched us die painfully....he appeared to enjoy it though lol it was so much fun
  • tyverontyveron Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Question: What dungeon was the closest you came to a total party kill? Was it a premade adventure, or did your DM build a death-trap?

    Answer: Being a 4e DM and building encounters with legal strength levels, it's pretty hard to really wipe a decent party. Here's the closest encounter I can recall... The world that I homebrew is set inside of a magical glass fish bowl. There is a hole in the top, you can see stars through the glass sides, and even way down in Svirfneblin town the stone gives way to glass and stars. Recently, for a yet undiscovered reason, the Aboleths floating around in space have found a way to cut through this godglass and attack the denizens of the Bowl in tactical locations. Their first hit was at a convention of Svirfneblin Earth Priests... whose minds they sucked dry to learn the layout of the world. Their second hit was the bottom of the world's deepest ocean, to cause a rapid planet-wide decrease in sea level and the panic and infighting that follows. The crazy sea goddess, Blipdoolpoolp was surprised by this by decided to go along with the sudden turn of events, allowing the water to flow to the underside of the bowl and create a temporary refuge for all sea life while the surface dwellers would quickly dehydrate and die above. The party of adventurers, in possession of a stolen Aboleth slime ship, had the choice on how to approach the situation... through outer space under the Bowl, or via the oceans. They chose the ocean route, heading to the bottom of the sea, sneaking through Kuo-Toa cities while collecting information on the strange situation. They discovered the trench of the sea witch herself, surrounded by Kuo-Toa temples, and flooded by countless millions of crustaceans who were heeding Blip's siren call and heading to the Hole in the bottom of the world. Skill challenging through this insanity and popping through into outer space, they turned their ship around to see the most ancient of sea creatures huddled together around their goddess who was collecting the world's water (the Bowl emits gravity on the inside and the outside). They pushed through the timeless aquatic sea monsters of yore and enveloped Blip's gigantic upper half in their slime ship. The battle took an entire RL evening... when Blip realized that she could not escape due to the ship's alien grasp and the impossible weight of all her children pressing down upon them, she decided to take the most "holy" of PCs with her if she could. The Svirfneblin War Priest of Earth fit the bill and, with a final attack that provoked a missed OA from the party's Knight, she devoured him from the feet up. When she exploded moments later, the foulness of her blood and mucus covered the severed PC's head which shot out of her final death rattle like a cannonball... the party is now on a quest to find the direct assistance of a deity of their choosing to fix this mess, if possible.
  • radnomadradnomad Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I once used an unidentified wand during a desperate encounter. My brother, who was already low on hit points, was actually killed by the monster shrapnel. :)
  • rockvamprockvamp Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    A black dragon. The campaign was ran by my brother. We were sent to destroy the black dragon eggs. I died, two others died, and the last hightailed it out of there. Can't say I rightfully blame her.
  • rancalenrancalen Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    It was a DM made goblin cave, we were horribly out numbered with tons of minions, and the worst aoe rolls ever. almost didn't make it.
    For death, none shall escape. The end always comes. I shall guide you, willing or not.
  • badulonebadulone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    easy! Tomb of horrors.... and sometimes it was BEYOND the "close" to a tpk!^^

    i wear an european XXL or XL if u use american sizes...
  • ruinedmirageruinedmirage Member Posts: 440 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    Being a DM at heart, I still find myself trying to flavor a story whenever I play as a PC. I was in a Ravenloft campaign, returning from a trip to the Departed Lands. My Wizard (named Squirrel, because he was extraordinary at hiding and moving quickly) vowed never to go back after being traumatized by witnessing some demented torture tactics by the evil clans on a village of people down there. As it happens, the next adventure would take us back there again.

    Squirrel went reluctantly with the rest of the party, always threatening to return home at a seconds notice. Long story short, eventually we came across a dragon. It tried to assure us that these Lands weren't evil, just the clans, but my character was logically pushing insanity by that point. He wanted to remain under the care and protection of the dragon (and learn more powerful magicks) rather than venture out again. I was surprised when the DM allowed this. (I also nearly insulted the group saying everything they did was a series of unfortunate accidents, but they thought it was colorful rping ^^)

    Two adventures later, I had forgotten about Squirrel until the DM revealed him as the main source of evil influence and now able to summon greater elementals and some demons. Squirrel had killed the dragon, and was now fixed on killing the party. I'm pretty sure he'll be a recurring villain for a while as he sent out some of his more difficult demons on the party and left us for doom. Only our fighter barely survived. Made me think twice about hijacking another DM's campaign! XD
  • blizzidblizzid Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    tomb of horrors
  • sparrowofshadesparrowofshade Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I guess it wasn't technically a dungeon but to be fair the players never really made it there.

    I once DM'd an adventure for some friends who were playing a rogue, a fighter, and a paladin. Early in the adventure after some role playing there were some heavy personality clashes, a fight broke out, some amazing rolls, and let's just say the rogue died and another player very badly wounded. Only time I've been a part of game where a player character died at the hands of another player =/
  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited January 2013
    I don't remember the name of the dungeon but it was in second edition dungeons and dragons...

