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Upcoming PS Fixes

nitocris83nitocris83 Member, Cryptic Developer, Administrator Posts: 4,498 Cryptic Developer
Below are some of the upcoming fixes expected in a future build. Please note that this list is subject to change and may not include all fixes planned.
  • Fix for textures, assets, and FX loading slowly throughout the game.
  • Removing Buy Button for Change Appearance Token in the Tower of Alteration since token is now sold in Wondrous Bazaar.
  • Removing Buy Button for Rename Token in Character Creation & Character Sheet History tab since token is now sold in Wondrous Bazaar.
  • LoMM and ToMM will no longer require Undermountain campaign progress to unlock.


  • cherrybanger#4120 cherrybanger Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Will there be any fixes for the following trophies?

    Faith of the fallen
    Grimstorm keep
    Daily affirmation
    Would you look at it? Just look at it!
    And a couple more I can't remember
  • thorbloodlust#5538 thorbloodlust Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    Are you correcting the inability to reinforce rings, neck and waist with jewels?
  • adamrathmore#6827 adamrathmore Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    How about the stuck loadout issue as well, getting tired of my wife complaining she can't go into her healer spec lol
  • executioner0#7975 executioner0 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Can you please, please, please add a dragon counter/in-game achievement for the trophy. I have personally tracked over 1020 dragons and I don't count the ones where I think the game hasn't counted because I got there late. Do you save this information online or is it in a local hidden save file?
  • cookies#6748 cookies Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I have an issue on my character I can't complete the friends in higher places. I went and claimed it and it didn't go away so now I have the ranger artifact and I can't start vellosk I'm really mad
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User

    I have an issue on my character I can't complete the friends in higher places. I went and claimed it and it didn't go away so now I have the ranger artifact and I can't start vellosk I'm really mad

    1. you brought up an old post. Someone will soon remove your post and my post (this post). Not sure if you can read this before that.
    2. Not sure why you are surprise by "can't compete the friends in higher places". Is that pretty much normal?
    3. What did you go and claim?
    4. What is wrong with having Ranger Artifact?
    5. Not idea why you can't start Vellosk.
    6. You basically did not tell anyone anything.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • scyth#9164 scyth Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    I have an issue with the sacrificial victims quest in tyranny of dragons campaign, I will run the entire dungeon required solo or with a friends several times and the end chest is empty so I can't collect the rewards at the end resulting in me being unable to complete the quest. I have run into this issue before and was able to abandon the quest over and over until it worked but with this being a main story quest this option is unavailable to me and therefore I am soft locked on this campaign with no way of progressing. Wondering if this is a known problem currently being worked on as I said I have encountered the issue with numerous quests before. I have searched the forums and 3rd parties for help on this but nothing suggested works, I have tried everything possibly suggested apart from the whole delete character and try again approach
  • flyball#6248 flyball Member Posts: 219 Arc User
    How about a fix for lair quests in tyranny of dragons, dread ring, and Biggern's tomb with the empty chest. Gaining progress n the related campaigns is all but impossible plus the loss of being able to acquire ES 5 stones (Dread Rings) so people can level up artifacts and enchantments. This has been going on now for several weeks/
  • marcella#4070 marcella Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Also loss of legendary quests for those areas. When you have to turn in quests you can't because...can't progress the game. I downloaded patch today and still no improvement in those problems.
  • johnnystranger#5900 johnnystranger Member Posts: 467 Arc User
    Wow , fixes for irrelevant stuff.

    Fix the bugs Flyball posted above
    What a crock , texture, lomm tomm , real game breaking stuff there .
  • phoenixrebel10#8133 phoenixrebel10 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    I am not sure how to report a glitch in the Artifacts and Insignia Quest on PS4. I have the wooden Insignia equipped, but Fadre does not see it, I guess. I can't move to next step and I can't get Fadre to respond to quest.
  • lila#8665 lila Member Posts: 1 New User
    > @"phoenixrebel10#8133" said:
    > I am not sure how to report a glitch in the Artifacts and Insignia Quest on PS4. I have the wooden Insignia equipped, but Fadre does not see it, I guess. I can't move to next step and I can't get Fadre to respond to quest.

