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  • shiaikashiaika Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    pboar2006 wrote: »
    On another note Im wondering if someone breaks the NDA what would be the repercussions? Simply removing them from Alpha/Beta or a ban on the Email Address/IP Address? I understand they dont want any leaks or anything of the sort but they also dont want to be losing potential customers when the game goes live.
    Nothing like signing (with your real ID data) an actual NDA document that clearly states that they can sue your <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> off if you even dare to break the NDA in any way and that it (the NDA) will never be over even if the product goes live or whatever.

    Being a potential customer is no excuse for a breach of contract anyays. But some people are "too cool", apparently. And some companies too much of a "chicken".
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    shiaika wrote: »
    ...Being a potential customer is no excuse for a breach of contract anyays. But some people are "too cool", apparently. And some companies too much of a "chicken".

    Yeah! You tell them shiaika! And I will go clear rats in your basement meanwhile.
  • antithesis1antithesis1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I got a beta key as soon as possible from tl2. I think that should be an option. Spend like 5 bucks and automatically key. Otherwise it should be completely random.
  • mrbuttflakesmrbuttflakes Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    You mess wit NDA...NDA mess wit you.
  • dagger2thugtrap7dagger2thugtrap7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited January 2013
    Which GMT time zone will the Alpha Key Giveaways be closed? I have 08:34 PM Let's discuss it, when will 12:00 PM be in my GMT time zone?
  • pboar2006pboar2006 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 421 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    If your at 8:34 you have 26 minutes to wait until the PMs start going out
  • dagger2thugtrap7dagger2thugtrap7 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1
    edited January 2013
    Thank you! ;) I have counted with the same version. So now the sands are running out! :cool:
  • sterminiosterminio Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    now we should now or not?
  • galvayragalvayra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Every time someone asks who should get the key i instantly think of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owS7Cn2iKcY
    "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
  • mrbuttflakesmrbuttflakes Member Posts: 407 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Time to start diggin for scalpers
  • rickmanrickman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I Reckon Anyone... (Not just because then i have a chance) Purly so that people who aren't vocal about how they want the game to be can provide some feedback aswell if they want too.

    Also its so that it's abit fairer.. Otherwise people who Can't be active all the time can have a chance aswell.
    Diplomancy: Sometimes "I hit it with my Axe" is the only Answer.
    A Challenge is something interesting and awkward until you beat it... then it's called "Repetative"

    Neverwinter on TVTropes(Needs some loving)
    Neverwinter Nights on TVTropes
  • kadlenakadlena Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 298
    edited January 2013
    Yeah, I was rather surprised that there was no detailed questionnaire for beta signup.

    Yes, My Join date is Jan 2013. I joined about a week ago. And I don't post....as I feel that I'm not really qualified to contribute much. I never been good at the speculation/debate side of things. I usually stick to posts that convey helpful info to others. Plus I've found that too much time spent on the boards tends to ruin the magic/immersion of new games. I'm kinda old school that way. ;)

    Am I qualified to be a tester? Well, I've been playing online games since the mid 90's. I've participated in CB for about a dozen games. So though I'm mostly a lurker, I think I'm relatively well qualified.

    All that being said: I don't mind at all if they look at how long/how much someone has posted here for the Alpha giveaways. Alphas are usually just friends and family. And if you've been here longer, you tend to be more of a "friend."

    It's cool they are even giving any out to the public at all....it's all gravy. :)
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm not talking about how I voted here, but did vote just like any member. Votes have the option of secrecy and are done so in elections in the US by default.

    But I'll answer my trademarked batch of quotes as usual :)

    Really join date is irrelevent. One does not need to register to follow Neverwinter and really some of the best and brightest players are those that don't make themselves known.

    As for contribution... who has ever contributed to the game or community? Answer is none. Being loud and vocal does not equate contribution. For instance one of the most vocal ones here has contributed zero and endlessly posts worthless "polls" or how on day one started preaching to Cryptic that they need to follow DDO's path which lead to very heated debates.

    As for who should get the alpha keys? QUALITY testers not some knucklehead that just posted on the thread which is 99.99999% of the posters. Quality and well recognized testers should be given keys. For example well known NWN2/NWN/Skyrim/DA ect ect modders, people who have tested other MMOs (like GW2, SWTOR, Rift, TSW, ect ect) which typically have an extensive network. People here are not the quality testers you want and who couldn't do a subjective testing if it hit em across the face. Beta is a different story and should be open to all really.

    Somehow I get the feeling that this is more of a glorified beta than an actual Alpha which the real Alpha is already done and gone, from the vids and demos they are pretty much on par to what GW2 was at (no quality but stage of development) when they went to the beta phase.

