A. 3 of my 6 main characters cannot change loadout. And they are in their bad loadout. They are my Rogue, Ranger and Paladin (if that matters). How to get the good loadout back without re-spec everything (which I can't remember)?
B. The mail icon on top stays highlighted although all the mail are read.
Try this workaround: Click on Apply to All Loadouts on Every Item, Mount Page, Companion Page. Go to Fire. Change Loadout.
I know about that but my toon are in their bad loadout. Applying that means all the loadout will be bad.
As I asked (Cryptic): How to get the good loadout back without re-spec everything (which I can't remember)?
Just try it on gear, mounts and companions - or even one at a time. It's most likely that just one of them is stuck and needs a rewrite.
It's a pain but at least it doesn't cost any currency.
Thank you.
Apply companion to all loadout does the trick for my characters. I don't need to apply to all for everything. Re-spec the companion part is relatively easy comparing with ... fashion because I don't remember the outfit and the color scheme I chose.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
1) Any treasure "cache" from the old bounty system can not be opened. The message "You have already have all the items in this package" is displayed. This is applicable to ALL old bounty caches, Inscribed Garments package from Zen store, Greycloaks items from reclaims, basically anything with an RNG class based drop box, likely.
2) You have made no exchange available for old bounty currencies.
3) You have changed the bound status on the reintroduced old transmutes from leveling adventures from bound on equip to bound on pickup. These were bound on equip literally on preview whilst live was down for mod 21. This means any existing character that had previously completed the leveling adventures has no way of obtaining them. Suggestion, make then bound to account, if the issue was people re-running to sell (which isn't an issue), just make them BoA so atleast, the EXISTING portion of your player base has an opportunity to obtain them at some point.
4) Adventuring loot cache: There is not a clear indication of what you're getting without actually opening it, this is QoL, knowing there are adventuring seals, there is no indication that if you are already near cap that you simply won't end up wasting the seals. If someone wants to test, be my guesy, the bottom line in, this should have had clarity before it was introduced.
5) Posted as a separate thread before noticing this but: There is a clipping issue with the right back region (buttocks) on ALL classes wearing Neck/Cape items.
6) Character rubber banding. Noticed this a lot on the bard play and thought it was due to the new animations however, it's not, there is a continous spurt of rubber banding.
7) Throne of Idris: In the last hallway to first mini-Boss, there are two trap pits which require bridge activations to pass. The Direhelm enemies here are extremely suscpetible to knockbacks sending them through the walls, floors and ceiling, getting them stuck and making it inpassable. Killing yourself is usually the way forward.
8) Vistani and Undermountain starting gear pack rewards are no claimable, they've been removed without notification.
9) Elemental Evil has removed the quests to gain the elemental weapons with NO notification of why or that it's happening. Existing motes are still inventories, essentially useless.
So much has been straight up removed without any prior notification and without even bothering checking for associated items/quests.
10) Ok, I've run Bard, Rogue, Barb, Cleric and Warlock through the new levelign adventures. Rogue, Cleric, Barb and Warlock were all 100% complete on Neverdeath, Vellosk, Ebons, Icespire, Chasm, Whispering pre-mod 21. Post mod 21, every single character had different completion rates, I understood a few would require the extra completions for the new leveling quests but why were they so different? For example, my Rogue, Cleric and Barb were 13/14 on Ebons and had to compelte by doing the newly re-implemented Idris, however, on my Warlock, also 13/14, I did not get to do Idris at all, I just spoke to Srgt Knox and bam, complete. Warlock also has discrepencies with Whispering, whereby, the others were auto 100% and Warlock was 22/23, which required, speaking to Knox. There's too many variations to recall and list off here but the transitions have been very random between classes.
11) Potential old bug: There are a number of rings with (re-introduced and new rings) excessive stats (seemingly). As this directly impacts some of the new green starting rings, can we have clarification on whether this was intentional and if not, that it will be changed, this is only going to confuse new players pickung up this mighty rings only to later have them nerfed. Same old story. Clarity upfront would be beneficial.
12) The Dragon+ code for the "bear pack", the bear clashes with existing grizzly bear, these need to be seperated for use.
