I handed in 100 fireworks and I got this message:
[Inventory Notify]You received 10 Lliira's Fireworks.
I didn't get any Lliira's Favor!
The handing in has no action in the log or the inventory log, so that's the whole thing.
So I go to check it, and
there is no limit to Lliira's Favor in the description.However, I have exactly 300 and earlier I felt like I got a weird amount: I handed in 100 Professional Fireworks and I got only 11. I wasn't sure if I had handed in 50 and gotten one extra though, but the message for handing in after that was for handing in 50. At the time I didn't really think about it, but I guess I must have handed in 100 for the message to change to 50 once I was below 100. I don't know how many I handed in between then and just now, I wasn't actively farming but I was playing and getting a lot of Professional Fireworks anyway.
So I must have
lost at least 29 Lliira's Favor this way, perhaps more, which is 3/5th toward a fashion item reward (which are 50 for each part).
Now, the most expensive items are 125 Lliira's Favor, and there are 6 at that price. I think it is not unreasonable to have enough to buy three of those six rewards, when you are still deciding which to buy. The event lasts 7 days, and the daily quest gives 30 Lliira's Favor, so even just the daily quests grant a total of 210 - a player would have to hand in 450 fireworks to get the remaining 90 up to the cap, which I definitely did just running insurgencies, dungeons and doing quests today.
If there is a limit, it should be higher than 300, and it should be disclosed in the description of the currency.
Steps to reproduce:- have 300 Lliira's Favor. It's listed almost at the bottom of the Event Currencies list, the last section above other currencies in the riches tab.
- have 5 or more Professional Fireworks.
- hand in the fireworks at the event platform (in front of the lady).
- you are supposed to get 1 Lliira's Favor for every 5 Professional Fireworks handed in, (plus some extra Lliira's Fireworks which are consumables).
- you might get some Fireworks, but you won't get any Lliira's Favor (the event currency)
@nitocris83 This is a bug in the current event, can you please look into it? I am probably not the only one who has lost out on event currency and not immediately realized.
It would be nice to have some sort of warning message to let you know that you are at the event currency cap.