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OFFICIAL: Transmute/Fashion Restoration

lassor#2420 lassor Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 76 Cryptic Developer

Over the course of time some gear/transmutes and fashion in the game have become unavailable for players to attain. This has made some people very sad because they liked a particular look that is no longer attainable. I plan to find some new homes for many of these visuals and would love to hear from you all on what things you would like to have made available again. To be clear, these will be aesthetics only, available as transmutes or fashion.

I understand that there’s been threads started on this topic in the past, but I’m going to be using this post as the official place that I’ll be referencing rather than trying to track down information in various spots. Feel free to copy over any information from those other threads if you so desire.

It’s helpful if you happen to know the exact item name(s) and/or where they used to be acquired.


  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    All of the Foundry cloaks, please. I would like them available on Xbox. I had most of them on PC.
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  • rjc9000rjc9000 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,405 Arc User
    Does this also apply to seeing *easier* methods to getting transmutes?

    For example: the Bear Tribe weapons are still available in the game through Scrimshaw trophies in Open World Icewind Dale PvP.
    However, (the intended) Open World IWD PvP is dead, so the only way to get them is to get together some friends and trade multi-kills until you guys grind enough Scrimshaw drops.

    It is technically still available in the game, but it would be nice to just trade in campaign currency/Black Ice to get these transmutes.

    Another example would be the Elk Tribe weapons, which have some fantastic skins like the Elk Tribe Greataxe (GWF's/Barbarian's), but only drop from doing Icewind Dale Heroic Encounters until you get lucky enough for a drop.

    Similar principle: I'd love a simpler system of just paying some campaign currency/Black Ice for those drops.

  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,186 Arc User
    edited January 2022

    Before campaing/adventure rework.. In maze engine campaing where vendor which where trading some of legacy transmutes..

    So why not add similar feature to Sybella Artis ( legacy campaing).

    Like add extra currency as reward for completing her given quets, and players could buy legacy transmutes from her.

    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    I forget the names but the old weapons and epic armor from Mod 5 Tyranny of Dragons (Tiamat/Well of Dragons). Both the weapons and the armor had Dragon motifs. I was honestly surprised when I didn't see them on preview for M22.

    Edit: Found the names: Draconic Templar armor set, Draconic amor/weapon set, and Golden Dragon Artifact Weapon set.
    Post edited by arazith07 on
  • heheheheh#0624 heheheheh Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    every transmute from [Bahamut's Champion Booster Pack]
  • spartan3121#9063 spartan3121 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    make these ur grind items in mod campaigns trust me no1 would complain
  • kyjle6akakyjle6aka Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I would like to be able to transmute even objects that are not suitable for a certain class. Because some classes have cool and interesting clothes/armor that I would like to see on my character. And I would like to have the "hide visualization" button on the main armor. (Yes, I know that it has already been written that it will not be possible to hide the visualization of the main armor). And I also saw interesting clothes (screenshot), but alas, these clothes will not be visible behind the armor.

  • mr9000rpm#7375 mr9000rpm Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Dark Armor of Lolth - armor
    Used to drop from Temple of the spider.
  • gweddeoran#4924 gweddeoran Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited January 2022
  • pskittenpskitten Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    Shadow Wolf Headdress -- but for all classes, like we had during the Jubilee some years back.
  • pwn4orcepwn4orce Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    I’d like to see a return of the old booster packs for the other classes (stuff like the Fated Cloak/Hood from the warlock pack, or the Goring Greatsword from the barbarian pack)
  • kradus#5601 kradus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    1.Shadow Wolf Headdress
    2.Shadow Wolf Headdress again
    3.Shadow Wolf Headdress once again
    4.All transmutes that were in old maze Engine store, especially trickster cloak, also banner from Svardborg is not obtainable right? If so that one too
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    I would love to see all these WITH the titles for complete sets added :