13) New blue/green items drop with no colour indication on the ground, just blend into the standard white mesh
14) Summer Festival: So, you've probably heard, the artisan, yes, again.
15) New issues since patch yesterday that is causing cloaks to have a physics spasm akin to the gith hair issue I posted previously
16) The map and mini-map (latter did this pre), keeps resetting the zoom whenever changing instance.
17) Plaguefire Ruins (Chasm) - Trokar The Firestarter, end boss, he can teleport through the ceiling, getting stuck, if your combat locked, you can end up going through the ceiling, resulting in you being stuck. Happened twicei n a row and to /killme and re-run the entire instance
18) Black Ice and raw black ice no longer displays in inventory, currency still exists. Can't refine from inventory.
19) You can no longer donate surplus equipment to guilds. The amount of bugs sicnem od 21 launched that are literal game play hold ups are ridiculous.
20) Can no longer send mail on pre-made characters that were able to pre-mod21. Unsure if this is due to quest line completion but forcing characters (alts) to do any quest line just ot send mail when they previously could, is... it's not great, is it?
21) Leveling Reward - Can't seem to claim a leveling reward (the one given for XP progression) when an existing leveling reward (from campaign or leveling adventures) is unclaimed. It looks like the hud notifications overlap and can't be seperated. I can't/don't want to claim certain campaign rewards (space issue) but would like to claim the progression reward.
No Incentive currency at Lvl 8 on new character, pretty sure it was something you got at each box opening not at the last one, so I guess Neverember Incentive is stuffed like so many other things.
just hit level 20 and no Incentive so its a bug for sure
No Incentive currency at Lvl 8 on new character, pretty sure it was something you got at each box opening not at the last one, so I guess Neverember Incentive is stuffed like so many other things.
just hit level 20 and no Incentive so its a bug for sure
I have had several alliance/guild members confirm this at various levels. Definitely broken.
Quartermaster enchantments aren't dropping Spoils of War or Abandoned Gear bags
It is impossible to go back when assigning ability points (STR, etc...). If you attempt to undo a change there is a warning pop-up but it doesn't matter if you accept or cancel, the point isn't taken back.
Protector's Garden door does not allow to entry to toons that had the key originally. You can still teleport in with the Wonderous Bazaar Teleport Scroll ,(3000 AD, each time).
Nowhere to exchange XP scroll and tomes as was advertised earlier
No Incentives given as new toon levels up in Recruitment event - FIXED
Coalesced Magic disappeared and Underdark Campaign store is gone with no warning. Very annoying.
The notification "Congratulations you have completed an adventure.. Claim Reward" persists even after the rewards are claimed , blocking the view of new notifications. Logging out does not remove this.
Have you tried the antiques scholar in PE? If i remember correctly Scrolls of Experience can be exchanged there.
Well, there's only an option for trading in XP scrolls from the ZEN store, but nothing for XP scrolls/tomes from for example Amazon Prime Bundle or other packs.
Any treasure "cache" from the old bounty system can not be opened. The message "You have already have all the items in this package" is displayed. This is applicable to ALL old bounty caches, Inscribed Garments package from Zen store, Greycloaks items from reclaims, basically anything with an RNG class based drop box, likely.
Yep, noticed that earlier today when I started doing Bardstuff, since I can't use the Glory token, and I'm not gonna sit around and stare at the toon every time I log in.
So, bug total for me is: Glory Pack - doesn't work. And I'm missing the rest of the ones I bought after I claimed the first one. At 5k zen each.
Inscribed - doesn't work, either - I already have all the items message. Oh, and all the enchants slotted on the toons that had them claimed prior - POOF! Gone. All of them. And I have a lot of toons. Less than some, more than most. And the "new" shirt and pants are useless. But 40+ azures, gone. Into the ether, or wherever the one sock from each load of laundry goes. Sure, it was only 500 zen, or $5 - but if you're gonna "deprecate' it - at least make it meaningful in some fashion. And killing the SLOTS and VAPORIZING all the gems? Who QA'd this? Yeah, I shoulda caught it, but that's not an item I typically worry about on *Preview* - and with a sea change like that on an item.. ummm. maybe a patch note somewhere? (edit - because I shouldn't be allowed to post too much when I haven't slept in the last 2 days)
Founders Pack - the original $200 one that got you early access. Yep, stuff from that can't be claimed.
