43k warden ranger. Day 1 was a bit of a shock as I was expecting a difficulty similar to previous events (maybe a different feel due to combat changes, but similar difficulty). Died once and got through several potions. Swapped companion powers for healing ones, used power ups more strategically, paid closer attention to positioning and ensuring the number of mobs was kept manageable and found it a lot easier (not saying it was easy, just a lot easier).
Was dreading day 8, but actually didn't find it too dissimilar to previous days. Needed to keep out of the way of those falling stones and it seems far easier to be swamped by mobs if you aren't paying attention, but actually damage taken and dealt didn't feel much different. Having said that, I'm already psyched for failing the last 7 days as there is a fine line between keeping on top of it and loosing all your hit points very rapidly.
For info, I am running a Xuna, but apart from changing companion powers, I haven't changed anything else on my build (pretty much the same stuff as before the combat changes). I'm a casual player, so am not end game. I only have one mythic companion, one mythic mount, one mount collar and most of my gear is either zok box, juma bag or avernus map stuff. I've kept % damage gear from previous mods were it made sense.
Did my eighth day today using my 52k Paladin tank. I do tend to use one or 2 of the free healing potions per round, but mostly because I am cautious, not wanting to get to low. I was able to complete the bonus round as well.
I've always done this event with a Rogue because of the AOE skills. This mod my Rogue is 35k. Got to day 8 today and hit the wall that is round 4. Simply not possible with the additional and harder mobs, too squishy. So I switch to my current main, 40k Arbiter, and was able to complete the challenge. And it was not too bad so far...
Ok, took my 24k Barbarian and completed 3 days with him on Tier 2 so far. As I predicted, he worked better than my TR.
A good thing is that the progress continues 10/21 (missed a day or two). The bad thing is that my Barbarian has 4 tokens of participation, 0 tokens of challenge and 0 tokens of achievement, while my TR has 65 tokens of participation, 1 token of challenge and 2 tokens of achievement. I guess it means that the progress for Golden Warhorse will still remain 2/5 after this event, i. e. it's a complete waste of time?
Bonus rounds:
1st day: failed bonus round, all mobs are 4 dots, especially annoying were Hezrous + Glabrezu + Nalfeshnee (pictures of them took from Avernus):
2nd day: skipped bonus round (why waste time?)
3rd day: miss clicked and started bonus round and to my surprise mobs were so much easier there than before (all 4 dots, but it had none of Hezrous, Glabrezu or Nalfeshnee, so I was just lucky):
Despite that it's a stupid event, it shouldn't be so hard. The reward is not even a mythic mount. Also there is no fun in this event (I just want the mount). Also it's a stupid mechanics that you have to leave some mobs alive so that you delay more mobs spawning (they still spawn at 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, but you get less groups of them if you hold on killing them all asap, that works on bonus round too).
Anyone else not getting tokens of challenge to drop? I've been doing the Hell Pit event everyday until now, the difficulty increased, I'm at least on tier 2, more than once I survived the bonus round without dying, got an extra token of participation for that but never got a token of challenge. The description of token of challenge says "serves as proof that you survived a bonus challenge". Well I survived at least 2 bonus challenges until now (starts after round 5, when you click the book) and got no token of challenge. What gives? Is the event bugged like other previous events?
I have a 46k IL barbarian DPS and I find this event to be extremely difficult, if I have to change everything just to do ONE event then change it back again to continue with the rest of my daily quests then NO WAY JOSE!!. I have through advice from others got mark of the demon slayer and mark of the demon ward overloads slotted and have got heal over time defense boon from guild going plus I use my Air Archon mystic comp to help with engaing the enemy while I frantically run around like a headless zombie chicken!!! The ranged damage from those clerics stood in the middle area is HEAVY and UNAVOIDABLE and wipes my health out quicker than it can regen. Later rounds with the Mounted Narguzon chasing you and hitting you with regularity along with all the other ranged damage, constant fireballs landing - it's more like this is a 5 to 10 player setup!! NOT a SOLO Running round the edge simply avoiding damage and hoping the Shield or the Heart drops is NOT fun, seeing that aoe skull or the boot rubbish drop sucks big time!!! Engaging in battle is even less fun. enemy CA is constant. The ferocity of health depletion cant be simply countered with HoT, well not for me... I also agree that the cost to get the rounds completed ie using health stones, potions in rotation is very high. So thank you Cryptic for wasting the first week or so of my time doing the initial part of the event to then only be disappointed with my chances of progressing to the last part and being successful.