    Maybe alphas are not as much as I think they are and the testing I'm thinking of is more of development in house and alphas are just an initial beta.

    People are recognized for their contributions, just not publicly if under NDA.

    Even contest winners are privately notified. Your none is incorrect.

    Loud multi posters may be more prevalent, but they doesn't get them invited faster. There's a reason I use the words positive contributions.
    Of course, if we listed what key-granting people often look for, we'd have a lot of people acting that way to "just get a key" then revert to their true selves, so we'll keep the criterion and IF it gets Alpha keys details currently, under wraps.

    And it's not a glorified beta. Alpha is not done and gone.

    xearrik wrote: »
    I disagree with almost everything you said lol. Except for your comment about about a glorified beta. I was thinking the same thing. I've been an Alpha tester on 3 games, and this is the first time I've ever seen Alpha invites thrown out like this.

    And this is why it's often not done publicly. It brings out these utterly opinionated deductions which in this case happen to be amazingly wrong. Of course, when Cryptic does it very discreetly, then the community screams neglect. But yes, when things ramp up, that means progress is being made. That doesn't mean however Alpha is done and we're just making a hype PR assault What I said on multiple other threads about many users not understanding how to test and give feedback and respect NDA and reviewing their own take on it without doing it properly still stands. That means discreet and selective decisions, and rarely will you get a social media option like this for Alpha access. Those who won better do their expected contribution and not treat this is a preview and respect NDA is all that will be said.

    I almost bet anything Aandre has access, but if he didn't I'd say he'd be one that deserves it. But yes, I think there should be a fair contest or such for the long time forum members.

    I'm going to hesitantly flash a red light here. Please don't start predicting specifically who is or isn't in Alpha. Not only does it begin to make a divisive haves vs have-nots, those who might be accepted one day couldn't speak of it due to the NDA. Approved users are not even allowed to say if they are in the Alpha for these reasons.

    I haven't asked Pin directly but I'm pretty sure it's going to be a random draw. If the random post
    answered the question then they will get a PM to discuss how to obtain access to the Alpha Tests.

    As for the poll...I'm going to abstain from voting.
    Sadly Alpha is not open to everybody, that's part of the point of the Alpha Tests. It's extremely limited and 100% under NDA.

    However, I will throw a curveball into this mix. Well we finally have an open to the public statement about Alpha Testing...Just a couple of months ago I had to sit here and avoid confirming its existence by playing the "Beta has not started" card.
    So, with the understanding that Alpha Tests are happening but everything about them other than their existence is withheld under the NDA including who is or is not partaking in the Alpha Tests...

    How can you possibly know some players on the forums didn't get access to the Alpha Tests?
    They couldn't tell you even if they did.

    Mmmm food for thought. Good stuff!

    Opposite sides of the spectrum. I simply think that they need qualified testers which most here are not qualified. Being vocal and a constant poster does not equate to quality testers. Other games you actually had to submit a questionnaire resume that one needed to fill out in order to be put in the pool of possible testers most games. That is how is should be done if you are being selective, not to whomever and whoever that can make themselves visible.

    Again, you suggest who is and isn't qualified/chosen by indirect assumption most people are loud constant posters only that are selected. I can promise you that is not the case. Boorish posters have a hurdle not a reward for that. And by its nature, most people don't get or "qualify" for Alpha anyway. Even if the forum were only used, there are only so many spots.
    This is why they have members of veteran development and testing employees make the decision People who are "qualified" to make such decisions and have the info to show so why they chose that way.
    As for me explaining recommendations, that goes info specifics, see above, and I'm calling NDA.

    maddmister wrote: »
    What about those folks who have been a member of PW and posting in forums for the past 3 yrs or those that own and played NW before? Or what about those folks who have alpha and beta tested numerous other MMO's before? Just because they joined the forum in January doesn't mean they dont have an infinite amount of more XP than you or that they don't have a lot to offer to the forums or the game.


    Positive contributions are recognized, not simply join dates (which got messed up since May 2012 with the PWE forum merge.)
    geri wrote: »
    imo, the only people who should have a better chance of the alpha access should be the forum mods and so on, as they got to deal with threads of this nature , rofl

    as a forum moderator in other games , i always had access to their alphas or betas, otherwise the selection was random for new players.

    i really dont think Alpha codes should be given out on a limited basis, they should be available to those who apply for them on the forums, both to test server strength as far as capacity goes, and to also account for those who will log in and decide they dont like the game after a day or 2.

    this way after the uninterested players are weeded out , we still have a solid player base to test things out.

