Didn't see a specific suggestion thread.
I used to play Runescape a long time ago and I am not trying to compare games. The one thing I liked about was the Grand Exchange. It is equivalent to our Auction House, without the fees (if I remember correctly, could have changed, don't know). Anyway, the grand exchange has a section on their website for statistical data on every item that is sold on the exchange; high price, low price, number sold, last sold, time/price graphs, etc. I know it would be a lot of work to get it up and running, but I think having that data readily available for Neverwinter may help stabilize some items prices. Or help some people from getting scammed during trades.
Not sure if I can post a reference link, but here it is.
https://secure.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/Again, not trying to compare these two games, just thought having the Auction House statistics available to players could improve the quality of game play here in Neverwinter.
Posting half a dozen stacks of the same thing and having to re-enter the amounts each and every time is silly.
On a totally unrelated note: another Quality of Life change that I wish for is the rewards window to 'red out' items in the promo tab that the character already has like it does in the enchants tab. With 20 characters and dozens of items in that list, if and when I miss taking something on a character as I'm cycling thru them invoking, and the collect rewards button flashes to tell me so, it is super time consuming to try to look through the whole list comparing it to what companions and mounts that character has or does not have.
Would be nice to no longer be inclined to keep update excel spreadsheets to track price changes lol
“There are changes that can be made that don’t require coding...” - TriNitY
"No amount of coding will change human behavior" - TriNitY
Ongoing Issue: Legitmate Players Banned for Botting (Console) and the Future for "Dedicated" Players
Suggestions: (Implemented) \/\/ Rearrange Character on character Select Screen
Anyway, to play along: providing such feature in game, it means it will need to (A) maintain a large set of data for each item or (B) maintain a smaller set of summary of each item or (C) both or (D) something else.
i.e. for each AH transaction, it will need to update this data set (whatever model they choose).
for each statistic enquiry, it will need to retrieve data and calculate if use (A) or retrieve the summary if use (B). Doing (B) alone will get a lump sum result which usually is not useful. For example, do you care about the data points which are older than 3 years for item X? But, may be you do for item Y?
Whatever model they choose, do that in game will put a load to the game/database engine whenever somebody enquires the statistic.
Then people could implement their own logic and history storage behind that. I am sure a website with such info would pop up within a month of such an API being available.
They could of course charge for the access! *grin*
I was thinking that it should not take that much coding to keep the amounts you entered unless you manually change them again or closed the window.
I guess your best shot would be to poke the developer that runs the dev tracker and see whether they are willing to get their stuff back online. I think Rainer uses the dev tracker inside his character builder. Maybe he knows how to reach out.
Btw.: Good luck getting this as official feature in the game. Back when they shut down the gateway there were active discussions between devs and certain individuals and any idea of maintaining gateway features that are read-only (hence not affected by botting) was completely shut down.
D&D is not capitalist, it is a Guild System where the GUILD (GEARBOX) gets to tell the players what they can sell items for just like in Real D&D.
The AH has a flawed logic system where scarcity determines price offered. 99 skill kits which I regularly sold for about 200 AD (all pickups = cost free). I tried to sell one set on the Altemate [testing zone] and was denied because the scarce price was 160,000,000 AD. That's the flaw.
Second - Neh, I wont even bother to go into the economics side of things.
I'll just leave a picture of this toilet paper here, and reminder that there is no well functioning communism, even if they may call themselves such.