Your support team even suggested I pair up with some healers or tanks to get the job done or simply quit doing it!! LMFAO...clearly well trained and full of awesome advice!! (
I found the Day 8 round to be ok--a bit harder than the other days, many more of the flame-thrower Zythars spawning, and only a few of the Nalfeshnee types. Still working with my 42K TR--changed one insignia to get more heal (it doesn't seem to do anything--I never see a heal proc the entire time until I am out of combat) and put on the Valenhas ring for a bit more defense and protection from Demons/Devils. Still using Path of the Blades for uptime ticks. Using Celestial Wings attack (mythic) and the boons from the wager have been helpful. I also have over 200 free stones of health from past events, and I suck down those at least once per round. I did complete the bonus round--which didn't seem to be as deadly as I expected.
Still a lot of running my HAMSTER off and managing the round timer.
I've used Barbarian for 14th run and he completed bonus round too, now he has: 11 tokens of participation, 0 tokens of challenge and 1 token of achievement
Questions: 1. My TR is my main character and he has 2 tokens of achievement. Does that mean that I completely wasted time in this event? Since tokens of achievement is an account reward then why it's not a cumulative amount for account so that shop would see the total number of tokens, not the number of tokens for specific toon? At least I should be able to transfer it to other toon. Why there is no such option? 2. Why my Barbarian didn't get tokens of challenge? How many times do I have to complete bonus rounds for this? (my Barbarian completed bonus rounds 4 times).
I still can't believe that all this hard work was for nothing. Devs, you should be smarter when designing events. Simply put: a) Either give us an option to farm event on each character and give rewards for each character (this can't be abused since it takes a lot of time), b) or count completions per account and give rewards to account so that it shouldn't matter what toon you are using (for each run could be used a different toon and it should work for account completions, especially for shared number of tokens of achievement).
I've used Barbarian for 14th run and he completed bonus round too, now he has: 11 tokens of participation, 0 tokens of challenge and 1 token of achievement
Questions: 1. My TR is my main character and he has 2 tokens of achievement. Does that mean that I completely wasted time in this event? Since tokens of achievement is an account reward then why it's not a cumulative amount for account so that shop would see the total number of tokens, not the number of tokens for specific toon? At least I should be able to transfer it to other toon. Why there is no such option? 2. Why my Barbarian didn't get tokens of challenge? How many times do I have to complete bonus rounds for this? (my Barbarian completed bonus rounds 4 times).
I still can't believe that all this hard work was for nothing. Devs, you should be smarter when designing events. Simply put: a) Either give us an option to farm event on each character and give rewards for each character (this can't be abused since it takes a lot of time), b) or count completions per account and give rewards to account so that it shouldn't matter what toon you are using (for each run could be used a different toon and it should work for account completions, especially for shared number of tokens of achievement).
I think tokens of challenge are given on days 15-21 and yes - there should be some system to exchange the currency from this even between characters, since its stated that you can play with any character per account, but... its more bug than a game, so w/e
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
edited May 2021
The token of challenge won't be given until the 15th day.
Right at the moment this event was introduced, most already figured out (based on the description we read) if one wants the Legendary mount efficiently and least chance to mess up, one has to do everything within one character event after event.
I did try another character for Hell Pit in the past but I "had to" do that in preview.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Right at the moment this event was introduced, most already figured out (based on the description we read) if one wants the Legendary mount efficiently and least chance to mess up, one has to do everything within one character event after event.
That's why it's a bad design. It's boring to do everything with one character.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
Right at the moment this event was introduced, most already figured out (based on the description we read) if one wants the Legendary mount efficiently and least chance to mess up, one has to do everything within one character event after event.
That's why it's a bad design. It's boring to do everything with one character.
Yes but it is not a new bad design. The bad part "may be" it actually allows another character to play it. I believe when it was introduced, it was not even allowed.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well, looking at the new companion pack they're selling right now for around 10k ZEN, the Hell Pit difficulty increase makes a lot more sense now... pretty sure some players are going to jump at the offer right away, especially considering that the companions from that pack are account-wide too.