    10-1 the current alpha people besides this new potential wave, are mainly staffers and forum mods, but work still needs to be done , and these people cant be in the game 24-7. from the looks of the sheer numbers of people who applied for Alpha, hopefully there are enough people who will stick with it , so the peopel who dont get in , wont have long to wait for beta to come around.

    Beta access i am betting will maybe be associated with promotional offers, like the mount codes from PC Gamer and so on.

    maybe pre-ordering other games from PWI ect ect.

    Hell , i'd toss some money into purchasing Zen if a code was available as incentive, since i play other PWI games anyhoo , even if i didnt stick around here i'd at least get a shot @ testing.

    Beta is most likely 1-2 months away still , if they're still looking for more Alpha testers

    Thanks for the support offer for mods/admins, but all I can say is we can't further comment. I think that says enough...

    As for a cross section for (both Alpha and) Beta testing. Time to bring out this quote again:
    Originally Posted by crypticmapolisviewpost-right.pngWe intend to have a long, multi-stage beta process that will test many aspects of the game. Cryptic has always valued player input, and PWE has given us the time and resources to execute the beta cycle we've always wanted to do. I should also note that the Foundry will have a similar, but somewhat separate beta cycle.

    It's certainly not going to be a last-minute marketing-only beta.

    That is correct, absolutely true for Alpha, and definitely for beta. Stress testing is a separate part of testing and is not simply "that and the game preview" for Open Beta for your and other reader's information. Only those in Open Beta can comment then how effective it will be so I'll stop here.
    Some people don't like forums and forum communities but are active in the games' communities and would make excellent beta testers due to their age and experience with games, specially MMOs. Just saying, I think the idea of forum communities is dumb, because I don't spend my time here reading your subjective non-sense, but that doesn't mean I deserve a beta key any less than you do.

    Multiple media options are used to give out keys, including (as we now publicly saw) Facebook and other social media sites. No further comment.

    Forum activity and length of membership should have no place in determining contest winners. The entire point of opening contests is usually to generate interest and hopefully gain new faces in the community. "Rewards" for long time activity come in the form of community recognition and respect.

    We're all here hoping for a good game and a good time, no matter how long we've been around.

    That's correct, and everybody is thanked here for their participation. I can't further comment on other long time contribution "Rewards" however....
    muzrub333 wrote: »
    I love the marketing on this. Lets call one of our closed beta stages "Alpha". People will think they're getting something special, and it will create hype. Oh well, it's not like marketing types don't stretch the meanings of things all the time, and it is creating hype, which is a good thing. Bravo!

    As far as the poll, it should be random.

    See above. Testers test. All people are allowed to post their opinion, even when completely wrong BTW. I'd like to go into specifics but can't somehow...enough said.

    pboar2006 wrote: »
    Marketing ploy or not, we dont actually know how far into testing they actually are. Im hoping they are just renaming a closed beta stage because that would mean an earlier release but who knows.

    Well, that first part is true for many, thank you for your honstey.
    AS for the rest, sorry, no. But I understand your hope.
    syberghost wrote: »
    I think they should datamine their user database and start with the person who has filed the most bug reports, and work their way backwards until they either have the number of users they want or run out of people who have filed bug reports. If they are still short, they should pick randomly from people who didn't participate in CO or STO beta; because even randoms are more valuable than people who participated in previous betas and never filed a bug.

    Like massive forum posters, there are many who massively bug report. Data-mining for quality isn't able to be done yet. There are a cross section of people selected for these kinds of tests, including those who have good troubleshooting records though. I can't mention any details here however.

    Edit: some got cut out.

    muzrub333 wrote: »
    This is my guess, and be aware I am just guessing here, as I don't have access to the real info; I figure they are actually through with the real Alpha, and probably have had a few months of an F&F stage of Closed Beta. FFCB merged with a select Closed Beta for a couple of months, which the 4-5 picked from this event will become a part of until the next stage of CB begins. The next stage will be for people who have keys from signing up here or other PWE deals, and will be the shortest period of CB right before the Open Beta/Stress Test. Then I will take a few days off work, stock up on beer and brisket, not shower for a few days, and figure out the foundry.

    Yes. From what Truth said "the games more polished than people think". That leads me to believe these so called "alpha key giveaways" is nothing more than hype for the Closed beta, and I bet CB starts in the next week or two.