    I have the same issue atm!? please help
    thank you
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2022
    > @phoenixrebel10#8133 said:
    > I am not sure how to report a glitch in the Artifacts and Insignia Quest on PS4. I have the wooden Insignia equipped, but Fadre does not see it, I guess. I can't move to next step and I can't get Fadre to respond to quest.

    I don't think your surpposed to equip the wooden insignia quest ask you to upgrade it than you trade it back to her for a blue insignia from what I remember
  • redfist#9572 redfist Member Posts: 20 Arc User

    How about a fix for lair quests in tyranny of dragons, dread ring, and Biggern's tomb with the empty chest. Gaining progress n the related campaigns is all but impossible plus the loss of being able to acquire ES 5 stones (Dread Rings) so people can level up artifacts and enchantments. This has been going on now for several weeks/

    This 100%!!!! This is preventing me from completing campaigns on several characters.
  • Cant open a new thread for this. Storm Kings Thunder Campaign isn't allowing me to create the signet or ancient runic key, another player also couldn't create an ancient runic key - both occurred last night.
  • johnnystranger#5900 johnnystranger Member Posts: 467 Arc User
    > @lila#8665 said:
    > > @phoenixrebel10#8133 said:
    > > I am not sure how to report a glitch in the Artifacts and Insignia Quest on PS4. I have the wooden Insignia equipped, but Fadre does not see it, I guess. I can't move to next step and I can't get Fadre to respond to quest.
    > I have the same issue atm!? please help
    > thank you

    I think your supposed to refine the wood token , than trade it back for some pocket change n a blue insignia iirc . It’s a 100% refinement and she actually gives you the refinement. Just find the wooden insignia in inventory and click on it , scroll to refine , once done turn in
  • gabbo#5650 gabbo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Fix also this trophie, please: Delirium? Lunacy? Delicacy!Complete the Halaster trial. After to complete quest no troppe recived!!!
  • storm#6014 storm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Need fixing: Vanity Pet tab not sorting. My Bard cannot access Burrow Dawn Inn.
  • gabbo#5650 gabbo Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    I'm not be able to do normal dungeons for: Castello never, tana del lupo, tempio del ragno, Torre valindra e castelli malabog. I can do only epic dungeons. How I can do normal queque dungeons for this type? Please just look at it!!
  • azimuth#5783 azimuth Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    > @nitocris83 said:
    > Below are some of the upcoming fixes expected in a future build. Please note that this list is subject to change and may not include all fixes planned.* Fix for textures, assets, and FX loading slowly throughout the game.
    > * Removing Buy Button for Change Appearance Token in the Tower of Alteration since token is now sold in Wondrous Bazaar.
    > * Removing Buy Button for Rename Token in Character Creation & Character Sheet History tab since token is now sold in Wondrous Bazaar.
    > * LoMM and ToMM will no longer require Undermountain campaign progress to unlock.
  • azimuth#5783 azimuth Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    Can’t seem to exchange my enchantments. I’ve gone from a seasoned character to a low/average character and I’ve pretty much wasted millions of AD on enchantments. I was told to exchange them but there’s no indication on how at The Rewards Vendor. It all just seems like a broken mess.
  • fitzpantless#4872 fitzpantless Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    We have yet to see a fix for everyone who legitimately acquired all 15 mechanical dragon eggs to exchange for the mythic egg.

    The ability to draft in eggs was disabled early on and and never resolved leaving me and other stuck with 15 untradable eggs and lots of in game currencies resources and zen to complete our collections to make these trades.

    We are now about to enter another MOD focused on dragons, where this mythic dragon egg is very useful, let alone having it for Crown of Keldegonn.

