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Error notification (Quest removal)? Fishing m'larky

ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
edited December 2021 in Bug Reports (PC)
Since the last patch a number of my alts, when logging in are receiving the following notification;

[Error] Unable to add the quest "Frigid Fishing
[Error] Inventory full.
[Error] You may only have one of a unique item

As there was nothing in the patch notes about this, can I know what the unintended or stealth change here is?

I believe this quest is one of the opening quests in Sea of moving ice

Edit: Is this somethign related to the fact some of my other alts are able to pick up a "new" quest in Chult "Learning to fish"? Any clarification on this would be great.
Post edited by ukspawn on


  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    Have you been selling the fish to the vendor? If not, that may resolve it - he's at the top of the small rise to the side of the main quest givers.
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  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    Sorry, clarity, it was a one time notification, akin to when Sybella quests were reset for Echoes, the difference being I don't why and if there's any further implications here I need to be aware of.

    Fairly certain the selling of fish is not applicable here, the answer is both yes and no.
  • nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
    Thanks for escalating! We recently made some updates to the fishing tutorial to better streamline it across all the zones fishing is in, including the upcoming Winter Festival (The fishing system itself has not changed, just the tutorial). The errors are likely due to players already having a unique item, which fishing poles are set up as such. The system is trying to give you another due to the changes in tutorial.

    I'm passing this info on to the rest of the team.
  • ukspawnukspawn Member Posts: 426 Arc User
    edited December 2021

    Thanks for escalating! We recently made some updates to the fishing tutorial to better streamline it across all the zones fishing is in, including the upcoming Winter Festival (The fishing system itself has not changed, just the tutorial). The errors are likely due to players already having a unique item, which fishing poles are set up as such. The system is trying to give you another due to the changes in tutorial.

    I'm passing this info on to the rest of the team.

    Thanks, I took my main to somi recently and notced the fishing tutorial had reactivated. Just to further query, does this mean characters will have to re-do the fishing tutorial in order to participate in the winter festival fishing event? I can see it's not an issue in the day to day fishing areas (can still fish without completing the quest).

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