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Please just get rid of the RTQ

feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
There is no longer any point to the RTQ.
Crown of Keldegonn is too difficult for PUG groups to complete it. It is therefore just a waste of time and space.
Tiamat is gone, replaced with a pointless harder version that no one wants and no one asked for.
Demo is gone, because it was also replaced with a pointless harder version that no one wants and no one asked for.
Adding TOMM would be even worse than adding CoK, because TOMM is unbelievably tedious with its endlessly repetitive, dull and overpowered mechanics, and its pointless high difficulty.
A version of VOS that PUG groups can actually complete would be useful, since all the gear players want still comes from there, but of course that won't happen.
So now the only trials left that actually fulfill the purpose of the random queues - allowing players to get their daily RAD - are Svardbord and whatever the tedious push-pull thing is called. There are two left.
So just get rid of it. Add those two to the the skirmish list and increase the rewards to those currently obtained from the RTQ.
And redistribute rewards so that players can obtain worthwhile gear form any skirmish.
The people whose idea of a good time is spending 20 minutes organizing a raid and then 20 minutes on discord organizing everyone's different artifact and mount powers and checking their gear before entering an instance can still play all the pointlessly difficult, exclusionary content, and welcome to it.


  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    Instead of wanting something to be removed for everyone, why not just don't do it? You already have RDQ and RSQ for easy rAD farming. Some people actually want trials to be more mechanical, and used as a stepping stone for Master Trials. Plenty of people have asked for Demogorgon and Tiamat to be harder and more respectful to their in universe power. Just like RADQ need more attention to mechanic, so do trials. If it's too hard for you, there is other content you can do. Not everything needs to be either super easy or super hard. There needs to be steps in the middle and normal Tiamat, Demo, Kelg, etc are filling that. Just because some people have a hard time, doesn't mean you should ruin it for everyone else.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    arazith07 said:

    Instead of wanting something to be removed for everyone, why not just don't do it? You already have RDQ and RSQ for easy rAD farming. Some people actually want trials to be more mechanical, and used as a stepping stone for Master Trials. Plenty of people have asked for Demogorgon and Tiamat to be harder and more respectful to their in universe power. Just like RADQ need more attention to mechanic, so do trials. If it's too hard for you, there is other content you can do. Not everything needs to be either super easy or super hard. There needs to be steps in the middle and normal Tiamat, Demo, Kelg, etc are filling that. Just because some people have a hard time, doesn't mean you should ruin it for everyone else.

    Then those people can have a master trial queue full of boring, interminable queue formation and raid organization chats on discord that require a sizable fraction of every player's waking hours just to do one raid. But including exlusionary content in the queues that are meant for players to farm daily AD means that lowbie PUGS will NEVER EVER STOP queueing for content they can't handle. And you have no logic whatsoever in accusing me of wanting to ruin anything for anybody. Explain, if you will, what harm it does to remove CoK from the RTQ, merge the measly two raids that are left with the RSQ and make life easier for people who either still need to farm AD or just can't stand all the tedious, repetitive, oppressive mechanics, high DPS checks of every raid this team has designed since Avernus dropped, and every other anti-fun idea that's been taking over the game.

    Ruin it for everyone else? You obviously don't remember what this game was like back when the dungeons and skirmishes were actually well designed and fun, so no one needed to spend ten minutes or a half hour scraping their alliances and chat channels to put together a party. You could just queue up and wait a minute or two.

    Compared to that, this game has seriously been ruined for just about everyone. Or are you going to pretend that it's fun to spend large amounts of time organizing every time just to farm VOS over and over and over again until you finally get your band of air?

    All I'm saying is stop the years-old terrible idea of requiring players to queue for content above their pay grade that guarantees failure and frustration, which, to borrow a phrase, ruins it for everyone.

    Then we can get around to restoring the missing dungeons, rolling back the awful changes to SC, CN, and so on, undoing a lot of pointless power creep, eliminating all the arcane stats like forte, awareness and accuracy, making different ability scores relevant to different characters again, and even fixing years-old screwups like +1 items in mastercrafting, making it possible to use artifact abilities on all artifact weapons.....

  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    Trial queue can absolutely be done by a group of randoms with no voice comms or whatever other prep you think is needed. It requires people to do more than just mash buttons and pay attention to the environment and telegraphs. You are vastly overestimating the difficulty that these trials present. Sure, some adjustments are necessary, like being able to rejoin the fight, but the trials don't need to be removed from random queues. Or maybe adding a popup window warning the player that trials are harder and require following mechanics.