    IS there ANY traction on this correction? Or are we out Millions of Astral Diamonds and tens of thousands of Zen?
  • decker99decker99 Member Posts: 2 New User
    The "Limit frame rate" option doesn't work anymore, as it's always limiting the framerate to 30fps on PS5 and PS4 Pro. Regardless of whether or not the option is turned on, the game no longer runs at 60fps especially on PS5. It's just locked to 30. Apparently this has been an issue since mod 22 released but they've just done nothing about it.
  • bird17#2260 bird17 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited June 2022
    Out of all the PSN trophies, there are 4 bugged/unobtainable ones

    "Tamer of the Demogorgon" and "Master of the Demogoron" - Two trophies that will hopefully be available when the activity comes back to the game

    "Four Dead Dragons!" (Greed of the Dragonflight) - As of today, I am fairly certain this trophy is unobtainable, since the wizard at strongholds has been removed. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG ON THIS ONE :(

    "The Crown of Keldegonn" - Normal mode does not unlock this trophy, nor does it unlock any in-game achievement(since all trophies are very strictly tied to in-game achievements). I am assuming master difficulty will unlock this trophy, but the 65k IL requirement is ridiculous in the scope of a trophy system. Not a single other trophy in this game requires you to put this much time, money, and effort.
  • > @bird17#2260 said:
    > Out of all the PSN trophies, there are 4 bugged/unobtainable ones
    > "Tamer of the Demogorgon" and "Master of the Demogoron" - Two trophies that will hopefully be available when the activity comes back to the game
    > "Four Dead Dragons!" (Greed of the Dragonflight) - As of today, I am fairly certain this trophy is unobtainable, since the wizard at strongholds has been removed. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG ON THIS ONE :(
    > "The Crown of Keldegonn" - Normal mode does not unlock this trophy, nor does it unlock any in-game achievement(since all trophies are very strictly tied to in-game achievements). I am assuming master difficulty will unlock this trophy, but the 65k IL requirement is ridiculous in the scope of a trophy system. Not a single other trophy in this game requires you to put this much time, money, and effort.

    Ikr, Endgame content having a high item level requirement. Unheard of
  • bird17#2260 bird17 Member Posts: 3 Arc User

    > @bird17#2260 said:
    > Out of all the PSN trophies, there are 4 bugged/unobtainable ones
    > "Tamer of the Demogorgon" and "Master of the Demogoron" - Two trophies that will hopefully be available when the activity comes back to the game
    > "Four Dead Dragons!" (Greed of the Dragonflight) - As of today, I am fairly certain this trophy is unobtainable, since the wizard at strongholds has been removed. PLEASE CORRECT ME IF IM WRONG ON THIS ONE :(
    > "The Crown of Keldegonn" - Normal mode does not unlock this trophy, nor does it unlock any in-game achievement(since all trophies are very strictly tied to in-game achievements). I am assuming master difficulty will unlock this trophy, but the 65k IL requirement is ridiculous in the scope of a trophy system. Not a single other trophy in this game requires you to put this much time, money, and effort.

    Ikr, Endgame content having a high item level requirement. Unheard of

    "In the scope of the trophy system"
    Yes. For games like this it's predatory to have trophies require 1000's of dollars and hours. Normal modes should be available and should unlock the trophy. I am 100% ok with endgame being really high IL. I am not ok with psn trophies being high IL, It just doesnt make any sense. They should at the very least fix all the bugged/unobtainable trophies.
  • > @bird17#2260 said:
    > "In the scope of the trophy system"
    > Yes. For games like this it's predatory to have trophies require 1000's of dollars and hours. Normal modes should be available and should unlock the trophy. I am 100% ok with endgame being really high IL. I am not ok with psn trophies being high IL, It just doesnt make any sense. They should at the very least fix all the bugged/unobtainable trophies.

    1000s of Dollars xD. I've Barely Spend a Hundred Pounds in this Game Just on VIP in 3 Years of Playing
  • tiltawhirling#1261 tiltawhirling Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    For the love of god, PLEASE fix the CW freeze bug -- randomly, CW will freeze and be unable to move without using teleport - and when stamina runs out, not at all. This is happening several times an hour now and it is unbelievably annoying. C'mon, guys -- it's been a known issue for a while and it's only gotten worse.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2023

    For the love of god, PLEASE fix the CW freeze bug -- randomly, CW will freeze and be unable to move without using teleport - and when stamina runs out, not at all. This is happening several times an hour now and it is unbelievably annoying. C'mon, guys -- it's been a known issue for a while and it's only gotten worse.

    This is happen with my ranger too
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