@nitocris83 @percemer @ambassadorkael#6946 Since we are actually missing a thread to reporting bugs about Gzemnid's Reliquary Master trial and since there are so many things which players would like to report about it, I decided to open this thread so we can gather here all the bugs in the current live server so will be easy to find and fix
"The more I care for life, the more everything around me dies." AsteR (Barbarian) Mizzrym AsteR (Paladin Healer) AsteR Lezenfan (CW) Nahida AsteR (Bard healer)Carbonated AsteR (SW dps)
M22-M23 -M24-M25-M26 Alphatester
Official Content Creator Wizard Reworker
Phase 1 & 2:
- In phase 1 the issue of Ettercap miniboss pulling players in front of a mirror was reported to have been fixed, this is not the case. This miniboss can still pull players in front of a mirror just before it fires, resulting in an unavoidable and unfair death. Although I must admit it happens way less frequently than before the 'fix'.
- Boss voice lines (especially the ones announcing Mirror Artifacts) often come with a significant delay, such as delivering the voice line after Mirrors have already fired;
- In phase 1 Minotaur's Cleave (cone-shaped attack) red area indicator sometimes gets bugged and doesn't disappear after the boss has performed the attack, resulting in the red area following the boss until the end of the phase.
- In the beginning of phase 2, Gzemnid targets and kills the bard healer, often ignoring tanks building aggro immediately and even using top of the threat list powers.
- In phase 2 Gzemnid's Obliterate has inconsistent targeting: most of the times the tank without aggro is being targeted by it, but on some rare occasions it will target the tank who currently has aggro. Not sure if that's intended or not.
- In phases 2 and 5 Chains of Undeath can appear on tanks just moments before Obliterate hits them, cancelling their block and leading to them dying without being able to do anything to counter it. This especially punishing with the purple artifact being up.
Phase 3:
Halaster / Palhavorithyn
- In transition from phase 2 top phase 3, sometimes companions fail to teleport to the platform, leaving them out of the fight. This is especially punishing during Tiamat / Demo, where we are currently running multiple Scorpions to guarantee CA if this bug happens.
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination Halaster's chicken and shrinking spell have the red dot indicator suggesting they are cleansable but in reality you can only cleanse the graphics (i.e., your character will no longer look like a chicken, but won't be able to use any powers, because they are 'dazed' and your character will return back to its normal size, but will still suffer from reduced movement speed)
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination, if you kill Palhavorithyn and let Halaster phase away, he will not return, and you will not be able to progress and just die to a 4 minute timer.
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination, if you kill Palhavorithyn first, sometimes Halaster gets locked (as if Palhavorithyn was alive and had >20% HP difference) and you are not able to progress unless Halaster gets randomly unlocked again.
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination, sometimes Halaster can land with death from above on a player with aggro rather than landing in the middle of the platform.
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination, sometimes Palhavorithyn's position is inconsistent with where the player with the red area has put him. It seems like Palhavorithyn can move a bit after landing, messing up with player's strategy of putting him where they want to. This can sometimes be counterplayed by blocking his movement but seems somewhat weird.
- In phase 3 with Halaster and Palhavorithyn combination, if the players fail the Magnetic Attraction mechanic and get the debuff, defeating yourself and ressurecting back on the campfire doesn't remove the debuff, forcing the entire group to wait for 6 minutes for the debuff to expire.
Valindra and Storvald
- In phase 3 with Valindra and Storvald combination, Valindra's "bomb" (the attack which damage scales up with the number of players hit) can target players frozen by Storvald's Permafost, resulting in them dying with no chance of counterplay.
- In phase 3 with Valindra and Storvald combination, Valindra can initiate "Hypothermia" attack while Storvald's runes are active. If Hypothermia lands on a player in the middle, its manageble, however if she targets one of the players covering runes they will die with no chance of counterplay.
- In phase 3 with Valindra and Storvald combination, Storvald's Permafrost and Valindra's Miasma attacks can happen at the same time, forcing players to make a choice between two unwinnable scenarios: either spread Miasma and therefore spread Permafrost, making it next to impossible to free trapped players in time, or stack Miasma and Permafrost, creating an empowered Miasma on the arena killing the trapped players and melee DPS trying to break them free.
Zariel and Atropal
- In phase 3 with Zariel and Atropal combination, Atropal's pull and push attack can still be inconsistent with his animation. Sometimes the pulling stats before the animation, sometimes the animation doesn't get play at all and Atropal doesn't go down. Also, it feels like pull and push and Zariel's Runes should be synced up, but they aren't always so right now. Please confirm if that's intended.
Demogorgon and Tiamat
- In phase 3 with Demogorgon and Tiamat combination, Demogorgon's "choke" attack (the one he uses when the player with aggro runs too far away) does 0 damage.