    Some just have better things to do than hang around on game forums, typical basement sloth post "my join date and post count is this, im more entitled"

    Why they aren't simply selected.

    antheman5 wrote: »
    Personally I'm for doing a personality test to decided how likely it is that you're gonna be a usefull alpha tester. Of course you should then take in account: age, years of gaming experience, type of gamer, and tolerance level for buggy games. Of course a full back ground scan should be done on all contestants to check for criminal records, to avoid stealing any ideas, but also for possible flamewars where that person may have been in. Furthermore I'd like to propose an essay in which you ask the top 50 persons to write about a very bad game feature to see if they are able to give constructive feedback.

    But random is quite fine with me too :-P

    You forgot the DNA screening, but...I mean, no further comment! :p

    Which GMT time zone will the Alpha Key Giveaways be closed? I have 08:34 PM Let's discuss it, when will 12:00 PM be in my GMT time zone?

    kadlena wrote: »
    Yeah, I was rather surprised that there was no detailed questionnaire for beta signup.

    Yes, My Join date is Jan 2013. I joined about a week ago. And I don't post....as I feel that I'm not really qualified to contribute much. I never been good at the speculation/debate side of things. I usually stick to posts that convey helpful info to others. Plus I've found that too much time spent on the boards tends to ruin the magic/immersion of new games. I'm kinda old school that way. ;)

    Am I qualified to be a tester? Well, I've been playing online games since the mid 90's. I've participated in CB for about a dozen games. So though I'm mostly a lurker, I think I'm relatively well qualified.

    All that being said: I don't mind at all if they look at how long/how much someone has posted here for the Alpha giveaways. Alphas are usually just friends and family. And if you've been here longer, you tend to be more of a "friend."

    It's cool they are even giving any out to the public at all....it's all gravy.

    And we have a winning comment! Seriously, it's definitely a cherry on top reward for the public to get invited this way for Cryptic games. I do offer my congratulations to those who got keys this way as the very fortunate!

    That's it. Thank you for all your contributions and keep making polls and threads to discuss!
  • bobcat1313bobcat1313 Member Posts: 1,089 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I just joined but I just found out about this game through IGN which had not much info about it. I have made a wiki on there site mainy using everything from here to get more info out to gamers. I am excited about the foundry that is my main reason I will be trying this game out. My wife hasn't really played a mmo since EQ1 and she is trying this out cuz she reads alot of D&D books. She knew about this game and didn't tell me shame on her. To end all this chatter I agree there needs to be more marketing. If any would like to check the wiki I started on IGN please do make some comments or help create it with me. Get more info out over there! Skyrims wiki over there is huge and there seems to be more info on this game then it.

    This was suppose to be posted to tinypyro on first page about marketing. sorry.

    but about the topic. I've test everymmo I can think off after EQ1. I think people who have been here longer diserve the beta, Did I pick that for the poll.. heck no cuz I just joined hahahah! I really don't care either way. I just want to get my hands on the foundry.
  • holo82holo82 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I've been silently stalking the news and forums for some time now. I'm starting to get anxious :cool:
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    wow! can't believe I read all that. Wouldn't have read it for sure if it was not truth posting it :p
  • zaketrinzaketrin Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I started playing Neverwinter on AOL circa 1991. Where does that put me on the longevity conga line?
  • bazoo01bazoo01 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    im Mad about this unfair Alpha keys .... ive bought Torchligt 2 and Founderpack for RaiderZ to get beta keys ive spend real money to get the beta key... and this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> alpha keys ..... Total unfair

    im Normal a big perfeckworld fan but this is not okay

    I expect an apology from perfectworld not just for me ... but for all who get cheat by this Alpha keys ..and gor beta keys
  • xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I'm not talking about how I voted here, but did vote just like any member. Votes have the option of secrecy and are done so in elections in the US by default.

    But I'll answer my trademarked batch of quotes as usual :)

    Wow that's a lot of responses. Does my heart good.

    Just to put a cap on this thread. I didn't think people would be posting on this anymore. I'd like to say the whole point of this was to see how people felt. I was on the fence about it. But I was leaning towards priority. For two main reasons.

    First: the give away was on the forums. It didn't feel to me as if it was a very public thing. Was there even a comment about it on the main playneverwinter page? This made me feel like it was a bit more exclusive.

    The second and less influential thing is.... I wanna play neverwinter! lol

    But honestly. I think this thread should pretty much die now. The pole was set up to end today. So lets just let this poor thing rest in peace. Though I must say I find it down right SHOCKING, that 25 whole people think I'm a poo head.

    *cries in corner* I'm no poo head??? Your a poo head. Hmf
    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
  • ragnarlawlragnarlawl Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2013
    zaketrin wrote: »
    I started playing Neverwinter on AOL in circa 1991. Where does that put me on the longevity conga line?

