@ambassadorkael#6946 @nitocris83 As the title says is there any plans what so ever of giving the console test shards a Quality of Life update now that PlayStation has there test shard I mean we all know you all have the code for the wondrous bazaar extra tabs so we can test new stuff or a vendor that sells all stuff needed for stronghold building thanks to our PC test shard brethren so please give us some idea that there is going to be something done to the console test shards at some point i mean heck even a update to what the premades have access to would be huge since juma escaped valenhas we lost a loot source to try and get companions and mounts to make builds actually work
Please any info would be amazing otherwise if there is nothing planned for the test shards they are a waste of space and need to be sorted out and redone because not being able to use main live toons is one thing, having to work 2x harder then you do on the live server since no one except the crazy few even login into the xbox test shard these days is another, the premise of a Test realm is you get overpowered for next to nothing in NW case one copper per item kind of like what the wondrous bazaar would do for us so we can test stuff I mean heck by the time anyone gets close enough to the items that are new on the new campaign the new mod is on the live server so no point to try for anything on the test shard were we should be able to test what works and what doesn't so we can actually do what the shard is meant to be used for "Bugs and Feedback"
Premade changes
Give us one that has the menzo coins for juma
Have one with more choices on lockboxes then the very limited amount we have
Have one with at least 1 shard chest of power and 1 strongbox of influence (sorry but have to make 50+ rent a mages for influence for a drop in the bucket for influence is not fun whatsoever)
either this or...
Give us the Extra tabs on Wondrous bazaar like PC has
Give us the stronghold vendor so we can actually build stuff
Give us the workshop vendor that is apparently a thing
either of these options is what the console test realms need desperately