Hello, I just returned playing the game for 3 months now after a 18 month break. I have noticed that my class wizard damage i do is far away from other damage classes at the same item level as me, asmuch as 2x to 3x the damage output more than me... I have contacted a GM he told me to post it here as he ( GM ) will take note of this and said this will make my problem more visable. 2x 3x more damage other classes can do compared to me is very wrong and very broken to me. Please Dev's/tecks/GM's look into this. You will clearly see what i mean. Are we supposed to be a non dps class? if so what is a wizard suppose to be in the game? I am concerned. Thanks for your time reading this, Please Help !!!
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
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Gosti Big Belly: GWF
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Lt. Thackeray: HR
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Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Please devs/gm's/ ect ect etc.... look into the damage comparison between wizard and all other damge dealing classes, you will eaily see there is a fairly large promblem here. I understand the staff is so busy fixing many other things, but please.....Look into this issue.
However, your Wizard's performance seems very low, which makes me think that he is very poorly built. Take a look at my guide for beginners, which is in the guides section of this forum.
Here's the thing that I've come to understand: Wizards do reduced damage over time. That means that in solo content they can do the same things as everyone else as long as they dance a lot more and avoid taking damage as they sloooooooooooooowly kill their enemies.
Everyone else does the same amount of damage much, much faster. Even the other damage over time attacks deliver their punch much faster.
So, in queued content, my wizard's damage is just starting to register, and the rogue's path of blades sweeps through and kills everything. Both damage over time. Not equal in any way. On Playstation, I have a fighter and a warlock, and...dang. No comparison at all. Not only more damage but more damage over time.
Some companions were nerfed a little while back because they were doing single-target damage as an AoE.
The problem with the wizard really seems to be that they do AoE damage as single-target, and even less than that as actual AoE. They'll get there, slow and steady, but when DPS is all about more damage right now...they aren't designed to be played with others. They're designed to watch others play.
I was reviewing your previous post about changes to the wizard and am a bit confused. The main complaints were for the animation time and the damage output of attacks. While you did shorten the animation time which is awesome, for some reason you felt it necessary to REDUCE the damage output which goes against what players wanted. As you have no doubt seen from numerous posts players want the damage output INCREASED for the cw because it has been at the bottom of the dps for quite awhile. Chances are @noworries#8859 wanted to make the cw better and stronger but the higher-ups told them no. i would ask if the cw can be reviewed again and not only have the previous damage levels restored but to have the following changes implemented:
Ray of frost magnitude increased from 55 to 60
Scorching Burst magnitude increased from 30-80 to 40-80
Chill Strike Spell mastery magnitude increased from 225 to 300
Shatter Strike: Powers with control effects now deal 200 magnitude (up from 150) against CC immune targets
Ice Storm: Instead of the knockback effect have it freeze all enemies within its radius for 4 seconds for 650 magnitude and for cc immune targets let it do 750
Maelstrom of Chaos: Reduce the animation time and increase the area of effect. Currently the animation time is so long that by the time it hits the enemies have already moved from the location.
Imprisonment was disliked only because it didnt do any damage. All you had to do was add damage to the power and it would have been acceptable. Give us back Imprisonment as an aoe with 225 magnitude and Spell Mastery makes it ST 350 magnitude with the arcane conduit effect.
None of these are big changes except for Ice Storm and Imprisonment but i believe they would go a long way in making players a little bit happier with the cw.
My DPS is HR which I haven't touched in ages (perils of having a tank/healer), but I could easily be 30% lower than a lower IL HR who plays it well (compared to my "use whatever encounter isn't on cooldown" style). So I know wizards can do great dps, but it seems to be *much* harder compared to other classes.
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