    To ruin something is to destroy, you are asking to remove a type of random queue, one that you can just as easily ignore. There are players who do want to use this feature as the devs intend for it to be used. Just because you don't want to deal with failure or you don't want to miss some rAD, doesn't mean it should be removed. There are several different ways you can earn rAD, trials are no longer the easy rAD that it used to be.

    No one is forcing players to queue for "content above their pay grade". It's up to the player to recognize what they can handle. If they only want to face roll content, then they should only do easy content, and not try and nerf everything to their level. Multiple levels of content exist and wanting to remove those levels should never be answer when the players who don't want the harder content can just not play it.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Trying playing CoK with a PUG group and tell me about your wonderful, simple completion of that experience. But, you say, simply warn players that mechanics need to be followed. Great. Now actually explain what the mechanics are - but wait! That would require more than a pop up window. That would require most players to actually take the time to read something or watch a video - and actually understand it and apply that understanding.
    That will never happen.
    And you still haven't attempted to explain how it would harm you or anyone to remove CoK from the RTQ and move the mere two remaining trials to the skirmish queue where they belong. It's amazing you actually care so much about the 1/3 of your daily RTQ rewards that now come from the one of three trials that doesn't belong in the pathetic remnants of that queue.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. Trying playing CoK with a PUG group and tell me about your wonderful, simple completion of that experience. But, you say, simply warn players that mechanics need to be followed. Great. Now actually explain what the mechanics are - but wait! That would require more than a pop up window. That would require most players to actually take the time to read something or watch a video - and actually understand it and apply that understanding.
    That will never happen.
    And you still haven't attempted to explain how it would harm you or anyone to remove CoK from the RTQ and move the mere two remaining trials to the skirmish queue where they belong. It's amazing you actually care so much about the 1/3 of your daily RTQ rewards that now come from the one of three trials that doesn't belong in the pathetic remnants of that queue.

    Why do you want to remove a feature? You say that your experience is bad, you can just not experience it and let those who do want to experience it continue. But no, you want to remove it. You could just run 2 RDQs instead of a RDQ and a RTQ...AND get more rAD by doing so.

    I don't have to explain why it should be kept beyond what I've already said...that I enjoy that level of difficulty. And no you don't need to watch a video, but just communicate in the game if you don't know the mechanics and people will normally be fine with saying simple things like, split up into party group to protect the clerics or to stay with your party and we need to kill the claws at the same time. And if you fail, just try again.

    It's totally fine to not be into certain content. You don't have to do it. You may think that RTQ is ruined because they added more trials to it, others think it's been enriched, in fact people have been asking for baby Zariel to be added and for baby CoK and ToMM to be created and added (ToMM still hasn't been created ofc).
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    The problem here is the lack of information, as allways, and the resistance from players to change their routine. I will explain:

    Devs should have made clearer that they want RTQ NOT apropiate for new players and that they gave alternative methods to get AD in RDQ / RSQ / RADQ

    Most players only will complain that they cant do what they were doing for long time to get AD, and they wont notice this change, still is devs fault to not comunicate better. We know players are very resistance to change their routine.

    Also, another error IMO is that if RTQ is not apropiate for new players, why it rewards RAD? It should reward other thigs more apropiate to the level of chars that would complete it for example companion tokens, greater shards or even rare coal wards for example.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    Removing yourself from playing RTQ is the same as removing RTQ.
    I remove myself to do RQ and it is the same as removing RQ.

    Just because I hate RQ, it does not mean all other players feel the same way.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • powerpuff#6508 powerpuff Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    Your wish is granted. Tiamat has been temporarily removed from RTQ and from public queues. Just like Demogorgon, the developers have again failed to develop a trial is appropriate for the player base. Apparently testing with motivated and experienced end-game players is not quite as useful as devs think?
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    Your wish is granted. Tiamat has been temporarily removed from RTQ and from public queues. Just like Demogorgon, the developers have again failed to develop a trial is appropriate for the player base. Apparently testing with motivated and experienced end-game players is not quite as useful as devs think?

    Except that Tiamat will be put back in once the technical issue is fixed. Also everyone is welcome to provide feedback on the forums, not just end game players.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    A queue that exists for all players to get their daily RAD but is unplayable 1/3 of the time for most players isn't a feature. It's a bug.
    And baby Zariel is just a slightly-less-tedious version of TOMM crossed with IG. It's boring and badly designed, like every dungeon and trial since Avernus.
    The problem, as ever since mod 6 (with the tiny exception of the time a dev took players' grievances seriously and then immediately got fired for it, resuliting in Unasked For Temporary Piercing Damage II for rangers and no real fixes ever since), is that the devs don't play the game, certainly don't play all classes, and have been designing content for a precious few while ignoring the experience for most players, practically never fixing bugs and rarely admitting to even the tiniest of their many longstanding screwups.
    Which have resulted, among other things, in an RTQ with only two playable raids.
  • powerpuff#6508 powerpuff Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    arazith07 said:

    Except that Tiamat will be put back in once the technical issue is fixed. Also everyone is welcome to provide feedback on the forums, not just end game players.

