This is ridiculous. I haven't been to Icespire Peak for a while, today I went there leveling-up a new character.
What did I see? Well more to the point what didn't I see. You thought it was a good thing and made sense to delete the flags on the poles near the bridge? Really? Why on earth did you do that. I mean are a few flapping bits of fabric such a load on the servers you can't run the game properly? WTF is going on. It's giving me PTSD-like symptoms at this point the way you do this stuff to us. I'm not sure what you're going to delete next. It doesn't seem to matter how large or small, it's all up for grabs. You already deleted half the locations, half the lore, half the fun of it, now the atmosphere furniture on the maps too? The maps we still have left and thought were safe? Who thought those flags should have been removed and who OK'd it as something which made sense to do? Honestly, do you guys actually care about the game or not. They're flags, they flap in the wind and they provide atmosphere,there could be no good reason to take them away. And what are the empty poles there for now, they make no sense anymore. Stop sabotaging Neverwinter. It's extremely frustrating and sad you keep ripping the guts out of it.

Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
Good Neverwinter is like Rohan's flags in the wind. The wind blows and erodes continuously, and sometimes it rips out a flag or two. Kind of saying the same thing as @greywynd but in a nostalgic/sad poetic way.
I was watching an older video of Vallenhas on YouTube the other day, and it sucked to remember when the trees were...well...trees. There are multiple threads about it, and at one point a dev responded to say that they couldn't replicate the issue.
Half the trees in Vallenhas are ugly blotches of gyrating color and have been for over a year.
Agree on the flags point, and all the other similar points. If those flags were a big enough issue to merit removing, then this game is farther along in its life cycle than most of us realize.
So much of the previous - now deleted content has definitive storylines with a starting point and end point, when the big boss was defeated in the Blacklake district for example, the zone was completed the player wins and and what rewards were available in that area were collected. No need to run hours, days, weeks of the same content to grind for completion rewards, it was time to move on to a new zone.
The hours and days obtaining and refining enchantments became a meaningless exercise in futility when someone decided to introduce an entirely different enchantment making the former ones all but worthless. Players grinding for seals to purchase a certain item only to have those seals become obsolete and no longer available and the items they were trying to acquire no longer available. Being rewarded duplicate items in special events players can neither trade nor sell is kind of insulting 'Here's the reward for your heroic efforts... it's worthless by the way'.
Too many changes, too frequently which seems to do little except negate much of the time and effort - not to mention real world currency players have invested in playing Neverwinter... Like the movie said it seems "The only winning move, is not to play"... make that "pay"
Blacklake district
Blackdagger ruins
Helm's Hold
Pirates' Skyhold
Mount Hotenow
Lair of the Mad Dragon
Throne of Idris (the 5-man dungeon, not the solo version)
Dread Vault
Original Castle Never
Call-to-Arms skirmishes (there are many of these)
I can see that they wanted to shorten the time it takes to reach campaigns so that new players don't become discouraged before they get to the "real" part of the game. Fair enough. As a guild leader, I can attest to the fact that the number of new players who quit before reaching that point was significant. Bringing in new players only to see them become disinterested before ever reaching level 80 was frustrating. Hopefully this content will return to provide some needed spice to the game.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
What bugs me most is that they keep remaking stuff that is still in the game (Demo and TOS) while there are whole dungeons that they could rework and bring back. Also the old skirmishes, CTA or otherwise to make the RSQ better. The current list has too many skirmishes that were build on the 'ranking' system for better loot, but no one cares about the loot so the mechanics of the skirmish become meaningless.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
All zones could end up with intro to dungeons eg. clockkwork tomb would be one ; this way we would get set of leveling Q (like we used to have before) and storylike intros (so we could skip those animation in runs)
The major problem is that every MMO is being flooded by professional complainers who busy themselves picking a game appart simply because they can, and the developers very mistakenly listen to these professional complainers and make swaths of changes in a knee-jerk response instead of pausing... carefully thinking things through... and then taking the time to ask the actual dedicated playerbase whether there is a genuine problem or not. Had the developers done this in regards to Neverwinter Online, I believe that 90 percent of what has been removed would still be in the game today because the professional complainers were simply LYING to the developers. There was never truly a problem with Neverwinter Online to start with. Pre-Mod 13 Neverwinter Online was a vast, deep, immersive, engaging and beautiful game from start to finish! But such is the world of MMOs these days. Most MMOs' dedicated playerbase is routinely villified by developers as simply being "toxic" and "entitled", while the professional complainers are set up on a pedestal all in the name of "inclusiveness" and "representation."
The dedicated playerbase must be more vigilant, organized and vocal than these professional complainers or else we will simply lose everything we genuinely love in gaming.
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