Dragonborn Packs - Both of them malfunction. Yay for more Zen spent from RL dollars that can't be used.
Warlock Booster Pack - Same thing.
So, you know... I've got a few spends there. And I'm really struggling with being patient when this is directly impacting the massive amount of prework I did to be able to power my bard to 20, with boosts and nifties - instead, I have to either sit on it (Silence, Fonzie.. laughs), or just grind through it all manually without all the toys I've *PAID MONEY FOR* and are now broke so dramatically they impact gameplay in a truly meaningful fashion, some that don't work AT ALL for even MORE showstopping impact, and oh yeah - I'm actually missing things.
A. 3 of my 6 main characters cannot change loadout. And they are in their bad loadout. They are my Rogue, Ranger and Paladin (if that matters). How to get the good loadout back without re-spec everything (which I can't remember)?
B. The mail icon on top stays highlighted although all the mail are read.
I am having the same issue. Cannot switch to my ST loadout on my Warlock. I've done the "Apply to all loadouts" trick on my Companion page 8 times today, and it just keeps happening over and over. I can switch to my healer loadout, or my Curse Bite loadout, but something keeps preventing me from switching to ST loadout every single time. It appears to be tied to using different ACBs on loadouts within the same role.
I've been having so much Iag in aII zones, speciaIIy PE, everyone, npc, pIayers, pets, everything becomes unseen, onIy when u get cIose, they appear, and some appear with no body just cIothes, and other with no hair, pureIy baId; i pIay with Iow and minimun graphic settings due to bad graphic card, but previousIy to this mod, nothing of the above happened
Besides these issues, enemies seem to be in the same Iist, when you run by them its when you can spot them, from afar you cant see them, and they sometimes appear Iike "fIying" when moving your camera and its a reaI bad situation, because at some moments you start attacking at one spot thinking that the enemies are in that area, and they end up being in the opposite direction, this aII reIated to the gaming performance and as I said, didnt happen before this mod
- cannot change loadouts with my toons - suddenly I got horrible clipping issues (cloak) with my current appearance items which I have on my main toon since more then 1 year
The fix for that seems to be Apply To All Loadouts with your companions, sometimes with Mounts too/instead. It solved it for me, the wife, and for a few others who've had that issue that I know. YMMV, Caveat Emptor, Wear Crash Helmet With Speed Mods.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
storms king thunder's campaign store do not accept the genie's gift. it says you dont meet the requirements....
Inscribed - doesn't work, either - I already have all the items message. Oh, and all the enchants slotted on the toons that had them claimed prior - POOF! Gone. All of them. And I have a lot of toons. Less than some, more than most. And the "new" shirt and pants are useless. But 40+ azures, gone. Into the ether, or wherever the one sock from each load of laundry goes. Sure, it was only 500 zen, or $5 - but if you're gonna "deprecate' it - at least make it meaningful in some fashion. And killing the SLOTS and VAPORIZING all the gems? Who QA'd this? Yeah, I shoulda caught it, but that's not an item I typically worry about on *Preview* - and with a sea change like that on an item.. ummm. maybe a patch note somewhere?
My inscribed garments didn't accept enchantments... We're these changed at some point?
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
My inscribed garments didn't accept enchantments... We're these changed at some point?
Well, shush mah wide open fly cacthin'mouth. See what sleep deprivation does, kids. It makes Cthon make stupid comments in public., especially when already seething over other things. You're totally right. Msg @paladinpizza in game, and I'll send you some Swag.
If they're gonna take away the main reason for buying these, how about instead they GIVE US a slot we can put something in, or something to compensate - heck, make these give +speed too, seems to be the theme of the day. Otherwise, these have a usefulness of about.. 1 day.. or less. No one will buy these now that they have no usable or useful benefit.
Well, @cthon i guess it's going to take them some time to figure out why the packs work for some players but not for others.