    Like demogorgon? Keep those insightful comments coming!
  • lordseth1985lordseth1985 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 319 Arc User
    OMG, really? man, I did 5 CoK since it became avaliable on RTQ, all of them was from q window. No group, just open the window and did it with randoms. my Ilvl? 55k. All of those CoK was sucessful.

    I really dunno why the complain. The only RTQ I never could finish with randoms is Tiamat. Every time it pops up, moany players just leave.
    Avestruz.Q.T.Seduz - Rogue, natural born assassin.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    arazith07 said:

    Except that Tiamat will be put back in once the technical issue is fixed. Also everyone is welcome to provide feedback on the forums, not just end game players.

    Like demogorgon? Keep those insightful comments coming!
    I'm basing this off of what devs are actually saying in discord. Even as we speak, Lassor made some adjustments and is having players test it out on preview.

    A queue that exists for all players to get their daily RAD but is unplayable 1/3 of the time for most players isn't a feature. It's a bug.
    And baby Zariel is just a slightly-less-tedious version of TOMM crossed with IG. It's boring and badly designed, like every dungeon and trial since Avernus.
    The problem, as ever since mod 6 (with the tiny exception of the time a dev took players' grievances seriously and then immediately got fired for it, resuliting in Unasked For Temporary Piercing Damage II for rangers and no real fixes ever since), is that the devs don't play the game, certainly don't play all classes, and have been designing content for a precious few while ignoring the experience for most players, practically never fixing bugs and rarely admitting to even the tiniest of their many longstanding screwups.
    Which have resulted, among other things, in an RTQ with only two playable raids.

    So should RADQ be destroyed too? Not everyone can complete those either, especially Castle Ravenloft. It's literally the first week of adding 2 trials to the queue, maybe let people figure out how they should be played instead of screaming and whining when players encounter the slightest bit of difficulty. Cradle was just as bad when it first hit randoms, but people learned. People need to also not give up at the first sign of a possible wipe, maybe give it a few tries at least before quiting.
  • feanor70118feanor70118 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Please. CODG has been nerfed a half-dozen times to be made playable. It doesn't remotely resemble its original form.

    Maybe elitists who've spent fortunes and months of their lives on being able to faceroll master trials should stop resenting people who think something called playing a game should actually be fun.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    The main nerf is that you don't permanently died when falling off the platform, which exist in all trials, I know because I've been thrown off the arena in CoK just yesterday. But that doesn't change the fact that both of those older trials (Cradle and SVA) are deadly if you don't follow mechanics.

    Not sure who you mean when you faceroll master trials. I've personally have only even stepped into a Master Trial on the preview server. My average stats in combat are only 60-70%. I just don't think that content should cater to players that are practically braindead.

    You are the one wanting to completely get rid of RTQs, ruining a feature that some to want to keep. You could just as easily just not run it and that effectively achieves your goal, but without affecting other's gameplay.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    I'm surprised how quick they brought back Tiamat, though it will be awhile before I can challenge THEM, since I'm barely 55k or just slightly over now.

    They REMOVED the normal Tiamat Trial at 36k or what it used to be only 21k; that I wish they would return even if it was 50k, as a precursor for those on their way to the new (reduced) 70k not 65k Master Trial!


    I mean at least then you'd get a chance diffreent Artifacts, even if they only drop the original Tiamat set. Maybe they still are reworking the Normal Tiamat, so I can only hold out HOPE they are spending more time on that!

    Got to hold out HOPE, as I used to always enjoy Tiamat! Yet not seen any improvement on Queue times of Random Dungeons, Random Adv. Dungeons, or especially Random Trials. Be nice if they also awarded some Rough Astral Diamonds for Heroic's or Big Heroic's, say like 125 Rough Diamonds, or 250 for BHE to give people an alternative method to earn them, while encouraging more to do them! Be also nice to see a little Silver for them as well...

    Post edited by strathkin on
  • flyball#6248 flyball Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    I see more failures of RADQs than RTQs. New players are not taking the time to learn and understand the mechanics of those battles. Many do not want other people telling them for instance...you need to kill the mimics when battling arcturia in LOMM, plenty of healers that do a poor job of healing, tanks that cannot hold aggro, and dps that think if the tank is holding aggro they should not be struck and over estimate how much damage they can dish out. Heck I was running a rdq and people were struggling with Gray Wolf Den because they were killing the wolf too early. After 45 min my post in the chat window was finally read and we finished. BTW there are some weekly quests that give AD.