Phases 4, 5 and 6
- In phases 4 and 6 Scorching Artifact's fire beam sometimes disappear (not when it is supposed to after doing a few rotations, it disappears midway while continuing rotating and doing damage). Probably related to graphics settings, but an important gameplay element such as Scorching Artifact probably shouldn't get removed depending on player's graphics settings.
- In phases 5 and 7 the issue of overlapping Arcane Calamity wasn't properly magnifying damage received was reported to have been fixed, although this is not the case. It is still possible to overlap them and survive.
- In phase 6, upon entering both teams are teleported North and South of the arena. However, this teleport is a one-time use per instance, meaning that entering phase 6, wiping, and entering phase 6 again in the same instance will not trigger the teleport, allowing players to stay in same places they were in phase 5.
- In phase 1 Minotaur's cleave has a longer range than what is shown in red.
- In phase 3, with the Atropal-Zariel combinaison, a player can be targeted by hypothermia + lines, making it difficult to survive it.
- In phase 3, with the Atropal-Zariel combinaison, a player can sometime be targeted by both lines, which should not happen.
Thank you so much for all the details! These issues will be investigated.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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The Bite attack is intended to be blocked, but the tank is still knocked down and cannot take any actions when Bite hits in this case just one second later. Normally the lengths of animations allow for a tank to recover and block an incoming Bite if they've been knocked down.
You can see the relevant hits parsed from the combat log in the following image.
The three bullets I've quoted are universal issues not related to a phase or boss types imho. We've had Atropal AoEs "stick" and being very irritating up to a point that we decided to wipe each time it happened. It weirdly only happened frequently during one training session and never again. Maybe it got fixed already or we were just unlucky to have broken something in the instance.
Gzemnid targeting wrong character types is most obvious with healers at the beginning of phases, but it can happen throughout the whole fight at any time. Think saw it on YouTube the other day (might have been Gus). They died for no apparent reason and even said "not sure what that hit was". It was hard to tell from the video and without logs, but my initial feeling was "yeah bug". Maybe I can pull it up when I have time.
Same with companions. It's most obvious in the given scenario, but it happens in other transitions as well and is very annoying. If you're very lucky and spam a certain hotkeyed console command sequence, you are rarely able to re-summon the companion. But of course with everything that's going on, you have to be aware that your companion is missing. I can also only echo the frustration about overlapping mechanics that create unsolvable situations for the group. I guess it's a side effect of just bundling old bosses together and call it challenge, but it makes an already lackluster trial even less appealing to play. I mean teams are able to complete it regardless, but if you play flawlessly you simply shouldn't die. ToS had some of these annoying chances already and it got worse in GR.
In particular, arbiter cleric has its divinity drained, and the most viable rotations depend on divinity being exactly full and sensitive timing that does not accommodate interruptions for refilling divinity. As a result it gets significantly impaired by this mechanic whereas most other DPS characters are unaffected.
While this is investigated, I would recommend checking for performance drain on Songblade Bard, as well as stamina drain on Dreadnought Fighter. I haven't been able to test this myself but I suspect the same issue is happening there.
An additional note: the spell cast by Tiamat (in both Tiamat trial and Gzemnid) that has a similar effect, also has this same issue with also draining DPS resources on some classes while not affecting others.
Another related issue to this is that paladin tanks have divinity drained as well as stamina, giving it a severe disadvantage relative to other tank classes, as those only suffer the normal stamina loss.
1. Chains of Undeath is not removed before phase transitions teleport players, so the players affected are spawned right on top of each other in the new phase, still having Chains of Undeath on them, and immediately the mechanic explodes and kills the entire party with no chance for them to escape or dodge.
2. The initial repel that Chains of Undeath applies (to prevent players in close proximity immediately triggering an explosion before they can react) occasionally fails to occur. More specifically, if a person is in an immunity frame (e.g. dodging or sprinting from another mechanic) when Chains of Undeath spawns, they are not repelled.
3. The initial repel from Chains of Undeath interrupts blocks on characters with the ability to block. This results in tanks having their block interrupted at the same time they are hit with a strong attack such as Obliterate, resulting in their unavoidable death.
Here is another video example of when it happened again:
First, this is combat data showing all incoming damage events to Draining Artifact when it was destroyed successfully in a different run. You can see a Killing entry where the artifact is destroyed as the Obliterate hits the tank, and no further damage is received from that point on.
This is combat data from the run shown in the video, for the exact times around when we tried to destroy Draining Artifact. There is no Killing entry, yet the incoming damage still stops at the point of attempted destruction.
This is incoming damage from the tank at that same point in time, you can see Obliterate hitting correctly, for the same amount as the damage floaters show in the video.
Halaster / Palhavorithyn:
When two players get Charges (lightning phase), if one of them is transformed into a chicken soon afterwards, the charge mark on that player and the line connecting both players will disappear.