+ Glory of Neverwinter Pack, not working and missing another pack too + Hero of the North, Neverwinter's Guardian, Knight of the Feywild worked fine on a new Bard + Dragonborn Legend, Gith Supplies worked fine on a new Bard + all class packs, Bahamut's Champion Booster Pack worked fine on a new Bard + Humble Pirate Bundle worked fine on a new Bard
Inscribed Garment Box is broken, but doesn't matter, you can buy 1k IL shirt and pants for Adventurer Seals, and they have no character level requirement on them... the same goes for the 1k IL rings and 975 IL off hand weapon, resulting in a level 4 Bard with 25k IL at the moment.
Edit: Considering what you can buy for Adventurer Seals, Inscribed Garments should be updated to 1k IL with an enchantment slot and become epic too.
Shard Maintenance today, and i hope they fix at least the broken Glory of Neverwinter Pack...
Yep, agreed. So many variables in place that bugs are inevitable, especially on something as huge as an MMO like NWO. Part of my sleep deprivation over the last few days has been chasing down what ended up being a misplaced semicolon. One semicolon broke functionality of a module that domino killed the entire config. So I feel their pain, on a personal level. And there's reasons my coffee mug can hold an entire pot of java. (badum-CHA, and no I don't do Java)
The professional side of me that has done dev and QA for ERP's wants to be sympathetic, and empathetic. But it doesn't make the gamer side of me any happier (or the angry users I've had with pitchforks and torches - and I'm a much smaller scale than Cryptic, lol). At the end of the day, I'm going to trust they'll do their best to make it right (as possible) with the resources and constraints that they have, while we vent our frustrations. And I'll try not to step on my own toes too much.
PS.. fix the Dread Warrior, gang. Please? He is tired of being named Dead Worrier and sitting all alone in the back of the Companion Union Hall.
So basically, I have a quest where I need to get shimmering keys from the zen market but I can't find them. The thing is before I got the guest, I got shimmering keys from the zen market for free and used them all. I don't know if those keys were for the quest or there is still another way to get the keys. Need help please.
It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to do any amount of progression because of the server interrupts.
Walking results in servers not responding and rubberbanding, to the point it is taking 5x as long to merely WALK to a waypoint marker.
Trying to engage mobs, porticullis, chests, etc in party instances results in servers not responding, rubberbanding, and two very annoying things: Death, and heal pots being used but not applying the heals.
With all the hype module 21 was given with the total overhaul and the debut of the Bard class, why wasn't the server load taken into account so lag could have been mitigated from the get-go?
Sunshine SaltmineIs only game, why you have to be so buttmad?
Bug: Drow Race: Darkfire Passive: Darkfire is not properly applying its Defense shred. Enemies will get the debuff icon, but no Defense reduction is mathematically applied to enemies.
Math/Proof, if you want details:
Test character
Test hit: Non Deflected Non Crit Non CA Normal Hit
Damage dealt is 577.676.
Enemies have 50% Defense, so calculated damage would be:
Inputting my character stats in the formula, I get: (90/100)* ((5726/10)*(1+1.0)) * (1+(15*0.0025)) * (1+0.4733) * (1/(1+50%)) (0.9) * (629.87) * (1.0375)*(1.4733)*(2/3)
= 577.674, not exactly perfect, but close enough for purposes of the check.
In this second test, I had a friend who was a Drow fire off attacks until.
This is the friend's character, but the friend's character is irrelevant because it is my Salvage Banker doing the damage. I just had them attack until we saw the Darkfire icon pop up, then I would attack to check for the Darkfire Defense shred.
My test character deals 425.806 damage. The attack was not a crit, but a Deflect. Enemies have 90% Deflect Severity, countered by Accuracy.
Damage would be: Magnitude * Weapon Damage * Intelligence * Power Multiplier * (Net Damage Reduction of Deflects) * (Defense Reduction)
If there was no Defense Shred, the damage calculation would look like the following: (0.9)*(629.87)*(1.0375)*(1.4733)*(1/(1+(90%-54.33))*(1/(1+50%)) (0.9)*(629.87)*(1.0375)*(1.4733)*(1/(1+35.667)) * (2/3) (0.9)*(629.87)*(1.0375)*(1.4733)*(0.737) * (2/3) or 425.803, which is correct to two decimal places and only off by a small decimal.
I think it is safe to say that the decimal points being off is down to a rounding error in somewhere like Power or Deflect Severity. Thus, Darkfire is not applying and Defense Shred.