Day 13 and my 40K arbiter is done with this event. Got to round 4, tried a few times and couldn't get past it. You can kite the big red circle spam that is pretty relentless at time, but with few opportunities to attack, if your dps is not high enough to kill them fast, you will get overwhelmed.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
the Hell Pit difficulty increase makes a lot more sense now...
Just to add to that: I'am still getting only demons. Even on the 3rd week. And it looks like, this time, 3rd week's round is harder than 2nd.
Hmmm! 3rd week (as after you completed 14 times already) is easier than 2nd week and it only has 2 rounds.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Hmmm! 3rd week (as after you completed 14 times already) is easier than 2nd week and it only has 2 rounds.
Well. Wasn't to me this time with my demons all the time. I know it has only 2 rounds. I compared 2nd week round vs. 3rd week round.
Comparing with rounds between 2nd and 3rd week, I also consider week 3 is easier. For me, it is noticeable easier because I could actually play it less "intense".
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Comparing with rounds between 2nd and 3rd week, I also consider week 3 is easier. For me, it is noticeable easier because I could actually play it less "intense".
OMG. Dude. 9K posts ?!?! Ok. I had different experience with round i got. Do i have right for my personal opinion or not ?!?! It looks like, I don't. Anyway. Every round is random. I know that i cleaned 2nd week rounds without problems. I didn't have problem with 3rd week round too but plenty of mobs still left after countdown. EOD. No point to continue conversation (discuss) about personal experience in random content.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Why do people focus so much on post counts?
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Tried a 39k Paladin and completed day 13. It was actually fairly easy. Used zuna for companion. Pretty much stayed in the middle of the arena and spammed burning light and bane while I wait for zuna to finish off the mobs. I didn't even have to move for the little red circles because they do nothing to me most of the time. The only time I had to run a bit was when zuna killed the last mob at the 32 second mark. Ended up with a double spawn waves and it got a bit dicey.
greywyndMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 7,172Arc User
Spam and Bane faster...
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
Well, the randomness of difficulty even through the same day is really getting on my nerves... one round is so easy, that i only have to worry about killing enemies to fast and to trigger another wave, while another round requires me to throw everything i have at them to just survive, it makes no sense.
And it shouldn't be that hard to come up with a better working system - something like week 1 = 20k IL enemies, week 2 = 30k IL and week 3 = 40k, problem solved.
Anyway, i'd really like to see more events like the April Fowls one, now THAT was a fun event, and we could really use more fun in the game!
Well, the randomness of difficulty even through the same day is really getting on my nerves... one round is so easy, that i only have to worry about killing enemies to fast and to trigger another wave, while another round requires me to throw everything i have at them to just survive, it makes no sense.
And it shouldn't be that hard to come up with a better working system - something like week 1 = 20k IL enemies, week 2 = 30k IL and week 3 = 40k, problem solved.
Anyway, i'd really like to see more events like the April Fowls one, now THAT was a fun event, and we could really use more fun in the game!
Ok, just finished the last run, got my 7 tokens of Challenge on my 34k Barbarian:
The final day of the event was the easiest of tier 3 or tier 2. At the end it was a small surprise, I liked that, but still, it was so much easier than on other days (except for week 1). Shouldn't it be the opposite?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,518Arc User
Ok, just finished the last run, got my 7 tokens of Challenge on my 34k Barbarian:
The final day of the event was the easiest of tier 3 or tier 2. At the end it was a small surprise, I liked that, but still, it was so much easier than on other days (except for week 1). Shouldn't it be the opposite?
They give you a break for the last one.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Well, 21 days done on my 42k IL Fighter, and the last day was plain boring, as mentioned the last time the event was around, they could reduce Wilfreds HP by 25-50% and it would still be more then enough to chew through.
I skipped a few days on my 31k IL Fighter, the devil rounds were o.k, but the demon rounds were overall way too frustrating. I "played" long enough for collecting the 4th Token of Achievement and 3 Tokens of Challenge, now i'm hoping that there will be more events to earn the last 5th ToA...
I do believe in killing the messenger...
Want to know why?
Because it sends a message!
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Was dreading day 8, but actually didn't find it too dissimilar to previous days. Needed to keep out of the way of those falling stones and it seems far easier to be swamped by mobs if you aren't paying attention, but actually damage taken and dealt didn't feel much different. Having said that, I'm already psyched for failing the last 7 days as there is a fine line between keeping on top of it and loosing all your hit points very rapidly.