    Elite Whaleboy
  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    • Transmutes from the old Booster Packs (e.g. Oathbound Paladin Booster Pack)
    • Call to Arms Weapons (e.g. Volcanic, Bluefire and Deathknell Weapons)
    • Many Arrows (Bloodied) Armor
    • All ice weapons like Ice Axe (were from old Frozen Heart I think)
    • Caturday Survivor Cloak
    • Duergar Hammer (please for Paladin too ;) )
    Paladins would appreciate it if some Fighter transmutes could also be worn by them. There aren't many unique transmute for Paladins because they were released in Mod 6.
    Post edited by hastati96 on
    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
  • mintmarkmintmark Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 483 Arc User
    I would like to be able to buy the masterwork fashion items from the stronghold artisan... Currently it won't let me, I think because I earned them once in the past.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    wilbur626 said:

    hastati96 said:

    • Caturday Survivor Cloak


    Giving away the mark of true veterans to everyone is a horrible idea.
    I agree, although it would be nice to be able to reclaim this for those of us who have the title.
  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    arazith07 said:

    wilbur626 said:

    hastati96 said:

    • Caturday Survivor Cloak


    Giving away the mark of true veterans to everyone is a horrible idea.
    I agree, although it would be nice to be able to reclaim this for those of us who have the title.
    A reclaim is also fine for me ;)
    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    arazith07 said:

    I forget the names but the old weapons and epic armor from Mod 5 Tyranny of Dragons (Tiamat/Well of Dragons). Both the weapons and the armor had Dragon motifs. I was honestly surprised when I didn't see them on preview for M22.

    Edit: Found the names: Draconic Templar armor set, Draconic amor/weapon set, and Golden Dragon Artifact Weapon set.

    The Quartermaster in PE up by Boward has a lot of that gear.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    greywynd said:

    arazith07 said:

    I forget the names but the old weapons and epic armor from Mod 5 Tyranny of Dragons (Tiamat/Well of Dragons). Both the weapons and the armor had Dragon motifs. I was honestly surprised when I didn't see them on preview for M22.

    Edit: Found the names: Draconic Templar armor set, Draconic amor/weapon set, and Golden Dragon Artifact Weapon set.

    The Quartermaster in PE up by Boward has a lot of that gear.
    Only has the mainhand weapons, it's missing the visible off hands and has none of the armor.
  • wilbur626wilbur626 Member Posts: 1,019 Arc User
    Since PVP is to be considered dead dead, alternative means to get the items we could purchase for Glory/Banners of the Fallen should be added.
    Elite Whaleboy
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Golden Dragon weapons were recycled as the skins for mod 16 Alabaster, I believe.

    Maze Engine store simply lacks a method of gaining currency.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • stop#0613 stop Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Pls bring back the day of the dungeon master , so many ppl want owlbear figurine
  • morgan#3470 morgan Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2022
    Please bring back classes packs especially barbarian sword
  • gasparim#6052 gasparim Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Hi pls, pay more attention in fashion itens, in all other games, fashion is where they most earn money. I have a sugestion, create a package with new set of fashions and transmutes, make it available in zen market, one set for class, with new good appearences, weapows, clothers based in historical characters. You have a lot of reference in D&D, Lotr, historical movies, etc… and continue every month, two months, with a new fashion available. i realy would like to see neverwinter great again, in my opinion fashion sets will make it more Pleasant to play. And a sugestion to new next mount a WAR ELLEPHANT … lol. Pls i hope to dev see this post and consider that. ty so much for attention.
  • froger#9967 froger Member Posts: 616 Arc User
    All of the artifact weapons and zone/campaign gear recently removed from the game. In general, I would prefer stuff to be obtainable and if for some ungodly reason it must be gated behind RNG at least make it unbound so I can buy it from the auction house.

    Also, I'd like to by the fashion of Lady Moon in Moonstone Mask.
    Froger - Barbarian - Original Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
    Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
    Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
    Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone

    Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
  • purebishoppurebishop Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    please! take Beholder Personal Tank back! We have no Portobello's Game, I only miss this mount to completely close the collection!
  • gameautomategameautomate Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2022

    Please bring back classes packs especially barbarian sword

    The " Goring Greatsword " is still in the game, have seen some people getting it from The Infernal Citadel in the Endchests, even tho the droprate is abyssmal to non-existant.

    But yes, please do bring back the transmutes from the class-packs.
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