Utility Enchantments are just not working as well. Fey Blessing (Enchantments not dropping) Dragon's Hoard (No gems dropping) Quartermaster (Haven't seen a new bag)
What works: Tymora's lucky (hidden pouches still drop)
I do believe that drops from kills need to be looked. I've played enough hours now since the mod released and the only drops that I've gotten outside of the stronghold are the little amount of coins from the kill and the occasional lockbox. No insignia, platinum plates, or refinement. Also nothing but 22 copper in the chests. Really hoping this isn't WAI as a way to force folks to use the workshop to gain gold for coffer donations.
Apply companion to all loadout does the trick for my characters. I don't need to apply to all for everything. Re-spec the companion part is relatively easy comparing with ... fashion
2) You have made no exchange available for old bounty currencies.
3) You have changed the bound status on the reintroduced old transmutes from leveling adventures from bound on equip to bound on pickup. These were bound on equip literally on preview whilst live was down for mod 21. This means any existing character that had previously completed the leveling adventures has no way of obtaining them. Suggestion, make then bound to account, if the issue was people re-running to sell (which isn't an issue), just make them BoA so atleast, the EXISTING portion of your player base has an opportunity to obtain them at some point.
4) Adventuring loot cache: There is not a clear indication of what you're getting without actually opening it, this is QoL, knowing there are adventuring seals, there is no indication that if you are already near cap that you simply won't end up wasting the seals. If someone wants to test, be my guesy, the bottom line in, this should have had clarity before it was introduced.
5) Posted as a separate thread before noticing this but: There is a clipping issue with the right back region (buttocks) on ALL classes wearing Neck/Cape items.
6) Character rubber banding. Noticed this a lot on the bard play and thought it was due to the new animations however, it's not, there is a continous spurt of rubber banding.
7) Throne of Idris: In the last hallway to first mini-Boss, there are two trap pits which require bridge activations to pass. The Direhelm enemies here are extremely suscpetible to knockbacks sending them through the walls, floors and ceiling, getting them stuck and making it inpassable. Killing yourself is usually the way forward.
8) Vistani and Undermountain starting gear pack rewards are no claimable, they've been removed without notification.
9) Elemental Evil has removed the quests to gain the elemental weapons with NO notification of why or that it's happening. Existing motes are still inventories, essentially useless.
So much has been straight up removed without any prior notification and without even bothering checking for associated items/quests.
10) Ok, I've run Bard, Rogue, Barb, Cleric and Warlock through the new levelign adventures. Rogue, Cleric, Barb and Warlock were all 100% complete on Neverdeath, Vellosk, Ebons, Icespire, Chasm, Whispering pre-mod 21. Post mod 21, every single character had different completion rates, I understood a few would require the extra completions for the new leveling quests but why were they so different? For example, my Rogue, Cleric and Barb were 13/14 on Ebons and had to compelte by doing the newly re-implemented Idris, however, on my Warlock, also 13/14, I did not get to do Idris at all, I just spoke to Srgt Knox and bam, complete. Warlock also has discrepencies with Whispering, whereby, the others were auto 100% and Warlock was 22/23, which required, speaking to Knox. There's too many variations to recall and list off here but the transitions have been very random between classes.
11) Potential old bug: There are a number of rings with (re-introduced and new rings) excessive stats (seemingly). As this directly impacts some of the new green starting rings, can we have clarification on whether this was intentional and if not, that it will be changed, this is only going to confuse new players pickung up this mighty rings only to later have them nerfed. Same old story. Clarity upfront would be beneficial.
12) The Dragon+ code for the "bear pack", the bear clashes with existing grizzly bear, these need to be seperated for use.
13) New blue/green items drop with no colour indication on the ground, just blend into the standard white mesh
14) Summer Festival: So, you've probably heard, the artisan, yes, again.
15) New issues since patch yesterday that is causing cloaks to have a physics spasm akin to the gith hair issue I posted previously
16) The map and mini-map (latter did this pre), keeps resetting the zoom whenever changing instance.
17) Plaguefire Ruins (Chasm) - Trokar The Firestarter, end boss, he can teleport through the ceiling, getting stuck, if your combat locked, you can end up going through the ceiling, resulting in you being stuck. Happened twicei n a row and to /killme and re-run the entire instance
18) Black Ice and raw black ice no longer displays in inventory, currency still exists. Can't refine from inventory.
