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Official: Defense of the Moondancer (Master)

cryptic39#8917 cryptic39 Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 90 Cryptic Developer
Hey everyone,

Thank you for joining us for this preview for M27!

This is the main thread to leave any and all feedback on the Defense of the Moondancer (Master) trial. The Master version of the trial requires 90,000 IL (85,000 in private) to enter and is intended to be the most challenging content to whet the appetites of those who are paragons of their roles.

The Master version of the Trial quite different than the Normal version of the Trial, so please feel free to check out both queues and give us your thoughts in the relevant threads!

We will be opening the queue for testing at the following times:

Preview (US):
Time Start: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 8 AM PDT
Time End: Sunday, October 22, 2023 – 2 AM PDT
Preview (RUS):
Time Start: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 4 PM PDT
Time End: Sunday, October 22, 2023 – 10 AM PDT

How You Can Help

Please note that: Any rewards feedback should be directed to https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1267659/m27-rewards-feedback!

We appreciate any feedback you may have on the trial, including:
  1. Bugs - We are looking for any and all bugs!
  2. Mechanics Visibility - If there's a mechanic that's hitting you and you can't see it, let us know!
  3. Tuning
  4. Other gameplay aspects that pertain to the trial.

Formatting Your Feedback and Bugs

For posting feedback and bugs, please follow the following format to ensure your feedback and bugs are seen clearly and processed promptly, thank you!

Type: Bug/Feedback (Please only choose one)

If you are listing a bug, please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use CYAN. If you are replying to another user's post, or just engaging in general discussion, please do not color your posts, general discussion is welcome and we will read all of it, regardless of color! You can use BBCode to color your text:

This text will display in cyan.

This text will display in red.


Bug: Captain Zoor'lar's Disintegration Blade animation does not play, causing me to miss the tankbuster!

Feedback: I really like Lieutenant Sniper's hat!
Miku V.
Post edited by cryptic39#8917 on


  • f92#2999 f92 Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    Preview (RUS):
    Time Start: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 4 PM PDT
    Time End: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 4 AM PDT

    How can 4pm -> 4am in 21 Остоber? Maybe your wrong date or time? Also 4pm October 21 - 4am October 21 (maybe 22) is from 2am to 2pm on Preview (RUS). Can it be changed? Because it will be night and early morning most time.
  • cryptic39#8917 cryptic39 Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 90 Cryptic Developer
    f92#2999 said:

    Preview (RUS):
    Time Start: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 4 PM PDT
    Time End: Saturday, October 21, 2023 – 4 AM PDT

    How can 4pm -> 4am in 21 Остоber? Maybe your wrong date or time? Also 4pm October 21 - 4am October 21 (maybe 22) is from 2am to 2pm on Preview (RUS). Can it be changed? Because it will be night and early morning most time.
    I've updated the times on the thread, and we're extending the testing period as well! Thank you for your note!
    Miku V.
  • artu#3556 artu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2023
    - It is possible to burst the Captain through the last 20% of his health, kill him without killing the lieutenants, LOOT THE WEAPON without completing the trial itself (chests won't be avaiable and lieutenants and mobs will still be there attacking you.)
    - The achievement "I'm the Captain Now (Master)" is bugged and is awarded without meeting the required condition
    - The achievement "Dash: Defense of the Moondancer (Master)" is bugged and is awarded without meeting the required condition

  • zaxturi#8203 zaxturi Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    I believe ,and i might be wrong on this, that all the loot in the trial was bound to account on pickup. Why? Do you want us to run it or not? People will run it at the start to get some of the gearpieces that are ok/good but there arent that many of them.

    After a few weeks it will be dead like crown of keldogon that gets run once a blue moon for fun.

    Also the liutenants are sometimes hard to see when there are so many other mobs all around them.
  • stof#3099 stof Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Please remove this guardrail from the upper deck of the ship. Is especially bad for mellee players

  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 498 Arc User
    edited October 2023

    - I really liked the new master trial. It feels a bit different than the previous ones, mostly due to the large add groups.
    - Sometimes there too many effects on the ground, making it difficult to keep the overview on what is going on.
    - The trial is very melee unfriendly.

    - Lieutenant Doctors are running away from the group in phase 4. Sometimes they run to the other side of the ship deck.
    - There are additional add mobs spawning after you have completed all blue circles in phase 4. This leads to the groups running to both ends of the ship to kill the last 2 groups.
    - The laser beam from the Lieutenant Snipers seem to rotate if the targeted person dies by it. The beam seems to aitm then to a different player. Not sure if this is intended.
    - After killing the last boss, is it intended that further adds are spawning but the loot (weapon) is already dropping?

    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    So I'd like to start with the positives before some constructive criticism:
    The format is completely different to a traditional trial, I love the willingness to experiment!
    The setting is absolutely gorgeous. The art team did an exceptional job on that front!
    The Lieutenants are varied and have really awesome powers that pack a punch!
    The gravity mechanic is an interesting and fun change.