For info, I am running a Xuna, but apart from changing companion powers, I haven't changed anything else on my build (pretty much the same stuff as before the combat changes). I'm a casual player, so am not end game. I only have one mythic companion, one mythic mount, one mount collar and most of my gear is either zok box, juma bag or avernus map stuff. I've kept % damage gear from previous mods were it made sense.
As I predicted, he worked better than my TR.
A good thing is that the progress continues 10/21 (missed a day or two).
The bad thing is that my Barbarian has 4 tokens of participation, 0 tokens of challenge and 0 tokens of achievement, while my TR has 65 tokens of participation, 1 token of challenge and 2 tokens of achievement.
I guess it means that the progress for Golden Warhorse will still remain 2/5 after this event, i. e. it's a complete waste of time?
Bonus rounds:
1st day: failed bonus round, all mobs are 4 dots, especially annoying were Hezrous + Glabrezu + Nalfeshnee (pictures of them took from Avernus):
2nd day: skipped bonus round (why waste time?)
3rd day: miss clicked and started bonus round and to my surprise mobs were so much easier there than before (all 4 dots, but it had none of Hezrous, Glabrezu or Nalfeshnee, so I was just lucky):
Despite that it's a stupid event, it shouldn't be so hard. The reward is not even a mythic mount. Also there is no fun in this event (I just want the mount). Also it's a stupid mechanics that you have to leave some mobs alive so that you delay more mobs spawning (they still spawn at 0:30, 1:00, 1:30, but you get less groups of them if you hold on killing them all asap, that works on bonus round too).
Running round the edge simply avoiding damage and hoping the Shield or the Heart drops is NOT fun, seeing that aoe skull or the boot rubbish drop sucks big time!!! Engaging in battle is even less fun. enemy CA is constant. The ferocity of health depletion cant be simply countered with HoT, well not for me... I also agree that the cost to get the rounds completed ie using health stones, potions in rotation is very high. So thank you Cryptic for wasting the first week or so of my time doing the initial part of the event to then only be disappointed with my chances of progressing to the last part and being successful.
Your support team even suggested I pair up with some healers or tanks to get the job done or simply quit doing it!! LMFAO...clearly well trained and full of awesome advice!!
Still a lot of running my HAMSTER off and managing the round timer.
I've used Barbarian for 14th run and he completed bonus round too, now he has:
11 tokens of participation, 0 tokens of challenge and 1 token of achievement
1. My TR is my main character and he has 2 tokens of achievement. Does that mean that I completely wasted time in this event? Since tokens of achievement is an account reward then why it's not a cumulative amount for account so that shop would see the total number of tokens, not the number of tokens for specific toon? At least I should be able to transfer it to other toon. Why there is no such option?
2. Why my Barbarian didn't get tokens of challenge? How many times do I have to complete bonus rounds for this? (my Barbarian completed bonus rounds 4 times).
I still can't believe that all this hard work was for nothing. Devs, you should be smarter when designing events.
Simply put:
a) Either give us an option to farm event on each character and give rewards for each character (this can't be abused since it takes a lot of time),
b) or count completions per account and give rewards to account so that it shouldn't matter what toon you are using (for each run could be used a different toon and it should work for account completions, especially for shared number of tokens of achievement).
and yes - there should be some system to exchange the currency from this even between characters, since its stated that you can play with any character per account, but... its more bug than a game, so w/e
Right at the moment this event was introduced, most already figured out (based on the description we read) if one wants the Legendary mount efficiently and least chance to mess up, one has to do everything within one character event after event.
I did try another character for Hell Pit in the past but I "had to" do that in preview.
And it shouldn't be that hard to come up with a better working system - something like week 1 = 20k IL enemies, week 2 = 30k IL and week 3 = 40k, problem solved.
Anyway, i'd really like to see more events like the April Fowls one, now THAT was a fun event, and we could really use more fun in the game!
The final day of the event was the easiest of tier 3 or tier 2.
At the end it was a small surprise, I liked that, but still, it was so much easier than on other days (except for week 1). Shouldn't it be the opposite?
I skipped a few days on my 31k IL Fighter, the devil rounds were o.k, but the demon rounds were overall way too frustrating. I "played" long enough for collecting the 4th Token of Achievement and 3 Tokens of Challenge, now i'm hoping that there will be more events to earn the last 5th ToA...