    Right in behind the guy that beta tested it! :)

    A big thank you to iamtruthseeker for the elaboration and responses there.

    My 2c is that it has to do with /positive community contribution/. That is not post count or pulling a seniority card. It is things like-- here is my podcast on NWO-- or getting together a VTT group together-- or organize a guild and guild events-- talking about level design.

    Sometimes you dont have much to say. I know I dont. Otherwise contribute when you can, thanks.
    [TMG] Ragnaruss www.topmarksgaming.org
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ...I'm not talking about how I voted here, but did vote just like any member. Votes have the option of secrecy and are done so in elections in the US by default....
    Wait, secret vote? Didn't you read?
    ...Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected. ...

  • xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Wait, secret vote? Didn't you read?


    Yea lol. I don't think she spotted that. I made it public to see how many Jan 13 voted yes or no.

    And of course to call avanguardia, aweaasome10, crowl37, cruxor, darkshiva, delgado616, devoteoftempus, dieselbob3, dixee, everix92, galvayra, guinnjaguar, jez777, neppanaattori, nitchin, nyasaya, pregnable, rinjinjin, solgoode, syberghost, uglybugger, vartharion, viaxus, vitriks2, zuiquann" poo heads. Your all poo heads too! *cries some more* call me a poo head. How do you like it. *mumble mumble mumble*

    On a side note I actually compared peoples comments to their votes. And a couple people who said no they shouldn't, actually voted the other way. lol posers
    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
  • vinsinarvinsinar Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Manti Teo says poo heads are a hoax
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    It is my belief that it will be random.

    However, something inside tells me voting in this poll is kind wrong so I will abstain.

    They say I am very good at avoiding traps. It is all because of "Detect traps" spell they provide to clerics
    I'm not talking about how I voted here, but did vote just like any member. Votes have the option of secrecy and are done so in elections in the US by default.
    ...Be advised that this is a public poll: other users can see the choice(s) you selected.
    ...Yea lol. I don't think she spotted that. I made it public to see how many Jan 13 voted yes or no. ...
    @truth: You maximizer! Put some points in spot skill!


    Oh! And truth, remove the girdle of femininity/masculinity. People are getting confused.
  • xearrikxearrik Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Silverstars Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    gillrmn wrote: »
    Oh! And truth, remove the girdle of femininity/masculinity. People are getting confused.

    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now I'm posting none stop in a thread I think should be dead lol. Oh well...

    I've always assumed anybody with a female or femalish pick on a forum is a female. Though I think the complete opposite in game. If he/she is a he then sorry.
    Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
    I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
  • gillrmngillrmn Member Posts: 7,800 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xearrik wrote: »
    <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> now I'm posting none stop in a thread I think should be dead lol. Oh well...

    I've always assumed anybody with a female or femalish pick on a forum is a female. Though I think the complete opposite in game. If he/she is a he then sorry.

    He is an expert roleplayer. If he decides to act a she, I bet no one would be able to guess :p

    I have seen him act most roles but one - troll. I wonder how good he is at it ...
  • iamtruthseekeriamtruthseeker Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    I admit failed my spot check on the public polling details, but oh <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, I'm a wizard but not THAT WIZARD! LOL!

    Yep, I (who DIDN'T think you are a Poo head) am a manly brother of men IRL Ask Shin Chan!

    (And this is the point where I do something like talk about a pretty pink pony named Buttercup right? ;) )

    But respectfully, we'll let this thread slowly fade away. If you want it closed though, just give us a post or PM on it.
  • dethlockdethlock Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    ju st posting to see my join date
  • galvayragalvayra Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    xearrik wrote: »
    Yea lol. I don't think she spotted that. I made it public to see how many Jan 13 voted yes or no.

    And of course to call avanguardia, aweaasome10, crowl37, cruxor, darkshiva, delgado616, devoteoftempus, dieselbob3, dixee, everix92, galvayra, guinnjaguar, jez777, neppanaattori, nitchin, nyasaya, pregnable, rinjinjin, solgoode, syberghost, uglybugger, vartharion, viaxus, vitriks2, zuiquann" poo heads. Your all poo heads too! *cries some more* call me a poo head. How do you like it. *mumble mumble mumble*

    On a side note I actually compared peoples comments to their votes. And a couple people who said no they shouldn't, actually voted the other way. lol posers

    Didn't know that if you click on the results you could see who voted on what, damn it all to the nine hells and back , can't even poke fun at people from the shadows anymore
    "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited January 2013
    Who gets Beta access ? -> the subscribers from PWE other games.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
This discussion has been closed.