    It's not quite a kill scenario but it was an instance where the DM actually won by default.
    On the top of a hill we came across a mummy. All eight of our characters went to slaughter the beast but of course we had to first be brave enough to deal with the abomination. Every single time we went to face the beast seven of the eight wouldrun down the hill in terror. The last man standing would scream, "YEAH! We got this!" before also succumbing to the fear of facing a mummy on his own...and ended up peeing his pants running down the hill too.

    This happened about 5-10 times before the DM simply chose to remove the fear effect because it was obvious, if he wanted, he could easily send the mummy to kill our scared behinds.

    Not exactly all of us dieing...but truly the DM was only being polite by not having the mummy chase us around while we cried for our mommy's.
  • kumosornkumosorn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    In a DM-made world my character a chaotic neutral wizard/rouge/arcane trickser named Cloud Sorn along with 2 others were tasked to go to The Deathseeker's Oubliette located in the 1st layer of the Abyss to rid a forest of a curse called the Blood Moon...where undead were twice if now three times as strong as normal...and they instantly respawned within a few rounds when killed. Anyway while in the Deathseeker's Oubliette the group came across babys of the Deathseeker which we killed with little effort. It was the Deathseeker itself that almost wiped the party. The deathseeker (an advanced KytHon) knocked the two people unconscious and was about ready to tear into Cloud. In the room where the part was about ready to meet there demise was a barrier that could be crossed into the world but only if you had a certain dagger (which my character possessed 3 of them at this time). Cloud being true to his alignment made a deal with the Deathseeker...Cloud would give the Deathseeker one of the daggers for exchange for his life, his parties life, and the Deathseeker was not to harm Cloud in any way, shape, or form directly or indirectly. The Deathseeker agreed to this deal and thus Cloud released unto the world the Deathseeker and saved the party...barley

    ...to this date i know that this creature the DM made has wiped out many parties!
  • rendalynrendalyn Member Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The land was very hilly with swamps in every valley. The fog was thick. We came upon a 60 ft. cliff with a clear pond below, likely from a fresh water spring welling up. We climbed our way down using the vine works on the cliff face. While repeling there was a opening in the wall. The first two down, gazed into the darkness. Then the sound of pressue being released. As I looked down to the noise. A yellowish cloud enveloped the two bystanders. Immeadiately there were screams and coughing from the marks.. The head of the green dragon extended out of the hole engulfing the two in a mouth full of broad and sharp teeth.

    We who were still on the wall watching the horrific scene, saw the neck began to curl upward toward our vicinty on the wall and then I saw the yellow eye of our foe. Then with shattering speed the jaws came in on the human next to me named Shade.

    It picked him off the wall and threw him to the ground with a quick thrash of its neck. Before it had a chance to zero in on me, I saw my oppurtunity and jumped on the mass of its head. I fell 30 feet and exentuated my fall with my Sylvan legs pounding down on the dragons head and pinning it to the cobbles of the pond below. I knew that this powerfull creature would only be down for a milisecond.

    When the dragon came out of its shock I saw the green moss covered neck scales constrict with muscle strain and it came back with an answer to my pathetic attempt. Like a spring board, I used the dragons force to hurl myself to the nearest tree. The magic in my bracers automatically placed a branch from the tree in my hand. I quickly made the retreat into the swamp, swinging like a Chultan ape. I heard the cries of chaos, back at the pond and realized my pursuer was no longer interested in me.

    The cries were more than I could bear, as a Sylvan Ranger my morals compelled me to not only slay this evil, but save my companions as well. I reached behind my back and released my short bow from its holding spot. I saw the enormity of my target and released the arrows from the bow string. Most of my barrage bounced off the hardened scales and did not deter the dragon from his quarry.

    I dropped the bow and pulled the dual long swords from my belt and ran for a flank attack on the massive beast. As I ran I watched the last companion go down. The serpent looked at my oncoming attack with a toothy grin.

    The exhausting battle left the lone and bloodied elf victorious.

    (I thought we were all going down but it was amazing the dragon should havehad me but the insane amount of 20's would not stop coming from my rolls. It was my moment!)
  • dragonman999dragonman999 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    my all most party kill was with friends i had been playing with for a few years. i was the DM and had created my 6th campaign for them to go throw. they were playing a well rounded 6 man party i would of thought would not have a problem dealing with any of the monsters or traps for the first few lvls of the campaign. what did them in was a trap of my habit of watching all of the Indiana johnies moves before i game. but i t was a presser trap that was sitting under there first treasurer chest that was opened. it set off a spike trap that went from floor to selling and wall to wall the only one that made it was the rouge that was because she jumped in to the chest to avoid the spikes that was the last time i played that campaign. need less to say i scrapped that campaign.
  • nozferatu1967nozferatu1967 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    The closest my D&D group ever came to a total party kill is one in which the DM finally introduced a magic sword in a very magic-weak world. Being the chaotic-evil one in the group I ended the discussion of who should get the sword by just taking it and then running away from the group into the catacombs. One-by-one they found me and I killed them. Finally the DM's girlfriend caught up to me and I left her with her formerly 18 charisma face scarred and her foot clubbed, but alive. Amazingly, she managed a 1 in 1000 dice role to her goddess (which only her and the DM saw), and she prayed for revenge. She was made whole again and her god sent "messengers" to kill me and retrieve the sword for the girl. She was the only one in the party left alive. However, all the chaos really destroyed the group because they didn't feel they could trust the DM after this.
This discussion has been closed.