19) You can no longer donate surplus equipment to guilds. The amount of bugs sicnem od 21 launched that are literal game play hold ups are ridiculous.
20) Can no longer send mail on pre-made characters that were able to pre-mod21. Unsure if this is due to quest line completion but forcing characters (alts) to do any quest line just ot send mail when they previously could, is... it's not great, is it?
21) Leveling Reward - Can't seem to claim a leveling reward (the one given for XP progression) when an existing leveling reward (from campaign or leveling adventures) is unclaimed. It looks like the hud notifications overlap and can't be seperated. I can't/don't want to claim certain campaign rewards (space issue) but would like to claim the progression reward.
Edit: Moved Bard Bugs to Bard thread.
Cape of the Void: the cape will remain static despite any player movement/animation imparted on it, such as rolling, dodging, jumping, etc.
Sigil of the Bard: magnitude procs cannot score critical hits.
Pegasus Combat Power: magnitude is incorrectly stated as 3000 magnitude when at 100% mount bolster, rather than the actual 1000 magnitude.
Minsc: A Cute Senses: The Combat Advantage given from this buff is 3%, not the 5% stated on the tooltip.
Definitely broken.
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
It is impossible to go back when assigning ability points (STR, etc...). If you attempt to undo a change there is a warning pop-up but it doesn't matter if you accept or cancel, the point isn't taken back.
Protector's Garden door does not allow to entry to toons that had the key originally. You can still teleport in with the Wonderous Bazaar Teleport Scroll ,(3000 AD, each time).
Nowhere to exchange XP scroll and tomes as was advertised earlier
No Incentives given as new toon levels up in Recruitment event - FIXED
Coalesced Magic disappeared and Underdark Campaign store is gone with no warning. Very annoying.
The notification "Congratulations you have completed an adventure.. Claim Reward" persists even after the rewards are claimed , blocking the view of new notifications. Logging out does not remove this.
So, bug total for me is:
Glory Pack - doesn't work. And I'm missing the rest of the ones I bought after I claimed the first one. At 5k zen each.
Inscribed - doesn't work, either - I already have all the items message.
Oh, and all the enchants slotted on the toons that had them claimed prior - POOF! Gone. All of them. And I have a lot of toons. Less than some, more than most. And the "new" shirt and pants are useless. But 40+ azures, gone. Into the ether, or wherever the one sock from each load of laundry goes. Sure, it was only 500 zen, or $5 - but if you're gonna "deprecate' it - at least make it meaningful in some fashion. And killing the SLOTS and VAPORIZING all the gems? Who QA'd this? Yeah, I shoulda caught it, but that's not an item I typically worry about on *Preview* - and with a sea change like that on an item.. ummm. maybe a patch note somewhere?(edit - because I shouldn't be allowed to post too much when I haven't slept in the last 2 days)Founders Pack - the original $200 one that got you early access. Yep, stuff from that can't be claimed.
Dragonborn Packs - Both of them malfunction. Yay for more Zen spent from RL dollars that can't be used.
Warlock Booster Pack - Same thing.
So, you know... I've got a few spends there. And I'm really struggling with being patient when this is directly impacting the massive amount of prework I did to be able to power my bard to 20, with boosts and nifties - instead, I have to either sit on it (Silence, Fonzie.. laughs), or just grind through it all manually without all the toys I've *PAID MONEY FOR* and are now broke so dramatically they impact gameplay in a truly meaningful fashion, some that don't work AT ALL for even MORE showstopping impact, and oh yeah - I'm actually missing things.
- suddenly I got horrible clipping issues (cloak) with my current appearance items which I have on my main toon since more then 1 year
Both didnt happen on preview.
I am really really annoyed by that sorry
it says you dont meet the requirements....
If they're gonna take away the main reason for buying these, how about instead they GIVE US a slot we can put something in, or something to compensate - heck, make these give +speed too, seems to be the theme of the day. Otherwise, these have a usefulness of about.. 1 day.. or less. No one will buy these now that they have no usable or useful benefit.