    I am not saying add Tomm and Zariel to the RTQ or perhaps maybe create a baby version and add that, but the full master versions simply cannot be done by random groups. In may cases it takes communication which just is not available to all players, It takes everyone having an idea of the phases and mechanics. These will always be done by those using guild parties or regular friends to support, especially on console.

    There are other alternative ways of earning AD as well, these get easier as one empowers their main character and can "share" items with their new alts to farm adventures for AD
  • melotai#0794 melotai Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    I have for the most part stopped queuing solo for rtq and radq and now that I have 3 of 10 toons in an active alliance I will only go with the alliance or a premade group and it is usually successful that way. I still queue solo for the skirmishes. rdq I only queue for that one occasionally now used to just ignore it entirely but they increased the rAD on that one and sometimes the healer or DPS bonus is lit up at the same time I am on a similar toon type so I do it.

    for rtq or radq I will attempt that solo with my DC healer (main) if it is still the first one of the day and the additional bonus is in play otherwise it is a big no on even trying.

    I know I have 20 million rAD already but for some reason I still like earning extra rAD.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    Pugs can't complete Crown of Keldegonn ?

    Hah. This is what happens when game papering community for too long.

    It's not that pugs can't complete this adjusted version of Crown of Keldegonn trial, simply most pugs don't want, others simply expect to be carrier through.
    The issue is not just the trials, the issue if the situation with player base mentality.

    For most part players get used to be carried by one or two stronger players, there for it was not needed to learn game mechanics. Actually in most cases your presence as player was not even requried, all was needed to follow party through and in the end of dungeon/skirmish/trial claim rewards.
    No thinking, not even try learn how play this game.

    About 10 days ago I where in RC with pugs, it where Throne of Dvarven God.
    From very start players rush in group of enemy, don't ignore fact that enemies suround players and there for they gain CA and do more damage against them.
    Also other party members failed to learn that each class have dodge/evade/block feature, I mean they all just sit and eat all incoming hits, and latter complain that healer is bad.

    In finall boss fight time instead fighting near throne and get surounded by enemies, you can lure away, somewhere in corner and don't have to take much damage. DId the do that ? nop. At that moment their brain activity where in offline mode. All what they where capable at that moment is keep doing power rotation. Not try kill adds, just keep hitting boss without realising that adds wipe them all. Eventually me as heal I had not only heal these zombies( players), but also kill adds and tank boss. Even through better geared players failed their tasks.

    So is Crown of Keldegonn problem? Trials over all? Or Castle of Ravenloff? The answer is no. Theissue is that players get used easy mode gameplay.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Don't like RTQ, don't use it.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
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  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    greywynd said:

    Don't like RTQ, don't use it.

    True, but there is another aspect to it - we can argue about some kind of "unfair advantage", when pre-made groups have easier access to rAD compared to solo queue up.

    The RQ were designed to motivate players to fill incomplete groups, by design it is a match-making tool. But in the current state of things people often go in with all slots already filled.

    So, to some extent, it would be reasonable to not just require public queuing, but at the same time to limit the maximum amount of slots that can be pre-arranged to reach the bonus rAD.
    If you pre-fill all the slots, you do not serve the purpose why the RQ was implemented = you should not be eligible to any bonus reward at all.
    edit: As I think about it, the bonus reward would ideally follow this design: "You gain XrAD for each empty slot you queued up with."

    It is kinda about exploiting the system. If the system is mainly used for a completely different purpose, not even touching the original idea, it should be adjusted.
    Post edited by rikitaki on
  • powerpuff#6508 powerpuff Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    Divorce the earing of RAD from random queues - no obvious reason why those are connected.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited July 2022

    Divorce the earing of RAD from random queues - no obvious reason why those are connected.

    Earning rAD was/is the obvious reason of the creation/existence of RQ. Before RQ, people could just earn rAD through dungeon they liked to play. They could run the same dungeon again and again. They got rid of that earning and move the earning to RQ. So, I always hate RQ. Not just one type of RQ but all RQ. Without rAD earning, almost nobody will do RQ. They will do the dungeon they like instead.

    We used to have 5 DC runs, 5 whatever runs to the dungeon of our choice to earn rAD. That was fun. With RQ, you have to have a proper role combination. You can't choose a specific dungeon. With RQ, people mostly would say they "needed" to do RQ first, like a job. After they finish their RQ of the day (fulfil their 'quota'), they don't have time to do other specific dungeon. They logoff. Go to sleep, etc.