    However there are some issues that I feel, unless addressed, will detract from the trial.
    1. There are just too many mobs! It isn't the quantity, don't get me wrong, I LOVE the density especially as a Rogue main (PotB goes HARD) but the frequency of them ends up just being a real headache and detracts from the carefully curated group of Lieutenants and the boss as well. We don't get to enjoy and react to all the new powers you've given to the Lieutenants! I'd say keep the full on mob onslaught when you first enter the Moondancer lobby, as well as the segment after the first Lieutenants, considering it is a super confined area making it such a kill or be killed fun room! 🥳
    2. The Lieutenants should have boss bars! They are way too small and get easily lost in the pool of mobs, and it is much harder to track them, their movement, as well as what debuffs are applied to them. Make them more prominent, because they are more than just simple trash mobs.
    A couple of bugs I observed during the playtest:
    • The "mark" above the Lieutenants disappear at times. Is this intended?
    • Voicelines are still silent (known bug for several mods now) which further detracts from the charm of the trial. I see the text, but don't hear the audio.
    • Fire AoE circle that spawns on the main deck of the Moondancer can knock people off during the cutscene to board the other ship. Either make everyone CC and damage immune, or remove the cutscene please!
    • At the end of the fight (boss dead) the mobs/Lieutenants remain with the DoT and it makes it impossible to loot the chests!
  • archmage#5149 archmage Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Constructive feedback written in blue- The worst skirmish in the game, the BHE on the ship from SKT is much more engaging.

    I was on preview at opening of every trial since ToMM, please do not put this ugly and boring skirmish on Master Epic Trials queue.

    Put it to skirmish queue where it belongs, while we are at it, bring back Call to Arms event !
  • aragon#8379 aragon Member Posts: 128 Arc User

    At the end of the fight (boss dead) the mobs/Lieutenants remain with the DoT and it makes it impossible to loot the chests!

    This is intended. You must kill everything to finish the trial.
  • deadmano#4272 deadmano Member Posts: 73 Arc User

    At the end of the fight (boss dead) the mobs/Lieutenants remain with the DoT and it makes it impossible to loot the chests!

    This is intended. You must kill everything to finish the trial.
    Incorrect. You should not be able to get the weapon if the instance is not cleared.
  • rafael#5355 rafael Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    What happened to the ring that gave 5k control bonus+ 5% critical strike and 2.5 critical severity, with 1 boss?
  • artu#3556 artu Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2023
    Would be nice to get some clarification regarding this achievement: "I'm the Captain Now (Master)". Completing the trial implies killing the Lieutenants, but the Lieutenants must be alive to meet the condition. Perhaps "Kill the Captain with at least 3 Lieutenants alive" is a better wording?

  • cryptic39#8917 cryptic39 Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 90 Cryptic Developer
    Thank you everyone for testing out the Trial this weekend! We really appreciate your reports on these bugs
    hastati96 said:

    - After killing the last boss, is it intended that further adds are spawning but the loot (weapon) is already dropping?

    Some issues which we have resolved thanks to your reports are:
    - It is not intended that the weapon drops before all of the enemies are defeated.
    - Several achievements also had bugs in how they could be unlocked.

    The other issues are still in process, most importantly the Lieutenant Marks - they are meant to be visible at all times!

    We also appreciate your other feedback about this Trial - it was intended to have a different feel from other Trials where there is a singular great enemy to defeat.

    We'll continue to monitor overall feedback when the Trial releases - if there's any other thoughts that you have about this style of Trial, feel free to let us know!
    Miku V.
  • maverick809maverick809 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    I think my main worry is most of the gear drop here is just not that desirable and no loot to sell from the chests. I feel this is needed to make this something people will keep playing. Fun is part of it sure, but players need a reason to keep coming back for more. I think only a few good gear drops will only be good for in the trial itself. I think Tower of The mad mage had the most replayability because players could sell tons of drops from it, was fun and a challenge. I think you need to try to recapture that!
  • thearchitect#5699 thearchitect Member Posts: 2 Arc User

    After this test, many people are saying and even excluding the DC class from normal dungeons like RC, because unfortunately the class does not have buffs or divine regeneration advantages, like warlock and Bard, and it will be difficult, according to what DC says, to play in the next module.
  • arianocturne#1689 arianocturne Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited November 2023
    Saboteur throws way too many barrels, also his teleporting every 2 seconds while throwing traps and barrels really over complicates things. The other lieutenants have been giving the starfire burn debuff with their attacks as well. After the recent "patches" these have become worse.

    Purple Aoe effects from lieutenants are not displaying on the floor. During the Snipers big attack he spins around and takes out half the room rather than focusing on the tank.

    (the color wasn't working sry)
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