+ Glory of Neverwinter Pack, not working and missing another pack too
+ Hero of the North, Neverwinter's Guardian, Knight of the Feywild worked fine on a new Bard
+ Dragonborn Legend, Gith Supplies worked fine on a new Bard
+ all class packs, Bahamut's Champion Booster Pack worked fine on a new Bard
+ Humble Pirate Bundle worked fine on a new Bard
Inscribed Garment Box is broken, but doesn't matter, you can buy 1k IL shirt and pants for Adventurer Seals, and they have no character level requirement on them... the same goes for the 1k IL rings and 975 IL off hand weapon, resulting in a level 4 Bard with 25k IL at the moment.
Edit: Considering what you can buy for Adventurer Seals, Inscribed Garments should be updated to 1k IL with an enchantment slot and become epic too.
Shard Maintenance today, and i hope they fix at least the broken Glory of Neverwinter Pack...
Yep, agreed. So many variables in place that bugs are inevitable, especially on something as huge as an MMO like NWO. Part of my sleep deprivation over the last few days has been chasing down what ended up being a misplaced semicolon. One semicolon broke functionality of a module that domino killed the entire config. So I feel their pain, on a personal level. And there's reasons my coffee mug can hold an entire pot of java. (badum-CHA, and no I don't do Java)
The professional side of me that has done dev and QA for ERP's wants to be sympathetic, and empathetic. But it doesn't make the gamer side of me any happier (or the angry users I've had with pitchforks and torches - and I'm a much smaller scale than Cryptic, lol). At the end of the day, I'm going to trust they'll do their best to make it right (as possible) with the resources and constraints that they have, while we vent our frustrations. And I'll try not to step on my own toes too much.
PS.. fix the Dread Warrior, gang. Please? He is tired of being named Dead Worrier and sitting all alone in the back of the Companion Union Hall.
Walking results in servers not responding and rubberbanding, to the point it is taking 5x as long to merely WALK to a waypoint marker.
Trying to engage mobs, porticullis, chests, etc in party instances results in servers not responding, rubberbanding, and two very annoying things: Death, and heal pots being used but not applying the heals.
With all the hype module 21 was given with the total overhaul and the debut of the Bard class, why wasn't the server load taken into account so lag could have been mitigated from the get-go?
Enemies will get the debuff icon, but no Defense reduction is mathematically applied to enemies.
Math/Proof, if you want details:
Test character
Test hit: Non Deflected Non Crit Non CA Normal Hit
Damage dealt is 577.676.
Enemies have 50% Defense, so calculated damage would be:
Magnitude * Weapon Damage * Intelligence * Power Multiplier * Defense Reduction
Inputting my character stats in the formula, I get:
(90/100)* ((5726/10)*(1+1.0)) * (1+(15*0.0025)) * (1+0.4733) * (1/(1+50%))
(0.9) * (629.87) * (1.0375)*(1.4733)*(2/3)
= 577.674, not exactly perfect, but close enough for purposes of the check.
In this second test, I had a friend who was a Drow fire off attacks until.
This is the friend's character, but the friend's character is irrelevant because it is my Salvage Banker doing the damage. I just had them attack until we saw the Darkfire icon pop up, then I would attack to check for the Darkfire Defense shred.
My test character deals 425.806 damage.
The attack was not a crit, but a Deflect.
Enemies have 90% Deflect Severity, countered by Accuracy.
Damage would be:
Magnitude * Weapon Damage * Intelligence * Power Multiplier * (Net Damage Reduction of Deflects) * (Defense Reduction)
If there was no Defense Shred, the damage calculation would look like the following:
(0.9)*(629.87)*(1.0375)*(1.4733)*(1/(1+35.667)) * (2/3)
(0.9)*(629.87)*(1.0375)*(1.4733)*(0.737) * (2/3)
or 425.803, which is correct to two decimal places and only off by a small decimal.
I think it is safe to say that the decimal points being off is down to a rounding error in somewhere like Power or Deflect Severity. Thus, Darkfire is not applying and Defense Shred.
Fey Blessing (Enchantments not dropping)
Dragon's Hoard (No gems dropping)
Quartermaster (Haven't seen a new bag)
What works:
Tymora's lucky (hidden pouches still drop)