    The "merit" of RQ is to use rAD to bait/force people to do RQ by removing the rAD from the regular user choosing dungeon run. They knew that if two type of run provide the same/similar rAD, nobody would do RQ.

    They also did not need to invest time/resource to build RQ (if rAD is not a bait) because "RQ" existed before RQ. One could just choose all the dungeons and join public. The first one it pops would be your random dungeon to help others.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    I would get rid of the Random Queues but reuse the system to provide reinforcements and fill queues. RAD would come from completing content regardless of how it was entered. Doing the RQ would award something else, much like with the Reaper or Sybella stores.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    Random trial, random dungeon, random advanced dungeon, random skirmish.

    The random Queues system where introduced with Jungles of Chult expansion( Mod 13).

    The purpose of this system is rather simple, it's to reuse old content. In short words, you as player got paid to play old content. That's it.

    All Theme Park RPG mmo games have same issue, the latest two expansions are center of the game, while older expansions become irrelevant and abandoned by players.

    If lets say developers remove this random queue system, most game content would not be even used. Playerbase would focus just on last two dungeons, and maybe one or two trials.

    This random q system, while it's not perfect, it's better than nothing.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User

    Random trial, random dungeon, random advanced dungeon, random skirmish.

    The random Queues system where introduced with Jungles of Chult expansion( Mod 13).

    The purpose of this system is rather simple, it's to reuse old content. In short words, you as player got paid to play old content. That's it.

    All Theme Park RPG mmo games have same issue, the latest two expansions are center of the game, while older expansions become irrelevant and abandoned by players.

    If lets say developers remove this random queue system, most game content would not be even used. Playerbase would focus just on last two dungeons, and maybe one or two trials.

    This random q system, while it's not perfect, it's better than nothing.

    Well, close, but not exactly. You cut out of the equation the new guys.

    Prior the random queues, a new guy might not manage to put up a group to do a quest dungeon for days... RQ allowed them to just queue up and let the system fill up the rest of the party. (that did not work with direct select, because... e.g. Pirate retreat was chosen so rarely that a full party never met at the same time)
    Devs actually want everyone to be focused on the new content, the new content is the drive to invest and improve. However, they simply cannot have a new player experience be "the game is a completely desolate place".

    I seriously doubt that any player successfully passing in the latest dungeons and trials have any need for a special rAD reward. At least, they should not be fed by easy rAD anyway - but if a million rAD thrown away prevents one soul from leaving the game after two days of shouting in various places lfg Ice Throne, well, it served the purpose. But that purpose is gone if you queue up for a RQ as a full group...
  • powerpuff#6508 powerpuff Member Posts: 212 Arc User
    rikitaki said:

    But that purpose is gone if you queue up for a RQ as a full group...

    This. Random queues were designed to improve QoL in multiple ways. There was no real intent to make the earning of RAD and running random queues co-dependent. The RAD was an incentive to run them to improve the QoL for the playerbase generally.

    Removing other sources of RAD from the game (salvage, regular queues) has forced the everyone to run random queues. We can all see the effect that has on the game. I think we can conclude that random queues did not meet the original goals and that developer changes since then have made the problem worse IMO. The recent mod 23 queue changes are evidence of that fact; only time will tell if queue health improves. But if you enter a random queue as a complete group, that helps no one but your group.

  • tchefi#6735 tchefi Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited July 2022
    rikitaki said:

    True, but there is another aspect to it - we can argue about some kind of "unfair advantage", when pre-made groups have easier access to rAD compared to solo queue up.

    I'm sorry @rikitaki, I think I can't agree with your point.

    We can argue solo tagging RQ is nothing else but kind of a "personnal choice".

    I can't consider being social in a MMORPG, taking the time to organize/join/communicate with some other players building a complete party, as an "unfair advantage" in earning ingame ressources, especially compared to just press "k" 2 clics wait for an algorythm to automatically paradrop a group on me and not even have to say anything to them before, during or after the run.
    rikitaki said:

    So, to some extent, it would be reasonable to not just require public queuing, but at the same time to limit the maximum amount of slots that can be pre-arranged to reach the bonus rAD. [...]
    edit: As I think about it, the bonus reward would ideally follow this design: "You gain XrAD for each empty slot you queued up with."

    What I understand about this idea is : a group of 5 friends would have to play separately and probably with complete strangers, rather than enjoying the RADQ together, all that in order to get the same bonus as a player queuing solo.
    It wouldn't fit with what a MMORPG is for me, especially one based on a D&D background.
    But that's only my opinion ^^.
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